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Group: catalina montoni, lucia martinez, lucia benitez and rocio broin

‘‘Dangers of first Impressions’’

A story about first impressions in internet and the dangers that could mean for teens and
childs in this case for a teen called carolina who thinks that has made a new friend but… has

A girl named Carolina was on instagram when out of nowhere she found a boy about her age
on the page, and she thought he was cute. He seemed to be a very nice person so she decided
to talk to him. Months go by and they were already close friends, but they have never seen
eachother in real life. Besides, they talked everyday and sometimes they would do phone calls.
They arranged a day to meet in a park because, as we mentioned before, they were good
friends. When Carolina arrived to the park, she was surprised since the person he claimed to
be was not him. This boy was actually bigger than he said and also he was very mean, arrogant
and had a creepy look. They talked for about a minute but they stopped because Carolina was
feeling so uncomfortable around him. When she tried to leave, this guy grabbed her arm and
tried to push her against him but, luckily Carolina managed to escape from there and learned
that not all the people she sees on the internet are not the person that the say they are

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