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萤火虫 PTE 真题预测

2023.3.16 – 2023.3.22

Read Aloud 第 1 页/152 页

Repeat Sentence 第 17 页/152 页

Describe Image 第 24 页/152 页

Retell Lecture 第 33 页/152 页

Answer Short Question 第 35 页/152 页

Summarize Written Text 第 39 页/152 页

Writing Essay 第 41 页/152 页

Re-order paragraphs 第 46 页/152 页

Fill in the blanks (R & W) 第 61 页/152 页

Fill in the blanks (R) 第 94 页/152 页

Summarize spoken text 第 109 页/152 页

Highlight incorrect words 第 138 页/152 页

Fill in the blanks (Listening) 第 140 页/152 页

Write from Dictation 第 144 页/152 页

题型 ID 内容 改动
RA #011133 Online Shopping Environments 重回
RA #011175 US Automobile market 重回
RS #021255 Students / have the opportunity / to share their lunch / during the 更新
common lunch break / around noon.
RS #021335 The genetic biology technology lab is located in the North Wing of the 重回
RS #021422 Only those who are over eighteen years of age are eligible to open a 重回
bank account in our bank.
RS #021477 Note that the deadline for the submission of proposals has been 重回
extended for a week.
DI #031293 Iron Age Hut 重回
FIB-R #081046 Steven Pinker 重回
FIB-R #081129 Wind Moving 重回
SWT #091054 Moving from City back to Countryside 搬回农村 重回
SWT #091144 Women university results 女性学术表现与就业困境 新题
HIW #121036 Human life support systems 新题
HIW #121037 Short written assessment 新题
WFD #1311030 Every year, more and more academic courses are made available online. 修改
WFD #131590 Philosophy uses logic and reasons to analyze human experiences. 修改
FIB-L #141057 Library Catalog 新题
FIB-L #141058 Belief 新题
Read Aloud
命中率:低 优先级:中
共 6-7 题,命中 1-5 题

借助 SST 文本、SWT 文本、FIB 文本作为陌生文段练习


Blue #011001

While blue is one of the most popular colors, it is one of the least appetizing. Food researchers say that when
humans searched for food, they learned to avoid toxic or spoiled objects, which were often blue, black or
purple. When food dyed blue is served to study subjects, they lose appetite.

Carbon Emission #011002

When countries assess their annual carbon emissions, they count up their cars and power stations, but bush
fires are not included – presumably because they are deemed to be events beyond human control. In Australia,
Victoria alone sees several hundred thousand hectares burn each year; in both 2004 and more recently, the
figure has been over one million hectares.

Tesla and Edison #011003

Tesla's theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current electric power systems. Thomas Edison
promised him almost one million dollars in today's money to undertake motor and generator improvement.
However, when Tesla, the ethical Serb, asked about the money, Edison’s reportedly reply was "Tesla, you don't
understand our American humor." The pair became arch-rivals.

Productive Capacity #011004

The core of the problem was the immense disparity between the country's productive capacity and the ability
of people to consume. Great innovations in productive techniques during and after the war raised the output of
industry beyond the purchasing capacity of U.S. farmers and wage earners.

Father #011005

Every morning, no matter how late he had been up, my father rose at five-thirty, went to his study, wrote for a
couple of hours, made us all breakfast, read the paper with my mother, and then went back to work for the rest
of the morning. Many years passed before I realized that he did this for a living.

Himalayas #011006

Although it comes from a remote region in the Himalayas, this plant now looks entirely at home on the banks
of English rivers. Brought to the UK in 1839 (eighteen thirty-nine), it quickly escaped, colonising riverbanks and
damp woodlands. Now it is spreading across Europe, New Zealand and Canada. In the Himalayas the plant is
held in check by various pests, and it grows and reproduces unhindered.

Pluto #011007

Pluto lost its official status when the International Astronomical Union downsized the solar system from nine to
eight planets. Although there had been passionate debate at the General Assembly Meeting in Prague about
the definition of a planet, and whether Pluto met the specifications, the audience greeted the decision to
exclude it with applause.

Fiscal Year #011008

At the beginning of each fiscal year funds are allocated to each State account in accordance with the
University's financial plan. Funds are allocated to each account by object of expenditure. Account managers are
responsible for ensuring that adequate funds are available in the appropriate object before initiating
transactions to use the funds.

Lincoln #011009

Lincoln's apparently radical change of mind about his war powers to emancipate slaves was caused by the
escalating scope of the war, which convinced him that any measure to weaken the Confederacy and strengthen
the Union war effort was justifiable as a military necessity.

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Shakespeare #011010

A young man from a small provincial town, a man without independent wealth, without powerful family
connections and without a university education, moves to London in the fifteen eighties, and becomes a
remarkable playwright of all time. How is an achievement of magnitude made? How does Shakespeare become

Domestication #011011

Domestication is an evolutionary, rather than a political development. They were more likely to survive and
prosper in an alliance with humans than on their own. Humans provided the animals with food and protection,
in exchange for which the animals provided the humans their milk and eggs and, yes, their flesh

Akimbo #011012

Akimbo, this must be one of the odder-looking words in the language and puzzles us in part because it doesn't
seem to have any relatives. What's more, it is now virtually a fossil word, until recently almost invariably found
in arms akimbo, a posture in which a person stands with hands on hips and elbows sharply bent outward, one
signalling impatience or hostility.

Yellow #011013

While yellow is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and
babies will cry more. It is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused.

Elephant #011014

The elephant is the largest living land mammal. During evolution, its skeleton has greatly altered from the usual
mammal, designed for two main reasons. One is to cope with the great weight of huge grinding cheek teeth
and elongated tusk, making the skull particularly massive. The other is to support the enormous bulk of such a
huge body.

Avi Loeb #011015

The situation is similar to a pregnant woman that has twin babies in her belly, says Avi Loeb of the Harvard-
Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. He's proposing the idea in a paper that's been accepted for publication in
the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Yellow Tulip #011016

How do we imagine the unimaginable? If we're asked to think of an object - say, a yellow tulip – a picture
immediately forms in our mind's eye. But what if we try to imagine a concept such as the square root of
negative number?

Grand Canyon #011017

Few things in the world produce such amazement as one's first glimpse of the Grand Canyon; it took around
more than 2 billion years to create this vast wonder in some places. 17 miles wide, largely through the
relentless force of the Colorado River, which runs 277 miles along its length and a mile beneath its towering

English Revolution #011018

There are three main interpretations of the English Revolution. The longest lasting interpretation was that the
Revolution was the almost inevitable outcome of an age-old power struggle between parliament and crown.
The second sees it as a class struggle, and a lead-up to the French and other revolutions. Finally, the third
interpretation sees the other two as too fixed, not allowing for unpredictability, and that the outcome could
have gone either way.

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Quotes #011019

Many papers you write in college will require you to include quotes from one or more sources. Even if you
don't have to do it, integrating a few quotes into your writing can add life and persuasiveness to your
arguments. The key is to use quotes to support a point you're trying to make rather than just include them to
fill space.

Global Warming #011020

Global warming is defined as an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere. This trend
began in the middle of the 20th century and is one of the major environmental concerns of scientists and
governmental officials worldwide. The changes in temperature result mostly from the effect of increased
concentrations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.

Marine Biologist #011021

The speaker is a marine biologist who became interested in the Strandlopers, an ancient people who lived on
the coastline, because of their connection to the sea. Their way of life intrigued him. As a child he had spent a
lot of time by the sea, exploring and collecting things – so he began to study them, and discovered some
interesting information about their way of life, how they hunted, what tools they used, and so on.

Company-Oriented Reforms #011022

The climate for doing business improved in Egypt more than in any other country last year, according to a
global study that revealed a wave of company-oriented reforms across the Middle East. The World Bank
rankings, which look at business regulations, also showed that the pace of business reforms in Eastern Europe
was overtaking East Asia.

Furniture #011023

There are perhaps three ways of looking at furniture: some people see it as purely functional and useful, and
don't bother themselves with aesthetics; others see it as essential to civilized living and concern themselves
with design and how the furniture will look in a room. In other words, function combined with aesthetics; and
yet others see furniture as a form of art.

Modern buildings #011024

Modern buildings have to achieve certain performance requirements, at least to satisfy those of building codes,
to provide a safe, healthy, and comfortable environment. However, these conditioned environments demand
resources in energy and materials, which are both limited in supply, to build and operate.

Historian #011026

As a historian, if you really want to understand the sensibilities of those who lived in the past, you must be like
a novelist and get into the skins of your characters and think and feel as they do. You are asked to imagine
what it's like to be a peasant in medieval times, asking the sort of questions a peasant might ask. What the
writer is saying is that a historian needs imaginative sympathy with ordinary people in the past.

Energy and Pollution #011030

Humans need to use energy in order to exist. So it is unsurprising that the way people have been producing
energy is largely responsible for current environmental problems. Pollution comes in many forms, but those
that are most concerning, because of their impact on health, result from the combustion of fuels in power
stations and cars.

The Border #011034

The border itself between Mexico and the United States is fraught with a mix of urban and desert terrain and

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spans over one thousand nine hundred miles. Both the uninhabited areas of the border and urban areas are
where the most drug trafficking and illegal crossings take place. Crime is prevalent in urban cities like El Paso,
Texas and San Diego, California.

Long-Distance Fliers #011035

Researchers think that long-distance fliers such as the American golden-plover and the white-rumped
sandpiper picked up the spores while lining their nests. Then when the birds arrive in new places they molt,
leaving behind the feathers and their precious cargo to start growing again at the other end of the world.

Moods #011038

Moods may also have an effect on how information is processed, by influencing the extent to which judges rely
on pre-existing, internal information, or focus on new, external information. Positive moods promote more
holistic and top-down processing style, while negative moods recruit more stimulus-driven and bottom-up

Integration #011042

Currently, integration is increasingly needed in the business environment. This need emerges from the
efficiency and synergy requirements necessary in a complex and turbulent environment. In other words,
integration is needed to facilitate coordination, which is again related to the building of competitive advantage.

War On Women #011047

While the Republican field is packed with male candidates, so far, some of the sharpest Clinton critics have
come from women. Democrats successfully campaigned on an alleged GOP perpetrated "war on women" in
2012, but faltered in 2014 when they tried the same tactic. With Hillary Clinton as the likely Democratic
nominee, the fight for women voters will be a central part of the 2016 campaign.

Glamorous Person #011048

Who do you think is the most glamorous person? A biotechnologist who led his company in international
research, an ordinary welder who gained international fame through his work, or a photographer
complimented widely for a series of photos?

Mitigation #011053

As far as politics go, the responses are just as varied. Mitigation is common and calls for a reduction of
emissions and less reliance on fossil fuels. Coal burning power plants are now replaced with hydraulic power
plants and electric cars are replacing some gasoline efficient cars. Many people, however, feel that this is not

Sleep Apnea #011061

The second group that is particularly vulnerable are night shift workers, and the third group that is particularly
vulnerable are people with sleep disorders, particularly sleep apnea. One out of three men and one out of six
women have sleep apnea. And yet, eighty-five percent are undiagnosed and untreated. And it more than
doubles the risk of crashes.

Brain Hemispheres [V1] #011078

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, called the left and the right hemispheres. Each hemisphere provides
a different set of functions, behaviors, and controls. The right hemisphere is often called the creative side of the
brain, while the left hemisphere is the logical or analytic side of the brain. The right hemisphere controls the left
side of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the right side.

Job of Doctor #011080

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In the fast-changing world of modern healthcare, the job of a doctor is more and more like the job of a chief
executive. The people who run hospitals and physician's practices don't just need to know medicine. They must
also be able to balance budgets, motivate a large and diverse staff and make difficult marketing and legal

Methodology #011084

Certain types of methodology are more suitable for some research projects than others. For example, the use of
questionnaires and surveys is more suitable for quantitative research whereas interviews and focus groups are
more often used for qualitative research purposes.

Microbes #011089

Such cross-protection is usually seen between two animals. But Gore studies the same sort of mutualism in
microbes. He and his team demonstrated the first experimental example of that cross-protective relationship in
drug-resistant microbes, using two strains of antibiotic-resistant E. coli bacteria: one resistant to ampicillin, the
other to chloramphenicol.

Augustus #011101

Augustus was given the powers of an absolute monarch, but he presented himself as the preserve of republican
traditions. He treated the Senate, or State Council, with great respect and successfully reduced the political
power of the army by retiring many soldiers by giving them land or money to keep their loyalty.

Industrial Revolution #011102

As to the Industrial Revolution, one cannot dispute today the fact that it has succeeded in inaugurating in a
number of countries a level of mass prosperity which was undreamt of in the days preceding the Industrial
Revolution. But, on the immediate impact of Industrial Revolution, there were substantial divergences among

Diversity of Language #011104

The diversity of human language may be compared to the diversity of the natural world. Just as the demise of
plant species reduces genetic diversity, and deprives humanity or potential medical and biological resources. So
extinction of language takes with it a wealth of culture, art and knowledge.

Vanilla #011106

The uniquely scented flavor of vanilla is second only to chocolate in popularity on the world's palate. It's also
the second most expensive spice after saffron. But highly labor-intensive cultivation methods and the plant's
temperamental life cycle and propagation mean production on a global scale is struggling to keep up with the
increasing demand for the product.

Living Room #011107

The living room is the most used part that withholds most of the traffic coming in and out of the house. It is
highly recommended that the flooring should be strong enough that it can endure all such amendments done
with your furniture or to the increasing and decreasing ratio of visitors. For this purpose, you can opt for
hardwood flooring. Being classy and sophisticated in look, it is the perfect choice for your living room whenever
you are remodeling your home.

Teacher’s instruction #011108

In classes, your teachers will talk about topics that you are studying. The information that they provide will be
important to know when you take tests. You must be able to take good written notes from what your teacher

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No ordinary book #011111

This book is no ordinary book and should not be read through from beginning to end. It contains many
different adventures, and the path you take will depend on the choices you make along the way. The success or
failure of your mission will hinge on the decisions you make, so think carefully before choosing.

Legal Writing #011113

Legal writing is usually less discursive than writing in other humanities subjects, and precision is more
important than variety. Sentence structure should not be too complex; it is usually unnecessary to make
extensive use of adjectives or adverbs, and consistency of terms is often required.

Semiconductor #011114

The semiconductor industry has been able to improve the performance of electronic systems for more than
four decades by making ever-smaller devices. However, this approach will soon encounter both scientific and
technical limits, which is why the industry is exploring a number of alternative device technologies.

Two Sisters #011115

Two sisters were at a dinner party when the conversation turned to upbringing. The elder sister started to say
that her parents had been very strict and that she had been rather frightened of them. Her sister, younger by
two years, interrupted in amazement. "What are you talking about?" she said, "Our parents were very lenient."

Japanese tea ceremony #011117

The Japanese tea ceremony is a ritual tour influenced by Buddhism in which green tea is prepared and served
to a small group of guests in a peaceful setting. The ceremony can take as long as four hours and there are
many traditional gestures that both the server and the guest must perform.

Russia #011119

Long isolated from Western Europe, Russia grew up without participating in the development like the
Reformation where many Europeans, taking pride in their unique culture, find dubious value. Russia is, as a
result, the most unusual member of European family, if indeed it is European at all. The question is still open to
debate, particularly among Russians themselves.

Australian English #011124

Australians speak English of course. But for many tourists and even some locals, Australian English has only
tenuous links with the mother tongue. Our speech is peppered with words and phrases whose arcane meanings
are understood only by the native speaker. It is these colorful colloquialisms that Australian slang is yet to truly

Statistical Information #011125

The provision of accurate and authoritative statistical information strengthens our society. It provides a basis
for decisions to be made on public policy, such as determining electoral boundaries and where to locate
schools and hospitals. It allows businesses to know their market, grow their business, and improve their
marketing strategies by targeting their activities appropriately.

Botswana #011128

Although Botswana's economic outlook remains strong, the devastation that AIDS has caused threatens to
destroy the country's future. In 2001, Botswana has the highest rate of HIV infection in the world. With the help
of international donors, it launched an ambitious national campaign that provided free antiviral drugs to
anyone who needed them, and by March 2004, Botswana's infection rate has dropped significantly.

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Environmental Policy Course #011130

Along with customary classes on subjects such as finance, accounting, and marketing, today's MBA students are
enrolling in courses for environmental policy and stewardship. Indeed, more than half of business schools
require a course in environmental sustainability or corporate social responsibility, according to a survey of 91
US business schools, published in October 2005.

Business School Admissions #011132

Business school admissions officers said the new drive to attract younger students was in part the result of a
realization that they had inadvertently limited their applicant pool by requiring several year's work experience.
Talented students who might otherwise have gone to business school instead opted for a law or policy degree
because they were intimidated by the expectation of work experience.

Online Shopping Environments #011133

A unique characteristic of online shopping environments is that they allow vendors to create retail interfaces
with highly interactive features. One desirable form of interactivity from a consumer perspective is the
implementation of sophisticated tools to assist shoppers in their purchase decisions by customizing the
electronic shopping environment to their individual preferences.

Hazard Assessment #011134

A Hazard Assessment should be performed for work involving distillations of organic liquids and should
thoroughly address issues relating to residual water and possible decomposition of the solvent in question, as
well as the physical placement of the distillation apparatus and heating equipment to be employed.

Bookkeepers #011135

A national study into fraud by bookkeepers employed at small and medium-sized businesses has uncovered
sixty-five instances of theft in more than five years, with more than thirty-one million dollars stolen. Of the
cases identified by the research, 56 involved women and nine instances involved men. However, male
bookkeepers who defrauded their employers stole three times, on average, the amount that women stole.

Domestic Work #011136

Traditional divisions of domestic work are understood to persist because of the strong association of the home
with femininity and paid work with masculinity, to challenge who does what in the home is arguably equivalent
to challenging what it is to be a woman or a man.

The Only Family #011137

Imagine living all your life as the only family on your street. Then, one morning, you open the front door and
discover houses all around you. You see neighbors tending their gardens and children walking to school. Where
did all the people come from? What if the answer turned out to be that they had always been there, you just
hadn't seen them?

The Most Measurable Benefit #011139

Perhaps the most measurable benefit of the program has been the opportunity to meet in small groups,
something that is difficult to arrange in such a desperate organization. Many officers would have to work
together for thirty years but would not know each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Teenage Girls #011140

Teenage girls are continuing to outperform boys in English while the gender gap in achievements in math and
science has almost disappeared. The figures show that last year eighty percent of fourteen-year-old girls
reached at least the expected Level Five in English, compared with sixty-five percent of boys. But in math, the

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girls are just one percent ahead of boys, while in science the difference is two percent.

Black Swan #011141

Before the discovery of Australia, people in the old world were convinced that all swans were white, an
unassailable belief as it seemed completely confirmed by empirical evidence. The sighting of the first black
swan might have been an interesting surprise for a few ornithologists, but that is not where the significance of
the story lies.

The Maximum Yield of Plants #011145

The maximum yield of plants, determined by their genetic potential, is seldom achieved because factors such as
insufficient water or nutrients, adverse climate conditions, plant diseases, and insect damage will limit growth at
some stage. Plants subjected to these biotic and abiotic constraints are said to be stressed.

Recycle #011148

When we recycle, used materials are converted into new products, reducing the need to consume natural
resources. If used materials are not recycled, new products are made by extracting fresh, raw material from the
Earth, through mining and forestry. Recycling helps conserve important raw materials and protects natural
habitats for the future.

Soil Samples #011150

Investigators also compared those microbes with those living in fifty-two other soil samples taken from all
around the planet. The park had organisms that also exist in deserts, frozen tundra, forests, rainforests, and
prairies. Antarctica was the only area that had microbes that did not overlap with those found in Central Park.
Only a small percentage of the park's microbes were found to be already listed in databases.

Rural Population #011151

Thus, a country might possess a sizeable rural population, but have an economic system in which the interests
of the voters were predominantly related to their incomes, not to their occupations or location; and in such a
country the political system would be unlikely to include an important agrarian party.

The Training of an Actor #011157

The training of an actor is an intensive process which requires curiosity, courage and commitment. You will
learn how to prepare for rehearsal, how to rehearse and how to use independent and proactive processes that
inform you to do the best work possible for both stage and screen.

Brain hemispheres [V2] #011163

The brain is divided into its hemispheres by a prominent groove. At the base of this lies nerve fibers which
enable these two halves of the brain to communicate with each other. But the left hemisphere usually controls
movement and sensation in the right side of the body, while the right hemisphere similarly controls the left side
of the body.

Scientific evidence #011168

The latest scientific evidence on the nature and strength of the links between diet and chronic diseases is
examined and discussed in detail in the following sections of this report. This section gives an overall view of
the current situation and trends in chronic diseases at the global level.

Australian Mining Industries #011171

Australia has one of the world's most important mining industries. It is a major exporter of coal, iron ore, gold,
bauxite, and copper, and is self-sufficient in all minerals bar petroleum. Since the first discoveries of coal in

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1798, mineral production has risen every year; in the decade to 1992, it doubled.

A thesis #011174

A thesis is a claim that you can argue for or against. It should be something that you can present persuasively
and clearly in the scope of your paper, so keep in mind the page count. If possible, your thesis should also be
somewhat original.

US Automobile market #011175

The United States is at present the world's market for motor cars and trucks. An agent for the U.S. Bureau of
Foreign and Domestic Commerce reports a prosperous condition of affairs prevailing in Japan, which is buying
more automobiles, especially large cars, than ever before.

Moon #011177

The asteroid that slammed into the moon 3.8 billion years ago creating the Imbrium Basin may have had a
diameter of at least 150 miles, according to a new estimate. The work helps explain puzzling geological features
on the moon's near side, and has implications for understanding the evolution of the early solar system.

