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soso Eat more LEAN, FRESH ry ami hg avec Ela Too el eno hc Ua es eee SBME) to cut back -_' on meat NSARM RAV CA Kick-start . OWT aL * Protect the planet our meat- PROM ACU LI a dot ie IMC Co The perfect solution: BECOME A FLEXITARIAN YI VI Tern Tel ey ; ea co RET 5 ne soe SVL a neces ES CONTENTS Greener lifestyle Ditch red meat Flexitaian — what's that? 1 kg of fruit & veg a day More greens — less meat Come to dinner in 2038 4 20 28 Greener foods Avoid the vlan and stay healthy Aue you netting the right ones? Food ina flash: 20 kitchen shortcuts Mediterranean magic Smallis beautiful: 1] seeds for health Mad for beans Learn to love fish Your healthy guide to ife fats S2eRe 66 70 76 Greener recipes with fish and meat 4 satisfying salads Pasta packed with greens Hippie bowls ui salmon Salads to go Recipes 90 94 98 102 106 lo Greener recipes without meat eat-ree kick-start Green dinners alin red Colourful soups 4 burgess in ll colours Plant-based & packed with protein Family favourtes all meat-free Recipes ue 120 124 128 132 136 140 ea aaee Greener LIFESTYLE aS ais EAT... Red meat is losing its allure — particularly beef, because it damages the climate and increases your risk of diseases such as cancer. But how do you move to a healthier lifestyle without saying goodbye to steaks and meatballs altogether? Sreeelered ee habits and try chicken, eee teed Peet) paghetti bolognese, steak and chips, the famous Sunday roast... Meat dishes have traditionally enjoyed top-dog status in British cuisine, but there's a steady rise in meat-free equivalents, from nut roast to pasta in a vegetarian sauce. This doesn’t necessarily mean we're on a path to going from full-on meat-eaters to becoming vegetarians or vegans, but there's strong evidence that we're shifting our diets so meat only appears on the menu a few days a week. A study by Kantar in 2022 revealed that 23% of British consumers claim to be following diet, with 16° 1 form of meat-reduction identifying as flexitarians by .g meat and fish on atleast one day each week. Interestingly, studies show that over time flexitarians appear to be slowly eliminating meat and fish from their diet, with consumption down 8% among this group in 2020-2021. They also tend to avoid red meat, with almost half of their animal protein consumption consisting of chicken and fish. Health isthe primary driver, but related studies also show that concern for the environment plays a key role, too. Red meat once a week One of those who has cut their meat ‘consumption is Mai Fon Nielsen, She lives ‘with her husband and daughters, aged 12 and 15. At one point, the family decided to eat only seafood and no meat, but after six ‘weeks, it threatened to become too difficult. "We thought we were giving up too much and it was getting difficult when eating out or socialising. So today we have found a place ‘where we eat vegetarian two or three times week. In addition, there are a few days when we have chicken or fish for dinner, and maybe one day when we have red meat, For lunch, we usually have rye bread with some kind of fish, but no cold cuts, she says. ‘The fact that Mai and her family have reduced their consumption of red ‘and processed meat is a good move, for both health and climate reasons. Reduce your risk of cancer In terms of health, the problem with red meat (and especially processed ‘meat is that it increases the risk of several major diseases - including certain cancers ~ and early death. A 2018 report from the World Cancer Research Fund shows that red meat, as well as processed meat, increases your risk of bowel cancer, and this is particularly true for processed meat. ‘There have been numerous studies into the link between red and processed meat and disease, A 2019 report from the International Journal ‘of Epidemiology showed that the risk of someone developing bowel cancer increases by 19% for every 25 g of processed meat, and 18% for every 50 g of red meat, eaten daily In 2021, Oxford researchers found that the risk of coronary heart disease increased by 18% for every 50 g of processed meat consumed daily, and 9% for every 50 g of red meat, Similar studies have suggested links to Type 2 diabetes and the risk of stroke, too ~a 2016 report from Sweden concladed that eating 100 g of red meat a day increased the risk of dying from stroke by 11%, and the risk of developing diabetes by 15%. Those risks were 13% and 32% respectively for those consuming 50 g of processed meat. Were you blown away by all those numbers? It's completely understandable! The main point is that excessive amounts of red meat and ~ in particular seem to negatively affect your health. This doesn't mean you have to become 4 vegetarian or vegan, or that you should fear sinking your teeth into a juicy steak. But it might be a good idea to cut back on red meat and switch to processed meat Red meat consumption Corsunpn off and proceso mest ‘is dropping year on year, but 34% of the Ucpomatn contin eat rt th recommended tT grams ny % 6% % 6 2% 20% ry 1% * * Women ‘Men 1m pooh exandingrcemmendos tke ttredandpracesed mest Sure Neon Diatand Nation Sve, more chicken, for example, as poultry does not carry the same risk. And it ‘especially makes sense to cut out = or at least significantly cut down on = processed meat, If you do eat liver paté, meat spreads, ready meals or similar processeel meat, a good tip is, to look for options ~ typically organic ~ that don't contain added nitrite, which has been linked to cancer. ‘One small steak a week Ws also a good idea to cut back if you ‘want to protect the climate, Meat is the {ood type with the biggest impact, and beef and lamb have the largest carbon footprints. Pigs have a much smaller impact, while, compared to other meat, chicken has the smallest impact. ‘According to experts, our meat consumption needs to go way down, Ima study published in 2022, scientists from 16 countries devised a common vision of what a climate-friendly and, health-promoting diet could look like. This leaves room for just 14 grams of red meat a day per person, the ‘equivalent of one small steak a week. ‘That amount fits nicely into Mai Fon Nielsen's diet, and she has found one easy way to keep consumption down: “We only buy red meat from the Dutcher, because that way we're not ‘tempted in the supermarket, and it also means we can go for smaller, qood ‘quality portions. The extra money we spend is saved on vegetarian days, which are often quite cheap. Enough to spare Meat eating in the UK has dropped by 17% over the course of a decade (2008-2019) according to one study ‘and the amount of red and processed ‘meat consumed has dropped further =from 71.2 per day in 2008 to 50.5 q per day in 2019, with 66% of ‘adult consumers now meeting the recommended daily mit of 70 g or Jess, compared to just 47% in 2008, Nevertheless, that still eaves most of us a long way away from cutting down to a single steak each week. ‘The official limit ~ around 500 g of red or processed meat from four-legged animals per week - corresponds to two or three dinners and additional cold cuts or meat spreads at lunchtime. If you're one of those looking to limit their meat consumption, there's ho need to fear that you're missing out on vital nutrients. While meat provides us with protein and a range of vitamins and minerals, you can still goa long way towards meeting your nutrient needs by eating less ‘meat than the majority. Its also possible to maintain a balanced diet if you choose to cut out meat altogether, as long as you're careful to get enough of the nutrients it provides from elsewhere. ‘The climate will especially thank you for increasing your plant-based consumption, which is the food group that places the least strain ‘on the planet, but seafood can also bea fine choice compared to red ‘meat. Focus on fresh varieties, as no energy is spent freezing the fish ‘At home, Mai has put this into practice: "There is more room for seafood and we eat more vegetables in general. To stay full, we often go for coarse vegetables like cabbage, and then we've started eating more pulses, especially chickpeas. And if we need a quick fix, we'll buy a vegetarian ready meal You and your stomach are creatures of habit If you switch from a low-vegetable diet to dishes rich in pulses and roughage with lots of fibre, you'll put your bowels to work and initial side effects can be more gas and bloating, But this will pass after a lite getting used to, and you may eventually find that prior issues were down to high meat consumption. “One week, we were at several different events, and Late red meat four days in a row. I was just so tired and bloated and couldn't figure out why until I suddenly realised that I had eaten much more red meat than usual,” Mai explains, adding that the new dietary habits have also had a positive effect on her weight. ‘Allnew habits take some used to —and not just for your ‘tummy, It's also very much about geting your brain used to tuming down the meat and upping the vegetable quotient, To hopefully make the transition easier for you, ‘we've put together some tips over the next few pages. Plant-based choices are good choices. etting The biggest flesh sinners is all eat rom fourdegged animals — whether rare or well done. This Includes the following types of meat, Js any meat that has been salted, ‘smoked, fermented or similarly ‘treated to improve flavour andior sholflife such as: ‘Slicod meat including ham, beet, chicken and ‘turkey, até, Spam, cored bee, et. Alvarites regardless of meat Both porkand ‘urkoyrashors. ‘Includes tinned foo, frozen pizzas, and ‘ypas af ready meas, Hamburgers, costed chicken pioces, ete Hot dogs, meatpizzas, kebabs, chicken nuggets ‘and the lie » a y Co Less meat — yes please, but how do | get started? If breaking your meat habit and kick-starting a healthier, greener lifestyle seems overwhelming, we've got you covered with loads of practical tips. MYTH 7 Vegetables are boring! Notat all While meat shes ae oten brown, dshos with ts offrutand vegetables ar fulof colour. Choose ingredients wit diferent colours and flavour tham wih plnty of fresh herbs. Make your own plant {food or buy it ready- ‘made. With plant-based wa - i er: : ae! " ; Take it one meal at a time ‘To make things easier, start by cutting down on meat one meal ata time. (Once it’s become a habit, move on to the next meal The fst meal of he Replace port day is probably the ‘sausages and asia start wit a8 econ with uray —or even few peopl eat moet tt crv Bad boar imme moming.Tose ica yl cool knead io do busty cle Drop eld ete such as ham te pert ul Engl ea neta re breast ausagee chee, avocado, pant and bacon, tte or banana @) Know your protein needs Thowe witha packed Use tftovers trom dane You need one gram ot Tune ave ul ea eae aa ee Nucpecnoe ase contol wil otbers a sald wth tna or pls. es eter mania etd Chooee cold optons such tre tld nce aes, ralableat work ts og, hummus salmon, hormones and enzymes. execngti eee) rmackral with ora, potato ara a wore eae all types of meat, from and avocado. If eating out, opt 75g of protein a day. That's fold eat preci for saad with chicken orto thre ofthe flowing portons, each proving youwith 259, thebggest challenge the casio © chicken breast Tee. inner ion labor witout boo. While © tsammon fat butaround meat wth a cat at crn, reatoas 250m skyrer fami fvouttes such tasag or cickpea burger re teopeshetl bobogneee, wont taste the same ms paternal eden aed the meat equivalent, they Ceo ana asoone can tl possess rout shapes ateaboon ‘aatrngtavos eas This is what your new healthy week could look like: Start with two vegetarian days a week, for example. Once it’s a habit, you can include more if you ik. @eee2e296 Vegetarian Fish/seatood Poultry Fish/seafood Vegetarian Red meat Poultry u Non-meat protein sources Pron cotter Pamesan Cheddar cheese Peanuts Ovid lens 269 Almonds 269 Prawns 24g Tuna 249 Salmon 20 Chickpeas 209 Dried beans 29 Chicken 199 Lean fish 18g ‘Mussels/clams 189 Wholegrain 12459 Quinoa 14g Eggs 129 ‘Skyr/Greek yoghurt ug Greenpear | 80 