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Customer Segments

 - SMEs who want to manage their finances.

Value Proposition

 Kolaybi provides income and expense management, inventory tracking, e-invoice,

and e-archive solutions.
 Our services are affordable and customized to meet the unique needs of each

Customer Relationships

 Kolaybi will develop long-term relationships with clients by providing high-

quality service, personalized attention, and ongoing support.
 We will use customer feedback to continuously improve our services and ensure
customer satisfaction.


 Our website will serve as the main point of contact for potential clients, where
they can learn about our services, view pricing, and contact us for more
 We will also leverage social media platforms to showcase our expertise and
attract potential clients.

Revenue Streams

 Kolaybi will generate revenue from subscription-based application sales.

 It will also generate additional revenue with extra financial modules other than
 Our pricing will be determined according to the scope of work and will be
competitive with other similar service providers in the market.

Key Resources

 Our team of software engineers, analysts, digital marketing experts and designers
is our most valuable resource.
 We will also invest in marketing and advertising to attract potential clients.
Key Activities

 Kolaybi's core activities will include developing the pre-accounting application

and providing ongoing support to customers.

Key Partnerships

 We will integrate with other financial companies as necessary to provide end-to-

end financial solutions.
 We will also partner with technology companies to offer the latest tools and
software to our clients.

Cost Structure

 Kolaybi's main costs will be salaries for our team members, marketing and
advertising expenses, and technology expenses (such as software and hosting
 We will also have overhead costs such as rent and utilities for our office space.

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