Deaf children #011179

Deaf children learning a language could certainly pursue the development of listening and spoken language
skills if desired, and doing so would carry much less risk knowing the child would have mastery in at least one
language. If a child does not succeed in mastering either a spoken language or a sign language, we must then
ask how much benefit the child derived from interventions in each language relative to the amount of time and
resources dedicated to those interventions

Summary and abstract #011180

The terms summary and abstract are often used interchangeably resulting in some confusion. This problem
arises because there are two distinct types of abstracts, descriptive and informative. The informative abstract is
sometimes called summary; the descriptive is not. The descriptive abstract is usually only two or three
sentences in length, hence it is not a summary or very informative.

Food is important #011181

Food is one of the most important things you'll ever buy. And yet most people never bother to think about
their food and where it comes from. People spend a lot more time worrying about what kind of blue jeans to
wear, what kind of video games to play, what kind of computers to buy.

Microscopic invaders #011182

We all know about bacteria, viruses, and microscopic protozoa. We can watch the way that these tiny agents
move into our bodies and damage our organs. We have a growing understanding of how our body mounts
defensive strategies that fight off these invaders, and have built some clever chemical that can help mount an
assault on these bio-villains.

Demographic change #011184

How quickly this occurs depends on the dynamics of fertility, mortality and overseas migration. While a
moderate pace of demographic change allows for gradual adjustment of the economy and policies to the
changing population demographics, rapid changes are more difficult to manage. As a result, governments and
society as a whole may need to take actions to address these issues.

Ozone ascents #011190

A total of five ozone ascents were taken at Indian mission Antarctica from April to June 2016 (two thousand

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and sixteen). As stratospheric temperatures reduced to -82.24℃ (negative eighty-two point twenty-four degree
Celsius) on the twentieth of June 2016 (two thousand and sixteen) indicating the formation of stratospheric
clouds, leading scientists feared that Montreal Accord has not succeeded to control the emission of ozone-
depleting gases in the atmosphere.

Charlie Chaplin #011191

Charlie Chaplin and his brother Sydney were placed in an orphanage at a very early age. Becoming a vaudeville
performer, he joined Fred Karno's company in 1906 (nineteen-o-six). He made his film debut in Making a Living
and introduced the famous seedy and soft-hearted gentleman-tramp routine, which became his hallmark.
Numerous films for various studios brought him world fame, all based on his mastery of pathos and slapstick

History is selective #011194

History is selective. What history books tell us about the past is not everything that happened, but what
historians have selected. They cannot put in everything: choices have to be made. Choices must similarly be
made about which aspects of the past should be formally taught to the next generation in the shape of school
history lessons.

Tissues and organs #011195

Tissues are grouped together in the body to form organs. These include the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and
liver. Each body organ has a specific shape and is made up of different types of tissue that work together. For
example, the heart consists mainly of a specialized type of muscle tissue, which contracts rhythmically to
provide the heart's pumping action.

Hunter-gatherer #011196

The life of a hunter-gatherer is indeed, as Thomas Hobbes said of the state of nature, 'solitary, poor, nasty,
brutish, and short'. In some respects, to be sure, wandering through the jungle bagging monkeys may be
preferable to the hard slog of subsistence agriculture.

Blue whales #011197

Blue whales are the largest living mammals. Though reports of maximum length and weight vary from one
account to another, Antarctic blue whales are known to have reached lengths to 100 feet and weights of over
150 tons before stocks were severely depleted by whaling operations.

Delta variant of coronavirus #011198

As the Delta variant of coronavirus sweeps the US, businesses, universities and cities such as New York and San
Francisco have introduced vaccine mandates to boost uptake of jabs, but vaccine hesitancy remains high and a
cottage industry for bogus inoculation cards has emerged to help people get around the rules.

Beginning of the lecture #011200

Don’t miss the very beginning of a lecture since that is often the most valuable part. For instance, because it
reviews previous lectures or outlines objectives and lecture structure. If you easily get distracted by other
students, sit near the front.

Mature trees #011201

The wonderful framework of mature trees creates a secluded enclosed atmosphere that unites a great variety of
plantings to inspire visitors in all seasons. Spring in the garden is marked by the leafing up and flowering of
trees and eruption of flowers in the bulb meadows and woodland understory.

Tourism #011202

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Tourism is a challenging sector that divides statistics since businesses serve tourists, also serve local people.
Therefore, it is not straightforward to estimate how much business sectors’ revenues and how many jobs are
due to tourist expenditures.

Dyes and pigments #011205

The dyes and pigments available in any particular period in which a specific color photographic process was
invented, manufactured and used have profound effects on the quality of color that defines most of the style
and particular historical period.

Primitive men #011206

The findings of modern research support the view that the evolution of primitive men and its culture should be
regarded as “unity.” Yet this unity is exceedingly complex, and future research will doubtless enable us to
make finer distinctions between the periods that people composed it.

Changes in climate #011209

Changes in climate affect, for example, the plant and animal life of a given area. The presence of coal beds in
North America and Europe along with evidence of glaciation in these same areas indicates that they must have
experienced alternately warmer and colder climates than they now possess.

Contribution to the book #011210

Many individuals have unwittingly contributed to this book through sharing ideas with us as colleagues,
students, practitioners, tourists, and residents of destination areas. They are too numerous to thank individually.
And indeed, it is not possible to isolate exactly their specific contributions.

Graduate admission school #011211

Since our graduate admission school is not centralized, each of the university schools and colleges admits
students to its own programs. For information about specific program degrees, graduate applications, graduate
admission requirements and procedures, graduate scholarships and status of your application, visit the
individual school websites.

Central aim #011212

Our central aim is to enable you to develop knowledge and attitudes and skills that are conducive to
constructive involvement, cooperation and teamwork with others and will serve you well in future endeavors.
To succeed, the process demands all of us a serious exercise in civic responsibility.

Lincoln’s executive order #011214

But on May 3rd a couple of weeks later, Lincoln issued an executive order calling for 43,000 3-year volunteers
for the army and also increasing the size of the regular army and navy by 40,000 men. Both these actions were
in apparent violation of the constitution.

Your thesis #011215

It is normally expected that the final version of your thesis which must be submitted to the university library in
both hardcopy and electronic form will be freely available to the public. Once in the library, your thesis may be
consulted, borrowed and copied in accordance with the regulations.

The committee #011216

The committee would also like to express its gratitude to the independent assessors who joined the committee
for consideration of each case. Their expertise and advice play a vital role in our work. A list of independent
assessors who attended meetings during this reporting year is included at Appendix D.

第 11 页 /共 152 页
Summer research scholarships #011217

Summer research scholarships offer a unique opportunity for external organizations, academics, and students
to work together in research. Working with globally recognized researchers in the local setting, students will
gain valuable real-world experience as well as an insight into what research is all about.

Windows in the painting #011220

We can see from the X-rays that at an early stage of painting, a window was painted in at the left of the
portrait. It seems that there may have been two windows in the initial design for the portrait or that the window
was moved at an early stage.

Book structure #011222

Any writer must decide upon an order and a structure for a book in keeping with the reflexive nature of the
work. There are strong currents of reiteration in the book, with each iteration developing understandings of
research, theory, and practice as the story continues to unfold.

An industry or workplace #011224

An industry or workplace often has its own terms for certain items, places, or groups of people, and university is
no different. Here we have attempted to explain some of the terms you may come across on our websites that
are specific to higher education.

Conversation structure #011225

Surprisingly, despite what appear to be infinite variations, all difficult conversations share a common structure.
When you’re caught up in the details and anxiety of a particular difficult conversation, this structure is hard to
see. But understanding that structure is essential to improve how you handle your most challenging

Eminent professors #011226

Written by three eminent professors, it has been updated to reflect the shifts of sociological thought in the last
five years, making it the most comprehensive, authoritative and up-to-date dictionary available. It is essential
reading for all students and teachers of sociology and other related courses - and also the general reader.

Endangered languages #011227

Despite a number of events in recent years devoted to language diversity, language endangerment, and
multilingualism, such as the International Year of Languages, public awareness of the issues is still remarkably
limited. Only one in four of the population know that half the languages of the world are so seriously
endangered that they are unlikely to survive the present century.

Electric vehicles have arrived #011228

Electric vehicles have arrived. With technology led by Tesla, and all of the world's major car manufacturers
following along behind, electric vehicles are now a common sight on the roads of most developed countries.
Yet the situation in less developed countries is rather different; the only African country to have started the
change to electric vehicles is South Africa.

Barley grains #011229

University of Adelaide researchers have uncovered fundamental new information about the malting
characteristics of barley grains. They say their finding could pave the way to more stable brewing processes or
new malts for craft brewers. Published in the Nature publication Scientific Reports, the researchers discovered a
new link between one of the key enzymes involved in malt production for brewing and a specific tissue layer
within the barley grain.

第 12 页 /共 152 页
Babies’ hearing #011230

Most babies start developing their hearing while still in the womb, prompting some hopeful parents to play
classical music to their pregnant bellies. Some research even suggests that infants are listening to adult speech
as early as 10 weeks before birth, gathering the basic building blocks of their family's native tongue.

Restaurant location #011231

The physical location of a restaurant in the competitive landscape of the city has long been known as a major
factor in its likely success or failure. Once restaurants are established in such environments they can do little
about their location. All they can do is work to improve customer access to their premises. Restaurateurs often
do this by engaging in battles with local authorities about car parking.

Humanities and social sciences #011232

We believe in the inherent value of research in the humanities and social sciences. And our research data
agenda is given by the pursuit of new knowledge that will be of benefit of Australia and the world. We offer
one of the most comprehensive programs in the humanities and social sciences in Australia and the Asian
Pacific region.

Making notes #011233

The whole purpose of making notes is to aid your learning. It is important to go back over them within a day of
making them to make sure they make sense and make them legible for future revisions. Also, going back over
them should highlight the key questions of areas in which you want to do further reading.

The word radical #011234

The word radical from the Latin word for roots means anyone who advocates fundamental change in the
political system. Literally, a radical is one who proposes to attack some political or social problem by going
deep into the social or economic fabric to get at the root cause and alter this basic weakness.

New textbook #011235

This is a new, accessible and engaging textbook written by academics who also work as consultants with
organizations undergoing change. It offers a unique combination of rigorous theoretical exploration together
with practical insights from working with those who are actually responsible for managing change.

Volcano behaviors #011236

There were various explanations for volcano behavior before the structure of the earth mantle as a semisolid
material was developed. For decades, awareness that compression and radioactive materials may be heat
sources was discounted and volcanic action was often attributed to chemical reactions and a thin layer of
molten rock near the surface.

Emigrants to North America #011237

In the late 16th and 17th centuries, many English, French and Dutch emigrants went to North America in search
of gold and silver. But they did not find it. Instead, settlers were forced to support themselves by cultivating
crops that they could sell in Europe, like tobacco, indigo and rice.

The natural environment #011238

The natural environment can be hazardous, and, with increased travel and leisure, people today are more likely
than ever to be exposed to potentially life-threatening conditions. Although the human body can adjust to
some extent, it cannot cope with poisons or prolonged exposure to extremes of environment.

Learner's experience #011239

第 13 页 /共 152 页
We seek to improve learner's experience of education at college and help them to aspire, achieve and progress.
We must embed equality and diversity in everything we do, both as a provider and an employer. We hope to
prepare our students for work, higher education and citizenship by equipping our staff with the skills to meet
this agenda.

Terms for certain items #011240

An industry or work place often has its own terms for certain items, places, or groups of people, and a
university is no different. Here we have attempted to explain some of the terms you may come across on our
website that are specific to higher education.

Tortoise #011241

The tortoise size and shell shape varies depending on where they live. The shell is made of bone and is a dull
brown color. Their rips, backbone and breastbone have become part of the shell, which is why you can never
separate the tortoise from its shell.

Consumer culture #011242

In this course, we will explore how such things as department stores, nationally advertised brand-name goods,
mass produced cars and suburbs transformed the American economy, society and politics. The course is
organized both thematically and chronologically. Each period deals with a new development in the history of
consumer culture.

Attending the theater #011243

Experts discuss the significance of attending the theater as a civic occasion, associated with the political and
cultural achievements of Athens. Through archeology and analyses of contemporary art forms such as
decoration on pottery, a picture is built up of ancient Greek theater.

Norms and values #011244

Members of a culture must conform to its norms for the culture to exist and function. Hence, members must
want to conform and obey rules. They first must internalize the social norms and values that dictate what is
normal for the culture. Then they must socialize or teach norms and values to their children.

Art as expression #011245

Expression became important during the Romantic movement with artwork expressing a definite feeling, as in
the sublime or dramatic. Audience response was important, for the artwork was intended to evoke an
emotional response. This definition holds true today, as artists look to connect with and evoke responses from
their viewers.

Antarctica #011246

The world's fifth-largest continent Antarctica is almost entirely covered by ice over 2000 (two thousand) meters
thick. The area sustains a varied wildlife, including seals, whales, and penguins. The Antarctic Treaty, signed in
1959 (nineteen fifty-nine) and in force since 1961 (nineteen sixty-one), provides for international governance of
Antarctica. To gain Consultative Status, countries have to set up a program of scientific research into the
continent. Following a 1994 (nineteen ninety-four) international agreement, a whale sanctuary was established
around Antarctica.

William Shakespeare #011247

Three hundred and eighty years after his death, William Shakespeare remains the central author of the English-
speaking world; he is the most quoted poet and the most regularly produced playwright — and now among
the most popular screenwriters as well. Why is that, and who "is" he? Why do so many people think his writing
is so great? What meanings did his plays have in his own time, and how do we read, speak, or listen to his

第 14 页 /共 152 页
words now?

Giving helps with depression #011248

At a time when stress levels are soaring, rates of depression are increasing and the gap between rich and poor
is ever widening. We believe that giving can play a positive role in helping people to feel connected to those
around them and generate a sense of purpose and hope. When we give, we feel valued, useful and happy.

Your tutor #011249

Your tutor helps you make the most of your time at university by giving you guidance and support along the
way. All new students are allocated a personal tutor who will encourage you to get the most out of your course,
direct you to other sources of support and help you achieve your goals.

Attendance at cultural venues #011250

To some extent, attendance at cultural venues and events is influenced by a person's age and the composition
of the household in which they live. For example, those people in households with dependent children were
more likely to visit zoological parks and aquariums than people living in single person households.

Get enough fluid #011251

Your body is nearly two-thirds water. And so it is really important that you consume enough fluid to stay
hydrated and healthy. If you don't get enough fluid you may feel tired, get headaches, and not perform at your

A single research study #011252

Rarely, however, does a single research study produce the certainty needed to assume that the same results will
apply in all or most settings. Rather, research is usually an ongoing process, based on many accumulated
understandings and explanations that, when taken together, lead to a generalization of educational issues and
ultimately, to the development of theories.

University #011037

A university is a lot more than just classes and exams. University is a concept that offers you a host of
possibilities to develop both academically and personally. Find out about the different projects, clubs and
societies that are in your university. You will definitely find something you are interested in.

Natural Selection #011090

Charles Darwin published his paper "On the Origin of Species" in 1859. It is one of the most well-known pieces
of scientific literature in human history. In the paper, Darwin proposes the theory of natural selection. He states
that for any generation of any species, there will always be a struggle for survival. Individuals who are better
suited to the environment are "fitter", and therefore have a much higher chance of surviving and reproducing.
This means that later generations are likely to inherit these stronger genetic traits.

Botanic Garden #011092

Botanic gardens are scientific and cultural institutions established to collect, study, exchange, and display plants
for research and for the education and enjoyment of the public. There are major botanic gardens in each capital
city. Zoological parks and aquariums are primarily engaged in the breeding, preservation, and display of native
and exotic fauna in captivity.

Clouds #011094

Howard believed that all clouds belonged to three distinct groups: cumulus, stratus and cirrus. He added a
fourth category, nimbus, to describe a cloud "in the act of condensation into rain, hail or snow." It is by

第 15 页 /共 152 页
observing how clouds change colour and shape that weather can be predicted, and as long as the first three of
cloud keep their normal shape there won't be any rain.

Telecommunication #011178

Today, telecommunication is widespread and devices that assist the progress are common in many parts of the
world. There is also a vast array of networks that connect these devices, including computer, telephone and
cable networks. Computer communication across the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging, is just one
of many examples of telecommunication.

Walking tour #011204

The information session is a 45-minute presentation conducted by an admission representative. Immediately

following the session is a 90-minute walking tour of the campus led by a student ambassador. Walking tours of
the campus generally include classroom buildings, a residence hall room, a dining hall, the library, athletic
facilities, performing art facilities, and the student union.

Flood control #011207

We’ve spent a lot of money over the last 70 years on flood control, and it’s protected millions of people and
has saved us billions of dollars. We’ve built dams to hold back the waters. We’ve built levees to keep the
water off the people, and we’ve raised the ones that were originally started in 1718.

Macroeconomics #011208

This report includes a huge swath of macroeconomics, such as the effects of tax reform, a new industrial policy,
and understanding how to deal with the uncertainty inherent in global financial market. But it also covers key
areas of microeconomic policies, such as boosting laggardly rates of productivity.

Our major conclusion #011223

Our major conclusion is that the current measure needs to be revised. It no longer provides an accurate picture
of the differences in the extent of economic poverty among population groups or geographic areas of the
country, nor an accurate picture of trends over time.

第 16 页 /共 152 页
Repeat Sentence
命中率:中 优先级:高
共 10-12 句,命中 2-6 句



1.A computer virus destroyed all my files. #021001
2.A lot of agricultural workers came to the east end to look for alternative work. #021002
3.A periodical is a publication that is issued regularly. #021003
4.A preliminary bibliography is due the week before spring break. #021004
5.A study skill seminar is on for the students who require assistance. #021005
6.A full bibliography is needed at the end of all the assignments. #021006
7.All essays and seminar papers submitted must be emailed to your tutor. #021007
8.All filed assignments should have a full list of bibliography. #021008
9.All necessary information is in the assignment. #021009
10.Any text or references you make should be cited appropriately in the footnotes. #021017
11.Anyone who has a problem with their accommodation should speak to the welfare officer. #021018
12.Basketball was created in eighteen ninety one by a physical instructor. #021019
13.Being a vegan means not consuming any animal product. #021021
14.Conferences are always scheduled on the third Wednesday of the month. #021022
15.Dr. Green's office has been moved to the second floor of the building. #021025
16.The African elephant is the largest living land mammal in the world. #021030
17.Even with a permit, finding a parking spot on campus is almost impossible. #021032
18.Farmers do not always receive price for agricultural goods. #021033
19.I believe children should read aloud more. #021038
20.I will be in my office every day from ten to twelve. #021044
21.I've got a tutorial in an hour and I haven't had any time to prepare for it. #021048
22.In the last few weeks, we've been looking at various aspects of the social history of London. #021052


第 17 页 /共 152 页
23.It is important to take gender into account when discussing the figures. #021056
24.Meteorology is a detailed study of earth's atmosphere. #021067
25.No more than four people can be in the lab at once. #021077
26.The portfolio is due at the internal review office no later than Tuesday. #021089
27.Put the knife and fork next to the spoon near the edge of the table. #021090
28.The residence hall is closed prior to the academic building closing time at the end of the semester. #021092

29.Sport is the main cause of traumatic brain injury in the United States. #021096
30.Students are so scared of writing essays because they have never learned how. #021099
31.The agricultural sector in that country is heavily subsidized. #021106
32.The Internet provides unusual opportunities for students and current events. #021109
33.The course comprises twenty hours of lectures, seminars, and tutorials per week. #021110
34.Each group should submit a rough outline of their project to their tutor. #021112
35.The contest includes both land living history and the human history. #021116
36.I would like an egg and tomatoes on white sandwich bread with orange juice. #021119
37.These developments are discussed in more depth in Chapter nine. #021121
38.The first few sentences of an essay should capture the reader's attention. #021124
39.The initial results are intriguing; however, statistically speaking they are insignificant. #021128
40. The minimal mark for Distinction to be awarded is 75%. #021135
41.The office opens on Mondays and Thursdays directly following the freshman induction seminar. #021137

42.The original Olympic Games were celebrated as religious festivals. #021139
43.The part of the story is the story of my father. #021140
44.The School of Arts and Design has an open day on Thursday next week. #021149

第 18 页 /共 152 页
45.The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. #021160
46.To receive the reimbursement, you must keep the original receipts. #021178
47.We are delighted to have professor Robert to join our faculty. #021182
48.We are not going to accept the assignment after the due date on Friday. #021183
49.We offer a broad range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. #021190
50.You should raise your concern with the head of school. #021202
51.You will be informed of the results by email. #021203
52.A demonstrated ability to write clear, correct and concise English is bigotry. #021207
53.Biographical information should be removed prior to the publication of the results. #021208
54.Due to the rising demand for courses, the university should also increase their academic staff, too. #021211

55.We're constantly looking for ways to bring industry and agriculture close together. #021214
56.I can't attend the lecture because I have a doctor's appointment. #021215
57.Newspapers across the country have been reporting stories of the president. #021225
58.No crop responds more readily to careful husbandry and skillful cultivation. #021226
59.Our young people need education and more organized activities. #021227
60.Unfortunately, the two most interesting economic selective subjects clash on my timetable. #021239
61.To answer such a complex question with a simple yes or no is absolutely impossible. #021246
62.I would like a tomato and cheese sandwich on white bread and orange juice. #021253
63.Students have the opportunity to share their lunch during the common lunch break around noon. #021255

64.Physics is the study of matter and energy. #021263
65.The library is located on the other side of the campus behind the student center. #021273