Kale Sa Broccoli 49 Salad tastes of nothing! Notnecessariy rue, andthats why 3 goed dressing can dowonders. you're ina hury.use alte olve ol, balsamic vinegar or freshly squeezed orange juice 5 veggie breakfasts ‘© Greek yoghurt with a sprinkle of beries and hazelnuts. ‘© Oatmeal boiled in water or milk and an egg white. Topped with a diced apple, chopped walnuts and cinnamon. ‘© Smoothie blondod from 250 g Greok yoghurt banana and some frozen strawberris. Sprinkle chopped almonds ontop. © Toasted rye bread with cottage choose, sliced avocado, tomato and freshly ground pepper. © Scrambled eggs with spinach, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes. 5 veggie lunches {© Tomato soup with cannein Parmesan anda slice of ye bread, (© Egg salad sandwich mixed with Greek yoghurt Eat with ot of veg, sch as carrots and cucumber. ‘© Rye bread sandwiches filed with hummus, potato and avocado. MYTH 3 I'm not full up! you tl fein hungry, ‘hares tool dita fre or green protein in your dishes. Think ‘wholegrain, coarse vegetables, ‘98, Greek yoghurt, quinoa, nuts ad legumes. Koad © Coleslaw salad wit finely ‘chopped spring cabbage, a handful of chickpeas, grated carrot and low-fat drossing mixed with Grook yoghurt. ‘© Pasta salad with wholemeal pasta tossed with pesto, tomatoes and edamame beans. Sprinkle with Parmesan flakes. Max 2 meatballs! ‘One way o eatless meatisto ration your portions. Instead of sowing upthe ee ih, esrit totwo meatal per person—then ‘noaze the rest for anaher day. 5 veggie dinners © Stir-y with crispy ve ‘anda yurmy peanut sauce. Serve with quinoa, © Spanish tortila mado with ‘8q95, onions and potatoes. Serve with a tomato salad. © Carrot soup blended with ‘weet potatoes and chil. ‘Sprinkle with quinoa and over roasted chickpe ‘© Potato-topped pizza with fota choose and frsh rocket. Serve with finely chopped cauliflower tossed in pesto. © Indian dal with red lentils, ‘cumin, gate ginger and chili ‘Serve witha rata made from Greek yoghurt, diced cucumber, mint, gato, salt and pop. 6 quick facts: PLANT MINCE What is plant-based mince? I's similar to minced beef or lamb but is made ‘with plant-based protein sources. What's in it? Itvaries from product to product, but the source of protein can be chickpeas, cannellini beans, pea protein, wheat protein or soya, for example. Potato, eggs, mushrooms, garlic and spices may also be added. What can | use plant mince for? Use it as you would regular minced meat. For ‘example, in bolognese, burgers, lasagne, meatballs and curries. Pant based mince should be heated but not cooked through, 6 ts ithealthier? iryou choose plant-based mince cover mined bee or pork you aveld red met which incraoes the isk of bowel cancer. But some plant based mince can contain aot of ft including saturated ft inthe form of Coconut and pai ol Some products also contain alot of salt and adetives, 8 Is itbotter for the climate? In general yes especially compared to minced bee. One point to considers avoiding products with soy, vic ae typically Imported om along way overseas What should | go for? Read the label and look for natural protein sources, such as chickpeas, lentils or beans. Also, chock the nutrition on the packaging, so you can See how the product measures up with fat, protein, salt and soon, 13 What's One day it's chops, the next it's chickpeas. More and more people are having regular meat-free days in an effort to combat climate change and stay healthy. jor a long time, vegetarians ‘were met with incredulity ‘constantly being asked, "Why don't you eat meat?” But the question has been turned on its head ‘and now more people are asking, ‘Why do you eat meat?’ Looking into the gastronomic crystal all, we can see that the current green wave is building into a tsunami. It began with the Meat Free Monday movement started by former Beatle Paul McCartney back in 2003. Since then, the number of flexitarians, who eat steak one day and falafel the next, has grown with the publication, of green cookbooks and the opening, of vegetarian restaurants. A flexitarian is simply a part-time vegetarian ‘Someone who, for one reason oF ‘another, wants to eat less meat, but takes a pragmatic approach to the cod slice of ham that might sneak into their diet. If you frequently go meat-free on one or more days & ‘week, you're already in the club, Vegetarian boom There are still many battles to be fought before flexitarianism takes over, ‘Surveys show that meat continues to bbe dished up most often at home, but vegetables are slowly moving from Rosoarch from the OECD reveals that meat consumption has fallen over the past nsignificant extras to taking a starting role ~once in a while, at least. In fact, ina major survey, over 40 percent of us said that we would like to eat less meat and already have ‘one or more meat-free days a week. The trend is also evident when out and about, with some vegetarian restaurants reporting waiting lists of several weeks for a table, and in 86 grams The amount of meat that someone in the UK eats per day on average. supermarkets, where the supply and sale of vegan products is booming, Meat-free days are nothing new, however. Go back one hundred years and it was quite normal for the ‘weekly menu to inclade omelettes or vegetable soup on certain days, Back then, the incentive was to make the household budget stretch even further. Today, other factors, such as health and environmental concerns, 15.20 years. While the UK's consumption has remained relatively flat over this period, itremains much lower than in other English-speaking parts of the world. * - g - ae ab ay. ani Phe AN 2015 20 6 2010 also play a big part in our decision to eat less meat Common sense We call it flexitarianism, but we couild just call it common sense. Producing meat and animal products emits far more greenhouse gases than growing fruit and vegetables, so the environment would love it if we all ate less meat- and so would our bodies. In general, vegetarians don't tend to be overweight, and have lower cholesterol and blood pressure than meat eaters. They are therefore less likely to suffer from lifestyle diseases, Asa flexitarian, you can benefit from a healthy vegetarian diet on the days that suit you, and then feat meat and fish and get the vital nutrients they provide for the rest of the week. Infact, a good place to start is just to follows the official dietary guidelines, which advise us to stick to ‘a maximum of 500 grams of red meat per week. Red meat includes beef, amb and pork. If we all followed th dietary advice, we could reduce the environmental impact of food by 30 percent compared to an average diet, ‘while reducing our risk of developing, obesity, cancer, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, * at * _ AN 2020 Sous OECD meat consumption igre 205-20), How flexitarianism affects you and the world When you cut your meat intake, you protect the environment and help prevent climate change. At the same time, you make more room for vegetables, which also benefits your health. Win-win. When you putless meat You help to reduce global ‘on your plat, there's warming. Livestock — ‘mare room for vegetables, especially cattle emits ‘nuts, pulses and whole grains. This 4 lotof methane. This comes from ‘makes it much easier to meet the dung and flatulence, and higher reconmendaton of fe portions concentrations of methane increase of fruit and vegetables a day (400. ‘the greenhouse effect, which has led ‘grams n otal) and get enough ‘toincreasing numbers of floods and ‘healthy fibre, phytochemicals droughts through climate change. andvtanin¢ ‘Weuse age aaa of and Youeatmuch ess ® to grow feed forth animals satrced fat when ou ct Feta eo soo dowmonmeat Attho somo the world would free up a huge amount of land to grow trees instoad. Trees ara Incredibly helpful because they can absorb alot ofthe CO, that would otherwise atfectthe climate, time, youll probably eatmore puses, because they are often used to replace ‘meat. Both cuting back on meat and eating ‘more pulses lowers your cholesterol and tlood Pressure ging you super-tiy heart. ‘Aswel as having more room for tees ifwe didn't ‘need so much space to grow animal eed, we could grow more plants for human consumption. Thon thore ‘would be fewer people starving inthe word A study by the University of Navara in Spain showed that the more vegetabes andthe loss moat you et, the less likely you are to become overweight. People who eat less than 80 grams of red meat a week hav a significantly lower risk of dovoloping cancor than those who eat more than 160 grams of red meat a week Large amounts of red meat, and particulary processed meat such aasham, sausages and bacon, increase the rik of several types of| cancer, including bowel cancer. The carbon footprint of different eating habits of ype 2 diabetes. Scintsts suspoct thatthe addiive nitrite, which extends the shel feof products such as cured meat, has a negative impact onthe cels that produce insulin 2 ‘Studies show that eating less meat reduces the risk Vegetarians generaly lve longer than meat-eaters, however itis notknown whether this due tothe lack of meatin their dit or the factthat vegetarians tendto live heather vesin general, witha more active Ifesyle and less. ‘alcohol and smoking minced beet, for example, costs around £8 per klogram, while pues cost around £3 per kl. e@ You save money because meat is expensive. Lean 16 Cay etal Dg charctaaorsitireteetoohaly aici, rerern tind tebe Al cee eee ee Cen tee ce Pee Producing meatis bad for the environment, but the subsequent handling of food also has an impacton the climate, sin addition, ‘tomeat ree days, you can do the world afavour by: EATING FRESH MEAT. Frozen moathass higher carbon Tootprintbacause elacrciy is used to reezeit. special fi’ by plane, so by choosing lcaly produced cc se ‘yout bath alpng tho anironment and gting the most HePNG vcesvnmnnnneenned ; EATING LOCAL PRODUCE. Transports bad forthe clinato, ear ey, senna lS EATING UP. i's natust about what you buy, but how much. Upto30 percent of al the fod we take home ends upintho bin. we ony buy tho food wel ea, we help the envonmont. ‘You don’t have to go vegan to make a difference to the environment. In fact, what might seem lke a small step for you is abig stop for the world ~ Oxford researchers have compared the carbon {footprint of over 50,000 people with, different eating habits I \ \ \ Y How to bea Many people believe that they wor't satisfy their hunger if there's no meat on the table, and coming up with green altematives to meat can be both time-consuming and challenging That's why we've put together our top tips to help you eat less meat without ending up with a rumbling stomach or faling foul of false food myths or ingrained habits. ee a de | PrsunprTobgams id ouknow tat _ thar’ mare potin in soya bans than ineventhebestcusofmeet?Aswells, rt, you trl tra tink tn red ents contain as much protin astuna? Pus, lenis provide alot more {ioe and aro an excelent source of potassium and zn, ‘thor is as mach potsinn sesame seeds as inlowfat cheese? Tey are alsorichnheart- hoathy potassium, magnesium and slenium. _. peanuts contain as much poten as chicken? However, theres also quit alto {atand therefore more calorie inthe it nuts. there's asmach protein white bears as inturkey meat? in aditon, bans aoa good ‘souroe of bre ad vitamin K. almonds contain as much protein as salmon nd prktenderioi? Almonds are relatively ‘rombeathy fat acids, vitamins ard minerals. _ sunflower seeds are a high in protein as pork chops and lobster? However, they contain more calories, but along ith the calories. you also gtlarge amounts ofheart-heathy Potassium and véaminE mince s ashigh as bee mince? Go fora brend thats fortified with vitamin B12 and dowsit contain high amounts of sa. _. there's a much protein in cashevr nus asin famburgers and prawns? And theyerich in magnesium, w FORGET PROTEIN HYPE Protein is essential But did you know that's easy to meet your dietary needs, that protein contains as many calories as carbohydrates, that i's strength training that builds your muscles, not