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Jane Austen was born in Steventon, Hampshire, in the countryside of England, on
December 16, 1775. Daughter of George Austen, an Anglican Reverend, and
Cassandra Austen, she was the second girl among seven brothers.Since she was a
little girl she always showed interest in books, as a teenager her favorite place was
the family library.
At the age of 17 he wrote his first work Lady Susan a soap opera where they expose
their personal realities, which they lived at that time. In 1797 he had already
written his two greatest successes "pride and prejudice" and "reason and
sensitivity", the texts were offered to an editor by his father but were rejected.
The novelist, who died on July 18, 1817 in Winchester, wrote works that show
marks of transition between English Romanticism and Realism. Thus, his love
stories have an ironic tone and make social criticism.JANE did not get married and
dedicated herself to her literary life and died at the age of 41, and anonymously
published 6 novel works.Few details of his life we know, because he blocks all his
letters were burned by his sisters and brothers after his death
JANE's works inspire us not to give up, we know that she was not recognized when
she was still alive, but she was a great example of a woman full of determination and
determination, who did not give up on writing and expressing what she believed and
felt.Today her works are great successes, I am passionate about her writing and the
ironic but simple and delicate way she uses to express herself and her social
I'm reading "persuasion" I'm simply loving that history and history, it's something
that holds you back and you're curious to know the next chapters, I super
recommend JANE's books and I hope I can and have the pleasure of reading her 6
books.Her fame is not only books but stories that was a great work is a great way
that she thinks to express herself through literature and this great gift that she gave
us that was her dedication and her works.

“We often lose the possibility of happiness from preparing so much to receive it.
So why not grab it all at once?”
Jane Austen.

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