第 19 页 /共 152 页
66.The small Indian state is a land of forests, valleys and snowy islands. #021276
67.The U.S. ranks the twenty second in foreign aid, given as a percentage of GDP. #021280
68.In our university, students have access to thirteen college libraries. #021284
69.The problem with this is that something fails to answer the basic question. #021285
70.All of our accommodation is within a walking distance to the academic buildings. #021290
71.Higher fees make students think more critically about what universities can offer. #021301
72.The United States has the maximum production of chocolate. #021309
73.Anatomy is the study of the body's internal and external structures. #021311
74.Hypothetically, insufficient mastery of comprehension slows future progress. #021323
75.Our school of Arts and Technology accepts applications at all points throughout the year. #021324
76.The negative discourse continues to be predominant in discussions about gender. #021328
77.The genetic biology technology lab is located in the North Wing of the library. #021335
78.In English, the months of the year are always capitalized. #021345
79.The hypothesis on the black hole is rendered moot as the explanation for the explosion. #021346
80.Restricted scholarships target principally at the students with specific goals. #021350
81.He is almost never in his office. #021353
82.It's within the framework that we carry out our survey. #021356
83.In marketing, short-term thinking often leads to disasters. #021359
84.Those students have to retake the module if their marks are too low. #021363
85.Politics combine both legislative and political authorities. #021366
86.The cafeteria closes soon, but snack machines are accessible throughout the night #021367
87.We did not think there is any notable variance between two of the three tests. #021371
88.Please explain what the author means by "sustainability". #021376

第 20 页 /共 152 页
89.I didn't agree with the author's argument, but his presentation was good. #021382
90.Once more under the pressure of economic necessity, practice outstripped theory. #021394
91.The number of companies in bankruptcy skyrocketed in the third quarter. #021398
92.Contemporary critics dismissed his idea as eccentric. #021407
93.The brain can be called the central computer of the body. #021410
94.It is argued that students can learn more collaborating rather than as individuals. #021414
95.Only those who are over eighteen years of age are eligible to open a bank account in our bank. #021422

96.The university celebrated the Earth Day by planting trees. #021423
97.Please be careful when using online translation programs. #021431
98.Living in the 21st century is increasingly stressful. #021432
99.The library is located on the north side of the campus. #021441
100.We have three distinctive libraries which are nationally acclaimed. #021442
101.The main sports on campus are rugby, soccer, and tennis. #021453
102.It is clear that the effects of climate change will damage the world economy. #021454
103.The framework will allow us to pose further research questions systematically. #021455
104.Read the safety instructions before using the equipment during the workshop. #021458
105.The website has probably the most attractive layout. #021467
106.Note that the deadline for the submission of proposals has been extended for a week. #021477

107.There is a fitness center next to the student union. #021486
108.The deadline for the submission is closed on Wednesday, the 4th of February. #021488
109.For further information, please contact a member of our administrative team. #021496

第 21 页 /共 152 页
110.The professor plans to discuss issues in the news that reflect concepts taught in class. #021498
111.The first draft of the presentation is almost ready. #021500
112.Would you pass me the textbook on that table? #021503
113.Keeping organized class notes will make study time more efficient. #021508
114.Students can choose graduate certificate, graduate diploma and master course. #021512
115.This office is for students who want to study abroad. #021514
116.Animal behavior appears to contain both similar and distinct aspects to that of humans. #021515
117.Tomorrow evening, there's a panel discussion on sustainable development. #021516
118.We are not able to accept assignments submitted after Friday's deadline. #021517
119.It's a great privilege to welcome our guest speaker to our college. #021518
120.All postgraduate students in the department are encouraged to participate in these seminars. #021519

121.The examples on the theory of social capital were a challenge to grasp. #021520
122.Key aspects of this investigative paradigm may prove useful in other spheres. #021521
123.You realize that you can deal with a lot of situations. #021522
124.I have lectures on Tuesday from nine o’clock until two o’clock. #021523
125.Speaking one or more foreign languages will be useful in your career. #021524
126.One of the first mass transit systems was located in France. #021525
127.All the works you consult need to be mentioned in the bibliography. #021526
128.There are many welcoming activities for new undergraduate and postgraduate students. #021527
129.This will be the first art exhibition to be held by the university. #021528
130.I think that to raise the issue and to talk about it is great. #021529
131.The university hosts a wide range of events both on and off campus. #021530

第 22 页 /共 152 页
132.Our capacity to serve the community is a vital part of our role. #021531
133.A balanced diet will help you study more effectively. #021532
134.At the end of the day, people want to profit from return on their investment. #021533
135.The support and advice of lecturers within the department has been invaluable. #021534
136.Tomorrow's lecture has been canceled due to the power cut. #021535
137.Today we have a guest speaker who is visiting from Canada. #021536
138.Please make sure you use the standard form of quotation. #021537
139.But they haven't come into widespread use yet. #021538
140.Please read the article that was given out yesterday. #021539
141.Compiling a bibliography can present a major challenge for some students. #021540
142.By logging in, you agree to all terms and conditions regarding your enrollment. #021541
143.We weren't able to agree on the appropriate independent variables. #021542
144.All the assignments should be submitted by the end of this week. #021014
145.Essays should be typed with double space in white paper. #021031
146.I'll start with a brief history of the district, and then focus on life in the first half of the 20th century.
147.Meeting with mentors could be arranged for students who need additional help. #021066
148.The pharmacy was closed when I went past this morning. #021141
149.Interpreters are not readily available in this department. #021221
150.Organic food is grown without applying chemicals and possesses no artificial additives. #021262
151.Please do not bring food into the classroom. #021294
152.In consultation with your supervisor, your thesis is approved by the faculty committee. #021389
153.You may use your student identification card to borrow books at the library. #021504

第 23 页 /共 152 页
Describe Image
命中率:中 优先级:中
共 3-4 题,命中 1-2 题




重回:#031293 Iron Age Hut

Years to Double Population #031001 Total Population of Thoralby #031004

Number of arrests per year for using illegal drugs Litchfield Population Growth #031010

Life Expectancy (Years) at Birth by Sex World Income Distribution and Poverty Line in
#031021 1970 and 1990 #031030

第 24 页 /共 152 页
World population development #031035 Overseas Visitors to Three Different Areas in a
European Country 1987-2007 #031040

Indonesia and Malaysia Palm Oil Production Australian Age Group #031053

Pupil/Teacher Ratio in Primary Schools, January Earnings and Unemployment Rates by Educational
1997 #031055 Attainment #031071

第 25 页 /共 152 页
Age Percentage in UK #031082 What Determines Happiness? #031114

The Average Household Energy Consumption Size of Nine Planets #031141


Typing Postures #031142 Adults Healthy BMI Chart #031143

第 26 页 /共 152 页
How Solar Yard Lights Work #031145 Food Pyramid #031148

Oxbow Lake Formation #031152 Student Accommodation - Floor Plan


第 27 页 /共 152 页
The World’s Water #031164 Fish Count in Daytime and Nighttime

Lunar Cycle affects Fish Catch Rates Computers Then and Now #031168

Different Heights of Four Trees #031169 Human Arms and Wings #031170

第 28 页 /共 152 页
Wind Power to Electricity #031172 Bird Feeder #031174

Parts of a Tree #031175 Population Density in Australia 2011


Germination of Bean Plants #031201 Water Cycle (color) #031202

第 29 页 /共 152 页
Cycle of an Apple Tree #031209 Simple Circuit with Light #031221

Sitting Postures When Typing #031248 Eclipse #031259

Tomato Life Cycle #031277 Ice Shelf #031282

第 30 页 /共 152 页
Fruits #031284 Students at the lab #031291

Iron Age Hut #031293 The world's biggest chocolate consumers


Australian Domestic Airline Passengers Main Hall #031319


第 31 页 /共 152 页
Ontario manufacturing employment and the Food price vs oil price #031036
Canadian dollar exchange #031016

Student Accommodation of Southampton

University #031146

第 32 页 /共 152 页
Retell Lecture
命中率:低 优先级:低
共 1-2 题,命中 1-2 题




Australian export 澳大利亚出口 #041001

Brain development 大脑发育 #041002

Darkness between galaxies 银河系的黑暗 #041003

Bomb calorimeter 弹式测热仪 #041005

Air Pollution 空气污染 #041010

Monkey and Typewriter 猴子打字 #041011

Children Obesity 儿童肥胖问题 #041024

Teaching 老教授谈教学 #041026

The Large Hadron Collider 大型强子对撞机 #041027

Civilization 人类文明进程 #041029

Biomedical Engineering 生物医学工程 #041033

Loggerhead turtles 红海龟迁徙路线 #041040

Mars and Earth 地球和火星 #041045

Cloud Formation 云的行成 #041054

The Politics of Happiness 幸福指数与政治 #041060

London Taxi Service 伦敦出租车 #041062

Image of animals 动物图像 #041063

Win-win Solutions 双赢局面 #041071

Interval training 间歇性训练 #041072

Bilingual Parents 双语父母 #041095

Internal and External Factors人类行为的内外因素 #041104

Wind power 风力发电 #041107

Boys and Girls in Math and English 男女生数学英语成绩 #041109

Solar Energy 太阳能 #041111

Creativity 创造力 #041112

Cosmic Civilization 宇宙文明 #041115

Aging 人口老龄化 #041120

Shy Fish and Bold Fish 胆小鱼群实验 #041126

Overfishing 过度捕捞 #041137

Animal Behaviors [Why] #041153

Fatherhood 父亲角色 #041156

Face Recognition 面部识别技术 #041157

第 33 页 /共 152 页
Universal philosophy 普遍哲学 #041158

Art and culture 艺术与文化 #041159

The Springtime Phenomena 早春现象 #041127

Glass Ceiling 女性职业天花板 #041135

第 34 页 /共 152 页
Answer Short Questions
命中率:低 优先级:低
共 5-6 题,命中 1-2 题




1.A business doesn’t want to make a loss - what does it want to make? - - Profit #051001
2.What would call a doctor who sells prescribed medicines? - - Pharmacist / Chemist. #051002
3.What is the legal document protecting someone's intellectual property? - - Patent #051003
4.What would you call a specialist who repairs leaking water pipes? - - Plumber #051008
5.A portable breathing apparatus for divers - - Aqua lung #051010
6.At what ceremony do students receive their degree or diploma at the end of their period of study? - –
Graduation #051011
7.What is the behavior when an animal changes its color to match the environment for protection? - -
Camouflage #051012
8.Apples and cherries come under which category? - - Fruits. #051013
9.What do you call the person who faces you in a court? - – Judge #051019
10.How many years are there in a millennium? - One thousand. #051035
11.How would you call people who study ancient bones, rocks and plants? - - Paleontologist. #051040
12.In addition to A, E, what are the other three vowel letters? - - I, O, U. #051045
13.In which direction does the Sun arise from? - - East #051064
14.What do you call a group of mountains? - - Range. #051065
15.What is the term to specifically describe either a brother or a sister? - - Sibling. #051077
16.What are winter, spring, summer and autumn? - – Seasons #051098
17.What do ophthalmologist specialize in? - - Eye operations #051103
18.What do we call the alphabetical list, at the end of the book that tells you where to find specific information?
- —Index #051111
19.Who is the person who works in a hospital and can do operations? - – Surgeon. #051128
20.When you bake a cake, where do you put the tray into? - Oven. #051166
21.What is the important document that can prove you are eligible to drive a car? - – Driver's license #051169

22.What instrument is used for measuring temperature? - Thermometer #051175

23.When it’s raining, what object would you raise over your head? - - Umbrella. #051177
24.What do you call a period of ten years? - – A decade #051213
25.What do we call the site of a college or university's buildings? - - Campus #051219
26.Where would you go to see an exhibition of art works? - Gallery #051230
27.Which sweet food do bees produce? - – Honey #051251
28.Who is a person that makes bread, cakes and pastries? - – Baker #051255
29.What do we call the thread in the center of the candle? - - Wick #051268
30.In what industry do you work if your job is to extract minerals from below the Earth's surface? - - Mining
31.What is the private teacher who gives you lessons outside school hours? - - Tutor #051287
32.If someone has a couple of kids, how many kids does he have? - - Two #051292
33.In what room do scientists usually do experiments? - Laboratory. #051303
34.What do you call the red liquid that transports oxygen through your body? - - Blood. #051305
35.What is the word for a book that someone writes in order to tell the story of their own life? - -
Autobiography. #051320

第 35 页 /共 152 页
36.What is the act of sending goods to another country for sale called? - - Export. #051330
37.What are the mountains that can erupt? - - Volcano. #051333
38.What shape has four sides of the same length? - - Square #051338
39.How many eggs are there in a dozen? - Twelve. #051341
40.What is the word or expression that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word in the same
language? - - Synonym. #051357
41.A newspaper is published everyday, and a journal is published every month. What do you call the
publication that is published four times a year? - - Quarterly #051363
42.What's the relationship between two people sharing the same opinion? - - Agreement. #051391
43.What is the job that people fly an airplane? - - Pilot. #051406
44.What do the following belong to: roses, daisies, tulips, etc? - - Flowers #051408
45.What do we call a person who studies the past? - – Historian #051429
46.How would you describe someone who can speak two languages? - – Bilingual. #051434
47.What is the horizontal line that separates the globe into two same halves? - - Equator. #051445
48.What word means the opposite of artificial? - - Natural. #051447
49.What do we call trouser-like clothing worn for sports that ends above the knee? - - Shorts. #051452
50.Which part of a birds’ body is used for flying? - - Wings. #051463
51.What is the name for students in universities who have not yet graduated? - - Undergraduates. #051469

52.What would you call a doctor who treat sick animals? - - Vet. #051474
53.What is the magazine that is dedicated to academic news? - - Academic journal. #051481
54.Apart from addition, subtraction, and division, what is the other mathematical calculation method? - -
Multiplication #051487
55.What could we call a natural disaster when the ground shakes violently? - - Earthquake. #051496
56.What do you throw underwater to keep ships staying on rivers or oceans without drifting away? - - Anchor.
57.What is the occupation that transfers one language to another language? - - Translator. #051499
58.What do you call the two children who were born at the same time? - Twins. #051508
59.What do you call a baby cat? - Kitten. #051515
60.What do you call a photograph of a person's face seen from the side? - - Profile. #051517
61.What do you hear after a flash of lightning? - - Thunder. #051524
62.What do people usually use to cut food? - Knife #051530
63.Some people use right hands to write, then who are the people using left hands to write? - Left-handed /
Lefty / Sinistral #051549
64.What do you call a health professional who can help you with your mental health? - - Psychologist. #051560

65.When we say someone is doing the B.A. in history or literature in the university, what does B.A. stand for? - -
Bachelor of Arts. #051563
66.If Monday is the first day of the week, what is the fourth? - - Thursday. #051571
67.What is the summary at the beginning of an academic paper called? - - Abstract. #051596
68.Where do marine animals live? - - Ocean / Sea. #051603

第 36 页 /共 152 页
69.What is the legal relationship between a husband and wife? - - Marriage. #051613
70.What do we call the line between the sunset and the sea? - - Horizon. #051620
71.What do you call young dogs? - - Puppies. #051628
72.What object have three legs that can provide a support for a camera or a telescope? - - Tripod. #051630

73.What star does the Earth moves around? - - Sun. #051631

74.A sabbatical is a lengthy time away from what type of activity? - - Teaching #051632
75.What is the name for the remains of an Animal or plant preserved in rock? - - Fossil. #051633
76.What is the word for the arguments presented in court by the person accused of a crime or their lawyer? - -
Testimony. #051634
77.In a circle, what is the straight line from the centre point to its outer edge? - - Radius. #051635
78.What are the people who work on a ship or a plane? - - Crew. #051636
79.What do you call the person who studies weather? - - Meteorologist. #051637
80.What do we call a young cow? - - Calf. #051638
81.When the sun is in the sky, what can you see under your body? - - Shadow. #051639
82.What type of body covering helps to insulate burns? - - Dressing. #051640
83.What is the word for a narrow, tongue shaped piece of land that sticks out into the sea? - - Peninsula.
84.What is the ceremony where two people get married? - -Wedding. #051033
85.What is the synonym of destiny? - - Fate. #051037
86.If you need to use a different currency, what do you need to do? - - Exchange. #051041
87.What is the word to describe the process of bringing goods from foreign countries and then selling it in this
country? - - Import. #051063
88.What is the opposite of majority? - Minority #051072
89.What is the summary at the beginning of an academic paper called? - - Abstract #051117
90.What do you call a very long essay, that students have to write for a doctor's degree? - —Thesis or
dissertation #051121
91.What does the acronym A.S.A.P stand for? - – As soon as possible #051132
92.What are the joints called when your legs meet the rest of your body? - - Hip. #051176
93.What kind of protector does a motorbike rider wear to protect his head? - –Helmet #051197
94.What is the line where the sky meets the land? - Horizon. #051345
95.How would you describe the process when snow becomes water? - - Thaw. #051356
96.What does IT stand for? - – Information Technology #051414
97.What are apartments, houses, and flats called? - - Properties #051417
98.Which organ is the blood pumped from? - - Heart. #051438
99.What are the two holes in your nose that you use to breathe? - - Nostrils. #051462
100.What do we call a car that uses two types of fuels? - – Hybrid car. #051468
101.If a magazine is published quarterly, how many times a year is it published? - - Four #051476
102.Number 1, 3, 5, 7 are odd numbers, then what are number 2, 4, 6? - Even numbers. #051553
103.What do you call the five parts at the front of your foot? - - Toes #051597
104.How to describe the two lines that have crossed each other and never meet again? - - Intersecting lines.

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105.What is the antonym of export? - - Import. #051629

第 38 页 /共 152 页
Summarize Written Text
命中率:不稳 优先级:低
命中 1-2



Plug-in vehicle 充电车 #091001

The Rosetta stone 印刷石 #091002

Water resource 水资源 #091003

American English美语影响力 #091004

Malaysia Tourism马来西亚旅游 #091005

Orbital Debris 轨道碎片 #091012

Columbus哥伦布 #091016

Online teaching & online Learning网上教学 #091017

Oil Price Decline 油价下降 #091018

Frog amber 青蛙琥珀 #091021

Children Allowance 给孩子零花钱 #091022

Technology Prediction 预测科技发展 #091034

Computer Programming for America and India 美印IT对比 #091040

Wine Industry 美国禁酒令 #091049

Written Language 书面语言 #091053

Moving from City back to Countryside 搬回农村 #091054

Skip Breakfast 不吃早餐 #091055

Compulsory Voting in UK 英国强制投票 #091057

Crime rate 犯罪率 #091058

Museology 博物馆学 #091060

Development of Africa 非洲发展潜力 #091062

Double Blind 双盲关系 #091063

Primary Carers 主要照顾者 #091068

The Booksellers of Hookham and Carpenter 胡卡姆书店 #091069

House Mice 家鼠 #091071

Compulsory Reburial of Human Remains 残骸掩埋 #091073

Australian indigenous food 澳洲本地食物 #091076

Office environment 工作环境 #091077

Paleolithic people 旧石器时代祖先 #091078

Pre-service teachers 预备教师 #091082

Benefit of Honey to athletes 蜂蜜对运动员的好处 #091083

Phoenician 腓尼基语 #091090

第 39 页 /共 152 页
Psychology 心理学 #091098

Energy Demand 能源需求 #091099

The Importance of Soil 土壤的重要性 #091102

Asda 阿斯达超市 #091103

Different ways of learning languages 学习语言的不同途径 #091111

Ecology and Climatology 生态学和气候学 #091114

Negotiation and compromise 谈判与妥协 #091124

Eater of animal flesh 肉食者 #091125

South Africa 南非 #091136

Independent workforce 独立工作 #091137

The National Oceanography Centre 国家海洋学中心 #091142

Women university results 女性学术表现与就业困境 #091144

Raw Honey Health Benefits 原蜜对健康的好处 #091115

第 40 页 /共 152 页
Writing Essay
命中率:高 优先级:高

1. 模板 2. 预测



毕业或工作前就结婚 #101001
It is argued that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is foolish. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?
是愚蠢的。 你在多大程度上同意或不同意? 】

法律改变人的行为 #101003
Some people think human behaviors can be changed by laws, while others think laws have little effect. What is
your opinion.

员工参与决策的利弊 #101004
Some employers involve employees in the decision-making process of products and services. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of such policy?

书面考试是否有效评估学习成果 #101005
The formal written examination can be a valid method to assess students’ learning. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

海外留学有必要吗 #101006
问法一:It is often argued that studying overseas is overrated. There are many scholars who study locally. Is
travel a necessary component of quality education?
要组成部分吗? 】
问法二:There is no value to travel overseas for study, as you can be a good scholar even without leaving your
home base. It is or isn’t necessary to travel overseas for a better education?
必要出国旅行? 你在多大程度上相信这个说法,
问法三:Is travel an important component for a successful scholar? Some people think scholars should read
books and never need to leave their home. To which extend do you agree? Explain why.


欠发达国家的旅游业利弊相当 #101007
The disadvantages of tourism in less developed countries are as great as the advantages. What is your opinion?

第 41 页 /共 152 页

极限运动 #101008
问法一:In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of extreme or adventure sports?

问法二:Nowadays, more and more people engage in dangerous activities, such as skiing, or white-water
rafting. Are you in favor of them? Why? Use examples to support your opinion.

[2023.03.01 更新措辞,无论哪种问法,论证词汇都一样]

大众传媒引发的信息革命带来的利弊 #101009
“The information revolution by modern mass communication has both positive and negative consequences
for individuals and for society.” To what extent do you agree? Explain with your own experience.

大众传媒对年轻人的影响 #101011
Mass media, including TV and newspaper, have a great influence on humans, particularly on the younger
generation. It has a pivotal role in shaping people's opinions. Discuss the extent you agree or disagree. Use
your own experience or examples.

气候变化谁负责 #101012
Climate change is a concerning global issue. Who should take the responsibilities, governments, big companies
or individuals?

100年内最重要的发明 #101014
There are many important inventions in the modern world, including antibiotics, airplanes and computers. What
do you believe is the most important invention of the past hundred years? Why?


日用消费品的营销应该重品牌还是重优惠 #101015
Should marketing in companies producing consumer goods like food and clothing, place emphasis on
reputation of the company or short-term strategies like discount and special offers? Why?