more tins of tuna, and that protein is found in many foods, not just meat? In other words: eat lass meat TASTES GREAT It’s wonderful that you want to save the planet, but a green lifestyle is ‘more likly to last it tastes good, too, Vegetables need to live up to their new starring role and not come across as ‘an overcooked, tasteless afterthought, Make thern more inviting and tasty with these tips. MEAT AS FLAVOURING Ifyou think having the occasional meat-free day is too drastic, you could start by just euting down on meat in general, Add itas a flavouring to otherwise vegetarian dishes, for ‘example in the form of ‘some bacon bits sprinkled ‘on your soup or salad. a flexitarian POSITIVE FOCUS Instead of concentrating Con eating less moat, turn it ‘around and focus on eating ‘more vegetables. When you consciously go for more veggies in each serving, there's @ automatically ess oom for meat. © Vegetabis should not be cooked frtaolong this iethebest way to preserve their fresh and crunchy favour ‘@ Salad can be borin without ‘ressng. lve cl lemon juice, sak and papper work wonders. ‘© Meatis rich in unamittavour, butyou can also getty using ‘seaweed, mushrooneot Parmesan choose TAKE SHORTCUTS Its easy to throw a steak inthe pan ‘compared to chopping up a bunch of ‘greens, Allow yourself some ‘easy solutions. Buy canned beans, use pre-chopped veg, ‘make use of ready-mixed salads, and batch-cook for several days at time. ur Jurn your favourite dishes green BURGERS rysicd sweat potatoes instnad of mes (MEATBALLS Replace the meatwit isp lafl made wit chichDoas ope sTiRRY ‘sities re detious wih tu or BUTTER CHICKEN slflower and potatoes iste just crispy vegetables. oe a of chicken. ‘Trying c= ‘SPAGHETTI BOLOGNESE . Bolognese great wth nts instead of minced be seit beans oe. fc Ce Soup tastes fartasticwith cy CON CARNE ip replace the meat ila of ne beans. uuven PATE urmus, bean paste ‘oravocadois yummy onbread. 71% That's how much less impact you have on the climate if you eat vegetable lasagne compared to a beef version. a 11g of vog and fruit fills you up and reduces your caloio nena eect No food group is as important to your health as greens. They boost your immune system, improve digestion and make you feel full and slim. Follow our guide and feel the changes in your body. ren are wonder adi G- = od Sed or Your heath ai our body you should tat upping your fruit and vegetable intake, Arguments in favour line up fone after the other. Vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that boost your immune system and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. At the same time, they provide you with carbohydrates and proteins, and in the case of avocados ‘and olives, even with healthy fats. This green gold works small ‘miracles in your intestines. Vegetables are generally rich in dietary fibre, ‘which nourishes healthy gut bacteria, A lot of research is being done these days on the importance of 1 KG OF FRUIT. £ VEG DAILY § FOR 2 WEEKS Kristina tried our challenge ~ see how she got on gut bacteria, and all the evidence suggests that they have a huge impact on our health and immune system, as well as our energy levels and psyche. Dietary fibre also has another ‘major benefit It fills your stomach and keeps you feeling full for longer, so you don't binge between meals. 100 grams of vegetables contain a fraction of the calories you'd find in the same amount of pasta, rice or any other starchy side dish, so increasing, your vegetable intake will almost certainly lead to weight loss and reduce your body fat. 1 kg is better than 400 grams. ‘The official recommendation for fruit and vegetables is "five a day", or 400 grams. That's a fine target, but if you really want to make and feel difference to your health, we want you to aim for a whole kilogram, First, with a kilo of fruitand veg, you'll reap virtually all the health benefits associated with greens through a varied intake. Second, we consider 1 kg to be a realistic amount that most people can manage when there's also room for other healthy foods on your plate. Third, the large number of vegetables ensures that you're always nice and full, so therefore less tempted to indulge in biscuits, cakes, sweets or crisps. “The more vegetables you can cram into your daily quota of one kilo, the Detter; while you can also sneak in some fruit, you should limit yourself to 250 grams. Fruit may contain fibre, vitamins and antioxidants, but it also provides alotof calories due to its natural sugar content. For example, if you eat {600 grams of bananas a day, that's 500 kcal (the same amount of apples gives you about 300 kcal), while the figure for 600 grams of green beans is as low as 150 kcal. Ifyou're thinking thata kilo of {greens seems a bit overwhelming, read on. Welll get you started on your green lifestyle, and you'll saan discover that its not that difficult if you follow two main pieces of advice: cat vegetables with all your meals and replace as much as possible of your normal starches, like rice, pasta and bread, with delicious greens, GET STARTED If you need help getting all your fruit and veg in order, here's a daily menu with tips and guidelines to get you going Weave greens into every meal Pa ng eee tee rc ane eT) eee or ee a re ‘ segmented orange and sprinkle some pomegranate seeds on e Your skyr or Greek yoghurt. Or make an py ‘omelette with sliced tomato, half a sweet pepper (sliced) and a carrot. ‘Moming snack: 100 G OF VEG Eat afew carrots or around six cherry tomatoes, Alternatively, for even more goodness, eat a small avocado, ‘Lunch; 250-300 G OF VEG Grab a hearty helping of substantial veg {rom the salad bar. Cabbage and root veg ‘weigh significantly more than ary salad You'll want a small mountain on your plate, because in terms of volume, you're looking at close to a whole broccoli or al ahead of kale, Pair it with a single chicken breast, salmon steak or portion of tuna, ‘Afternoon snack; 150-200 G OF VEG . Enjoy a green smoothie with lots of spinach or kale, chew on three carrots dipped in some hummus or eat large avocado with some cottage cheese. inner: 300-000 G OF VEG ‘Make a big bow! of coleslaw (and take 1152 portions), oven-bake root vegetables, or steam a mountain of broccoli and cauliflower to accompany your main meal. TS aft —to make sure Nene eeee Geeta Se: es el Ree Cenc Cera) cetera digestion. Examples eer) eerie Prete UTIs \ ‘The level of pesticide eee Cesena Cee EAT SEASONALLY Se cus amet ed ety Ce ap Ee Peer antioxidant that strengthens a poten ead Pema eee antioxidant content of various fruits and vegetables. In general, the levels in berries and cabbage are very high, Pe een eee eee eee ees ee eel eee tet eee What can I count? (@ All fruit and veg count, but no more than 250 g of fruit. © No to potatoes. They don't ‘count, but other root vegetables do, hese should make up no more than 300 9 of the quota and no more than three days.a week. @ Legumes are OK. 409 nt of dried beans and lentis is equivalent to 100 g of re that they also provide the equivalent protein ‘of wholegrain carbs and mest, © Juice doesn’t count. its vital This disau the he ‘Smoothies are fine. C they contribute less than a third of ur daily quota. 1S TIPS FOR HEACTHY GREENS If you're looking for inspiration on what to do with all those vegetables, here's some advice. PREP MULTIPLE PORTIONS AT A TIME. Thinkin terms of scale, andiet the chopper work ts way through several days’ portions. Putin plastic boxes and srigrateto save time over the net few days, ADD VEGETABLES TO BUY IN BULK. Buying bts of YOUR DISHES, inching vegetables in one go saves you money meat sauce, mashed potatoes, and provides a good and varied stock meatballs, casseroles, Set ask an hour to peep al your ‘omeletes, pasta and pizza, greens forthe next few days, FROZEN VEGISFINE.Ifyou car'tbe bothered with chopping. \ there's nothing to stop you using \ frozen vegetables, bag of stir-fry offers quick heathy evening meal. ga \ BUY A SPIRALISER to make delicious vegetable spaghett and decorative strips for your saad inna tie. ESTABLISH FIRM RULES, suchas cating vegetables or fruit at every meal.Set yourself START YOUR DAY WITH A SMOOTHIE, or the goa of eating atleast one pleceoffutor enjoy one when you get home from work. Fruit vegetable atevery snack andtwoor three _andveq blended together beautifulyisan easy places at every main meal \way togeta good chunk of your kl, How much does various veg weigh? Mets detsous bean ae See “G z= ae ee eee 400G 250G 175G 50G What to expect when you increase your veg intake How your body reacts when you suddenly crank up the greens varies from person to person. Typically the ‘symptoms will subside within the first week and be replaced by a sense of glorious well-being. BLOATING CONSTIPATION ‘STOMACH PAIN ADIFFERENT SENSE OF Gut hacteria produce more ar Theaddedfibreswells and can Ifyouhave sensitive FEELING FULL when theyre fed an unfamifar cause constipation. Counteract_ligestion, certainvey canbe _Lessstarch provides diferent amount of gens. Mitgate by bydrinking plenty of water and aprablem. Makeanote of _stateof satiety that youneed chewing thoroughly, blending spreadinggreens overasmany any irtants andsteerclear___—toget used to Protein in all ‘orcooking food meals. as possible cof ther, especialy early on, main meals helps here ‘STORE INGREDIENTS OPTIMALLY, preferably nan airtight container with damp pleces of kitchen towel at the top ‘and bottom ofthe container, and litle lemon juice, necessary, o prevent cut fruitand vegetables from turing brown, MAKEIT EASY TO EAT FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. ‘Set out rutin bows, have cut vegetables ready inthe fridge buy pre-med salads CARRY GREENS IN YOUR BAG. Buy ready-made vegetable snacks, oF make your own small bags or bowls of chopped cucumber sticks, carts, radishes et MAKE VEGETABLE FRIES instead of chips. In general, think about how you replace ‘or supplement the classic starch sources with ‘vegetables. For example, grate caulower for cauliflower ice, replace potatoes with oot ‘vegetables, and mix green beans into pasta. ee seeraou rane wae sure aNostewsy ie SS we ree eno — down, and the heat treatment also makes them ‘Schelly consume ‘more stomach-friendly. Add prawns or chicken, during the day. for example, to make them more filing, Over a fewdays, MAKE DRESSINGS, ‘try writing down rerio ee Eimucincstaiyacioe —— Syraceeta me Sopiececcucopeyae” SE io jor nsoopnayar et faucets Sate seus car ¢ L ‘your porridge. ite ae a. rr 250G 100 G 450G 150 G 65G { EXPERIMENT What happens when you eat EE , 6 1 kg of fruit and veg a day? And is it even possible? We asked OF FRUIT&Z VEG wae Headaches and too much food “Lam highly motivated, ve spent. lot of time googling delicious dishes with vegetables and I've bought almost £85 worth of food - I'm so ready! “After a few days Ifind out that 1 kg of greens Isa lot of food! I'm about to explode from al that food! Who knew that a large bag of kale only weighs 300 grams? il be the substantial vegetables from ‘now on. The ones with plenty of weight. “One late evening, 'm munching on roasted cauliflower to reach the required kilo before bed. | decide that next week Il eat my kilo of vegetables first and probably not much else” PLUS © Nothing positive this week MINUS €@ Rather time-consuming to peel, chop and slice. (@ Have had some headaches all week. ve felt bloated and alitle constipated, Itfeels ke my body has stalled a bit and is saying ‘g0ing on here?” and Pay ert pete ee arn Better sleep and more energy - it's on! “Yay, the headache has gone -the transition is over! My body has surrendered to fibre and fructose. I sloop better and have more energy. And Ive discovered the supermarkets pre-cut vegetables and salad mixes - wort their weight in gold. | eat cherry ‘tomatoes and blueberries instead of sweets, and have found a good routine. Each day's diets planned and |weighed in the morning, so | know what to expect. “feel healthier overall and have a much better ‘conscience on several accounts: more vegetables for ‘the kids, better forthe environment and better for the animals ~and better for my body, too” PLUS Weightloss of 15 kg. (© Waist has shrunk over an inch (3 em). @ I can defintely eel a change in my body, I sleep better and have much more energy. (© No sugar ravings at all MINUS © Nothing negative this week. ered eee ‘Sie the aubergine lngthways ntti ices 4 onion 1 aubergine 100G 265G stead olasagne sheets = Usetheleaves as wraps or chop them ¥ finaly fr slads andin moat sauces. 