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j lohn F. Kennedy Center For Military ·Assistance

Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28307


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Declassified in Full
Authority: EO 13526
Originator: SOCOM
Reviewed by: SOCOM/CIA
Date: 6 March 2018 DA LABEL 100. 1 AU G 4f

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1'his document contains infonnation affecting the national
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Authority: EO 13526
Originator: SOCOM
Reviewed by: SOCOM/CIA
Date: 6 March 2018




MIDOLE EAST, t1.S. Domingos, OAC....... .. ............ ... .... 2-5

EUROPE, SFC C. L. FlC1Wers........ ......... . .......... . ..... 8-13
FAR EAST, l LT R.l. Longmire.. ..... ... .... . ............. . . .. 16-21
LATIN AMERlCA, lLT K.J.P. Armstrong. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. 24-Z6
AFRICA, lLT K.J.P. Armstrong . ...... • .. . ..... ·. ·... ... .. ... 28- 31


ETHIOPIA 1 S ERITREAN INSURGENCY, 1LT K.J~P. Armstrong. .. .. . . 34-51

. Page Oetermined to be
Unclassified by SOCOM
Reviewed by: Army Oed ass
Activity IAW EO 13526
Date: 6 M arch 2018 ix


21 November f€7P resident Lop€-2 of Colombia order ed a mil1tary

and pc;, l ice crackdovm on public disorders and ter-
ror isrn througho ut the country. The ltard line ap -
proach sterlllled f rom increas1ng military pressure
on Lopez to take more forc.e t ul action. His be-
lat ed recogt1 ition of the recent c1·ime v1ave, kidnap-
pings. and str i kes has underndned poplilur confi -
dence in and suppc.rt for hi s government.

25 November f&HF1The Un i ted Kingdom's negotiating position at

the UN on Guatemala's claim to Belize wil l not in-
e1ude terri tor ia 1 canees si ons . Ac ti ng Gua tema 1an
Foreign Minister Obiols ac~now1edged the diplomatic
defeat, but indicated an appea1 to the Internationa1
Court of Justice would be Guatemala 's hext move .

27 November (SNF/t!O COIITRJH:T/HWHITEL )The Guyana Oef ense Force

purchased one mill ion do 11 ars in sma ll arms from
Europe with an op tion lo buy an t ia i rcraft systems
i n the future. Add 1t ionally, the Guyana Nationa1
Service was de l egated a more sí gni fi cant rol e i n the
country's nati onal defense si nce civi lians , mos tl y
students, may now be drafted.
28 November (S~F/HNINT~ l )Two Soviet ZSU-23-4 anLi a, rcraf l gun
systems and 22 130mm M-llb fi eld qu ns were sightecJ at
Lima annv barracks in addítion to or.e l30mm field
gun, 13 i52mm 0- 20 howitzers , and eight 37mm anli -
a ircraft guns at Arequip~. Peru . This was t he tirst
it1di cat i on of 1'52mm 0-20 howitzers in the country.
-fttfhe last of six British Constitution-class patrol
boats, three gunboats and three missile boats, were
commissioned into the Venezuelan Navy. countering
economically and effectively the prob l em of an aging
f l eet.
6 Oecember ·~Ecuador ' s President Rodríguez announced plans
to return Ecuador to civilian rule in the future .
His decision was spurred by steady deterioration of
his posítion, recent harsh attacks by pol itical lead-
ers, imposition of press censorship , and his threat
to use force to ensure institutionalization of the
Declassified in Full
Authority: EO 13526 24
Originator: SOCOM
Reviewed by: SOCOM/CIA
Date: 6 March 2018
~Implementation of the US Generalized System
of Preferences (GSP) drew strong criticism from
Venezuelan business and political sectors . The
exclusion of Caracas fr om pref erentia l trade
agreement~ under GSP was called unfair and dis -
criminatory. However, any Venezuelan embargo o~.
or reduct ions of petroleum exports to the United
States v1ould damage the already declining economy .