研究气候变化的某方面 #101016
You are given climate change as the field of study. Which area would you prefer? Explain why you pick this

第 42 页 /共 152 页
particular area of your study and give an example in the area you pick.

高中学习百年前戏剧的利弊 #101028
There are both problems and benefits for high school students to study plays and works of theatres written
centuries ago. Discuss and use your own experience.

大型购物广场取代小商铺 #101030
Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. What is your opinion on this? Do you think this is a good or
bad change?

无现金社会是否现实?优缺点? #101038
There are more and more situations where credit cards are used instead of cash. The idea of a cashless society
seems to be becoming more of a reality. How realistic do you think it is? What do you see as the potential
benefits or problems?

医学延长人们寿命是好是坏 #101039
The medical technology is responsible for increasing the average life expectancy. Do you think it is a curse or a

体验式学习在学校有无好处 #101040
Some people point that experiential learning (i.e. learning by doing) can work well in formal education.
However, others think a traditional form of teaching is the best. Do you think experiential learning is beneficial
in high school or college?

家长需要为孩子的行为负法律责任吗 #101042
Should parents be held legally responsible for the actions of their children? Do you agree with this opinion?
Support your position with your own study, experience or observations.

学校扣迟交作业学生的分数 #101043
Some universities deduct students’ marks if assignments are given late. What is your opinion and give your

第 43 页 /共 152 页

兼顾工作和学习 #101044
In order to study effectively, it requires comfort, peace and time. So it is impossible for a student to combine
learning and employment at the same time, because one distracts the other. Is it realistic to combine them at
the same time in our life today? Support your opinion with examples.

政府面临的最严重的问题是什么 #101055
The world’s governments and organizations are facing a lot of issues. Which do you think is the most pressing
problem for the inhabitants on our planet?And give solutions.

建筑设计对工作生活的影响 #101056
How does the design of building affect, either positively or negatively, where people work and live?

与书本,正统教育相比,人生经历经验是更好的老师? #101122
Some people argue that experience is the best teacher. Life experiences can teach more effectively than books
or formal school education. How far do you agree with this idea? Support your opinion with reasons and/or
your personal experience.

大学购买数码媒体取代纸质书的利弊 #101123
With the increase of digital media available online, the role of the library has become obsolete. Universities
should only procure new digital media rather than constantly update textbooks. Discuss both the advantages
and disadvantages of this position and give your own point of view.

政府应该改善公共交通还是多修路 #101124
As cities expanding, some people claim governments should look forward to creating better networks of public
transport available for everyone rather than building more roads for vehicle owning population. What’s your
opinion? Give some examples or experience to support.

兼顾工作和私人生活(普遍性与后果) #101126
The time people devote in job leaves very little time for personal life. How widespread is the problem? What
problem will this shortage of time cause?

兼顾工作与私人生活(重要性与成因) #101127

第 44 页 /共 152 页
Nowadays, it is increasingly more difficult to maintain the right balance between work and other aspects of
one’s life, such as time with family and leisure needs. How important do you think is this balance? Why do
people find it hard to achieve?

描述一个新发明及其优点或缺点 #101128
In our technological world, the number of new inventions has been evolving on a daily basis. Please describe a
newinvention and explain the impact, either beneficial or detrimental, that you feel it has had on society.

电视有多种功能 #101130
Television has many functions to play in everyone's life. For some it's relaxation; for some, it is the companion.
To what extent do you think the statement is true? Please provide your argument and supporting evidence
from your own experience.

第 45 页 /共 152 页
Re-order Paragraphs
命中率:高 优先级:中
共 2-3 题,命中 1-2 题




Indian IT #061001

(1).Innovation in India is as much due to entrepreneurialism as it is to IT skills, says Arun Maria, chairman of
Boston Consulting Group in India.
(2).Indian businessmen have used IT to create new business models that enable them to provide services in a
more cost-effective way.
(3).This is not something that necessarily requires expensive technical research.
(4).He suggests the country’s computer services industry can simply outsource research to foreign universities
if the capability is not available locally.
(5).“This way, I will have access to the best scientists in the world without having to produce them myself”
says Mr. Maria.

Foreign aid #061002

(1).But beginning in the 1990s, foreign aid had begun to slowly improve.
(2).Scrutiny by the news media shamed many developed countries into curbing their bad practices.
(3).Today, the projects of organizations like the World Bank are meticulously inspected by watchdog groups.
(4).Although the system is far from perfect, it is certainly more transparent than it was when foreign aid
routinely helped ruthless dictators stay in power.

Jet Stream #061003

(1).Jet stream, narrow, swift currents or tubes of air found at heights ranging from 7 to 8 mi (11.3–12.9 km)
above the surface of the earth.
(2).They are caused by great temperature differences between adjacent air masses.
(3).Instead of moving along a straight line, the jet stream flows in a wavelike fashion; the waves propagate
eastward (in the Northern Hemisphere) at speeds considerably slower than the wind speed itself.
(4).Since the progress of an airplane is aided or impeded depending on whether tail winds or head winds are
(5).In the Northern Hemisphere the jet stream is sought by eastbound aircraft, in order to gain speed and save
fuel, and avoided by westbound aircraft.

Map #061004

(1).For as long as I can remember, there has been a map in the ticket hall of Piccadilly Circus tube station
supposedly showing night and day across the time zones of the world.
(2).This is somewhat surprising given the London Underground's historic difficultly in grasping the concept of
(3).But this map has always fascinated me, and still does, even though it now seems very primitive.
(4).This is because it chops the world up equally by longitude, without regard the reality of either political
divisions or the changing seasons.

Chimpanzees #061005

(1).A simple way to disprove this hypothesis (the Innateness Hypothesis) is to demonstrate that other species
have the capacity to speak but for some reason simply have not developed speech.
(2).A logical candidate for such a species is the chimpanzee, which shares 98.4% of the human genetic code.
(3).Chimpanzees cannot speak because, unlike homo sapiens, their vocal cords are located higher in their
throats and cannot be controlled as delicately as human vocal cords.
(4).It does not follow from their lack of speech, however, that chimpanzees are incapable of language.
(5).Perhaps they can acquire grammar like humans if they could only express it some other way.

Immigration Effect #061006

(1).In the early years of the twenty-first century the impact of immigrants on the welfare state and, specifically,

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the capacity of the welfare state to absorb large numbers of immigrants has become a staple of discussion
among policy makers and politicians.
(2).It is also a recurrent theme in the press, from the highbrow pages of Prospect to the populism of the Daily
(3).Inevitably, these discussions focus on present-day dilemmas.
(4).But the issues themselves are not new and have historical roots that go much deeper than have been

Charles Lindbergh #061008

(1).After finishing first in his pilot training class, Lindbergh took his first job as the chief pilot of an airmail route
operated by Robertson Aircraft Co. of Lambert Field in St. Louis, Missouri.
(2).He flew the mail in a de Havilland DH-4 biplane to Springfield, Illinois, Peoria and Chicago.
(3).During his tenure on the mail route, he was renowned for delivering the mail under any circumstances.
(4).After a crash, he even salvaged bags of mail from his burning aircraft and immediately phoned Alexander
Varney, Peoria's airport manager, to advise him to send a truck.

Piano keys #061010

(1).Piano keys are generally made of spruce or basswood, for lightness.

(2).Spruce is normally used in high-quality pianos.
(3).Traditionally, the black keys were made from ebony and the white keys were covered with strips of ivory.
(4).But since ivory-yielding species are now endangered and protected by treaty, plastics are now almost
exclusively used.
(5).Also, ivory tends to chip more easily than plastic.

Aviation after World War II #061013

(1).After World War II, especially in North America, there was a boom in general aviation, both private and
commercial, as thousands of pilots were released from military service and many inexpensive war-surplus
transport and training aircraft became available.
(2).Manufacturers such as Cessna, Piper, and Beechcraft expanded production to provide light aircraft for the
new middle-class market.
(3).By the 1950s, the development of civil jets grew, beginning with the de Havilland Comet, though the first
widely used passenger jet was the Boeing 707, because it was much more economical than other aircraft at that
(4).At the same time, turboprop propulsion began to appear for smaller commuter planes, making it possible to
serve small-volume routes in a much wider range of weather conditions.

Actors and characters #061014

(1).In a wonderful set of studies and subsequent book, Elly A. Konijn looked to the question of how much actors
are aware of their performance as they perform it, and how much they let the character “take over”.
(2).She asked Dutch actors to rate their own emotions and the emotions of the characters they were playing
across a range of affective states (from disgust and anxiety to tenderness and pleasure).
(3).She found that positive emotions were often felt by the actors as they played those character’s emotions.
(4).However, the more negative the emotion of the character, the less likely the actor would report feeling that
emotion onstage.

Earth-like planets #061018

(1).A team of scientists has discovered two Earth-like planets in the habitable orbit of a Sun-like star.
(2).Using observations gathered by NASA's Kepler Mission, the team found five planets orbiting a Sun-like star
called Kepler-62.
(3).Four of these planets are so-called super-Earths, larger than our own planet, but smaller than even the

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smallest ice giant planet in our Solar System.
(4).These new super-Earths have radii of 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, and 1.9 times that of Earth.
(5).In addition, one of the five was a roughly Mars-sized planet, half the size of Earth.

German invasion #061023

(1).German invasion of Poland officially triggered the Second World War.

(2).In the beginning, Britain and France were hopeful that Poland should be able to defend her borders.
(3).But Polish forces could not defend a long border.
(4).They lacked compact defence lines and additionally their supply lines were also poorly protected.
(5).Meanwhile, the world had woken up to the potential of atomic energy and countries were conducting testes
to exploit the same.

Engineers in Energy Sector #061026

(1).The energy sector has a fantastic skills shortage at all levels, both now and looming over it for the next 10
(2).Engineers, in particular, are much needed to develop greener technologies.
(3).Not only are there some good career opportunities, but there’s a lot of money going into the research
side, too.
(4).With the pressures of climate change and the energy gap, in the last few years funding from the research
councils has probably doubled.

Hypothesis #061028

(1).Another common mistake is to ignore or rule out data which do not support the hypothesis.
(2).Ideally, the experimenter is open to the possibility that the hypothesis is correct or incorrect.
(3).Sometimes, however, a scientist may have a strong belief that the hypothesis is true (or false), or feels
internal or external pressure to get a specific result.
(4).In that case, there may be a psychological tendency to find ”something wrong”, such as systematic effects,
with data which do not support the scientist's expectations, while data which do agree with those expectations
may not be checked as carefully.

Railway profile #061029

(1).Early rails were used on horse drawn wagon ways originally with wooden rails, but from the 1760s using
strap-iron rails, which consisted of thin strips of cast iron fixed onto wooden rails.
(2).These rails were too fragile to carry heavy loads, but because the initial construction cost was less, this
method was sometimes used to quickly build an inexpensive rail line.
(3).However, the long-term expense involved in frequent maintenance outweighed any savings.
(4).These were superseded by cast iron rails that were flanged (i.e. 'L' shaped) and with the wagon wheels flat.
(5).An early proponent of this design was Benjamin Outram. His partner William Jessop preferred the use of
”edge rails” in 1789 where the wheels were flanged and, over time, it was realised that this combination
worked better.
(6).The first steel rails were made in 1857 by Robert Forester Mushet, who laid them at Derby station in
England. Steel is a much stronger material, which steadily replaced iron for use on railway rail and allowed
much longer lengths of rails to be rolled.

Choose a School #061033

(1).There are more than 100 schools in the country.

(2).Never, if you can avoid it, accept the offer before going to the place and having a look. You should go and
see once you have a chance.
(3).This is important that you see the facilities and accommodations around the school.
(4).Because you might be living off campus in the second year.

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Carbon Pricing in Canada #061038

(1).There is a growing consensus that, if serious action is to be taken to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions in Canada, a price must be applied to those emissions.
(2).There are, however, challenges associated with the political acceptability of carbon pricing.
(3).If Canada implements a carbon price on its own, there are worries that Canadian factories will relocate to
other countries to avoid the regulation.
(4).Even if other countries act in concert with Canada to price carbon, the effects will be uneven across sectors,
and lobbying efforts by relatively more-affected sectors might threaten the political viability of the policy.

Color TV(2月1日确认原文) #061040

(1).Several systems of color television have been developed.

(2).In the first color system, a motor-driven disk with segments in three primary colors—red, blue, and
green—rotated behind the camera lens, filtering the light from the subject.
(3).The receiving unit of this system formed monochrome, which is black-and-white images, through the usual
cathode-ray tube.
(4).This method is said to be field-sequential because the monochrome image is painted first in one color, then
another, and finally in the third, in rapid enough succession so that the individual colors are blended by the
retentive capacities of the eye, giving the viewer the impression of a full colored image.

Competence and Performance #061042

(1).In language learning there is a distinction between competence and performance. Competence is a state of
the speaker’s mind. What he or she knows?
(2).Separate from actual performance – what he or she does while producing or comprehending language. In
other words, competence is put to use through performance.
(3).An analogy can be made to the Highway Code for driving. Drivers know the code and have indeed been
tested on it to obtain a driving license.
(4).In actual driving, however, the driver has to relate the code to a continuous flow of changing circumstances,
and may even break it from time to time.
(5).Knowing the Highway Code is not the same as driving.

Animals Exploratory Urge #061043

(1).All animals have a strong exploratory urge, but for some it is more crucial than others.
(2).It depends on how specialized they have become during the course of evolution.
(3).If they have put all their effort into the perfection of one survival trick, they do not bother so much with the
general complexities of the world around them.
(4).So long as the ant eater has its ants and the koala bear has gum leaves, then they are satisfied and the living
is easy.
(5).The non-specialists, however, the opportunists of the animal world, can never afford to relax.

Father-Led Literacy Project #061047

(1).A University of Canberra student has launched the nation’s first father-led literacy project, to encourage
fathers to become more involved in their children’s literacy.
(2).Julia Bocking’s Literacy and Dads (LADS) project aims to increase the number of fathers participating as
literacy helpers in K-2 school reading programs at Queanbeyan Primary Schools.
(3).Having worked as a literacy tutor with teenagers, Ms. Bocking saw the need for good attitudes towards
reading to be formed early on – with the help of male role models.
(4).She said, “A male that values reading sets a powerful role model, particularly for young boys, who are
statistically more likely to end up in remedial literacy programs.”

Ads #061054

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(1).Over the years, I have had the opportunities to observe and understand the thought process behind the ads
that have been flooding both the print and the TV.
(2).Although there is a huge shift in the quality of ads that we come across on daily basis – thanks essentially to
improvement in technology, I somehow can’t help but feel that the quality of communication of the message
has become diluted.
(3).There is an increasing attempt by most companies to be seen as cool and funky.
(4).Another reason could be the burgeoning number of companies, which means an exponential increase in the
number of ads that are being made.
(5).Proportionally, the numbers of ads that lack in quality have gone up exponentially as well.

Electronic device disposal / E-waste #061059

(1).The invention of electronics has become a challenge.

(2).An Indian university persuaded IT service department to have an Electronic Recycling Collection Day.
(3).During these days, people are encouraged to recycle their e-waste instead of throwing them into the bin.
(4).On certain days throughout the year, many electronic devices are collected and recycled from families and
(5).200,000 electronic products had been recycled in 2010.

City Mayors #061061

(1).Education scholars generally agree that mayors can help failing school districts.
(2).They are starting, however, to utter warnings.
(3).One review pointed to a certain big city mayor's style as an example of what not to do.
(4).That mayor's aggressive control over schools was criticized for reducing parents' influence.

The formation of the moon 月球的形成 #061063

(1).For more than 30 years, the prevailing view of the formation of our moon has been the ”giant impact
(2).The precursors to the current four rock planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars – appear to have been
dozens of smaller bodies known as ”planetary embryos”.
(3).According to the giant impact hypothesis, our moon formed as the result of the last of a series of ”giant
impact” mergers between planetary embryos that eventually formed the Earth.
(4).In this last collision, one embryo was nearly Earth-sized and the other approximately Mars-sized.

A $300-House #061069

(1).When Vijay Govindarajan and Christian Sarkar wrote a blog entry on Harvard Business Review in August
2010 mooting the idea of a “$300-house for poor”, they were merely expressing a suggestion.
(2).“Of course, the idea we present here is an experiment,” wrote Prof Govindarajan, a professor of
international business at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and Mr. Sarkar, a marketing consultant who
works on environmental issues – an almost apologetic disclaimer for having such a “far-out” idea.
(3).Who could create a house for $300 and if it was possible, why hadn’t it been done before?
(4).Nonetheless, they closed their blog with a challenge: “We ask chief executives, governments, NGOs,
foundations: Are there any takers?”

Children's Emotions #061071

(1).Most young children are inexperienced in dealing with emotional upheaval.

(2).As a result, they lack the coping strategies that many adults have.
(3).In particular, many young children lack the verbal skills to express their emotions and to effectively
communicate their need for emotional support.
(4).The frustration of not being able to effectively communicate may manifest itself in alternative behaviours.
(5).Strategies that children may employ at this age are commonly referred to as defense mechanisms

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Sherbet #061073

(1).A reaction that needs some type of energy to make it go is said to be endothermic. It takes in energy.
(2).For example, the sherbet you used for the chapter problem on page 25 is a mixture of baking soda and citric
(3).When it is mixed with water in your mouth, an endothermic reaction occurs, taking heat energy from your
mouth and making it feel cooler.
(4).Another example of an endothermic reaction is seen with the cold packs used by athletes to treat injuries.
These packs usually consist of a plastic bag containing ammonium nitrate that dissolves in the water.
(5).This process is endothermic-taking heat energy from the surroundings and cooling the injured part of your
body. In this way, the cold pack acts as an ice pack.

Voice higher than 5khz #061082

(1).Previous studies have shown that humans are unable to recognize melodies whose notes have a
fundamental tone above 5 kilohertz.
(2).It was thought that, at frequencies this high, the rapidly cycling sound wave was too fast for the auditory
nerve to cope with.
(3).To test this theory, Andrew Oxenham and his colleagues at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis
asked a group of six students whether two four-note melodies were identical or not.
(4).As in previous studies, the volunteers could not recognize melodies with fundamental tones above 5 kHz.

Sojourner #061083

(1).More recent missions to Mars include the hugely successful Mars Pathfinder, which landed a small `rover'
called Sojourner on the surface to explore a region where there may once have been life.
(2).Sojourner has now been effectively switched off, but lasted almost twelve times its expected lifetime.
(3).Similarly, the lander, which imaged several areas around the landing site (dubbed the Carl Sagan Memorial
site) and took atmospheric measurements, lasted a good deal longer than expected.
(4).The only unfortunate thing to have arisen from the mission is the naming of the rocks at the landing site
(including everything from Scooby Doo to Darth Vader)

Superpower [不完整待补充] #061085

(1).The ‘superpower’ has international text, which means having control over resources … political power.
(2).In terms of superpower, it included …
(3).... ‘green superpower’, …
(4).In addition to green energy superpower, company should meet the above global average … emissions …
and …

Easier said than Done #061089

(1).In 'Easier Said than Done', we set out some of the reasons why we might find it hard to live in a healthy way,
exercising, eating well, getting adequate sleep, and checking for early warning symptoms.
(2).Perhaps most importantly, we look to the field of behavioural science for strategies that people can use to
overcome those hurdles and to initiate lifestyle changes.
(3).These include Commitment devices, where we make it very unattractive to not follow through on an
(4).Changing existing behaviour can be a difficult task, but with the help of these strategies new behaviours can
become habitual, facilitating a long-term sustained healthy lifestyle.

Earthquake in San Francisco #061094

(1).At 5:12 a.m. on April 18, 1906, the people of San Francisco were awakened by an earthquake that would
devastate the city.

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(2).The main temblor, having a 7.7–7.9 magnitude, lasted about one minute and was the result of the rupturing
of the northernmost 296 miles of the 800-mile San Andreas fault.
(3).But when calculating destruction, the earthquake took second place to the great fire that followed.
(4).The fire, lasting four days, most likely started with broken gas lines (and, in some cases, was helped along by
people hoping to collect insurance for their property—they were covered for fire, but not earthquake, damage).

Games affect brains #061095

(1).Palaus and his colleagues wanted to see if any trends had emerged from the research to date concerning
how video games affect the structure and activity of our brains.
(2).They collected the results from 116 scientific studies, 22 of which looked at structural changes in the brain
and 100 of which looked at changes in brain functionality and/or behavior.
(3).The studies show that playing video games can change how our brains perform, and even their structure.
(4).For example, playing video games affects our attention, and some studies found that gamers show
improvements in several types of attention, such as sustained attention or selective attention.

Fibers for clothing #061098

(1).Fibers suitable for clothing have been made for the first time from the wheat protein gluten.
(2).The fibers are as strong and soft as wool and silk
(3).However, up to 30 times cheaper.
(4).Narendra Reddy and Yiqi Yang, who produced the fibers at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. He says
that because they are biodegradable, they might be used in biomedical applications such as surgical sutures.

Native English Speaker #061099

(1).Anyone wanting to get to the top of international business, medicine or academia (but possibly not sport)
needs to be able to speak English to a pretty high level.
(2).Equally, any native English speaker wanting to deal with these new high achievers needs to know how to talk
without baffling them.
(3).Because so many English-speakers today are monoglots, they have little idea how difficult it is to master
another language.
(4).Many think the best way to make foreigners understand is to be chatty and informal.
(5).This may seem friendly but, as it probably involves using colloquial expressions, it makes comprehension

Validity & Reliability [不完整待补充] #061101

(1).Psychologists measure results in terms of validity and reliability.

(2).Validity is defined as …
(3).For example, when a survey is asking about someone’s personality, it shouldn’t ask him chemistry
(4).Meanwhile, a survey also values reliability.

EU Fish Problems 欧洲渔业 #061104

(1).The European Union has two big fish problems.