100 ml mushrooms 1 cabbage 1 parsnip 1.6 KG 100G KRISTIVA BEFORE: Kristina usually feats two day. She doesn't get many tables and hardly any fruit, but she does eat a lot (of white bread, pasta and potatoes. After three weeks, Kristina’s waist is 5 em ‘smaller, and she's lost, 2 kg, even though she fate as much as she wanted in addition to the kilo of groens. |~ Make broceo soup oF pesto, or bend t wit mashed potatoes. 1 broccoli 300G Healthy and happy ‘Week three will also be predominantly ‘a vegetarian week. New discovery in plant-based the supermarket 100: meatballs, steaks, ete It tastes great ‘and makes a nies change. I stil enjoy trying new things with the vegetables, most recently ‘Spicy Red Curry Cauliflower Wings’ with guacamole ‘yum! Amazing what you can actually do with cauliflower -Fve eaten four ccauliflowers in a week. And I like it Itjust needs abit of variety. feel healthy and my body feols so good! My plan is to continue with the greens lifestyle, but without the daily weighing of veg -'m looking forward to getting rid ofthat I's no longer necessary now that have ‘a good idea of what the different vegetables weigh: PLUS © I'm feeling really good. @ I've become very fond of vegetarian dishes. © ‘Sil love finding and trying new veggie recipes. © Better skin. © Lost 2 kg in weight (© Waist has shrunk by 5 om. MINUS @ tesa bit annoying having to weigh huterdvegallte tne. (ll ne Plenty of phytochemicals are good for nce Seed Pee ay eon eae ata ee Usoittinaly choppadin 7 soups and meatal, or roastitinthe * 8 a ace 130G 430G 1 look 200G 1 Jorusalom artichoke 35G More greens — LESS MEAT Gone are the days when veg was just an accompaniment to meat. The number of vegetarians and vegetarian dishes is increasing, Some converts avoid animal products altogether, while others settle for one meat-free day a week. See how the different approaches stack up on our vegetarian barometer and be inspired by six women's greener eating. or years, it's been hot to fill up on protein sources like skyr and tuna. Today, however, the picture is changing, and vegetarian and vegan trends are booming. In the UK, 4.5% of the population follows a vegetarian diet, and the percentage in other Western countries. In New York, the hottest food spots are the Whole Foods Market stores, which are bursting with healthy food, espectally vegetarian and vegan food,” says Marianne Levinsen, research director at the Fremforsk Center for Future Research. She believes that the vegetarian boom has not yet reached its peak, For many, it’s about eating the healthiest possible diet. Indeed, most studies show people who eat more vegelables and less meat aro both fitter and weigh less than average, It is not known whether this is due to the vegetarian diet itself or the fact that vegetarians may generally live healthier lives with more exercise and less stress, For some vegetarians, food choices are less about health and more about animal welfare, the environment or politics. Meet six ‘women who have all chosen to eat more vegetables andl less meat. MICHELLE MOLGAARD is 21 years ‘ld and tives in Australia, She became a fruitarian a few years ago. ‘© Why did you become a fritarian? My lifestyle change fram alife ful of beer, coffee and cigarettes to an al-fuk det was as suprising tome asit was to those ‘around me, | was ona study tip in New York Before the tip, [had been in bed for several weeks ‘after a concussion suffered during a hectic ity tip, During that time, ost both ‘muscle mass and my appetite for lf. cistinctly rereember lying in bed that week {and stumbling on a picture on nstagram ‘of awoman surrounded by ful seemingly happier than anyone else. Through her profile, | discovered the det that most fruitarlans ve by, Having studied the book, hhad no doubts. changed! my Hestyle completely: bbest decision of my fe so far. 'sthe ‘© What does atypical breakfast, lunch ‘and dinner look like for you? always drink tire of water when got up in the morning, do half anhour of meditation and then go fora run or do youa After ‘my workout, | drink coconut water before breakfast, which typically consists of 4-5 ‘mangoes or a whale watermelon, My lunch usually consists of papaya ‘or more mangoes. I'm out, often dink ‘smoathies. Fo dinner, | typically crink more ‘smoathies before eating sala, also usualy eatalotof bananas, as they are cheap and lo incalores, © Do you notice a difference in your overall health? Before changed my dle | suffered from Chronic fatigue and often had headaches and threat and bladder infections Since ‘switching, Ivenot had any infections and hhavemore energy than ever. used tosuffer from shin splints but nw can run every day without pain fe ls ie ditficul to bea fruitarian? ‘Thebiggest challenge is socal situations However it doesn't have tobe that difficult, bbutit does require being open about your way of fe ‘¢ How do people react to you being afruitarian? les not something| usualy advertise because not many people understand it Inmost cases, when do tell people, they ‘are concerned about my health | think i's probably because the fruitaian lifestyleis not very widespread ‘Afew people know haveralsed ‘objections to my way of eating but oy not to takelt personally, Are you worried that you're going to bbe lacking in nutrients? No, not | generaly eata varied det with many different fruits and vegetables. Uhave nt taken any type of medication ‘or dltary supplements since becoming a frutarian, and Ive not been sick once in ‘two-and-a-half years. ‘THE EXPERT SAYS: Fruitarians, ‘may struggle to get enough ‘amino acids, iron, vitamin B12 ‘and calcium. I's healthier to hhave alittle more varity. Why did you become vegan? [don't think the meat industry's animal weate standards ate good enough, sol've decided nat to suppor these companies involved, ve also become aware ofthe environmental impact of ‘meat and haw good my body feels when | eat vegetables instead of meat. sit dificult tobe vegan? Eating out can bea challenge, depending ‘on where youre In bigger cites, i's easy, asnew vegetarian eateries are springing up. Inthe provinces, the choice could be better. However, have gradually learned tocat my fillfrom home. Have you noticed chang health since becoming vegan? eet healthier than ever, My weight has. stabilsed, and my skin ooks great since your VEGGIEbarometer On the left are the strict fruit and veggie diets that deviate furthest from the "norm" by avoiding all animal-derived foods. As we move along the barometer to the right, the diets include more eggs, fish and meat, 30 diving up dairy. used to haveteribie pollen allergies, but that has completely disappeared. tsa bit of mira. ‘© How do people react when they learn that you're a vegan? Fortunately, most peope are simply Curious about what leat and why | eat the way Ido, But some people out there do have prejudices about veganism, They imagine that ive onlettuce leaves, That sald | have never recelved ‘negative comments when |have served ‘vegan food to group of meat eater. ‘On the contrary «© Are you afraid you're going to be lacking in nutrients? 'No,natat all Since becoming vegan three years ago, ve had annual blood tests and all my numbers ae as they shouldbe. 'm big fan of quinoa, beans, lentis, nuts and hemp seeds, so get plenty of protein. also take viarnin B pills dally to ensure l get enough vitamin B12in particular. tink we should be mare waried ‘about people who ie on thing but ‘cakes and Pot Noodles! ‘THE EXPERT SAYS: ‘Aswellas vitamin B12, vegans can become deficient Incaleium and iran. The body ‘does not absorb iron from vegetables easly EA ar Pedi C IT) Be hag URSULA JENSEN is 48 years old and holds a Master of Science in Biology and Psychology. Shes an ovo vegetarian, ‘which means she eats eggs but not dairy o meat. She decided to switch her diet aftr sufering from stress 19 years ago. She became vegetarian ttle by lite because she felt it was good for her bod. ‘© De younotice a health benefit from ‘being a vegetarian? My body isnt asheavy since I stopped ‘eating meat. dot get ac reflux anymore, ether, which used to suffer ‘rom, and my skin's dearer than before. without the meat! But tha’ rarely the case. Most vegetatans know cat a wile variety of foods, Unlike mary meat eaters, our greens ‘are not limited ta 4-5 types of vegetables but toa whole palette, ‘© Are you ever worried that you're ‘going to lack nutrients? take supplements and eat eggsand ‘quinoa because 'm conscious that need ‘twgetall my aminoacids, For a while, | was worred about whether Iwas getting ‘enough ion, but a blood test atthe ‘doctor's showed that my blood levels and ion stores were fine ‘THE EXPERT SAYS: As, wall as 812, veggies should Consider taking ron tablets Calcium supplements can also help if you don't eat day ‘© How do people react to your diet? People think that vegetarians eat very ‘one-dimensionally. They think vegetarian foods the same as their meals, only oD PL WO pots Se See Reece aoe avoid animal-derivd fabrics, sucha wool, eather an fr. ‘@VEGETARIAN pivsersene pereeet trent ere Cnt ert ee et) eee eee ners Se Why are youa pescatarian? Originally, | Wanted to bea vegetarian, btas had oint problems, my doctor recommended that leat fish allo, I ‘thought I might as wel eat the whole fish. also eat ish fr environmental reasons. Saya and many other imported vegetarian products have an ‘environmental impact because they have ‘tobe transported to Norway. That's why thinkit's beter to eat Norwegian ish How do people react to the fact that you are a pescatarian? ‘A ist, everyone thought was a bit ‘stupid. They talked a lt about whether ‘ould get enough nutrients. As the years ‘went by, mast people got used toit "Dont you want some meat?” is sila ‘dassic question when we st down for Ohvistmas dinner, ‘Are you ever worried that you're ‘going tolack nutrients? Never leat much more vatled det than mest people because when youskip ‘meat, ouhave to think more creatively ‘and look for new Ingredient, have blood tests once. year, and ve never been deficient. Many people believe that protein is ‘only found in meat But fortunately alfestye ke mine has become faskionable,and people generally are taking alot more interest in nutrition ‘THE EXPERT SAYS: Studies reveal that pescatarians, generally live healthy lives. Fish contains fatty acids that prevent cardiovascular disease 5: WEEKDAY VEGETARIAN Getting rid of Belt lyr CAMILLA NIELSEN is 42 and a graphic designer. A weekday vegetarian for six months, she only took up the diet by chance, (© Why do you eat the way you do? Iwasa really a conscious choice | wanted to make my everyday life easier by having a recipe box delivered tammy door At fist, ordered one with ‘meat, but sincel dont ke lamb and, ot that fond of fish and that's often what came with the recipes inthe box, I quickly suitched tothe vegetarian option, I-suited me so wellthat only @WEEKDAY VEGETARIAN Weekciay ee ee ‘vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and cereals, with pee eee ee et ee ones cee SS 22 eat meat at weekends now. 