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Why is it that we’re all here? What is the purpose behind our lives, our sufferings and our happiness?
Why is it that we exist?

These are all questions that often makes someone an extremist in their beliefs or a nihilist.

There’s no definite answer to these questions. A pious man may believe that his existence is god’s will
and his mission is to praise and pray to him. Whilst a rationalist may think of meaning as not something
objective but rather something people create for themselves.

If we consider meaning to be something that we create then a new question arises. How do we create
meaning? By what metric do we consider something to be meaningful or meaningless?

If meaning is subjective then we must assume that the individual has all rights and opinion on whether
or not something in their life is meaningful or not. As an observer we cannot have opinions of our own.
Some may think living a life in the wilderness is meaningful while someone else might want all the
luxuries that they desire to consider their life meaningful. The reason people are different is the fact that
different people experience different events and situation and these experiences shape their definition
of “meaning” which a from a third person point of view can’t be evaluated.

Now what is it that’s meaningful to you? Is it the fact that you’re living a carefree life? Is it the friends?
Or is it just the fact that you’re alive?

The problem that we need to answer here is why do we need meaning in our life? Why should we do
anything really? If everything is ultimately meaningless then why not just die? You don’t die cause it’s
brave not to do so. You live and face your demons

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