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Nama : Agil Rahman

Nim : 2105176034


- Contemplation
- Relayed
- internalized


1. What type of car does your dad drive?

 I don`t know the name, but it stars with a “P”.

That`s strange, our car stars with a key.

2. Do you ever have problems making up your mind?

 Well, yes and no.
3. Dad, does a dishwasher wash dishes?
 Yes, billy. That`s right.

And does a bus driver drive buses?

 Yes. Why all the questions?

Well, does a shoplifter lift shops?

4. What do ants take when they are ill?

 I don't know.


5. What does your father do for a living?

 As little as possible!
6. What do you clean your top teeth with?
 A toothbrush, of course.

And what do you clean your bottom with?

 The same.

Really! use paper!

7. Do you love me?

 Of course, darling.

But do you love me with all your heart?

 With all my heart, with all my liver, all my kidneyS...

8. Does this train go to York?
 That's right, sir. Change at Leeds.

What! I want my change here. I'm not waiting until Leeds.

9. Mrs smith Mrs Smith doesn't have soft and lovely hands like you, mummy. Why is that?
 Because our servants do all the housework!
10. Mum, does God go to the bathroom?
 No, son, why do you ask?
Well, every morning dad goes to the bathroom, knocks on the door and shouts
“ oh god! Are you still in there?”

THE SIMPLE PAST ( regular verbs)

1. When I was a student I lived with a farmer and his wife. The first day I was there, one of the chickens died
and we had chicken soup for dinner. The second day a sheep died and we had lamb chops. The following day
a duck died and we had roast duck. The next day the farmer died, so I decided to leave.

2. At a show a very strong man squeezed an orange hard and then shouted to the audience: "I will give €30 to
the person who can get any more juice out of this orange." Three very big men tried but none of them could
get any more juice out of the orange. Then a thin, old man picked it up. When he squeezed it, five drops of
juice dripped from it. The three big men were amazed and asked the old man:

 "How did you do that?"

"I worked as a tax inspector."

3. YOU' re wearing your weaaing ring on the wrong finger.

 "I know. I married the wrong man.
4. Do you know how my grandmother stopped my grandfather biting his fingernails?
 She smashed his false teeth.
5. "Mum, Aunt Sarah kissed me."
 "Did you kiss her back? "
"Of course not,
 i kissed her face"
6. "Did the film have a happy ending?"
 "Well, everybody was happy when it ended"
7. My mother never liked any of my girlfriends. Last week I invited my latest girlfriend home. She looked like
my mother, talked like my mother and even dressed like her.
 "What did your mother think of her?"
"She liked her a lot.
 "Well, that's the end of your problems!"
"Not quite. My father didn't like her."
8. "I think I was very ugly when I was a baby
 "Why do you think that?" "Well, when I was in my pram my mother didn't push it, she always pulled it
behind her!"


1. Found
2. Kept
3. Sold

4. Saw

5. fed

- fed

6. broke

7. trew

8. ate

9. shot

10. went

- said

- ntook


- gave

The present perfect

1. Doctor, I'm very nervous. This is the first time. I’ve ever needed an operation.
> Don't worry, I feel the same. This is the first operation I've ever performed.
2. A famous film star went into a shop in a small town. > Haven't I seen you somewhere before? said
the shop assistant, In the cinema, perhaps? said the film star with a smile. > Maybe. Where do you
usually sit?
3. Hairdresser: I've had a lot of strange customers in my time,
Customer: Have you ever shaved a man with a wooden leg?
Hairdresser: No. I always use a razor.
4. What are you fishing for? > Mumamamamoolays. What do they look like? > I don't know.
I've never caught one.
5. Have you ever swum in the hot sun?
> Don't be stupid. I only swim in the sea
6. What do you do? > I'm a sailor. Have you ever worked on a submarine?
> No. I can't sleep with the windows closed.
7. been
8. suffered
9. visited
10. come

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