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DESCRIPTIVE WRITING: Write a paragraph describing an experience with fraud

that you or someone you know has had. 

My brother is 18 years old. Doesn’t know much about banking or scams. Last year,
he went to withdraw RM20 from his account to get a hair cut and some random guy
walks up to him and asks him if he could cash in his check for him and he will give
him RM40.My brother agrees, gets the guy check, deposits it into his account and
withdraws RM500 to give him. RM500 was the check amount. My brother got back
RM50 from what I am saying is my brothers money. I know about this scam. My
brother called me to tell and I told him he basically just got scammed but go talk to
the teller at the bank and see if they could do anything. Teller tells him it doesn’t look
like a bad check and he should be fine but to not ever do it again. The check was a
chase check and the bank was a chase bank. I told my brother don’t get your hopes
up. You definitely could still be short RM500 within the next few days. From that day,
my brother did’nt trust well anybody that he does not know. Indeed, the loss of
RM500 is such a huge amount for him as a student.He once told me that he wanted
to buy a new phone and was collecting some money to buy a phone. Sadly, now he
has insufficient money because of that incident. I told about that to our parents
because he doesn’t seem to tell that. Fortunately, my parents decided to buy him a
new phone and advice to not to trust anybody that he doesn’t now.

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