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The government and organizations are working as pollution is on the rise to its all-time

maximum. their level best to minimize this pollution. But it is necessary that we should also
contribute to it. In addition, by making some small changes in our daily life we can lower the
amount of land pollution from the environment.

Land pollution is the cause of many different factors that ultimately pollute the land. These
factors include solid waste, deforestation, chemical, and agricultural activities. Many of these
are the effects on the environment.
Solid waste is mostly made up of products that are non-biodegradable and these are hard to
dispose of.

Deforestation causes the loss of the topmost fertile layer of soil that is essential for the growth
of plants and trees. Chemicals are hard in nature and difficult to dispose of. Besides, solid
waste of pesticides and fertilizers are either thrown in landfills or at other places. These wastes
create another type of land pollution. In addition, agricultural activities use a high amount of
chemical products that not only harm food crops but also the land.

After completing my research on the effects of land pollution for my school based assessment
{Sba} I have learnt more about pollution overall and ways in which we treat the earth…. My
thoughts on the effect of land pollution is that animals can die from starvation and lack of

Hazardous waste: this is waste that contains harmful substances that are toxic and pose a
threat to the environment. These are primarily in liquid form and consist mainly of chemicals.
Some examples are fertilizers, pesticide, and petroleum

Agricultural activities: This is due to the increase in population, farmers often use fertilizers
and pesticides to keep their crops safe from insects, bacteria etc. these things can also contain
chemicals and their overuse can lead to soil contamination or soil poisoning.

Soil pollution: This is the contamination of the upper layer of the soil, this is normally caused
by oil spills, mining, nuclear waste etc. We can prevent these things from happening.We can
help to prevent soil pollution by composting food scraps, yard waste, and animal waste instead
of sending them to the landfills. Waste management is another major contributor to soil
pollution, This includes things like improperly disposing of hazardous materials, not recycling
and littering

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