'm glad | dor'teatall that meat anymore, ‘© How do you feet in your body now ‘that you eat the way you do? I can see that some fat deposits have disappeared | also don't get overfullor ‘completely sickafter eating, That used to happen allot (© What does atypical breakfast, lunch and dinner look lke for you? For breakfast, Ihave eggs, cispbread, ‘avocado and fruit For lunch, [have leftovers from the day before, Dinner canbe spinach lasagne, wraps with vegetable, rice, cures and rave, ‘© What's the best thing about being = weekday vegetarian? Isthat dont get exhausted after eating. have much more energy now and feel a greater sense of well-being, ‘And Icanstileata steaknow and then ‘Mt wane to, Ibeleve that a varied diet containing alimited amount of meat is best. Personally choose to have that meat at the weekend. ‘THEEXPERTSAYS: Alle meatis fine, but the healthiest thing to dois to spread the meat over several days rather than only eating ‘meat at weekends. prerera ae eed nee eet CFR Freedom and flexibility CILLE BERGSTROM Is 25 years ‘ld. She works ona biodynamic farm while studying to become a ‘nurse, For ethical reasons, Cille eats ‘mainly plant-based food and sticks ‘exclusively to organic and biodynamic foodstuffs, She enjoys eating chicken, eggs and fish but can go weeks without eating meat. ‘© Do you notice any effect on your health from eating the way you do? I canfeelthe vitalty, vigour and energy that comes froma plant-based det filed with the nutrition and vitamins ot frultand vegetables, ‘© What do people say about you being a flexitarian? ‘Alotof peopleareinterested in what! ‘at, what | don't eat and why, Usual, ‘though, [tend tokeep my opinions 10 ‘mysel.| drit expect others ta lve my way;1 know that weal iv according to ‘our own experiences. When do you eat meat? ’srandom, | probably eat fish once ortwicea week, afew eggsa week ‘and some chicken once a month [invited to barbecue, | buy a pack cf organic chicken sausages and give them to whoever is cooking. (© What's the best thing about being aflexitarian? lve been bath a vegetarian and a vegan Inthe past, and | would say there's bit ‘mare freedom witha fextarian diet. BButit depends on how you doit ‘fm passionate about the environment, so food choices ae abit more complex for me. For example, ‘would never buy standard banana because know thatthe plantations have no rules canceming waste, which ‘means thatthe bags used to transport the bananas are thrown into the sea.| dori ike that ‘THEEXPERT SAYS: ‘This detis distinguished by Containing atte meat, which |s excellentas it guarantees ‘you ron and vitamin B12, Pere NAS Ud future, we'll be eating completely different foods SICA Wes AU EC UCMUS Ct) to today. Researchers, ETUC AST ETA NO CRC h UE ROR TAC be eating in ten years’ UC MSL Ue lela I) SUM INAUeNUR ORT) are forcing us to do so. So, step inside the kitchen as it might look in 2033. grown. And throwing out yest leftovers is out of the question, You eat everything, “if we all ate like when Iv kid living in the countryside, we'd be OK.” says Anna Haldrup, head of the of Food § day's ence at the Departmen University of Copenhagen. Id values have Past hous been more relevant bec: respect both n produce. In the intervening years we have become accustomed se they tion and seasonal ere ee always be in fashion, but we can shed light ee erg plate in the future flown in from around the world, a huge increase in meat consumption and a more careless attitude to throwing food away, and these are habits we have to break. ‘ood is much cheaper than it was 50 years ago. The percentage of our ‘wages that we spend on for today than it was then. That's why throwing away half a chicken doesn't matter to us,” Haldrup explains. But the party is over. Our eating habits, ingredients and the way wi produce food are all facing a gr transition, And there is, unfortunately, ‘more than one reason for this, Shortages and climate What would happen if we continued to eat the same food as we do now? Fits, ‘we would run out, which is a major orld 1re more and more people ond, so if we're going to feed everyone, we need more food. And the food that is available needs to be a8 better distributed among the world’s population,” says Haldrup. “The UN has done the maths, claiming that as much as 6 more food needs to be produced bj 2050 of the world’s nine billion people ~as the population will be by then. The problem is that there aren't the resources to scale up the production of current food. We will need to eat differently have enough, The other key reason to change our eating habits is climate. Today, foo production accounts for 20 percent o total CO; emissions. Methane fr the main culprit, but as long as beef is eaten in such huge quantities, it will be difficult to reverse the trend. Finelly, there is biodiversity to «to make better use of land than we do now. Where we currently grow crops to feed animals, we need to grow food for people to eat In other words, it's about moving up the value chain We need to eat more food from the fields ourselves, instead of so much WTAE Find out how your dinner DOU gs Pec a ag re er, chops could b Cer aR ees tempeh, with a serving of eee ee going through a cow or a pig first. That of grain lasts longer ‘Then we can use less land to feed You might be thinking that th world’s population isn't growing as quickly as it was, That's true, but the numbers are still rising, And that has to be put in the context of the resources, such as energy and raw ingredients, that we have to work with which are decreasing. For example there are parts of the world that are finding it harder to farm because of limate change production are inextricably linked, and the message is clear: we need to put ‘our money where our mouth is. A difficult task We are back in the kitchen of the .9608, because hi many of the answers to the comin crisis, We can learn a lot from the food habits of the past: eating mo plant-based f and preferably al produce ‘course, it all has to be nutritious and not end up wasted. We're sure you've heard all this before, but whether you supermarket is another matter. Very up of very at nly food. ‘The challenge is to get the masses mn board And I'm not just talking about locally. We need to come up with solutions for the whole world Haldrup says, Less meat, more innovation Not only do more change their habits, but the farming and food industries need to step up, They have a vital rok J 1ys of producing food that for years to come nu think it's struggle to think of both healthy and climate-friendly dinnen at home, think about the food industry Ithas to find brand-new ingredients, and possibly scrap all kno\ Ce ey portion of our plates eo aad Ce) DTcsetuckee cooked vogotables. fife and are sufficiently high in There really needs to be And there will be There is huge innovation alread; How production, for example? Or growing nutrients some fresh thinking about artificial milk and meat microalgae in tanks to save farmland? Hamessing so-called side streams is a whole science in itself. Namely, how best to ust cheese-making that ends up as infant formula or a protein bar, Or so-called mash left over from brewing beer being tured into human food instead of just animal feed, the potato peelings lef as itis today. The ‘over from making potato starch. I converted into food for people right down to the very last drop or crumb, Tasty algae snacks Fortunatel industry ha farmers and the food a sinall army of scientists working hard to help them mak sure the final products are ones that ple will want to ea! As well as being plant-based, new foods need to taste good. Many don’t at the moment. There are a lot of bad examples, such as plant-based yoghurt wrmince, which are less tast worst hat can happen is that the consumer Never them once and thinks, Haldrup. Let's take a Took at what's happening in the laboratories that are currently experimentin consumer. The criterion for success is find the perfect balance betw aste, texture, the ability to satis punger, good nutritional content and a ssonable price One of the to eating in the future is foods you'll have to free-living algae that grow in the ater. And no ‘Mmm, that sounds might not think, ‘That's because microalgae contain a feast of nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, protein and fibre. On the farming level, they have f being able to grow in tanks ~ at a huge rate - so they jon't take up valnable land, The raw material itselfis a resource we won't run outof Algae meet all the requirements, so Timagine they will become an important ingredient, Processed, we will eventually see them in plant bai on. Bu 1 steaks, soups, cheeses and so explains Anna Haldrup Indeed, taste and texture are not just nice to have when it comes to shifting our eating habits in a mor direction, They are imperative. Otherwise, no one the food. That's why the fa industry and researchers are putting 2s close as 2 lot of effort into getting See oer) Dd peer et ere) reece) possible to what we're familia such as the taste and texture c juicy steak Inspiration from far away Ws not only o plant- based steaks, forexample, that makes jenuine meat sell better, but also because humans are born to enjoy eating meat. We needed such a rich ce of protein when our ancestors were hunting on the savannah, Our love of sugary flavours and dairy products is similarly explained by the fact that we got them from our mother’s milk. And it doesn't help that Britain is an agricultural counte with hundreds of years of tradition ‘of animal-based food, such as meat and milk To break the habit, we can raw inspiration from foreign limes, From countries where mea has been in short apply for man fears. Fermented vegetables, such as Korean kimehi or Indonesian tempeh, are good examples of eC NAL challenges," explains Haldrup, This is why researchers in a number of labs are currently investigating how locally grown ingredients can be subjected to the same fermentation processes as those used in Asia and West Attica turn to and split peas instead of soya beans, to save on climate damaging transportation. The aim is to create a whole new plant-based alternative to meat that will make our mouths water Progress is being made As you can probably gather, things are changing at every stage of the process. An army of researchers is on the lookout for new ingredients and flavours. Agriculture is gearing up to replace crops that are grown for animal feed in favour of plants that Abattoirs and dairies humans can ¢ are becoming inc in plant-based production. And everyone wants to make better use If you want to eat climate-fiendly food, you can just oer. pe eae Which ate based o rm ee eee) Dr ao Se ed Seas SOT Pee et es ST agricultural land, water and energy, But itis a process that takes time: As with ecology, we must change stainable methods of food production, requires adjustment from all sides, and itis a shared responsibility Fortunatel ng in the right direction ~and politicians and says Haldrup. the wind is blow consumers are coming on board, too, T think something is happening now. Ithas dawned on agriculture ‘and the entire food industry that this is going to be a huge movement and they have to join it. Leading meat and dairy producers can use their animal: based experience with non-animal products,” Haldrup says. People want to be able todo something about the climate crisis, There is great interest in contributing, however you can. We just have to that burger doesn't help if we're still lying to Thailand ting a plant-based she concludes. MTU CEM TITIES De een Mn eet ce od fresh thinking is needed to find replacements. They must be just as tasty, filling Sec ee ewe ecu Tes A etd Pera ota} Grubs and insects have a fish, and this has led tot many species of seaweed ed ‘overfishing of cod, salmon eee rey oe eet Ee aod eT Deer Pee ang Ce ee ad Ce eas fish, such as goby, sole and ee ee ery Seu Pear aa Pe eeu) Cea id eee men er eee) Deen attend eee eae tee etd Crete) preemie ete aad Re TAL ees eae De down vegetable ety eee ens Peete) Beer err eee pares pei ipeerrerier Polen epee pee rers eT eee easel arene Deron sweat urnami taste, wile eens eae poe ee poveetecnaerty es etna ones CHAPTER2 Greener FOODS There's a bad guy in your fridge: AVOID THE VILLAIN a Cutting back on meat lowers the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, and improves digestion. And you don't have to do without protein or your favourite dishes, as we're swapping unhealthy meat for wholesome alternatives. f you want to eat healthily, you can't stuff yourself with steak. In recent years, research has established that red meat defined as any meat from animals with four legs - increases your risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. The recommended maximum amount of meat we should eat per week is 500 grams. This presents us with a. challenge: how do we get the filling, muscle- building proteins that are so good for us when we need to reduce our meat intake? Plenty of good alternatives Fortunately, there is plenty of protein in other animal sources, such as fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products. “Add protein-packed pulses such as dried beans and lentils, and youll easily cover your protein needs, with a host of other nuttitional bonuses. For every meal in which you replace red meat with a healthy protein AND STAY HEALT source, you reduce your weekly meat intake by about 125 grams. For most women, two modified meals a week is enough to bring your intake down to the recommended range. Switching to other protein sources enables you to think more about sustainability, economics and animal welfare in your diet. An increasing number of women, in particular, want to do this and are joining the flexitarian wave, where you don't give up meat altogether but have one or more meat-free days a week. This trend is evident in. supermarkets, where sales of substitutes such as falafel, lentil burgers, vegan sausages and meatballs increased by 25-30% from 2014 to 2015, The flexitarian wave is here Perhaps the biggest challenge of partially turning your back on meat is that many of your usual dishes have to fall by the wayside. After all, burgers, bolognese and many other popular dishes are meat. But don't worry, because with based on red Y alittle lateral thinking, you can often replace the red meat with something else and end up with a meal that in terms of both flavour and health sends the old favourite packing. 