7 Oecember (CNF)Argentina's armed forces stepped up counter-

terrorist activities in the wake of violence that
left 29 persons dead. The 3 December murders of
the former head of the National Police, Major
General Caceres, and his wife by Montonero guer-
ri l las, coupled with retaliatory firing-sq uaa exe-
cutions of fot"eign students by right ~ I<Jing terror-
ists, have brought the cou ntry to the bri nk of
anarchy. The arrny has taken contro l of the provin-
cial capital of Tucuman, where violence was most pro-
nounced . The prov i nce has been the se ene of a full
scale anti-subversive campaign for mere than a year
against the r ural guerri llas of the People's Revolu
tionary Arrny (ERP) and the outlawed Montoneros.

12 Oecember f€-tRura l unres l iP flo r the,·n Mexí co i ncreased s i g-

ni ficant1y in October and November . Peasants occu-
pying lo nd c ~ aimed lo have been promised to them
long ago were forci bly removed by landowners with
the a id nf tha po 1¡ce a nd the a.n11y. Twen ty-four
peasants we re ki l1 ed during the evacuatfon.

18 December ~eb ellion by Al~gentine A1 r Force officers at

Moran Air Base res ul ted in replacement of the pro-
Peronist Air Force Commander in Chi ef: Genera l
Fautatio, by Brigadier General Agosti. an ant i-
Peronist. Rebe11ious air force officers sought to
gain support from army~ navy, and all other aH ele-
ments to call for rep l acement of President Peron by
the Army Commander, General Videla.
(U)Following the attempted air force officers' coup,
a large group of IYJontonero guerri 11 as a ttacked army
and police fac i·l ities near Buenos Aires in a series
of coordinated raids. Response by combined govern-
ment forces and air support thwarted the attack~
Declassified in Full leaving 50 guerri11as dead .
Authority: EO 13526
Originator: SOCOM 25
Reviewed by: SOCOM/CIA
Date: 6 March 2018
~ 1\t·aentine Government offic ial s dttr'lounc~d
7 January
that Argentina intel'lás to take over the Falk-
land Jslands whith are presently under Br1tish
rule. The ~. ooo inhabitan ts. who are almos t
exclusively of Briti~ h descent 1 o~j~cted strong-
ly to parliament over Argentina 's taking contro l
of the is lands.
~ Politically motivated violencf' by rnemhers
8 January
of ,Jamaica's People's Nationa l Party, incl uding
t \·IO attac ks on the United States Consulate,
spread i n Kingston. Oanger of future diso rders
conti nues .
9 January (U)A three-man dE:legation from the Popular Move-
ment for the Lioeration of Ang()la (11P LA) t oured
the Caribbean anct secured suppor t from Venezuela,
,Jama ica. and Guyana . Barbados and i rimdad re-
f used to allow refueling rights to tuban ai rc ra ft
f lying to Angola; ho.,.Jever , Guyana grantea thelll in
the face of US protests.

11 January ~Ecuadot· 'c; Pres ident Rodrigllel Lara res.igned t

turning po\ver over t oa military tr1unw i rate
cal1ed tl1e Supreme Council of Armed Forcec; Chiefs.
No change in lcuador's domes tic and toreign pcli -
cies is ~nticipated .
~hree bombings at a resort in Ur uguay indicated
a return to terrorism. The bombings we re directly
related to the l ate December roundup of 150 members
of the outTawed Communi s t Pa rty.

19 January ~~·ime f~i ni ster Castt·o•s recent public defense of

Cuba ' s mi l itary role i n Angola indicates he is un-
comfo r ta ble with 'lthat llas preved to be an unpopular
and cós tl y policy 1n Cuba . Add itionally. Castro
views an improvement in rel ations wi th the Uni te<.l
Slates as impossible und cr present circumstances .

Declassified in Full
Authority: EO 13526
Originator: SOCOM
Reviewed by: SOCOM/CIA
Date: 6 March 2018 26

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