(2).One is that, partly as a result of its failure to manage them properly, its own fisheries can no longer meet
European demand.
(3).The other is that its governments won’t confront their fishing lobbies and decommission all the surplus
(4).The EU has tried to solve both problems by sending its fishermen to West Africa. Since 1979 it has struck
agreements with the government of Senegal, granting our fleets access to its waters.
(5).As a result, Senegal’s marine ecosystem has started to go the same way as ours.

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New Ventures 企业家计划 #061105

(1).New Ventures is a program that helps entrepreneurs in some of the world’s most dynamic, emerging
economies-- Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Indonesia and Mexico.
(2).We have facilitated more than $203 million in investment, and worked with 250 innovative businesses whose
goods and services produce clear, measurable environmental benefits, such as clean energy, efficient water use,
and sustainable agriculture.
(3).Often they also address the challenges experienced by the world’s poor.
(4).For example, one of the companies we work with in China, called Eco-star, refurbishes copy machines from
the United States and re-sells or leases them for 20 percent less than a branded photocopier.

Australia’s native plants and animals #061113

(1).Australia's native plants and animals adapted to life on an isolated continent over millions of years.
(2).Since European settlement they have had to compete with a range of introduced animals for habitat, food
and shelter.
(3).Some have also had to face new predators.
(4).These new pressures have also caused a major impact on our country's soil and waterways and on its native
plants and animals.

The Takeover Battle #061120

(1).It was taken over by Mittal, a Dutch-registered company run from London by its biggest single shareholder,
Lakshmi Mittal, an Indian who started his first business in Indonesia.
(2).The takeover battle raged for six months before Arcelor's bosses finally listened to shareholders who wanted
the board to accept Mittal's third offer.
(3).The story tells us two things about European business, both positive.
(4).Shareholder activism is increasing in a continent where until recently it was depressingly rare.
(5).And more importantly, the Arcelor-Mittal deal demonstrates Europe's deepening integration into the global

Turkey and Mars #061121

(1).If you want to visit Mars, visit Turkey.

(2).That’s where you’ll find lakes so salty that the only bugs able to live there are species that could probably
survive on Mars as well.
(3).For that reason, microbiologists in Turkey have surveyed the array of species that inhabit the Acigol, Salda
and Yarisli lakes.
(4).They’re hopeful that studying some of them will yield useful insights into the kinds of biology that could
help microbes exist on Mars or other potentially habitable planets and moons.

Marshmallow test #061130

(1).A four-to-six-year-old child sits alone in a room at a table facing a marshmallow on a plate.
(2).The child is told: If you don't eat this treat for 15 minutes you can have both this one and a second one.
(3).Kids on average wait for five or six minutes before eating the marshmallow.
(4).The longer a child can resist the temptation has been correlated with higher general competency later in life.

British marine energy #061131

(1).By 2100, human-induced climate change threatens to raise temperatures by 2-4℃ and push up tide-lines by
(2).The government has promised to help counter this global trend by reducing UK carbon emissions by 80
percent from 1990 levels by 2050.
(3).And with the second largest tidal range in the world, British marine energy could play an important role in

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this shift.
(4).But harnessing the power of the tides is not without consequence.
(5).In 2013, plans to construct a 34 billion pounds barrage across the Severn estuary were rejected after
concerns were raised about its effect on local ecosystems.

Calves and milk #061139

(1).To gauge optimism and pessimism, the researchers set up an experiment involving 22 calves.
(2).Before they started the experiment, they trained the calves to understand which of their choices would lead
to a reward.
(3).In the training, each calf entered a small pen and found a wall with five holes arranged in a horizontal line,
two-and-a-half feet apart.
(4).The hole at one end contained milk from a bottle, while the hole at the opposite end contained only an
empty bottle and delivered a puff of air in calves' faces.
(5).The calves learned quickly which side of the pen held the milk reward.

Children's clothes #061145

(1).During the past few years, some of the world's biggest names in high-end fashion have begun to see
children's clothes as a promising sideline with which to extract more value from their main business.
(2).Jean Paul Gaultier, Chloe and John Galliano have all launched children's clothes lines.
(3).But for France's Bonpoint, making kids' clothing is the main business.
(4).Since Bonpoint was founded 40 years ago by clothes store owner Marie-France and Bernard Cohen, children
and babies have been at the centre of the brand's development.

History books #061147

(1).History is selective.
(2).What history books tell us about the past is not everything that happened, but what historians have
(3).They cannot put in everything: choices have to be made.
(4).Choices must similarly be made about which aspects of the past should be formally taught to the next
generation in the shape of school history lessons.

Endothermic reactions #061149

(1).A reaction that needs some type of energy to make it go is said to be endothermic. It takes in energy.
(2).For example, the sherbet you used for the chapter problem on page 25 is a mixture of baking soda and citric
(3).When it is mixed with water in your mouth, an endothermic reaction occurs, taking heat energy from your
mouth and making it feel cooler.
(4).Another example of an endothermic reaction is seen with the cold packs used by athletes to treat injuries.
These packs usually consist of a plastic bag containing ammonium nitrate that dissolves in the water.
(5).This process is endothermic-taking heat energy from the surroundings and cooling the injured part of your
body. In this way, the cold pack acts as an ice pack.

Noise level 噪声级 #061151

(1).Some students say that they need complete quiet to read and study.
(2).Others study best in a crowded, noisy room because the noise actually helps them concentrate. Some
students like quiet music playing; others do not.
(3).The point is, you should know the level of noise that is optimal for your own studying.
(4).However, one general rule for all students is that the television seems to be more of a distraction than music
or other background noise, so leave the TV off when you are reading or studying.

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Professor Les Ebdon #061152

(1).England’s most selective universities must do more to attract teenagers from disadvantaged backgrounds
if they want to charge higher tuition fees, the country’s fair access watchdog has warned.
(2).Professor Les Ebdon, director of Fair Access to Higher Education, has said universities can no longer make
excuses about the number of poorer students they take on.
(3).In a statement issued yesterday, Prof Ebdon dismissed the argument from the country’s most selective
universities, which claim that young people from poorer backgrounds generally secure worse grades.
(4).Such defences from the country’s most elite universities “do not hold water”, Prof Ebdon said, as he
urged the institutions to do more to widen their intakes.

Airbnb #061153

(1).It was the summer of 2008 in San Francisco and a small company called Airbnb had a dream.
(2).People with spare bedrooms would welcome strangers into their homes and share their restaurant
recommendations with them for a small fee.
(3).Fast forward to 2016 and the now quite big and successful Airbnb is considered one of the mainstays of
what we have come to call “the sharing economy”.
(4).It is also, in every article written on millennials, the business that defines the mentality of a generation.

A review #061154

(1).A review is a survey of what you have covered.

(2).It is a review of what you are supposed to accomplish not what you are going to do.
(3).Re-reading is an important part of the review process.
(4).Re-read with the idea that you are measuring what you have gained from the process.

LiDARs 激光雷达 #061155

(1).Cameras help autonomous vehicles read street signs and the color of traffic lights.
(2).But LiDARs, aka light detection and ranging systems, do the important work of sensing and helping cars
avoid obstacles, whether that's a fallen tree, drunk driver, or a child running out into the road.
(3).Now, a startup called Luminar Technologies Inc., is unveiling a high-resolution LiDAR sensor that was five
years in the making.
(4).The startup, which has raised $36 million in seed-stage funding so far, built its LiDAR systems from scratch.
(5).That means the company engineered its own: lasers, receivers, chips, packaging and more, rather than
incorporating off-the-shelf components.

Writing a research report #061156

(1).So now that you’ve completed the research project, what do you do?
(2). I know you won’t want to hear this, but your work is still far from done.
(3).In fact, this final stage – writing up your research – may be one of the most difficult.
(4).Developing a good, effective and concise report is an art form in itself.
(5).And, in many research projects you will need to write multiple reports that present the results at different
levels of detail for different audiences.

Vision and echolocation #061157

(1).Vision and echolocation have many features in common.

(2).One narrow range of radiation - light in the case of vision, ultrasounds in the case of echolocation - provides
information relevant to a wide variety of cognitive and practical goals.
(3).Why, then, is vision so common and echolocation so rare?
(4).Because, in most environments, vision is much more effective.
(5).Echolocation is adaptive only in an ecological niche where vision is impossible or badly impaired - for

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instance, when dwelling in caves and hunting at night, as bats do.

Restaurant location #061158

(1).The physical location of a restaurant in the competitive landscape of the city has long been known as a
major factor in its likely success or failure.
(2).Once restaurants are established in such environments they can do little about their location.
(3).All they can do is work to improve customer access to their premises.
(4).Restaurateurs often do this by engaging in battles with local authorities about car parking.

Feeding birds #061159

(1).According to experts, feeding birds is probably the most common way in which people interact with wild
animals today.
(2).More than 50 million Americans engage in the practice, collectively undertaking an unwitting experiment on
a vast scale.
(3).Is what we're doing good or bad for birds?
(4).Recently, researchers at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology sought to answer this question, analyzing nearly
three decades' worth of data from a winter-long survey called Project Feeder Watch.
(5).Preliminary results suggest the species visiting our feeders the most are faring exceptionally well in an age
when one-third of the continent's birds need urgent conservation.

Photogrammetry #061161

(1).Photogrammetry involves taking hundreds of photos of an object at slightly different angles and
‘stitching’ them together to create an interactive digital 3D model.
(2).The process is already being used by the University of Aberdeen’s anatomy department to create digital
models of organs and other body parts to aid teaching and learning for young doctors.
(3).Now the same technology is being used to create virtual replicas of artefacts within the University’s
museum’s collections, including an ancient Egyptian mummified cat, prehistoric skulls and ancient Greek
(4).These artefacts are rarely handled as they are so fragile.
(5).Photogrammetry lets the public and students get to see them close-up and in very high detail.

Sleeping habits of animals #061162

(1).A technology for recording brainwaves in wild animals could awaken a more sophisticated understanding of
the function of sleep.
(2).Studies using miniature sleep-recording devices known as neurologgers have already challenged several
long-held beliefs about the sleeping habits of sloths and birds.
(3).Three-toed sloths, for example, sleep far less than once thought.
(4).And male sandpipers can go almost entirely without sleep during the three-week breeding season, helping
maximize their success at that time.
(5).Now, John Lesku of La Trobe University in Melbourne and his colleagues are using neurologgers to
investigate whether light pollution interferes with the circadian rhythms of tammar wallabies in Australia.

Jean Briggs #061163

(1).Jean Briggs has worked with the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic and has described how, within these
communities, growing up is largely seen as a process of acquiring thought, reason and understanding (known
in Inuit as ihuma).
(2).Young children don't possess these qualities and are easily angered, cry frequently and are incapable of
understanding the external difficulties facing the community, such as shortages of food.
(3).Because they can’t be reasoned with, and don’t understand, parents treat them with a great deal of
tolerance and leniency.

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(4).It’s only when they are older and begin to acquire thought that parents attempt to teach them or discipline

English agricultural revolution #061166

(1).Historians are now agreed that beginning in the 17th century and continuing throughout the 18th century,
England witnessed an agricultural revolution.
(2).English (and Dutch) farmers were the most productive farmers of the century and were continually adopting
new methods of farming and experimenting with new types of vegetables and grains.
(3).They also learned a great deal about manure and other fertilizers.
(4).In other words, many English farmers were treating farming as a science, and all this interest eventually
resulted in greater yields.

Playwrights #061167

(1).Playwrights come to their craft with different aesthetic sensibilities.

(2).They create recognizable worlds with troubling relevance to human behavior and social themes.
(3).Others dismiss the “illusion of the real” to engage us in political arguments or absurdist metaphors.
(4).Thornton Wilder and Tennessee Williams, on the one hand, and Bertolt Brecht and Samuel Beckett, on the
other, are playwrights with very different approaches to empathy and aesthetic distance.
(5).However, these writers have in common their means of artistic expression – the play.

Recording sleep #061170

(1).A technology for recording brainwaves in wild animals could awaken a more sophisticated understanding of
the function of sleep.
(2).Studies using miniature sleep-recording devices known as neurologgers have already challenged several
long-held beliefs about the sleeping habits of sloths and birds.
(3).Three-toed sloths, for example, sleep far less than once thought.
(4).And male sandpipers can go almost entirely without sleep during the three-week breeding season, helping
maximise their success at that time.

MBTI & the "Big Five" #061171

(1).Some psychologists believe that independent, peer-reviewed research in the decades since the MBTI was
devised has provided something better than Myers-Briggs.
(2).They champion the notion of the “Big Five” personality traits — openness, conscientiousness,
extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.
(3).Of these, only one trait is closely shared with the MBTI — extroversion.
(4).Myers-Briggs does not focus on “neuroticism” or, indeed, any similarly negative trait, which may point to
one of the reasons why the criticisms lobbed at the test by modern science have yet to undermine its

Poincaré #061172

(1).Poincaré had an especially interesting view of scientific induction.

(2).Laws, he said, are not direct generalizations of experience; they aren’t mere summaries of the points on the
(3).Rather, the scientist declares the law to be some interpolated curve that is more or less smooth and so will
miss some of those points.
(4).Thus a scientific theory is not directly falsifiable by the data of experience; instead, the falsification process is
more indirect.

HUAWEI certification program #061177

(1).Huawei offers college students a certification program.

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(2).This program includes various training courses.
(3).The program exempts students from exam fees.
(4).The fees used to be 200 to 500 dollars each student.

Population growth #061180

(1).We’ll likely have two billion more mouths to feed by mid-century – more than nine billion people.
(2).But sheer population growth isn’t the only reason we’ll need more food.
(3).The spread of prosperity across the world, especially in China and India, is driving an increased demand for
meat, eggs, and dairy, boosting pressure to grow more corn and soybeans to feed more cattle, pigs, and
(4).If these trends continue, the double whammy of population growth and richer diets will require to roughly
double the amount of crops we grow by 2050.

Plato #061181

(1).Although usually remembered today as a philosopher, Plato was also one of ancient Greece’s most
important patrons of mathematics.
(2).Inspired by Pythagoras, he founded his Academy in Athens in 387 BCE, where he stressed mathematics as a
way of understanding more about reality.
(3).In particular, he was convinced that geometry was the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe.
(4).The sign above the Academy entrance read: “Let no-one ignorant of geometry enter here”.

Takeaway meals(1.13 已修正) #061182

(1).Over time, fashion and people's tastes change.

(2).Such changes affect the demand for products and services.
(3).Like changes in work patterns which tend to mean that fewer families sit down in the evening for a
traditionally produced family meal, often because a lack of time.
(4).In contrast, people now tend to spend more time shopping and are therefore more likely to spend time
relaxing in a coffee shop or restaurant while on a shopping trip.
(5).Consequently, people are now more likely to buy takeaway meals or convenience food, as opposed to
ingredients for meals that take time to prepare.

Revise your paper #061183

(1).Your first draft is complete, but your paper is far from finished.
(2).The next step is to revise your paper: strengthen the content.
(3).Start this at least a week before your paper is due.
(4).In fact, you don't need to wait until you have a complete first draft to start revising.
(5).You can revise individual paragraphs as you finish them as well.

Meerkats #061184

(1).Meerkats, a small group-living mongooses in southern Africa, have been so extensively studied and filmed
that we can follow individuals through their lives like characters in an animal soap opera.
(2).The Kalahari Desert meerkats, Suricata Suricatta, have been followed over generations.
(3).They are so habituated to humans that they will climb on and off weighing scales when a scientist wants to
weigh an animal.
(4).It is remarkable that behavior, which at one time could only be observed by dedicated field workers, is now
readily available for all of us to see.

Memory and habits #061046

(1).In 1992 a retired engineer in San Diego contracted a rare brain disease that wiped out his memory.
(2).Every day he was asked where the kitchen was in his house, and every day he didn’t have the foggiest idea.

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(3).Yet whenever he was hungry he got up and propelled himself straight to the kitchen to get something to
(4).Studies of this man led scientists to a breakthrough: the part of our brains where habits are stored has
nothing to do with memory or reason.
(5).It offered proof of what the US psychologist William James noticed more than a century ago that humans
“are mere walking bundles of habits

Grasses【11.10更新答案】 #061091

(1).Grasses comes out and grows.

(2).They grow up and become saplings, which shade the lawn down below.
(3).The saplings will become big trees and then forests.
(4).Farmlands always comes from forests.
(5).If abandoned, things will start over again.

Science and technology #061092

(1).It is a truism to say that in 21st century society science and technology are important.
(2).Human existence in the developed world is entirely dependent on some fairly recent developments in
science and technology.
(3).Whether this is good or bad is, of course, up for argument
(4).But the fact that science underlies our lives, our health, our work, our communications, our entertainment
and our transport is undeniable.

Hip Hop Culture #061102

(1).Hip Hop culture emerged as a reaction to the gang culture and violence of the South Bronx in the 1970s,
and daily experiences of poverty, racism, exclusion, crime, violence, and neglect.
(2).It necessarily embodies and values resilience, understanding, community and social justice.
(3).Without these, Hip Hop culture would never have been, and it is because these values remain at its core that
Hip Hop is such a powerful agent of positive social change around the world.
(4).Yet, the Hip Hop project is not yet free from these difficult circumstances.

Glow Worms #061106

(1).The Newnes railroad was closed in 1932 after 25 years of shipping oil shale.
(2).The rails were pulled out of the 600-meter tunnel, which had been bored through the sandstone in the
Wollemi National Park, and the tunnel was left to its own devices.
(3).For Newnes, that meant becoming home to thousands and thousands of glow worms.
(4).The glow worm is a catch-all name for the bioluminescent larvae of various species, in this case, the
Arachnocampa richardsae, a type of fungus gnat.
(5).Found in massive numbers in caves, the fungus gnat larvae cling to the rocky walls of the abandoned tunnel
and hunt with long, glowing strings of sticky mucus.

Pidgins #061115

(1).In some areas, the standard chosen may be a variety that originally had no native speakers in the country.
(2).For example, in Papua New Guinea, a lot of official business is conducted in Tok Pisin.
(3).This language is now used by over a million people, but it began many years earlier as a kind of ‘contact’
language called a pidgin.
(4).A pidgin is a variety of a language (e.g. English) that developed for some practical purpose, such as trading,
among groups of people who had a lot of contact, but who did not know each other’s languages.

Photos of glaciers #061148

(1).In 1997 Lisa McKeon, a physical scientist with the United States Geological Survey who works in the park,

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came across a pair of historic photographs depicting the glaciers she studies.
(2).Over the years, countless photos of the majestic park have been snapped, and many of those have become
part of the park's official archive, spanning over a century.
(3).It was a light bulb moment: Why not use the old photos to create a timeline of the morphing glaciers, and
add new photos every year?
(4).The Repeat Photography Project was born.

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Fill in the Blanks (R&W)
命中率:中 优先级:高
共 5-6 题,命中 1-5 个




Pinker #071001

In a sequence of bestsellers, including The Language Instinct and How the Mind Works, Pinker has argued the
swathes of our mental, social and emotional lives may have originated as evolutionary adaptations, well suited
to the lives our ancestors eked out on the Pleistocene savannah. Sometimes it seems as if nothing is immune
from being explained this way. Road rage, adultery, marriage, altruism, our tendency to reward senior
executives with corner offices on the top floor, and the smaller number of women who become mechanical
engineers—all may have their roots in natural selection, Pinker claims. The controversial implications are
obvious: that men and women might differ in their inborn abilities at performing certain tasks, for example, or
that parenting may have little influence on personality.

Video-Conferencing Technology #071002

Never has the carbon footprint of multi-national corporations been under such intense scrutiny. Inter-city train
journeys and long-haul flights to conduct face-to-face business meetings contribute significantly to
greenhouse gases and the resulting strain on the environment. The Anglo-US company Teliris has introduced
a new video-conferencing technology and partnered with the Carbon Neutral Company, enabling corporate
outfits to become more environmentally responsible. The innovation allows simulated face-to-face meetings to
be held across continents without the time pressure or environmental burden of international travel. Previous
designs have enabled video-conferencing on a point-to-point, dual-location basis. The firm's VirtuaLive
technology, however, can bring people together from up to five separate locations anywhere in the world -
with unrivalled transmission quality.

Australia Higher Education Funding #071003

Financing of Australian higher education has undergone dramatic change since the early 1970s. Although the
Australian Government provided regular funding for universities from the late 1950s, in 1974 it assumed full
responsibility for funding higher education – abolishing tuition fees with the intention of making university
accessible to all Australians who had the ability and who wished to participate in higher education.
Since the late 1980s, there has been a move towards greater private contributions, particularly student fees. In
1989, the Australian Government introduced the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) which included
a loans scheme to help students finance their contributions. This enabled university to remain accessible to
students by delaying their payments until they could afford to pay off their loans. In 2002, the Australian
Government introduced a scheme similar to HECS for postgraduate students - the Postgraduate Education
Loan Scheme (PELS). Funding for higher education comes from various sources. This article examines the three
main sources - Australian Government funding, student fees and charges, and HECS. While the proportion of
total revenue raised through HECS is relatively small, HECS payments are a significant component of students'
university costs, with many students carrying a HECS debt for several years after leaving university. This article
also focuses on characteristics of university students based on their HECS liability status, and the level of
accumulated HECS debt.

Social Isolation #071004

Sound depressing, even apocalyptic? Well, it could be the future. If government forecasts are right, about 20
years from now, two out of five households will be single occupancy. And there is evidence the situation is
already deteriorating. According to a report, Social Isolation in America, published in the American Sociological
Review in 2006, the average American today has only two close friends. Twenty-five per cent of those surveyed
said they do not have anyone to talk with about important things---And yet, while some are declaring a crisis in
our ability to make friends, others are saying exactly the opposite. For example, MSN's Anatomy of Friendship
Report, published last November, suggests that the average Briton has 54 friends - a spectacular rise of 64 per
cent since 2003.