1) 4 Seana M You don't have to say goodbye to favourites such as burgers, curries or pizza, even if you want to cut down on red meat. Find out how you can easily make healthy adjustments without spoiling the end result. ‘Cakes poten femaher components ofthe poraroanpcoat SSGEYSU! Ea A CHEESE PIZZA instead of burrito with mince instead of meat curry instead of ham pizza IIIA The beans are a source of [II Lentis are very chin proteh ardfibre andare in alow-fat poten, so you ose minimal poten DIE Heat beets son when, a tomato sauce. Add a little chill to inthe swap. You also benefit froma and pepperoni! for protein-rich goat's cheese. I's make fiery alternative to mince, ‘huge reduction in fat. pupae #2 Genheattierfouse wees ur the u "i va with | baseand zal with lve ol EEE You aol the EEE You avoid troublesome ant th Oe nn problematic minced meat. The red meat and the ents are yee [ET Raseachintocancriscnrabout ——Eitgdinaneslow-loen cards bahay and hie tee, dherst under ham and other processed meats: the less o and fibre also make the tweaked ‘while having fewer calories than cots them you eat, the hetter. ‘he pout dish far more filling red meat. ‘ADD: BY | as wast Han gcc | Ske pes and Dee 100g) | guts cheese(759) ear tana ‘sauce (5) REMOVE: ‘ADD: Ve & etarpok | Redes (5) 0) Proteinbetore: | Pretenate 195onms | 16sams 1) WHOLE GRAINS 2) QUINOA 3) ALMONDS AND NUTS 1 Good level of protein @Proteinbomb ofthe plantkingdom © Excellent sources of protein ‘© Very igh fre content (© As much ironas in meat (© Fullof healthy fats © Source of iron and B vitamins (© High in dietary fibre © Sources of vitamin E and selenium ‘Whole grains are an averlookedsource With4gofpretelnper100.g,qulnoa_—_‘Nuts area super source of pretein, if protein. Theyre also high in fibre, ‘inthe vegetable kingdom's protein _ almost equalto beef. Tel igh content which keeps your bowels working Superleague. The vitaminand mineral of healthy fat, which benefits cholesterl fn benefits cholesterol levels, Whole content is excellent, especaly ran, levels, s wellknown, but you also get ‘rains provide ironand B vitamins, too, whichisonaparwith thebest meat. _plenty of fibre, vitarrins and minerals, which you normally get from meat Its fibre content sso high especaly vitamin E and selenium, a NUE CHICKEN AND SKYR COLESLAW instead of pulled pork and coleslaw with mayonnaise Chicken proves healthier nap CHICKPEA aa nee BURGER EE You get'a more instead of beef burger filing moval with eater [ETA Mince bees one of hetypes of eae red meat mast ctcsed by research ino SS ce en high the meat adds lot of calories tothe Mceteet Aish. Chickpeas provide fewer calories and burgers) | (2009) REMOVE: 8 contain healthy proteins and dietary fibre to help you feel fui, Prk(5D<)and | 2-3chchen dhs eee iit ottemaye | (25a)andsiy remove the health risk of red meat ‘and feo fuller. 4) BEANS AND LENTILS 5) EGGS 6) POULTRY «© Real protein bombs © Good animal proteins «© Proteins ona par with beet ‘© High fibre content «© Strengthen the immune system ‘© Lean meat with few calories © Lentils are flo iron «© Healthy fats inthe yolk © More climate-friendly than beet Dried beans and lenis are excellent ‘The eggs ane af the do-qoodersin the Poultry has proteins both in quantity sources of protein anda perfect, ‘animal camp, because you get good andl quality atthe same high level substitute for meat Lentils are protein without the side effects of meat as beef but witha much lower bursting with ron, which fs important There are healthy fats intheyolkta help ‘environmental impact Poultry Is also ‘when cutting dawn on meat, which s your immune system, and eggsalso ‘generally ean, Eat ferent kinds ‘many people's main source of ton, contain vitamin E and selenium, chicken, duck, goose, turkey and ostrich 4s TOMATO SOUP WITH PARMESAN [XID Parmesan cheese s packed wth good, filing protein, Tomato soup gives youfar fewer calories than beef soup EXEL You ditch the meat for healthier proteins, and as a bonus, you get antioxidants, vitamins and minerals from the tomato soup. ar Tanto spar Parmesn 50.759) soup fst oto “Rage out th sony CHILLI SIN CARNE instead of chilli con carne Kidney beans add lts of {good green protein tothe ash, Use 2 few spoonfuls of skyr pr person ‘as atopping instead ofthe usual fatty creme fraiche. You avoid minced meat and get great protein and filing fibre from beans. Skyr provides protein for only afew calories, 9 DISHES. FISH, CHIPS & TZATZIKI of meatballs and potato with mayo [ELI Tre fish matches meat on the protein side while eliminating meat's negative downsldes, [EEE You getheathy protein from fish and skyr, and save calories by skipping potato salad, ‘Make oven chips from sticks of potato brushed with a ite olive oll ts 05-year Mei [eS tt eke ey ra] [wakes | wen id Pots tes | Pratahaties | | Psctoe] Prenat Sizanms | 2070ams 2lanms | Z2Zsame Innocent PROTEIN SOURCES ...... ) FISH AND SEAFOOD © Good quality protein ‘© Healthy omega fats (in oly fish) © Iodine and vitamin 0 (in aly Fish) If yout looking for good lean protein, choose tuna, launder, coley, plaice, fresh cod roe, crab abster and prawns Hyoualso want healthy omega- fatty ‘acids, add salman, hering, mackerel ‘and trout to your plate. 8) SKYR © Highin protein © Lowinfat (© Tasty alternative ta créme fraiche Protoin-rich styrcan be easly Incorporated into your evening meat If youuse it fibeally in dressings and cold sauces with hetbs/spces, they become a source of extra protein, while saving lots cof calories compared toa fatty sauce. 9) CHEESE (Very ich in protein © Gives your food a delicous kick 6 Good source of calcium for bones (Cheeses such a feta and Parmesan ive food a delicious flavour boost and even small amounts provide plenty of protein, especially ard cheeses, Cheese i a great source of calcium, too, which women in particular need, SALMON LASAGNE WITH COTTAGE CHEESE instead of lasagne with beef and béchamel sauce Processed meat suchas minced beef aol increases health risks more than unprocessed ee 1003)and | ssmmn (009) and aT Ta) Postel) tacut down an. Minced meat sa huge favourite inmany dishes, inducing lasagne, but healthier, | terrane 00m) | tayecese (1) leaner version with salmon, spinach and cottage cheese’ pretty goo, too. [EIEN You get good protein and healthy fat from the salmon, while the cotage cheese * Lents Eo also contbutes protein and saves you caores. er 254 oo Pry ss 29 a] a ea ee) Eo) Et) ag Ea Ey eat Ty} OT) Ty tT} 10) PEAS 11) BROCCOLI 115 © Good protein content © An overlooked protein source rh «chin tary fre © High in etary xe © Iron, potassium andB vitamins © Strengthens your immune system re Peas are a good source of protein and Broccoli contains over 5 grams of protein c provide plenty of filing fibre, When it per 100 grams. As you can easily eat a ty comes toon potaskum and varus few hundred ramsina mea makes coe) Bvitamis, pas ae hitter, oa. 2 Sl contusion Youasoget huge pa Chickpeas have the same qualities. ‘concentrations of phytochemicals to Coe Sg burt an even greater extent boost your mune syste a ARE YOU Sf NETTING THE RIGHT ARES. - Fruitand veg are healthy, we all know that, but when. you're browsing the supermarket aisles, which are the best ones to go for and why? Here's some inspiration for filling your trolley. fou stand in the vegetable section and, like everybody else, only pick the usual suspects: cucumber, lettuce and tomatoes, right? However, this lack of imagination means that we don't vary our Intake enough and miss out on a host of health benefits, It everybody ate a minimum of 500 grams of fruit and veg a day, we could prevent upwards of 3,000 cardiac deaths a year and our average life expectancy would, increase by one and a half years. Vegetables contain thousands of wonderful health-improving substances that reduce the risk of everything from obesity to cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer. Fruit and vegetables are also generally low in calories and high in dietary fibre, which keeps blood sugar levels stable and increases the secretion of satiety hormones, helping you eat less. This combination makes fruit and vveg the healthiest superfoods Its easy AAs an added bonus, its not even hard to reach the recommended 400-600 grams of fruit and veg a ay. Just fill up your fridge with fresh, your freezer with frozen, and make sure you include fruit or veg in every meal you eat Add fruit to your breakfast, use avocado for butter and add lots of vegetables to pasta or in stews. Spice up your meals with plenty of fresh herbs, chilli, horseradish and ginger. They might not count towards the recommended 600 grams, but they boost your metabolism while simultaneously helping you to eat less, The ones to go for By exploring our guide over the following few pages, you can start using your imagination when you next buy fruit and veg. We'll point your towards the best options to add to your weekly shop. All the produce in this guide has been compared on the basis of its dietary fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, sugar content and calories. The assessment also looks at whether the food is locally produced and bought, to make sure that transport and storage time don't reduce the healthy content and properties of the produce before you eat it, 0 The best choices © CHOOSE DIFFERENT COLOURS Eatas many aiferent colours as possible and ceatea rainbow on your plate The more vated your fruit ane veg, the more varied the health properties. Eating ciferent typos of rit and veg improves the health benefits @ BUY LOCAL Go forlocally priced ingredients, as they contain fewer harmful residues ol pesticides, Imported produce Is heavily treated to protect it uring the Journey and prolong ias shelf, © BUY ORGANIC By buying oxganicruitand veg, youcan almost completely avoid pesticide residue ‘Armajor Bish study also shows thatthe levels of many antioxidants and vitamins are higher in organically grown produce @ BUY INSEASON ‘Buy fruit and veg in ‘season because thats when they contain the ‘most vitamins, ‘Not only that, butthey also taste fresher and better and cost less to, Fruit vegetables Fruit vegetables are actually fruits, but we eat them as vegetables. They contain alot of water and very few calories. Tonnale most ei tomatoes ke mast ther vegetables