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Printed, published and promoted by and on behlaf of Warwick University Liberal Democrats, SUHQ, Warwick University, Coventry, CV4


March 2010 Warwick Uni Lib Dems

March 2010

The Liberal Democrats exist to build and safeguard a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the fundamental values of liberty, equality and community, and in which no-one shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity.

Social Equality Human Equality Global Equality


a growing society for 2


March 2010

March 2010

A party for Equality... Social Equality

The Liberal Democrats believe that people can only have liberty if they live in an equal society that promotes an equality of opportunity. Under this Labour Government millions of people on low incomes are forced to pay hundreds of pounds in income tax every year. Even a person working full-time earning minimum wage has nearly 1000 taken away in income tax. This cannot be a symptom of a socially equal society. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) itself found that the gap between the richest and poorest in the UK rose in 200708 for the third year in a row. It is now the widest it has been for many years.

Human Equality
Equality and human rights are integral to the Lib Dem ideology. Labour have damaged both since they came to power. Too many are being left behind by the New Labour project. Gary McKinnon: hacker to face extradition to US, also has Aspergers syndrome.

Thats why the Lib Dems want equal treatment for - found guilty of hacking into US defence files but sentenced to extradition without due consideration of his medical condition. Its also why allegations of torture involving have led to Lib Dem calls for the Labour government to allow publication of all relevant details about the case, not to continue its cover-up. - Nick Clegg - Party Leader Lib Dems stand up for the armed forces. Thats why we fought for rights and brought down the Labour government in parliament on the issue.

Binyam Mohamed: Alleged victim of torture in which UK secret service and Labour government were complicit.

Liberal Democrats want action

pay all young people completing an internship or work experience 55 a week for three months. With this, people from the poorest backgrounds can afford to build up their working experience. relieve the burden on young people going into higher and further education by scrapping tuition fees and fully funding adult apprenticeships.

Gurkha officer: one of several to hand back medals of honour after being denied residence in the UK by Labour.

raise the threshold for paying income tax to 10,000, bringing 4 million people out of tax altogether. This is paid for by reforming tax credits and loopholes. The average working family will save 700. subsidise home insulation to help people cut their carbon emissions and fuel bills. Stop energy companies from using differential pricing so that the cost of usage is fairer.

Global Equality
Liberal Democrats are not just a party for Britain. We are committed to realising a world free from poverty, so 1) UK gross national income (0.43% now). of African children ( the poverty they face is one of the most dire inequalities of all.

2) these give funding to developing states so that they can develop and modernise without the need for carbonbased industrialization. This way we can help to solve poverty and help the environment.

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