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Edison #071005

Thomas Alva Edison was both a scientist and an inventor. Born in 1847, Edison would see tremendous change
take place in his lifetime. He was also to be responsible for making many of those changes occur. When Edison
was born, society still thought of electricity as a novelty, a fad.
By the time he died, entire cities were lit by electricity. Much of the credit for that progress goes to Edison. In
his lifetime, Edison patented 1,093 inventions, earning him the nickname “The Wizard of Menlo Park.” The
most famous of his inventions was the incandescent light bulb. Besides the light bulb, Edison developed the
phonograph and the “kinetoscope,” a small box for viewing moving films.
Thomas Edison is also the first person in the US to make his own filmstrips. He also improved upon the original
design of the stock ticker, the telegraph, and Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone. He believed in hard work,
sometimes working twenty hours a day. Edison was quoted as saying, “Genius is one percent inspiration and
99 percent perspiration.” In tribute to this important American, electric lights in the United States were
dimmed for one minute on October 21, 1931, a few days after his death.

Impressionism #071006

Impressionism was a nineteenth century art movement that began as a loose association of Paris-based artists
who started publicly exhibiting their art in the 1860s. Characteristics of Impressionist painting include visible
brush strokes, light colours, open composition, emphasis on light in its changing qualities (often accentuating
the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, and unusual visual angles. The name of the
movement is derived from Claude Monet's Impression, Sunrise (Impression, soleil levant). Critic Louis Leroy
inadvertently coined the term in a satiric review published in Le Charivari.
Radicals in their time, early Impressionists broke the rules of academic painting. They began by giving colours,
freely brushed, primacy over line, drawing inspiration from the work of painters such as Eugene Delacroix. They
also took the act of painting out of the studio and into the world. Previously, not only still-lives and portraits,
but also landscapes had been painted indoors, but the Impressionists found that they could capture the
momentary and transient effects of sunlight by painting air (in plain air).

Trigger Points #071007

All approaches aim to increase blood flow to areas of tension and to release painful knots of muscle known as
"trigger points". "Trigger points are tense areas of muscle that are almost constantly contracting," says Kippen.
"The contraction causes pain, which in turn causes contraction, so you have a vicious circle. This is what deep
tissue massage aims to break. "The way to do this, as I found out under Ogedengbe's elbow, is to apply
pressure to the point, stopping the blood flow, and then to release, which causes the brain to flood the affected
area with blood, encouraging the muscle to relax. At the same time, says Kippen, you can fool the tensed
muscle into relaxing by applying pressure to a complementary one nearby. "If you cause any muscle to
contract, its opposite will expand. So you try to trick the body into relaxing the muscle that is in spasm."

Poverty #071008

Measuring poverty on a global scale requires establishing a uniform poverty level across extremely divergent
economies, which can result in only rough comparisons. The World Bank has defined the international poverty
line as U.S. $1 and $2 per day in 1993 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), which adjusts for differences in the prices
of goods and services between countries. The $1 per day level is generally used for the least developed
countries, primarily African; the $2-per-day level is used for middle-income economies such as those of East
Asia and Latin America.

Indian Onion #071009

The most vital ingredient in Indian cooking, the basic element with which all dishes begin and, normally, the

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cheapest vegetable available, the pink onion is an essential item in the shopping basket of families of all
classes. A popular saying holds that you will never starve because you can always afford a roti (a piece of
simple, flat bread) and an onion.

But in recent weeks, the onion has started to seem an unaffordable luxury for India's poor. Over the past few
days, another sharp surge in prices has begun to unsettle the influential urban middle classes. The sudden spike
in prices has been caused by large exports to neighboring countries and a shortage of supply. With its capacity
for bringing down governments and scarring political careers, the onion plays an explosive role in Indian
politics. This week reports of rising onion prices have made front-page news and absorbed the attention of the
governing elite.

Seatbelt #071010

I am a cyclist and a motorist. I fasten my seatbelt when I drive and wear a helmet on my bike to reduce the risk
of injury. I am convinced that these are prudent safety measures. I have persuaded many friends to wear
helmets on the grounds that transplant surgeons call those without helmets, "donors on wheels”. But a book
on 'Risk’ by my colleague John Adams has made me re-examine my convictions. Adams has completely
undermined my confidence in these apparently sensible precautions. What he has persuasively argued,
particularly in relation to seat belts, is that the evidence that they do what they are supposed to do is very
suspect. This is in spite of numerous claims that seat belts save many thousands of lives every year.

There is remarkable data from the year 1970 to 1978 in which countries with wearing of seat belts compulsory
have had on average about 5 per cent more road accident deaths following the introduction of the law. In the
UK, road deaths have decreased steadily from about 7,000 a year in 1972 to just over 4,000 in 1989. There is no
evidence in the trend for any effect of the seat belt law that was introduced in 1983. Moreover, there is
evidence that the number of cyclists and pedestrians killed actually increased by about 10 per cent.

Spanish language #071011

If after years of Spanish classes, some people still find it impossible to understand some native speakers, they
should not worry. This does not necessarily mean the lessons were wasted. Millions of Spanish speakers use
neither standard Latin American Spanish nor Castilian, which predominate in US schools. The confusion is partly
political - the Spanish-speaking world is very diverse. Spanish is the language of 19 separate countries and
Puerto Rico. This means that there is no one standard dialect. The most common Spanish dialect taught in the
US is standard Latin American. It is sometimes called "Highland" Spanish since it is generally spoken in the
mountainous areas of Latin America. While each country retains its own accents and has some unique
vocabulary, residents of countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia generally speak Latin American
Spanish, especially in urban centers. This dialect is noted for its pronunciation of each letter and its strong "r"
sounds. This Spanish was spoken in Spain in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and was brought to the
Americas by the early colonists. However, the Spanish of Madrid and of northern Spain, called Castilian,
developed characteristics that never reached the New World. These include the pronunciation of "ci" and "ce"
as "th." In Madrid, "gracias" (thank you) becomes "gratheas" (as opposed to "gras-see-as" in Latin America).
Another difference is the use of the word "vosotros" (you all, or you guys) as the informal form of "ustedes" in
Spain. Castilian sounds to Latin Americans much like British English sounds to US residents.

The black diamonds #071013

An exotic type of diamond may have come to Earth from outer space, scientists say. Called carbonado or
"black" diamonds, the mysterious stones are found in Brazil and the Central African Republic. They are unusual
for being the color of charcoal and full of frothy bubbles.

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The diamonds, which can weigh in at more than 3,600 carats, can also have a face that looks like melted glass.
Because of their odd appearance, the diamonds are unsuitable as gemstones. But they do have industrial
applications and were used in the drill bits that helped dig the Panama Canal. Now a team led by Stephen
Haggerty of Florida International University in Miami has presented a new study suggesting that the odd stones
were brought to Earth by an asteroid billions of years ago. The findings were published online in the journal
Astrophysical Journal Letters on December 20. The scientists exposed polished pieces of carbonado to
extremely intense infrared light. The test revealed the presence of many hydrogen-carbon bonds, indicating
that the diamonds probably formed in a hydrogen-rich environment—such as that found in space.

The diamonds also showed strong similarities to tiny Nano diamonds, which are frequently found in meteorites.
"They're not identical," Haggerty said, "but they're very similar." Astrophysicists, he added, have developed
theories predicting that Nano diamonds form easily in the titanic stellar explosions called supernovas, which
scatter debris through interstellar space.

The deposits in the Central African Republic and Brazil, he said, probably come from the impact of a diamond-
rich asteroid billions of years ago, when South America and Africa were joined.

Arabic Student #071014

HERIOT-WATT University in Edinburgh has become the first in Europe to offer an MBA in Arabic. Arab students
will be able to sign up to study at a distance for the business courses in their own language. The Edinburgh
Business School announced the project at a reception in Cairo on Saturday. It is hoped the course will improve
links between the university and the Arab business world. A university spokeswoman said: "The Arabic MBA will
raise the profile of Heriot-Watt University and the Edinburgh Business School among businesses in the Arabic
speaking world and will create a strong network of graduates in the region." The first intake of students is
expected later this year. Professor Keith Lumsden, director of Edinburgh Business
School, said: "Arabic is a major global language and the Arab world is a center for business and industrial
development. We are proud to work with Arab International Education to meet the demands of the region."

Foreign students' English standards #071017

Federal Education Minister Julie Bishop says she has seen no evidence that foreign students are graduating
from Australian universities with poor English skills.

Research by Monash University academic Bob Birrell has found a third of foreign students are graduating
without a competent level of English. But Ms Bishop says Australian universities only enrol foreign students
once they have achieved international standards of language proficiency.

"This has been an extraordinary attack by Professor Birrell on our universities," she
said. "International students must meet international benchmarks in English language in order to get a place at
a university in Australia and they can't get into university without reaching that international standard."

University of Canberra vice chancellor Roger Dean also says international students are required to sit an English
test before being admitted to nearly all Australian universities. "There are, of course, intercultural difficulties as
well as language difficulties," he said. "There are, of course, also many Australian students who don't speak
such fantastically good English either. So we're trying to push the standard even higher than present but it's a
very useful one already."

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Ms Bishop says Australia's university system has high standards. "I've seen no evidence to suggest that students
are not able to complete their courses because they're failing in English yet they're being passed by the
universities," she said. "I've not seen any evidence to back that up. International education is one of our largest
exports, it's our fourth largest export and it's in the interest of our universities to maintain very high standards
because their international recognition is at stake.”

Burger King #071018

Drive down any highway,and you’ll see a proliferation of chain restaurants—most likely, if you travel long
and far enough you’ll see McDonald's golden arches as well as signs for Burger King, Hardee’s,and
Wendy’s the “big four” of burgers. Despite its name, though Burger King has fallen short of claiming the
burger crown, unable to surpass market leader McDonald's No. 1 sales status. Always the bridesmaid and never
the bride, Burger King remains No. 2.

Worse yet, Burger King has experienced a six-year 22 percent decline in customer traffic, with its overall quality
rating dropping while ratings for the other three contenders have increased. The decline has been attributed to
inconsistent product quality and poor customer service. Although the chain tends to throw advertising dollars
at the problem, an understanding of Integrated Marketing Communication theory would suggest that internal
management problems (nineteen CEOs in fifty years) need to be rectified before a unified, long-term strategy
can be put in place.

The importance of consistency in brand image and messages, at all levels of communication, has become a
basic tenet of IMC theory and practice. The person who takes the customer’s order must communicate the
same message as Burger King's famous tagline, "Have it your way,” or the customer will just buzz up the
highway to a chain restaurant that seems more consistent and, therefore, more reliable.

Visual art #071019

It is the assertion of this article that students who use visual art as a prewriting stimulus are composing their
ideas both in images and in words. The result of the art creation process allows students the distance to
elaborate, add details, and create more coherent text. The process of writing is more than putting words on a
piece of paper. Effective authors are able to create imagery and to communicate ideas using well-chosen
words, phrases, and text structures. Emergent writers struggle with the mechanics of the writing process, i.e.
fine motor control for printing legibly, recall of spelling patterns, and the use of syntax and grammar rules. As a
result, texts written by young writers be simplistic and formulaic. The artwork facilitates the writing process,
resulting in a text that is richer in sensory detail and more intricate than the more traditional writing-first crayon
drawing-second approach.

English class at Beijing Language Institute #071021

There were twenty-six freshmen majoring in English at Beijing Language Institute in the class of 1983. I was
assigned to Group Two with another eleven boy and girls who has come from big cities in China. I was told that
language study required smallness so that we would each get more attention from the skillful teachers. The
better the school, the smaller the class. I realized that my classmates were ready all talking in English, simple
sentences tossed out to each other in their red-faced introductions and carefree chatting. Their intonations
were curving and dramatic and their pronunciation refined and accurate. But as I stretched to catch the drips
and drops of their humming dialogue, I couldn’t understand it all, only that it was English. Those words now
flying before me sounded a little familiar. I had read them and tried to speak them, but I had never heard them
spoken back to me in such a speedy, fluent manner. My big plan of beating the city folks was thawing before
my eyes.

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Jean Piaget #071022

Jean Piaget, the pioneering Swiss philosopher and psychologist, spent much of his professional life listening to
children, watching children and poring over reports of researchers around the world who were doing the same.
He found, to put it most succinctly, that children don't think like grownups. After thousands of interactions with
young people often barely old enough to talk, Piaget began to suspect that behind their cute and seemingly
illogical utterances were thought processes that had their own kind of order and their own special logic.
Einstein called it a discovery “so simple that only a genius could have thought of it.” Piaget's insight opened
a new window into the inner workings of the mind. By the end of a wide-ranging and remarkably prolific
research career that spanned nearly 75 years, from his first scientific publication at age 10 to work still in
progress when he died at 84, Piaget had developed several new fields of science: developmental psychology,
cognitive theory and what came to be called genetic epistemology Although not an educational reformer,he
fashioned a way of thinking about children that provided the foundation for today’s education-reform
movements. It was a shift comparable to the displacement of stories of "noble savages” and "cannibals” by
modern anthropology. One might say that Piaget was the first to take children's thinking seriously.

Definition of a country #071023

What is a country, and how is a country defined? When people ask how many countries there are in the world,
they expect a simple answer. After all, we've explored the whole planet, we have international travel, satellite
navigation and plenty of global organizations like the United Nations, so we should really know how many
countries there are! However, the answer to the question varies according to whom you ask. Most people say
there are 192 countries, but others point out that there could be more like 260 of them. So why isn't there a
straightforward answer? The problem arises because there isn't a universally agreed definition of 'country' and
because, for political reasons, some countries find it convenient to recognize or not recognize other countries.

United Nations #071024

Founded after World War II by 51 "peace-loving states" combined to oppose future aggression, the United
Nations now counts 192 member nations, including its newest members, Nauru, Kiribati, and Tonga in 1999,
Tuvalu and Yugoslavia in 2000, Switzerland and East Timor in 2002, and Montenegro in 2006. United Nations
Day has been observed on October 24 since 1948 and celebrates the objectives and accomplishments of the
organization, which was established on October 24, 1945. The UN engages in peacekeeping and humanitarian
missions across the globe. Though some say its influence has declined in recent decades, the United Nations
still plays a tremendous role in world politics. In 2001 the United Nations and Kofi Annan, then Secretary-
General of the UN, won the Nobel Peace Prize "for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world."
Since 1948 there have been 63 UN peacekeeping operations, 16 are currently underway. Thus far, close to 130
nations have contributed personnel at various times; 119 are currently providing peacekeepers. As of August
31, 2008, there were 16 peacekeeping operations underway with a total of 88,230 personnel. The small island
nation of Fiji has taken part in virtually every UN peacekeeping operation, as has Canada.

Oxford medical school #071027

When I enrolled in my master's course at Oxford last year, I had come straight from medical school with the
decision to leave clinical science for good. Thinking back, I realize that I didn't put very much weight on this
decision at the time. But today, I more clearly understand the consequences of leaving my original profession.
When I meet old friends who are now physicians and surgeons, I sense how our views on medical problems
have diverged. They scrutinize the effects of disease and try to eliminate or alleviate them; I try to understand
how they come about in the first place. I feel happier working on this side of the problem, although I do
occasionally miss clinical work and seeing patients.

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However, when I think about the rate at which my medical skills and knowledge have
dissipated, the years spent reading weighty medical textbooks, the hours spent at the bedside, I sometimes
wonder if these years were partly a waste of time now that I am pursuing a research career.

Nonetheless, I know the value of my medical education. It is easy to forget the importance of the biosciences
when working with model organisms in basic research that seem to have nothing to do with a sick child or a
suffering elderly person. Yet, I still have vivid memories of the cruel kaleidoscope of severe diseases and of how
they can strike a human being. I hope to retain these memories as a guide in my current occupation.

Space work for an astronaut #071031

The space work for an astronaut can be inside or outside, inside they can monitor machines and the work is
carried out alongside the craft. They also need to make sure the Space Travel. Outside the craft, they can see
how the seeds react in the space. Some seeds company send seeds to them to investigate how seeds change
their biological character. When outside the craft, they can set up experiments or clean up the space rubbish.

A Dog #071033

A DOG may be man's best friend. But man is not always a dog's. Over the centuries selective breeding has
pulled at the canine body shape to produce what is often a grotesque distortion of the underlying wolf. Indeed,
some of these distortions are, when found in people, regarded as pathologies. Dog breeding does, though,
offer a chance to those who would like to understand how body shape is controlled. The ancestry of pedigree
pooches is well recorded, their generation time is short and their litter size reasonably large, so there is plenty
of material to work with. Moreover, breeds are, by definition, inbred, and this simplifies genetic analysis. Those
such as Elaine Ostrander, of America's National Human Genome Research Institute, who wish to identify the
genetic basis of the features of particular pedigrees thus have an ideal experimental animal.

Complementary Therapies #071038

Complementary therapies - such as those practiced by naturopaths, chiropractors and

acupuncturists - have become increasingly popular in Australia over the last few decades. Interest initially
coincided with enthusiasm for alternative lifestyles, while immigration and increased contact and trade with
China have also had an influence. The status of complementary therapies is being re-visited in a number of
areas: legal regulation; the stances of doctors' associations; their inclusion in medical education; and scientific
research into their efficacy.

Mike’s Research #071039

In 2001 he received the SIUC Outstanding Scholar Award. In 2003 he received the Carski Award for
Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching from the American Society for Microbiology. Mike’s research is
focused on bacteria that inhabit extreme environments, and for the past 12 years he has studied the
microbiology of permanently ice-covered lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. In addition to his
research papers, he has edited a major treatise on phototrophic bacteria and served for over a decade as chief
editor of the journal Archives of Microbiology. He currently serves on the editorial board of Environmental
Microbiology. Mike’s non-scientific interests include forestry, reading, and caring for his dogs and horses. He
lives beside a peaceful and quiet lake with his wife, Nancy, five shelter dogs (Gaino, Snuffy, Pepto, Peanut, and
Merry), and four horses (Springer, Feivel, Gwen, and Festus).

Meet Customer Demand #071040

It originally referred to the production of goods to meet customer demand exactly in time, quality and quantity,
whether the ‘customer’ is the final purchaser of the product or another process further along the production

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Egg-Eating Snakes #071041

Egg-eating snakes are a small group of snakes whose diet consists only of eggs. Some eat only small eggs,
which they have to swallow whole, as the snake has no teeth. Instead, some other snakes eat bigger eggs, but it
requires special treatment. These snakes have spines that stick out from the backbone. The spines crack the egg
open as it passes through the throat.

Flower Attract Insects #071042

(大意,非原文 Only the gist. Not the original text.)

According to a research conducted by Cambridge University, flowers can their own ways to attract insects to
help them pollinate. Flowers will release an irresistible smell. Beverley Glover from the University of Cambridge
and her colleagues did an experiment in which they use fake flowers to attract bees and insects. In their
experiments, they freed many bumblebees from their origins repeatedly, and got the same results.

Two farms #071043

Both farms were by far the largest, most prosperous, most technologically advanced farms in their respective
districts. In particular, each was centred around a magnificent state-of-the-art barn for sheltering and milking
cows. Those structures, both neatly divided into oppositefacing rows of cow stalls, dwarfed all other barns in
the district. Both farms let their cows graze outdoors in lush pastures during the summer, produced their own
hay to harvest in the late summer for feeding the cows through the winter, and increased their production of
summer fodder and winter hay by irrigating their fields.

Olympic medalists #071046

In an often-cited study about counterfactuals, Medvec, Madey, and Gilovich (1995) found that bronze medalists
appeared happier than silver medalists in television coverage of the 1992 Summer Olympics. Medvec et al.
argued that bronze medalists compared themselves to 4th place finishers, whereas silver medalists compared
themselves to gold medalists. These counterfactuals were the most salient because they were either
qualitatively different (gold vs. silver) or categorically different (medal vs. no medal) from what actually
occurred. Drawing on archival data and experimental studies, we show that Olympic athletes (among others)
are more likely to make counterfactual comparisons based on their prior expectations, consistent with decision
affect theory. Silver medalists are more likely to be disappointed because their personal expectations are higher
than those of bronze medalists.

Darkness in the Northern Hemisphere #071049

The increasing darkness in the Northern Hemisphere this time of year "indicates to the plant that autumn is
coming on. So it starts recouping materials from the leaves before they drop off. Evergreens protect their
needle-like foliage from freezing with waxy coatings and natural "antifreezes." But broadleaf plants, like sugar
maples, birches, and sumacs, have no such protections. As a result, they shed their leaves. But before they do,
the plants first try to salvage important nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.

Gas Drilling #071053

Gas drilling on the Indonesian of java has triggered a “mud volcano” that has killed 13 people and may
render four square miles (ten square kilometers) of countryside uninhabitable for years. In a report released on

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January 23, a team of British researchers says the deadly upwelling began when an exploratory gas well
punched through a layer of rock 9300 feet (2800 meters) below the surface, allowing hot, high pressure water
to escape. The water carried mud to the surface, where it has spread across a region 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) in
diameter in the eight months since the eruption began. The mud volcano is similar to a gusher or blowout,
which occur in oil drilling when oil or gas squirt to the surface, team says. This upwelling , however, spews out a
volume of mud equivalent to a dozen Olympic swimming pools each day. Although the eruption isn't as violent
as a conventional volcano, more than a dozen people died when a natural gas pipeline ruptured. The research
team, who published their findings in the February issue of GSA Today, also estimate that the volcano, called
Lusi, will leave more than 11,000 people permanently displaced.