haveaigh water conten prelowincaoiesand wth ycopene. an Side thatersites that chokeste dogblond ow To EAT HEM Temasek Cucumber doesnt contain ‘much bre ana isnt packed with vitamins or ‘minerals On the ther hana ths healthy green snack filed with quid andthushas extremely few calories HEALTH. PIII IK HEALTH PROPERTIES: Vitamin K stengthens nes and acts as coagulant HOWTO EAT THEM: Uzcunumberin cod saps, sandwiches, satis, Salas atk ove tme ath decrative ‘oping seed ate a3 Root vegetables Root vegetables are rich in dietary fibre and benefit your immune system, blood pressure and bones, This great-tasting pale ‘oot s, aang ater tings, fichin the vitamin B folate ‘andion bath af which are important fr the formation ded bleeds — and thence your energy levels. HEALTH PROPERTIES. ‘ePotassiumblances biood pressure. ‘oFolate stimulates cell dion, HOWTO EAT THEM: Pasipscanbe eaten a ‘tamed cook ied an roast The midbesh ste gs precy insaups rash, gatins and stows. Gives youa ‘summer glow In adtion to eing ‘ately buat {art fl you up quickly, They ate also fled th beta-carotene which your boy converse vitamin Aand gives youagotden bow sumer gow In season. Aue-September WEALTH: FOI IO HEALTH PRoPEnTies: (9Beta-carctene protects yu from hamid UVrays, ‘© Vitamin strengthens your bones How TO EAT THEM: ‘tia, bance steed reste us te bter rhe o when ting ‘obvingoutalthe aig Cabbage Leaf and stem vegetables Green leafy vegetables help protect against cancer, type 2 Cabbage isin principle a leafy vegetable, yetit deserves its own diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, plus support weight loss category Itis packed with fibre and all the vitamins you need Kale Brceels Keeps the Prevents brain young oe Gets you through cancer cells the winter Brocco sn extrem Popeye's favourite food Thectsp tals with cu w ‘cone ofthe healthiest ther detective nidy Kale's enormous amounts aera folate, yeuscaneat Spinach biter faveurareichin aera reboots isa {ontains more vitamin E, pee ene ea ‘Waris ower the bloods ‘chin gucosntes vitamin A flat, calc, ny Content of urheaty vic Rave postive anyother vegpable shown toinhititcancer ‘farmer, nadton Several yes of ca aright fammation. kale also protects against csr seasons towel cancer Apri-Oetber mae lseason ee une-Noverber AIF IK WEALTH ——— FOI WEALTH FOI IK HEALTH PROPERTIES: FOI IK on eon Es Ce Menor immune sys. 1 Anongants sen Folate simuates ‘eCalcium strengthens ae es ttlivsion anes nove pemmnnes eet tiara steers ‘ood presse Vitamin G protects against ean ow DEAT viruses ad bacteria. ed iach es aed aT Dietary fibre er gestion en trdrastaary say Wha eahy pra t eee anywho supe la Sats ty tps pasta ow roexrrt espe caad ‘that makes the sto te Ashes and geen sroathies Bese, rts bacon ae gar {ere Banchingsbest na spinach leaves tains allover wel wth al, which fy ad brocaa atthe end. Canbeesen aw aril NEE TES Citrus fruits Up to 95 percent of ther weight is water, so they are relatively ow in calories, yt they help blood sugar levels. Pineapple Juicily good Preappedoesn.contain troche and otassH stall oe wet Seta 8 Weletirelon Keeps the skin young {As watermelon mainly consists of wate, thered fleshs verylow in calories anda good source o hi. Watermelon tighin lycopene whichamongits benefits is known to keep theskin young WEALTH. x [HEALTH PROPERTIES: ‘elycopene protects against cel degradation andcardlovascub disease. How ToEATIT. Watermelon isnot ery ‘mouth watngsackon2 day tisasoexcalntin appt sas inks and juices andasa dessa. ate le 3 Stone fruits ‘Stone fruits are rch in vitamins, minerals and fire. Some of ther, mucous membranes These soft orange ruts ‘x, amongrmany other things rich invtmin A which promotes Fert, ‘Suengthens the immune ‘system improves your ‘sion and helps bud [HEALTH PROPERTIES: ‘9 Vitamin A improves ‘eyesight and skin. ‘¢Porassiumblances blood pressure. HOWTO EAT THEM. Tis sweet peach le ti rect for che ined (gud meat ses sie, (aks pies adja, however, contain more calories compared to other fut. Fills upnigely Higher in caries than other ruts, mast of which come from healthy ‘monounsaturated fats, ‘Avocados fll fre and stabises boo sugar levels, IN Season Imported ~ al year Heaurn, FOO ——= HEALTH PROPERTIES: ‘Healthy faty acids Drotect your heat (Dietary fibre mes ‘your appetite (©Poiassum tances bod pressure OW To EAT Ans ‘taste delicious with beet and fshcntetned nos recente estat tein a ae a 3 eH Apples, pears and grapes Apples, pears and grapes, unlike many of the sweet, exotic fruits, havea more balanced sugar-acld ato Apples lesen) ‘esi te ‘abn nao stain kapesae vennpecin a dey threes YOU digesionaowes you caste INseAson aust Api eau KICK [HEALTH PROPERTIES: Vitamin -srengthers bones. ‘ePectinkcops blood sugar sabe. ‘HOW TO EAT THEM: fatthem wih he pelo, ease thecesnthe skin are the anestiatgiethe holesterl-lowesing eect. Theskinof redgrapesis packed with antioxidants and also contains resveratrol wich has wide range of beneficial effects in relation tothe bodys ageing process, ‘thehear and cancer INSEASON. Imported = all year MEALTH FOO HEALTHPROPERTIES: ‘eResveratrol prevents cance ‘e Anthocyanins protect the heart ‘eVitamin K stents bones. alse eaten asthe ao Ince in desserts and sas, Berries Berries contain very few calories and are packed with vitamins, ‘minerals, antioxidants and dietary fibre. 4 Pr Bluckcutbants ‘Strengthen the immune system vheumatie pain an Inaddtiontohuge bres hold an credible ranean smart 9 vm Soe rk ‘tices and calcu these bright Immune system, and so ‘ofange betes contain "Puch vdaminC that only Se 2Smathanoes Foire ett Jouretresayerets Inner sympte season July-August earn Wea 290 200% eau ponens Vianinestengers tami ste emearn Manin este natn eine em zener aye es oPaadonbatres your appette, tioodressure HOWTO EAT THEM: Tans psi jam use thaninsops aes ices and a Oratthem an enor ‘theca eae sng them. FOOD zonsenes IN A FLASH Shopping, cooking, clearing up... Do your evenings disappear into a black hole of practical chores? Here are some quick cooking tips to help you spend more of your precious time away from the kitchen. Keep a supply of frozen 5 4 vegetables in the freezer. They're healthy ‘and quick to prepare. Fire up frozen vegetables ‘You save time on both washing and ‘chopping if you use frozen vegetables. Plus, they/re just as healthy as fresh ‘vegetables. Vitamins and minerals are really well preserved when frozen. Double up and chill Ce a ee Cone een een eed you're cooking anyway. In turn, you save a whole evening in the kitchen later in the week when you can just pull the food Se eae Boil water in the kettle... before pouring it over tice or pasta It's faster than letting the stove do all the work. Cookina larger pan Neer Doe Cee eeepc Use an egg slicer... for more than just eggs. Lots of fruitand vegetables are perfect fora trip through the lite kitchen tool. Try mushrooms, bananas or strawberries. LOE TM tan) ee oy Cee eed Ree roe) ere bak Ses eens eet carat Chop potatoes or root vegetables with an apple slicer for quickly cut chunks for the oven. Set up a bowl for waste if you don't have your rubbish bin or food recycling caddy within arm's reach when you're cooking, pace a large bow! on the kitchen counter for kitchen waste and save time walking back and forth. Scoop out the seeds A traditional ice cream ‘scoop is perfect for removing seeds quickly and efficiently. For example, {rom squash, pumpkin ‘or honeydew melon. 688885 Peel A988 first, Ose aes rinse oa8sgag after O8eees Htyou aways O00 B8a6 yeurvegerioe = Ceheee before peeling and eases ‘chopping, reverse the coder. That way, you avoid an extra trip to the tap when you do find soll residue hidden under leaves and peel New research has once again confirmed Rie eB Cea ley Reet elle a bee m ee Boel eee tll Cee tne el Serle CUNO MALU Rae conceal ielae ele) Pecos eee MeN fon Pele MeL ReIaN OMe A eA Ue aaa Alaa terle og Pe hoc anu as eeTeA eM eats nai ae VOI Ai Lion HEALTHY MEDITERRANEAN GEMS Healthy sauce pesto embraces four healthy ingredients -otveo, herbs, garicand nuts ar seeds. @ GARLIC Lowers your blood pressure ‘Why: Garlic contains a substance called alin, ‘which lowers blood pressure. Alicin even asa nd clot-preventing effect. ‘Hows Fresh garic contains the substancealin substances cembine toform alin, the active Ingredient ‘Quantity: One or two caves ot tresh gate each clay should be enough to have an effect if you Ike, In meat dishes, ratatulle, ‘watz, lol and hummus, for example, New vescaweh Cia PMs ae eel ow = Pree ena Se ore cto Increase the amount of good cholesterol, a I te ate ee eet Sete) ete gain e e 9 Se ey befiveto ate ea eet eee ett eee: a eer moat See ee ke eer eit @ WHOLEGRAINS Worth their weight in gold Why: Many people imagine esc pasta when ‘they think ofa Mediterranean det. But the people ‘of Crete, on whom much ofthe early research ‘on the Mediterranean dt was based, eat alot of wholemeal bread Wholegrains arerich in etary fibre, folate, magnesium and potassium That ‘combination prevents type 2 dabetes, cancer and.ardlovascular disease, while keeping your ‘digestion running smooth, How; Bake your own breadas often as you Tike, because harne-baked bread cntains f less salt and sugar, Use at east 5O percent \Wholegrains and wholewheat flour ‘Quantity: Eat 75 rams of wholegrans aday as ‘minimum. Tha’ the equivalent of one portion ‘of atmeal and wo sles of wholegrain bread, Puta De tee ac) ee eee coe priate You also get fibre from vegetables and ee een Cee Coed eee er Cee rts eee een Dietary fibre moves food through the Pe er eer nc @ OLIVE OIL Prevents cancer Why; Olve o's 77 percent monounsaturated faty acids Research has Found that a relatively high intake ofthis Mederrancan el leads tofewer cases of cancer, because olve ol hijps pale carnage to our DNA ‘Hows: Choose an organic on a Spal dara that you can use ‘pquick, because ight and heatgplltheal' avour You can sately se olive alo fty fish and meat HBeVER Baker to cizle tn salads and vegetables. This makes it muff eaSiee® eat large quantities of ‘vegetables, which in themselves event pase ‘Quantity: n some studies, pardjpants through up thal ate of dla week, However, such a high iffakeyegles you to cutout othe fats suchas butter, cream and sunfiowetllatpe same ime, otherwise you ris putting on weigh nfulsubstances don't get into 30 percent lower risk of developing reer Paro Thi Is probably due tothe high antioxidant ee a ee se Pee te ee ee re ee ee pee eee eee) ee ee tT ete ee etd Pape ent ee peel eenty ‘AMediterranean diet prevents premature ee ue eet Rea es ty pee ret eed ee ee eet) ere net es EAT HEALTHILY WITH THE MEDITERRANEAN PYRAMID Eat most from the bottom, a reasonable amount from themiddle, and least from the top — and you'll be well on your way to eating a true Mediterranean diet >> Red meat, processed meat (such as charcutere, acon and sausages), ‘other dairy products, margarine, ‘sweets, cakes and commercially produced bread. > Cheese and yoghurt > Fish, pouty, shellfish and eggs > Legumes: . ‘and nuts EVERY DAY. Set “The pyramid outlines the cxginal Mediterranean cit n ts healthiest form, as ithas been eatenin Creteand dlsewhere for generations, Unfortunately, young people in Mediterranean countreshave begun to mave away from the heathy csine oftheir ancesters, eatingless ‘lve ol fshand vegetables and more buttercream and sugar. In doing so thei protection against dsease's aling =y = ae 6 ys a y= @D teeta tt, ers alive o wholemeal bead and pasta Why the Mediterranean diet is healthier than ours ee ees ee eee er) ee raid Se eee ec eee ee as een eet eee et ee oe Pe et re Dee a Peer er eer er ree ae) ee er eee re @ NuTs Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes Why: Replace sweets wth nuts ‘and almonds, and lower your risk fof type 2 daberes. Nuts keep blood sugar stable and lower both your blood pressure and ‘the fat in your blond and around your walst Nuts may be high incalories, butte tatis poorly absorbed by yout body ands salted ones and honey-roasted ruts, which contain too many clare Use nuts as a crunchy, rutitious action to your salad orbreakfas