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Diagnostic/ diagnosing diseases

Recently, AI has achieved great success in automatic diagnosis, making

diagnosis cheaper, faster and more accessible. The huge data about normal
images, pathology, body mass index... will be "labeled", loaded into the
computer, sorted, processed..., from which the computer can identify, classify,
and making a diagnosis when they contact with any data of patient. It's like
students who spend about 10 years to learning about medicine, going to the
hospital to practice identifying types of diseases and memorizing them, and
then get into real working environment and easily recognize that disease if
met again. However, computers "learn" faster, "memorize" more accurately,
and the quatity of memory data is unlimited, so AI is as good at diagnosing as
the leading experts and it can be replicated around the world quickly and
inexpensively. With disease diagnosis, AI is very powerful in the following
contents: detecting lung cancer or stroke based on radiographs; predict the
risk of sudden cardiac death from heart diseases based on electrocardiogram
and tomography, cardiac magnetic resonance; skin lesion classification of
dermoscopic images; diabetic retinopathy as detected using ophthalmoscopy.
In addition, AI has more ambitious projects, it involves the combination of
multiple data sources (tomography, magnetic resonance, genome sequencing,
patient-specific data, etc…) to evaluate a disease or prognosis its progression.

Research and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Research and development of therapeutic drugs is a lengthy, complex, and

costly process.

Optimization of individualized treatment

Medications and treatment regimens work differently for each patient, so personalized
treatment has the power and potential to extend a patient's life. However, it is difficult to
determine the factors that impact treatment choice, and AI is currently solving this
problem. AI can automate this highly complex statistical and help uncover the
characteristics that indicate a specific response to a particular treatment, thereby creating
an optimal personalized treatment regimen

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