National Sustainable Development Strategies #071058

The principal recommendation of the world conferences was that countries must take full responsibility for
their own development. National responsibility for national development is the necessary consequence of
sovereignty. The Monterrey Consensus states that ‘Each country has primary responsibility for its own
economic and social development, and the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be
over-emphasized. The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation called for all governments to begin implementing
national sustainable development strategies (NSDS) by 2005 and the 2005 Summit agreed on a target of 2006
for all developing countries to adopt and start implementation of these strategies to achieve the internationally
agreed goals. The automatic corollary of that principle is that each country must be free to determine its own
development strategy. It is essential that all donors and lenders accept the principle of country ownership of
national development strategies. This implies the acceptance of the principle that development strategies
should not only be attuned to country circumstances, but also be prepared and implemented under the
leadership of the governments of the countries themselves. The 2005 World Summit also acknowledged, in this
regard, that all countries must recognize the need for developing countries to strike a balance between their
national policy priorities and their international commitments.

Lure New Students #071061

In an attempt to lure new students, leading business schools - including Harvard, Stanford, the University of
Chicago and Wharton – have moved away from the unofficial admissions and prerequisite of four years’ work
experience and instead have set their sights on recent college graduates and so-called ‘early career‘
professionals with only a couple years of work under the belt.

William Shakespeare #071064

For all his fame and celebration, William Shakespeare remains a mysterious figure with regards to personal
history. There are just two primary sources for information on the Bard: his works, and various legal and church
documents that have survived from Elizabethan times. Naturally, there are many gaps in this body of
information, which tells us little about Shakespeare the man.

How does outer space affect the human body? #071066

Researchers already know that spending long periods of time in a zero-gravity environment -- such as that
inside the International Space Station (ISS) -- result in loss of bone density and damage to the body’s muscles
. That’s partly why stays aboard the ISS are limited at six months. And now, a number of NASA astronauts are
reporting that their 20/20 vision faded after spending time in space, with many needing glasses once they
returned to Earth.

Paraphrasing #071068

Paraphrasing is often defined as putting a passage from an author into your own words. However, what are

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your own words? How different must your paraphrase be from the original? The answer is it should be
considerably different. The whole point of paraphrasing is to show you have read and understood another
person's ideas and can summarise them in your own writing style rather than borrowing their phrases. If you
just change a few words or add some bits of your own to an otherwise reproduced passage, you will probably
be penalized for plagiarism. You should aim to condense and simplify a writer's ideas and describe them using
different sentence structures and expressions. It is also important to credit the original writer by referencing.

UBC expeditions to the Canadian Arctic #071071

This summer, 41 UBC alumni and friends participated in expeditions to the Canadian Arctic and the legendary
Northwest Passage. Presentations, conversations and learning accompanied their exploration of the great
outdoors aboard the Russian-flagged Akademik Ioffe, designed and built in Finland as a scientific research
vessel in 1989. Her bridge was open to passengers virtually 24 hours a day. Experts on board presented on
topics including climate change, wildlife, Inuit culture and history, and early European explorers. UBC professor
Michael Byers presented on the issue of Arctic sovereignty, a growing cause of debate as ice melts, new
shipping routes open, and natural resources become accessible. Recommended pre-trip reading was late UBC
alumnus Pierre Bertons book, The Arctic Grail.

Anesthesia #071072

Before effective anaesthetics, surgery was very crude and very painful. Before 1800, alcohol and opium had little
success in easing pain during operations. Laughing gas was used in 1844 in dentistry in the USA, but failed to
ease all pain and patients remained conscious. Ether (used from 1846) made patients totally unconscious and
lasted a long time. However, it could make patients cough during operations and sick afterwards. It was highly
flammable and was transported in heavy glass bottles. Chloroform (used from 1847) was very effective with few
side effects. However, it was difficult to get the dose right and could kill some people because of the effect on
their heart. An inhaler helped to regulate the dosage.

EE & AVG [Version 1] #071073

Currently, there is concern about the increasing amount of time children spend engaged in sedentary activities,
the number of children who fail to achieve minimum daily physical activity guidelines (i.e. 60 min of moderate-
to-vigorous intensity activities every day), and the apparent increase in obesity prevalence as a result of such
sedentary behavior. Screen-based activities, including television, viewing and playing computer games are
among the most frequently observed sedentary activities that children partake3 with children spending 2.5-4 h
per day participating in such activities.
The introduction of “active video games” (AVGs) into the gaming market presents an opportunity to convert
traditional, sedentary screen-time in to active screen-time and thus increase total daily energy expenditure (EE).
Modern AVGs utilize cameras and motion sensors to allow the gamer to physically perform a variety of actions,
dependent on the console, such as swinging a tennis racquet or running. The most demanding AVGs provided
similar responses to walking and, based on international standards, should be classified as low-intensity
activities. Whilst AVGs may provide children with a better alternative to sedentary gaming, they are not a
sufficient replacement for normal physical activity, e.g. sports and outdoor play.

Charity #071075

Americans approached a record level of generosity last year. Of the $260.28 billion given to charity in 2005,
76.5% of it came from individual donors. These people gave across the range of non-profit bodies, from
museums to religious organizations, with a heavy emphasis on disaster relief after the Asian tsunami and US
hurricanes. In total, Americans gave away 2.2% of their household income in 2005, slightly above 40-year

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Disclose Business Emission #071076

There is a need to disclose business emission. The data of emission can be used to test which company causes
climate change …… the government campaigners and environmental invigilators (后两个可能互换)

Trip to Germany #071077

Last year I went to Germany. It was a trip to Germany not for leisure but for exchange. This was the worst trip
that I have been on. We transferred via Amsterdam. We arrived half an hour ahead of the time that plane was
supposed to take off, but the plane was late, so we took another flight which was flying to a wrong destination.
It landed at another airport, hundreds of miles away from where I supposed to be. All we could do was waiting
for the next connecting flight to take us. So, we waited for another hour and a half. Everyone was exhausted.
No wonder we all hope to go home straight away.

Sales Representatives #071078

Sales jobs allow for a great deal of discretionary time and effort on the part of the sales representatives -
especially when compared with managerial, manufacturing, and service jobs. Most sales representatives work
independently and outside the immediate presence of their sales managers. Therefore, some form of goals
needs to be in place to motivate and guide their performance. Sales personnel are not the only professionals
with performance goals or quotas. Health care professionals operating in clinics have daily, weekly, and
monthly goals in terms of patient visits. Service personnel are assigned a number of service calls they must
perform during a set time period. Production workers in manufacturing have output goals. So, why are
achieving sales goals or quotas such a big deal? The answer to this question can be found by examining how a
firm's other departments are affected by how well the company's salespeople achieve their performance goals.
The success of the business hinges on the successful sales of its products and services. Consider all the
planning, the financial, production and marketing efforts that go into producing what the sales force sells.
Everyone depends on the sales force to sell the company's products and services and they eagerly anticipate
knowing things are going.

Push and pull factors #071082

People move to a new region for many different reasons. The motivation for moving can come from a
combination of what researchers sometimes call 'push and pull factors' – those that encourage people to leave
a region, and those that attract people to a region. Some of the factors that motivate people to move include
seeking a better climate, finding more affordable housing, looking for work or retiring from work, leaving the
congestion of city living, wanting a more pleasant environment, and wanting to be near to family and friends. In
reality, many complex factors and personal reasons may interact to motivate a person or family to move.

What’s a herbal? #071083

A herbal is a book of plants, describing their appearance, their properties and how they may be used for
preparing ointments and medicines. The medical use of plants is recorded on fragments of papyrus and clay
tablets from ancient Egypt, Samaria and China that date back 5,000 years but document traditions far older still.
Over 700 herbal remedies were detailed in the Papyrus Ebers, an Egyptian text written in 1500 BC. Around 65
BC, a Greek physician called Dioscorides wrote a herbal that was translated into Latin and Arabic. Known as
‘De materia medica’, it became the most influential work on medicinal plants in both Christian and Islamic
worlds until the late 17th century. An illustrated manuscript copy of the text made in Constantinople (modern-
day Istanbul) survives from the sixth century. The first printed herbals date from the dawn of European printing
in the 1480s. They provided valuable information for apothecaries, whose job it was to make the pills and
potions prescribed by physicians. In the next century, landmark herbals were produced in England by
William Turner, considered to be the father of British botany, and John Gerard, whose

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illustrations would inspire the floral fabric, wallpaper and tile designs of William Morris four centuries later.

Tomb of Tutankhamun #071084

The last tourists may have been leaving the Valley of the Kings on the West Bank in Luxor but the area in front
of the tomb of Tutankhamun remained far from deserted. Instead of the tranquility that usually descends on
the area in the evening it was a hive of activity. TV crews trailed masses of equipment, journalists milled and
photographers held their cameras at the ready. The reason? For the first time since Howard Carter discovered
the tomb in 1922 the mummy of Tutankhamun was being prepared for public display.
Inside the subterranean burial chamber Egypt's archaeology supremo Zahi Hawass, accompanied by four
Egyptologists, two restorers and three workmen, were slowly lifting the mummy from the golden sarcophagus
where it has been rested -- mostly undisturbed -- for more than 3,000 years. The body was then placed on a
wooden stretcher and transported to its new home, a high- tech, climate-controlled plexi-glass showcase
located in the outer chamber of the tomb where, covered in linen, with only the face and feet exposed, it now
greets visitors.

DNA on a Crime Scene #071088

Fingerprints can prove that a suspect was actually at the scene of a crime. As long as a human entered a crime
scene, there will be traces of DNA. DNA can help the police to identify an individual to crack a case. An institute
in London can help reserve DNA and be used to match with the samples taken from the crime scenes.

Use Your Time Well #071090

You have about 30 minutes to answer each question. You must take account of how many marks are available
for each part when you answer it. Even if you think you can write more, don't spend 15 minutes answering a
part worth only 5 marks. Leave space at the end of your answer and come back to it if you have time to spare
And if you can't think of an answer to some part, leave a space and move on to the next part. Don't write
about something else if you don't know the correct answer -- this is just a waste of your valuable time (and the

Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum #071093

The Edo-Tokyo Tatemono En is an open-air architectural museum but could be better thought of as a park.
Thirty buildings from the 19th and early 20th centuries from all around Tokyo were restored and relocated to
the space, where they can be explored by future generations to come. The buildings are a collection of houses
and businesses, shops, and bathhouses, all of which would have been present on a typical middle-class street
from Edoera to Showa-era Tokyo. The west section is residential, with traditional thatched roof bungalows of
the 19th century. Meiji-era houses are also on view, constructed in a more Western style after Japan opened its
borders in 1868. The Musashino Sabo Cafe occupies the ground floor of one such house, where visitors can
enjoy a cup of tea. Grand residences like that of Korekiyo Takahashi, an early 20th century politician
assassinated over his controversial policies, demonstrate how the upper class lived during that time period. The
east section is primarily businesses from the 1920s and ’30s, preserved with their wares on display. Visitors are
free to wander through a kitchenware shop, a florist’s, an umbrella store, a bar, a soy sauce shop, a tailor’s, a
cosmetics shop, and an inn complete with an operational noodle shop.

Opportunity Cost #071094

Opportunity cost incorporates the notion of scarcity: No matter what we do, there is always a trade-off. We
must trade off one thing for another because resources are limited and can be used in different ways.
By acquiring something, we use up resources that could have been used to acquire something else. The notion

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of opportunity cost allows us to measure this trade-off. Most decisions involve several alternatives. For
example, if you spend an hour studying for an economics exam, you have one fewer hour to pursue other
activities. To determine the opportunity cost of an activity, we look at what you consider the best of these
“other” activities. For example, suppose the alternatives to studying economics are studying for a history
exam or working in a job that pays $10 per hour. If you consider studying for history a better use of your time
than working, then the opportunity cost of studying economics is the four extra points you could have received
on a history exam if you studied history instead of economics. Alternatively, if working is the best alternative,
the opportunity cost of studying economics is the $10 you could have earned instead.

Private Schools in UK #071097

Private schools in the UK are redoubling their marketing efforts to foreigners. Almost a third of the 68,000
boarding pupils at such schools already come from overseas. But now, with many UK residents unwilling or
unable to afford the fee - top boarding schools edging towards £30,000 ($49,759) a year - and a cultural shift
away from boarding, many schools are looking abroad to survive.
Overseas students now account for about ...

Diversity of the Amazon Basin #071101

This is the first study to show that the Andes have been a major source of diversity for the Amazon basin, one
of the largest reservoirs of biological diversity on Earth. The finding runs counter to the idea that Amazonian
diversity is the result of evolution only within the tropical forest itself. “Basically, the Amazon basin is
‘melting pot’ for South American frogs,” says graduate student Juan Santos, lead author of the study.
“Poison frogs there have come from multiple places of origin, notably the Andes Mountains, over many
millions of years. We have shown that you cannot understand Amazonian biodiversity by looking only in the
basin. Adjacent regions have played a major role.”

Genetic Test for PD #071102

While Florey researchers have also created a genetic test for PD (10% of PD cases are caused by genetic
factors), this new test has a broader application by screening for many different types of PD and monitoring
treatment, as well as measuring the effectiveness of drugs being developed to treat the disease.
Dr Qiao-Xin Li and colleagues from The University of Melbourne and The Mental Health Research Institute of
Victoria, along with Prof Malcolm Horne from the Howard Florey Institute, found people with PD had low levels
of the brain-secreted protein ‘alpha-synuclein' in their blood, while people without PD had high levels of the
Prof Horne said the test they developed measured alpha-synuclein levels in blood. “Currently there is no
specific PD diagnostic test so doctors rely on their observations to make a diagnosis, which means some
patients may not be prescribed the most suitable medication and around 15% of those diagnosed may actually
be suffering from something else,” Prof Horne said.
Further studies are required to establish whether this test can distinguish between people who are responsive
to treatment and those who are not,” he said. The researchers are now conducting a large-scale study to
determine the effectiveness of the test, to discover whether it is applicable for all types of PD, and to find out if
it can measure the rate of progression and severity of the disease.

Allergies #071104

Allergies are abnormal immune system reactions to things that are typically harmless to most people. When
you’re allergic to something, your immune system mistakenly believes that this substance is harmful to your
body. Substances that cause allergic reactions — such as certain foods, dust, plant pollen, or medicines — are
known as allergens. In an attempt to protect the body, the immune system produces IgE antibodies to that

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allergen. Those antibodies then cause certain cells in the body to release chemicals into the bloodstream, one
of which is histamine. The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal
tract and causes the symptoms of the allergic reaction. Future exposure to that same allergen will trigger this
antibody response again. This means that every time you come into contact with that allergen, you'll have an
allergic reaction.

MBA Programmes #071110

Deciding to go to business school is perhaps the simplest part of what can be a complicated process. With
nearly 600 accredited MBA programmes on offer around the world, the choice of where to study can be
overwhelming. Here we explain how to choose the right school and course for you and unravel the application
and funding process. "Probably the majority of people applying to business school are at a point in their
careers where they know they want to shake things up, but they don't know exactly what they want to do with
their professional lives," says Stacy Blackman, an
MBA admissions consultant based in Los Angeles. "If that's the case with you, look at other criteria: culture,
teaching method, location, and then pick a place that’s a good fit for you with a strong general management
programme. Super-defined career goals don’t have to be a part of this process."

Charles Darwin #071111

Charles Darwin knew intuitively that tropical forests were places of tremendous intricacy and energy. He and his
cohort of scientific naturalists were awed by the beauty of the Neotropics, where they collected tens of
thousands of species new to science. But they couldn't have guessed at the complete contents of the rainforest,
and they had no idea of its value to humankind.

Copyright's position #071113

The presentation will cover copyright's position as one of the intellectual property rights and how it differs from
other intellectual property rights. It will give an overview of what copyright protects as well as what may be
done with copyright protected works without permission under permitted acts (sometimes or so-called
exceptions). It is by manipulating the restricted acts through licensing arrangements that rights owners
establish and exploit commercial markets. In contrast to commercial markets, the growth of open source and
open content licensing models has challenged established business models. The presentation gives a brief
commentary on two of the more prominent open licensing frameworks: the GNU Creative Commons licences.

Sustainable transportation system #071114

A sustainable transportation system is one in which people needs and desires for access to jobs, commerce,
recreation, culture and home are accommodated using a minimum of resources. Applying principles of
sustainability to transportation will reduce pollution generated by gasoline-powered engines, noise, traffic
congestion, land devaluation, urban sprawl, economic segregation, and injury to drivers, pedestrians and
cyclists. In addition, the costs of commuting, shipping, housing and goods will be reduced.

Ultimately in a sustainable San Francisco, almost all trips to and within the City will be on public transit, foot or
bicycle-as will a good part of trips to the larger Bay Region. Walking through streets designed for pedestrians
and bicycles will be more pleasant than walking through those designed for the automobile. Street-front retail
and commercial establishments will prosper from the large volume of foot traffic drawn to an environment
enhanced by trees, appropriately designed “street furniture,” (street lights, bicycle racks, benches, and the
like) and other people. Rents and property costs will be lowered as land for off-street parking is no longer
required or needed.

Good looks win votes #071117

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It is tempting to try to prove that good looks win votes, and many academics have tried. The difficulty is that
beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you cannot behold a politician’s face without a veil of extraneous
prejudice getting in the way. Does George Bush possess a disarming grin, or a facetious smirk? It’s hard to
find anyone who can look at the president without assessing him politically as well as physically.

“An Act” #071119

The Nature Conservation Amendment Act of 1996 enables the Minister of Environment and Tourism to register
a conservancy if it has a representative committee, a legal constitution, which provides for the sustainable
management and utilisation of game in the conservancy, the ability to manage the funds, an approved method
for the equitable distribution of benefits to members of the community and defined boundaries.

Native species in North America #071121

Of the more than 1,000 bat species worldwide, 22 are native to North America. And while there are no
pollinator bats in our area, gardeners should champion those that do live here, because they’re insectivorous.
These bats consume moths, beetles and mosquitoes, and can eat up to 500 mosquito-sized insects per hour.
They also protect gardens and crops from such pests as cucumber beetles, cutworms and leafhoppers.

Paris is very old #071124

Paris is very old—there has been a settlement there for at least 6000 years and its shape has been determined
in part by the River Seine, and in part by the edicts of France’s rulers. But the great boulevards we admire
today are relatively new, and were constructed to prevent any more barricades being created by the rebellious
population; that work was carried out in the middle 19th century. The earlier Paris had been in part a maze of
narrow streets and alleyways. But You can imagine that the work was not only highly expensive, but caused
great distress among the half a million or so residents whose houses were simply razed, and whose
neighbourhoods disappeared. What is done cannot usually be undone, especially when buildings are torn down

Global Textile Industry #071127

The environmental impact of the global textile industry is hard to overstate. One-third of the water used
worldwide is spent fashioning fabrics. For every ton of cloth produced, 200 tons of water is polluted with
chemicals and heavy metals. An estimated 1 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity powers the factories that card
and comb, spin and weave, and cut and stitch materials into everything from T-shirts to towels, leaving behind
mountains of solid waste and a massive carbon footprint.
“Where the industry is today is not really sustainable for the long term,” says Shreyaskar Chaudhary, chief
executive of Pratibha Syntex, a textile manufacturer based outside Indore, India.
With something of an “if you build it, they will come” attitude, Mr.Chaudhary has steered Pratibha toward the
leading edge of eco-friendly textile production. Under his direction, Pratibha began making clothes with
organic cotton in 1999. Initially, the company couldn't find enough organic farms growing cotton in central
India to supply its factories. To meet production demands, Chaudhary's team had to convince conventional
cotton farmers to change their growing methods. Pratibha provided seeds, cultivation instruction, and a
guarantee of fair- trade prices for their crops. Today, Pratibha has a network of 28,000 organic cotton growers
across the central states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Orissa.

Two types of genes #071147

Recently, research into embryonic development has given us an even better insight into how major structural
changes might occur in a given population of organisms. We now understand that there are two major types of
genes: developmental and “housekeeping” genes. Developmental genes are those that are expressed during

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embryonic development, and their proteins control the symmetry, skeletal development, organ placement, and
overall form of the developing animal. In contrast , “housekeeping” genes are expressed during the animal's
daily life to generate proteins which keep the cells, tissues, and organs in the body functioning properly. as you
might suspect, mutations in developmental genes can have radical consequences for body form and function,
whereas mutations in “housekeeping” genes tend to affect the health and reproductive success of the post-
embryonic animal.

Seminars #071148

Seminars are not designed to be mini-lectures. Their educational role is to provide an opportunity for you to
discuss interesting and/or difficult aspects of the course. This is founded on the assumption that it is only by
actively trying to use the knowledge that you have acquired from lectures and texts that you can achieve an
adequate understanding of the subject. If you do not understand a point it is highly unlikely that you will be the
only person in the group in that position; you will invariably be undertaking a service for the entire group if you
come to the seminar equipped with questions on matters which you feel you did not fully understand. The
seminar is to provoke discussion .

Leadership #071150

Leadership is all about being granted permission by others to lead their thinking. It is a bestowed moral
authority that gives the right to organise and direct the efforts of others. But moral authority does not come
from simply managing people effectively or communicating better or being able to motivate. It comes from
many sources, including being authentic and genuine, having integrity, and showing a real and deep
understanding of the business in question. All these factors build confidence.

Leaders lose moral authority for three reasons: they behave unethically; they become plagued by self-doubt
and lose their conviction; or they are blinded by power lose self-awareness and thus lose connection with those
they lead as the context around them changes. Having said all this, it has to be assumed that if someone
becomes a leader, at some point they understood the difference between right and wrong it is up to them to
abide by a moral code and up to us to ensure that the moment we suspect they do not, we fire them or vote
them out.

Retirement #071151

For a start, we need to change our concept of 'retirement', and we need to change mind-sets arising from
earlier government policy which, in the face of high unemployment levels, encouraged mature workers to take
early retirement. Today, government encourages them to delay their retirement.
We now need to think of retirement as a phased process, where mature age workers gradually reduce their
hours, and where they have considerable flexibility in how they combine their work and non work time.
We also need to recognise the broader change that is occurring in how people work, learn, and live.
Increasingly we are moving away from a linear relationship between education, training, work, and retirement,
as people move in and out of jobs, careers, caregiving, study, and leisure. Employers of choice remove the
barriers between the different segments of people's lives, by creating flexible conditions of work and a range of
leave entitlements. They take an individualised approach to workforce planning and development so that the
needs of employers and employees can be met simultaneously. This approach supports the different transitions
that occur across the life course - for example, school to work, becoming a parent, becoming responsible for
the care of older relatives, and moving from work to retirement.