for example Quantity: in Mediterranean counties, they eat four times ‘manynuts as wed, Butts Ul ‘mainly of the healthy unsaturated a modest 2 ramSaiday Solfyou vatety Nuts are also rich in protein vitamins and mira ‘eat ahandfUl ofmuts or almonds 2 Tew times aweek you're well on your way to copying the southern, How; Eat a variety of pits Tey each have thee merits, Butaveld @ LEGUMES Lower your cholesterol ‘Why; Beans and ints are packed ‘ith dietary fre, which lowers your cholesterol and keeps your blood sugar stable Atthe same time, pulses aerich infling protein that makes it easier for ‘youta keep your weight steady or even lose a few kilos Hows: Be aware that pulses except lent ~ must be soaked before use, ctherwise they canbe tox and cause stomach upsets. f you fd the soaking vrapeans without eonstming io ‘many caloresintothebargain beans. One can of beans, witha rane weight of about 240 grams is equivalent ta about 120 gramsof raw beans, Legumes ate goon both cooked shes and salads, or ashummus when ‘mixed with gaic and spices. ‘Quantity: Pulses tall under the heading of fut and vegetables, andif you exercise alot, pulses are a realy good choice ot vegetable because o thei high protein content. The protein also means you can easiyrepiace your meat with beans. This switch gives you alot more fibre and less fat @ CITRUS FRUITS You absorb more iron a ® Z Good for your heart “Whay: Wine contain active compounds such {a tesveratral and flavonoids, which for many years were thought to be te reason why wine ‘sheath in smal quantities. Now, however, research shows that we absorb veryitle of wine's flavonoids sothe cause s more tkely tobe ound in wine's alcohol content indeed, alow to moderate acchol intake fs associated ith 238 percent reduced risk of dementia, anda litle alcahalis good fr the heart. The reasons that a moderate take of alcohol Increases the amount ot ood cholesterol and decreases the effet of bad cholesterl, Hows: Because ts the alcohol andnot the ‘grapes that give the wines effect you can get the same health benefits by drinking apint ot beer. Take your pick ‘Quantity: One lass a day — about 200m, You can't save up and go crazy atthe weekend, ‘because as Soon as yau exceed that amount, there's an increased risk of cancer. @ HERBS You use less salt ‘Why: Fresh herbs have far mare vitamins, ‘Minerals and andodarts than the cried kind Frequent use of herbs sprinkled as ‘flavouring agent can reduce theneed to ‘um tothe salt shaker or cream carton Your bloodpressure wil thank you fort. Many Mediterranean hers, such as tarragon, ‘regan, basil and thyme, aso have an ‘xpectorant effect, freshen your breath and stimuiate your digestion ‘Hows I you want to grow your own herbs, find 2 sunny, sheltered spotin the garden ‘ron your windows arbaleany, There, the plants wil thrive and provide you with a {green boost ta your food all sume long ‘The more you pick, the mote shoots grow, Quantity: Toke a good handh ot herbs ‘anduse them erally in your cooking Everyday it possible The flavours can be vated endless. Lobster and other seafood s served upon dinner tables several times a week ‘across counties in the Mediterranean. @ SEAFOOD Keeps your brain sharp Why; Behind the scaly eaaror of fish and ‘heard she of shelfsh lesa easure rave cf vital nutienss Seatoodisch in selenium ‘andiodine, and oly fish m particul, sa major Source al amega-3 faty acids and vitamin D.Theomega-S fatty acids EPA and DHA os ‘are essential for brain function Vitarvin Dis important fer your mood, bones, immune system and defence against festye diseases ‘anedcancer, Lean seafood s perfect for geting, ving you good, fling protein for few calories Hows Vary you fish intake so you eat oly fish such asherting salman, sardines and mackerel atleast a coupieof imes a week The nutients in fish don't get damaged by heating so you can gil ry steam and bake safely Feel free to cook alte era - salman tastes great cold ina salad thetllowing day, for example, ‘Quantity: In Meiterranean courries, they feat considerably more fish than we do, To eat as they doin southern Europe, you need to have fish atleast twice a week Preferably several times, Atleast 350 grams. week, ay. xe @ VEGETABLES Gs ‘Save your heart , ah ‘ «. Why: Southern Europeans shove in ‘vegetable, which s probably why their diet makes area difference tothe health Studies show that er every 100 grams ot vegetables you eat aday you lower your isk of cardiovascular disease by percent icy sun-ipened tomatoes, for example, contain the antiosidant lycopene, which rases good cholesterol and keeps your blood vessels healthy How: I the resh ernatoes at the ‘supermarket seem bering, don't wary Many ofthe health benefits of tomatoes ‘ate optimised by cooking Make a delicious hralan tamato sauce or gazpacho, Vary with ather southern vagetabes, such as aubergine, peppers and cucumber ‘Quantity: You need plenty at vegetables an the tabl'if you want to copy the festye ‘and heath pro of southern Europeans. In Greece, they eat 758 grams of fruit and = vvegerables.a day Inthe UK we average ust 300 grams a day Bonuses of the Mediterranean lifestyle eee Se ee Da ana) Rovere er art nthe Mediterranean region respect th Peet pee eet tae nse een teeter ete ent Peer ent ee eee Sete ee crore en a ets Pe eee Steen ee and good vibes, but stay indoors orn the thosein carehome rate eee ey and cohabiting pe small is beautiful Don't think that size matters, because e a crenthesmalest eed can boost ae: your health. Seeds can improve your digestion, and they provide a huge number of vitamins and minerals, a wealth of antioxidants, plus lots of proteins and super-healthy fats. They also add flavour to your food. WHAT YOU GET: A healthy digestion Lots of good fats Tasty food . . . ~ ‘ - . . - “ « . * e ar & ‘ é sosdant 1) Chia seeds “""™ Energy: 4g kcal «Protein: 4.3 g Fat: 32. g + Carbohydrate: 42 g Dietary fbre: 303 ¢ ‘Added bonus: These small fbrerich seeds ate stuffed with antioxidants that strengthen "your immune system. As an added bonus, they also contain an enormous amount of ‘manganese, which plays a key ole in the metabolic process and acts as an antioxidant in the body Most ofthe fat omega-3, which is important tothe body/s overall well-being, although omege-3 from plants doesnt have the same potency as omega-3 from fish Health benefits: The use of chia seeds can be traced back to the Aztecs, Just like today, they were popular because of their significant fibre content, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Mader research suggests thatthe seeds can potentially prevent Type 2 labetes and cardiovascular disease, How to use them: Chia seeds are good in a bread dough, where afew grams of seeds work ‘Wellin large loaf. Alternatively, sprinkle seeds over salad to adda nutty favour. 2) Poppy seeds 78° Carbohydrate: 237g Dietary fibre: 10 g ‘Aided bonus: Significant amounts of ron and calcium are among the primary properties of poppy seeds At the same time, the small seeds contain plenty of antioxidants Health benefits: Research indicates that poppy seeds contain potentially cancer-preventing, substances. Used on and in baked goods, they may teduce the formation of acrylamide, \Wihich fs suspected tobe carcinogenic. How to use them: Were used to seeing the seeds ontop ofa rll, where theyre sprinkled as {2 garnish. You can, however, also use them in many other kinds of baked feods ~a salmon let tossed in poppy seeds tastes great, fr example Enorgy: 543 kcal Protas 18g °F Energy: 323 cal »Protein: 158 g Fat: 14.9 g* Carbohydrate: 523g Dietary bre: 39.8 g Fennel is packed with niacin, which is important for the body's metabolic processes. The same can be sald for its mineral content, where 50 to 100 grams of seeds provide the entire dally requirement of virtually every mineral However, the challenge is ‘oat the seeds in large quantities without triggering thelr laxative qualities. ‘Their essential oll contents quite high. The ols stimulate digestion, and for many centuries fennel has been used as stomach medicine. Also its antinflammatory properties can be used to clear the airways when you have a cold Their aniseed flavour give fennel bread and cake an exciting twist. You ‘an brew tes from the seeds and they may also help relieve menstrual cramps. Energy: 34) kcal »Protein:12.4 Fat: 178 g Carbohydrate: 54.9 g Dietary fibre: 439 It's the large numbers of minerals that spring to mind with coriander— calelum and iron are two primary examples. ‘The seeds fibre content is huge so t's not surprising that coriander has been used as a medicine to promote digestion As an added bonus to is fibre content, cotiander seeds azo store antiseptic agents that can prevent infections developing froma ‘wound. They also help to preserve perishable meat, Coriander is one ofthe main ingredients in curry but can easily be used ‘nits own —especialy in meat dishes, where the seeds adda unique and exiting flavour. 5) Sunflower seeds Energy: 643 kcal »Protein: 9.9 g Fat: 56.4 @* Carbohydrate: g2Dletary bre: 27¢ ‘Added bonus: The shelled seeds are packed with vitamin that strengthens your immune system tosuch a degree that only small handful s needed to cover your entire days needs. ‘our body also receives an additional boost from the large amounts of selenium. At the same time, you receive alot of 8 vitamins, along with ion. You can gainan extra benefit from soaking the seeds in water before use, Soaked sunflower seeds are easier to digest and improve your bodys absorption oftheir nutrients Health benefits: The seeds are great for boosting digestion, where they share many similarities with other dietary fibres. They'e also pertectin a salad, because the ft in the seeds helps the body absorb the vegetables fat-soluble antioxidants. How to use thems Sprinkle them overa mixed salad, on muesli or in homemade bread 6) Linseed so Energy 484 kcal Protelns 25 g-Fat:3 - Carbohydrate: 361 -Dietary bes 8 g ‘Added bonus: Linseeds are fll of omega-3 fats. They also contain a lot of iron, and at ‘the same time, ae ich in folates. Also, oul get some selenium, which strengthens your Immune system. Health benefits: Soaking linseed removes its phytic acid to improve absorption and digestion, It contains an impressive amount of omega-3 and pure fat, making it the healthiest seed. Sulphate contributes to healthy cells inthe body's tissues, including the bran. Be aware, however, that vegetable-derlved omega-3 I less potent than that derived from fish Ifyou cat the seeds whole, they are easily digestible and therefore work most lke dietary fibres. How to use them: Linseed has seme elements of natural toxins that can be cleaved into hhydrocyanic acid when you finely chop the seeds. To reduce the ris, soak your inseeds before eating or for example— using them in bread dough little inseedin the blender i st-free, 7) Caraway seeds Energy: 333 kcal ¢Protein: 20 ¢Fats15 g Carbohydrate: 50g «Dietary bre: 38 @ ‘Added bonus: Theres plenty of favour in these small seeds. At the same time, they contain essential ols, which give them their health-boosting properties. Health benefits: Caraway has been used in baking for many thousands of years. This not only due to the fact thatthe seeds add flavour, but also because they are effective at stimulating digestion; they are especially good for trating indigestion and bloating. How to use them: Theyre especially god in bread. Caraway seeds are also tasty addition to cabbage dishes, such a: white cabbage salad, and you can buy the seeds touse on thelr own, 8) Pine kernels _ Energy: 706 kcal «Protein: 137. *Fat: 68.4 g » Carbohydrate: 13g Dietary ibre:37 [Added bonus: There's a lt of vitamin € in the seeds, which supports the immune system, ‘They also provide vitamin @ and ron, plus ae ich in potassium, a mineral that among other things has been shown to be effective atcontrlling blood pressure Health benefits: t's dificult to harvest the kernels, as they need tobe peeled one by one. The inconvenience, however has always been justified by the fact thatthe seed is fll of

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