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Long test in PHP121

Identify the ff:

1. It is concerned with the relation of the physical and the mental. -the mind body problem
2. According to this doctrine all the changes which have ever taken place in the world are the only changes in the
position of material particles – they are regrouping atoms. -Materialism
3. Agreeing in maintaining that universe does not contain two kind, it is some kind of unity. -Monism
4. It teaches that a certain favored class of persons called mediums may bring back the spirits departed and enable
us to hold communication with them. – spiritism
5. He believes that the body is fundamentally different from the mind. Because of his doubt, he is proven to exist. –
Rene Descartes
6. It is the part of the soul which is responsible for truth and wisdom. -Rational part/rational
7. He is a student who disagrees with the idea of his Teacher. -Aristotle
8. For him, the body is not just something we have; our body is also that which we are. -Gabriel Marcel
9. He emphasized the radical nature of the experienced body. -Maurice Merleau-Ponty
10. It is the part of the soul that is responsible for our physical needs. -Appetitve part/appetitive

Explain the following: 5 pts each (at least 3-5 sentences)

1. The Soul is in the Body

2. The Body is in the Soul
3. I think, therefore I am
4. I am my body
5. I have a body, I am my body

Essay 5 pts (1 paragraph each)

1. How can we consider that we are taking care of / paying attention to our body?
2. Are we living inside our bodies or is the body living in us? Or are we our bodies? Why? Why not?
3. How does the process of possession and involvement takes place?

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