When to revise? #071153

Timing is important for revision. Have you noticed that during the school day you get times when you just

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don't care any longer? I don't mean the lessons you don't like, but the ones you find usually find OK, but on
some occasions, you just can't be bothered with it. You may have other things on your mind, be tired, restless
or looking forward to what comes next. Whatever the reason, that particular lesson doesn't get 100 percent
effort from you. The same is true of revision. Your mental and physical attitude is important. If you try to revise
when you are tired or totally occupied with something else, your revision will be inefficient and just about
worthless. If you approach it feeling fresh, alert and happy, it will be so much easier, and you will learn more,
However, if you make no plans and just slip in a little bit of revision when you feel like it, you probably won’t
do much revision!
You need a revision timetable, so you don't keep putting it off.

The speech of alchemy #071158

To learn the speech of alchemy, an early form of chemistry in which people attempted to turn metals into gold,
it helps to think back to a time when there was no science: no atomic number or weight, no periodic chart no
list of elements. to the alchemists the universe was not made of leptons, bosons, gluons, and quarks. Instead it
was made of substances, and one substance-say, walnut oil-could be just as pure as another-say, silver-even
though modern scientists would say one is heterogeneous and the other homogeneous. Without knowledge of
atomic structures, how would it be possible to tell elements from compounds?

Australia’s dwelling #071160

The stock of Australia's dwellings is evolving, with current homes having more bedrooms on average than
homes ten years ago. At the same time, households are getting smaller on average with decreasing proportions
of couple families with children and increasing couple only and lone person households. This article examines
the changes in household size and number of bedrooms from 1994-95 to 2003-04.

Interdisciplinary Centre #071162

A new interdisciplinary centre for the study of the frontiers of the universe, from the tiniest subatomic particle
to the largest chain of galaxies, has been formed at The University of Texas at Austin. The Texas Cosmology
Centre will be a way for the university's departments of Astronomy and Physics to collaborate on research that
concerns them both “This centre will bring the two departments together in an area where they overlap--in
the physics of the very early universe,” said Dr. Neal Evans, Astronomy Department chair. Astronomical
observations have revealed the presence of dark matter and dark energy, discoveries that challenge our
knowledge of fundamental physics. And today's leading theories in physics involve energies so high that no
Earth-bound particle accelerator can test them. They need the universe as their laboratory Steven Weinberg,
Nobel laureate and professor of physics at the university, called the Centre's advent”(干扰选项movement)a
very exciting development “for that department.

Foreign policy #071163

The foreign policy of a state, it is often argued, begins and ends with the border. No doubt an exaggeration,
this aphorism nevertheless has an element of truth. A state's relation with its neighbours, at least in the
formative years, are greatly influenced by its frontier policy, especially when there are no settled borders.
Empire builders in the past sought to extend imperial frontiers for a variety of reasons; subjugation of kings and
princes to gain their allegiance (as well as handsome tributes or the coffers of the state), and, security of the
'core' of the empire from external attacks by establishing a string of buffer states in areas adjoining the
frontiers. The history of British empire in India was no different. It is important to note in this connection that
the concept of international boundaries (between two sovereign states), demarcated and delineated, was yet to
emerge in India under Mughal rule.

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Life expectancy at birth #071165

Life expectancy at birth is one of the most widely used and internationally recognised indicators of population
health. It focuses on the length of life rather than its quality, and provides a useful summary of the general
health of the population. While an indicator describing how long Australians live that simultaneously takes into
account quality of life would be a desirable summary measure of progress in the area, currently no such
measure exists, and this is why life expectancy at birth is used as the Main Progress Indicator here. During the
decade 1999 to 2009, life expectancy at birth improved for both sexes.
A girl born in 2009 could expect to reach 83.9 years of age, while a boy could expect to live to 79.3 years. Over
the decade, boys 'life expectancy increased slightly more than girls'(3.1 compared with 2.1 years). This saw the
gap between the sexes' life expectancy decrease by one year to 4.6 years
In the longer term, increases in life expectancy also occurred over most of the 20th century. Unfortunately, life
expectancy isn't shared across the whole population though, being lower in Tasmania and the northern
Territory, and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Intelligence of animals #071168

Comparing the intelligence of animals of different species is difficult, how do you compare a dolphin and a
horse? Psychologists have a technique for looking at intelligence that does not require the cooperation of the
animal involved. The relative size of an individual's brain is a reasonable indication of intelligence. Comparing
across species is not as simple as generally expected. An elephant will have a larger brain than a human simply
because it is a large beast. Instead, we use the Cephalization index, which compare the size of an animal's brain
to the size of its body.

Based on the Cephalization index, the brightest animals on the planet are humans, followed by great apes,
porpoises and elephants. As a general rule, animals that hunt for a living (like canines) are smarter than strict
vegetarians (you don't need much intelligence to outsmart a leaf of lettuce). Animals that live in social groups
are always smarter and have large EQ's than solitary animals.

Learning process #071174

Learning is a process by which behavior or knowledge changes as a result of experience. Learning from
experience plays a major role IN enabling us to do many things that we clearly were not born to do, from the
simplest tasks, such as flipping a light switch, to the more complex, such as playing a musical instrument. To
many people, the term “learning” signifies the activities that students do reading, listening, and taking tests
in order to acquire new information. This process, which is known as cognitive learning, is just one type of
learning, however. Another way that we learn is by , which is the focus of this module.
You probably associate certain holidays with specific sights, sounds, and smells, or foods with specific flavors
and textures. We are not the only species with this skill even the simplest animals such as the earthworm can
learn by association

Mayan Civilisation #071177

The Classic era of Mayan civilization came to an end around 900 AD. Why this happened is unclear; the cities
were probably over-farming the land, so that a period of drought led to famine. Recent geological research
supports this, as there appears to have been a 200-year drought around this time.

Snails #071178

Snails are not traditionally known for quick thinking, but new research shows they can make complex decisions
using just two brain cells in findings that could help engineers design more efficient robots. Scientists at the
University of Sussex attached electrodes to the heads of freshwater snails as they searched for lettuce. They

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found that just one cell was used by the mollusc to tell if it was hungry or not, while another let it know when
food was present. Foodsearching is an example of goal-directed behaviour, during which an animal must
integrate information about both its external environment and internal state while using as little energy as
possible. Lead researcher Professor George Kemenes, sai “This will eventually help us design the” brain “of
robots based on the principle of using the fewest possible components necessary to perform complex
tasks.”What goes on in our brains when we make complex behavioural decisions and carry them out is poorly
understood.”Our study reveals for the first time how just two neurons can create a mechanism in an animal's
brain which drives and optimises complex decision-making tasks.

Chemistry #071180

Chemistry is an extremely important topic in physiology. Most physiological processes occur as the result of
chemical changes that occur within the body. These changes include the influx/efflux of ions across a neuron’s
membrane, causing a signal to pass from one end to the other. Other examples include the storage of oxygen
in the blood by a protein as it passes through the lungs for usage throughout the body.

SpaceX Dragon Capsule #071182

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Friday at 1845 GMT (1445 EDT), reaching
orbit 9 minutes later.
The rocket lofted an uncrewed mockup of SpaceX’s Dragon capsule, which is designed to one-day carry both
crew and cargo to orbit. “This has been a good day for SpaceX and a promising development for the US
human space flight programme,” said Robyn Ringuette of SpaceX in a webcast of the launch.
In a teleconference with the media on Thursday, SpaceX’s CEO, Paypal co-founder Elon Musk, said he would
consider the flight 100 percent successful if it reached orbit. “Even if we prove out just that the first stage
functions correctly, I’d still say that’s a good day for a test,” he said. “It’s a great day if both stages work
SpaceX hopes to win a NASA contract to launch astronauts to the International Space Station using the Falcon
9. US government space shuttles, which currently make these trips, are scheduled to retire for safety reasons at
the end of 2010.

Experience of Crime #071183

Crime is an integral part of everyday life. It is a prominent feature in the news and is a popular subject for
frictional portrayal. Most students commencing legal studies will have some experience of crime, whether
directly, as a victim of crime or indirectly through exposure to media coverage. This means that most offenses
covered on the syllabus, such as murder, theft and rape will be familiar terms. This tends to give students the
impression that they know more about criminal law than they do about other subjects on the syllabus. This can
be a real disadvantage in terms of the academic study of criminal law because it tends to lead students to rely
on preconceived notions of the nature and scope of the offenses and to reach instinctive, but often legally
inaccurate, conclusions. It is absolutely essential to success in criminal law that you put aside any prior
knowledge of the offenses and focus on the principles of law derived from statutes and cases. By doing this you
will soon appreciate just how much difference there is between everyday conceptions of crime and its actuality.

Effective Leader #071188

In search of lessons to apply in our own careers, we often try to emulate what effective leaders do. Roger
Martin says this focus is misplaced, because moves that work in one context may make little sense in another. A
more productive, though more difficult, approach is to look at how such leaders think. After extensive
interviews with more than 50 of them, the author discovered that most are integrative thinkers -that is, they can
hold in their heads two opposing ideas at once and then come up with a new idea that contains elements of

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each but is superior to both.

History Books #071189

History is selective. What history books tell us about the past is not everything that happened, but what
historians have selected. They cannot put in everything: choices have to be made. Choices must similarly be
made about which aspects of the past should be formally taught to the next generation in the shape of school
history lessons. So, for example, when a national school curriculum for England and Wales was first discussed at
the end of the 1980s, the history curriculum was the subject of considerable public and media interest.
Politicians argued about it; people wrote letters to the press about it; the Prime Minister of the time, Margaret
Thatcher, intervened in the debate. Let us think first about the question of content. There were two main camps
on this issue – those who thought the history of Britain should take pride of place, and those who favored what
was referred to as 'world history'.

Children sleep patterns #071198

Children have sound sleep patterns. They can successfully sleep for 8-9 hours and get up at a fixed time. But
teenagers don’t. Their need of early start to schools or other schedules can influence their sleep patterns.
Despite these factors, they actually need longer sleep time.

Economic Character #071202

One distinguishing feature of business is its economic character. In the world of business, we interact with each
other not as family members, friends, or neighbors, but as buyers and sellers, employers and employees, and
the like. Trading, for example, is often accompanied by hard bargaining, in which both sides conceal their full
hand and perhaps engage in some bluffing. And a skilled salesperson is versed in the art of arousing a
customer's attention (sometimes by a bit of puffery) to clinch the sale. Still, there is an "ethics of trading" that
prohibits the use of false or deceptive claims and tricks such as "bait-and-switch" advertising.

Australian women novelist #071206

In the literary world, it was an accepted assumption that the 1970s was a time of unprecedented growth in
homegrown Australian fiction. And everybody was reading and talking about books by young Australian
But it was not until recently that a researcher was able to measure just how many novels were published in that
decade, and she found that there had been a decline in novels by Australian writers overall, but confirmed an
increase in women’s novels. It is this sort of research - testing ideas about literary history - that is becoming
possible with the spread of ‘Digital Humanities.’ The intersection of Humanities and digital technologies is
opening up opportunities in the fields of literature, linguistics, history and language that were not possible
without computational methods and digitized resources to bring information together in an accessible way.
Transcription software is being developed for turning scans of books and documents into text, as the field of
digital humanities really takes off.

Teens Writing #071208

Teens write for a variety of reasons—as part of a school assignment, to get a good grade, to stay in touch with
friends, to share their artistic creations with others or simply to put their thoughts to paper (whether virtual or
otherwise). In our focus groups, teens said they are motivated to write when they can select topics that are
relevant to their lives and interests, and report greater enjoyment of school writing when they have the
opportunity to write creatively. Having teachers or other adults who challenge them, present them with
interesting curricula and give them detailed feedback also serves as a motivator for teens. Teens also report
writing for an audience motivates them to write and write well.

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Omniscience #071209

Omniscience may be a foible of men, but it is not so of books. Knowledge, as Johnson said, is of two kinds, you
may know a thing yourself, and you may know where to find it. Now the amount which you may actually know
yourself must, at its best, be limited, but what you may know of the sources of information may, with proper
training, become almost boundless. And here come the value and use of reference books—the working of one
book in connexion with another—and applying your own intelligence to both. By this means we get as near to
that omniscient volume which tells everything as ever we shall get, and although the single volume or work
which tells everything does not exist, there is a vast number of reference books in existence, a knowledge and
proper use of which is essential to every intelligent person. Necessary as I believe reference books to be, they
can easily be made to be contributory to idleness, and too mechanical a use should not be made of them.

DNA is a Molecule #071211

DNA is a molecule that does two things. First, it acts as the hereditary material, which is passed down from
generation to generation. Second, it directs, to a considerable extent, the construction of our bodies, telling our
cells what kinds of molecules to make and guiding our development from a single-celled zygote to a fully
formed adult. These two things are of course connected. The DNA sequences that construct the best bodies are
more likely to get passed down to the next generation because well-constructed bodies are more likely to
survive and thus to reproduce. This is Darwin’s theory of natural selection stated in the language of DNA.

Bones and joints #071213

Bones are extremely strong. One of their main functions is to protect organs. For example, the skull protects the
brain and forms the shape of the face. The spinal cord, a pathway for messages between the brain and the
body, is protected by the backbone, or spinal column. The ribs form a cage that shelters the heart and lungs,
and the pelvis helps protect the bladder, part of the intestines, and in women, the reproductive organs.

Joints make the skeleton flexible — without them, movement would be impossible. Three kinds of freely
movable joints play a big part in voluntary movement: Hinge joints allow movement in one direction, as seen in
the knees and elbows. Pivot joints allow a rotating or twisting motion, like that of the head moving from side to
side. Ball-and-socket joints allow the greatest freedom of movement. The hips and shoulders have this type of
joint, in which the round end of a long bone fits into the hollow of another bone.

Daniel Harris #071215

Daniel Harris, a scholar of consumption and style, has observed that until photography finally supplanted
illustration as the “primary means of advertising clothing” in the 1950s, glamour inhered less in the face of
the drawing, which was by necessity schematic and generalized, than in the sketch’s attitude, posture, and
gestures, especially in the strangely dainty positions of the hands. Glamour once resided so emphatically in the
stance of the model that the faces in the illustrations cannot really be said to have expressions at all, but angles
or tilts. The chin raised upwards in a haughty look; the eyes lowered in an attitude of introspection; the head
cocked at an inquisitive or coquettish angle: or the profile presented in sharp outline, emanating power the
severity like an emperor’s bust embossed on a Roman coin.

Emerald #071216

Emerald is defined by its green color. To be an emerald, a specimen must have a distinctly green color that falls
in the range from bluish green to green to slightly yellowish green. To be an emerald, the specimen must also
have a rich color. Stones with weak saturation or light tone should be called “green beryl.” If the beryl‘s
color is greenish blue then it is an “aquamarine.” If it is greenish yellow it is “heliodor”.
This color definition is a source of confusion. Which hue, tone, and saturation combinations are the dividing

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lines between "green beryl" and "emerald"? Professionals in the gem and jewellery trade can disagree on where
the lines should be drawn. Some believe that the name "emerald" should be used when chromium is the cause
of the green color, and that stones colored by vanadium should be called "green beryl."
Calling a gem an "emerald" instead of a "green beryl" can have a significant impact upon its price and
marketability. This "color confusion" exists within the United States. In some other countries, any beryl with a
green color - no matter how faint - is called an "emerald."

A Bad Title #071218

A good story may be given a bad title by its author, and so started toward failure. Novices are peculiarly liable
to this fault, usually through allowing themselves to be too easily satisfied. They go to infinite pains to make
the story itself fresh and individual, and then cap it with a commonplace phrase that is worse than no title at all.
A good title is apt, specific, attractive, new, and short.
A title is apt if it is an outgrowth of the plot—a text, as I have said. It stands definitely for that particular story,
and gives a suggestion of what is to come—but only a suggestion, lest it should anticipate the denouement
and so satisfy the curiosity of the reader too soon.

Mini Helicopter #071221

A mini helicopter modelled on flying tree seeds could soon be flying overhead. Evan Ulrich and colleagues at
the University of Maryland in College Park turned to the biological world for inspiration to build a scaled-down
helicopter that could mimic the properties of full-size aircraft.
The complex design of full-size helicopters gets less efficient when shrunk, meaning that standard mini
helicopters expend most of their power simply fighting to stay stable in the air. The researchers realised that a
simpler aircraft designed to stay stable passively would use much less power and reduce manufacturing costs
to boot.
It turns out that nature had beaten them to it. The seeds of trees such as the maple have a single-blade
structure that allows them to fly far away and drift safely to the ground. These seeds, known as samaras, need
no engine to spin through the air, thanks to a process called autorotation. By analysing the behaviour of the
samara with high-speed cameras, Ulrich and his team were able to copy its design.

Population Change #071222

Populations can change through three processes: fertility, mortality, and migration. Fertility involves the
number of children that women have and is to be contrasted with fecundity (a woman's childbearing potential).
Mortality is the study of the causes, consequences, and measurement of processes affecting death to members
of the population. Demographers most commonly study mortality using the Life Table, a statistical device that
provides information about the mortality conditions (most notably the life expectancy) in the population.
Migration refers to the movement of persons from a locality of origin to a destination place across some
predefined, political boundary. Migration researchers do not designate movements 'migrations' unless they are
somewhat permanent. Thus demographers do not consider tourists and travellers to be migrating. While
demographers who study migration typically do so through census data on place of residence, indirect sources
of data including tax forms, and labour force surveys are also important.
Demography is today widely taught in many universities across the world, attracting students with initial
training in social sciences, statistics or health studies.

Taylor's Restaurant #071223

The rest of Taylor’s restaurant is student-run. Students in quantity food production and service management
classes make the articulate and detailed dishes. "We teach students to understand where a product comes from
and to respect that product," Garmy said.

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Skeptics might doubt the quality of a student-run restaurant, but one visit to Taylor's will immediately change
their outlook. Dishes such as orecchiette and butternut squash, pappardelle with duck and bistro chicken will
please any appetite while imparting the need to return for a second taste.
Students are taught to use ratios and proportions rather than recipes when creating dishes.
"Understanding ratios and proportions when creating dishes instead of recipes makes students think and
actually teaches them how to cook, rather than just reading a recipe and not learning from it," Garmy said.
Garmy said he believes in using all aspects of a product, which Taylor's menu reflects.

Granular Materials #071225

Part of the fun of experimenting with granular materials, says Stephen W. Morris, is the showmanship. In one
stunt that he has demonstrated in settings ranging from high school classrooms to television studios, the
University of Toronto physicist loads clear plastic tubes with white table salt and black sand and starts them
rotating. What transpires in the tubes usually knocks the socks off of any unsuspecting bystander. Instead of
mixing into a drab gray sameness, the sand particles slowly separate into crisp black bands cutting across a
long, narrow field of salt. As the spinning continues, some bands disappear and new ones arise. "It's a parlor
trick," Morris says. Not to deny its entertainment value, this demonstration of how strangely granular materials
can behave is also an authentic experiment in a field both rich in fundamental physics and major practical
consequences. Yet granular mixing today remains more of an art than a science, says chemical engineer
Fernando J.

The Ironbridge Gorge #071226

The Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage property covers an area of 5.5 km2 (550ha) and is located in Telford,
Shropshire, approximately 50km north-west of Birmingham. The Industrial Revolution had its 18th century
roots in the Ironbridge Gorge before spreading across the world, bringing with it some of the most far-reaching
changes in human history. The site incorporates a 5km length of the steep-sided, mineral-rich Severn Valley
from a point immediately west of Ironbridge downstream to Coalport, together with two smaller river valleys
extending northwards to Coalbrookdale and Madeley. The Ironbridge Gorge offers a powerful insight into the
origins of the Industrial Revolution and also contains extensive evidence and remains of that period when the
area was the focus of international attention from artists, engineers, and writers. The site contains substantial
remains of mines, foundries, factories, workshops, warehouses, iron masters' and workers' housing, public
buildings, infrastructure, and transport systems, together with traditional landscape and forests of the Severn
Gorge. In addition, there also remain extensive collections of artifacts and archives relating to the individuals,
processes, and products that made the area so important. 【2020.11.13更新,所有干扰项均为真实考试出现的干扰

Zika Virus #071228

Zika is more pernicious than public health officials anticipated. At present, it is circulating in more than 50
countries. And as of mid-May, seven countries or territories have reported cases of microcephaly or other
serious birth defects linked to the virus, which is transmitted by mosquito bite, blood transfusion or sexual
contact with an infected human. It can also be passed from mother to fetus during pregnancy.
Despite Zika’s vast range over almost 70 years, there is little genetic difference among the various strains,
according to an analysis by researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. For example, the
strain currently in the Americas and another previously detected in French Polynesia are practically
indistinguishable from each other (group in white box). If the virus has changed so little over time, why is it
rearing its ugly head now? Scientists are not sure yet, but new experimental work in mosquitoes suggests that
the virus was capable of causing detrimental health effects and outbreaks all along. Therefore, it is unlikely
mutations enabled new abilities. Instead public health officials probably did not understand Zika’s potential

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because the virus circulated mostly in remote locations until recently.

Trinity Sport and Fitness #071231

Whether you want to exercise and stay healthy, train professionally with like-minded people, or indulge your
competitive streak, Trinity Sport and Fitness has it covered.
We've got a dedicated support development team on campus to support every student in taking part in sports.
You might want to participate in sports competitions volunteer with a local sports class or simply play for fun
with our social sport program.
Trinity fitness members of our public-facing sports facility will also entitle you to discounts when you are
booking a sports facility and fitness class. You will also get an opportunity to benefit from tailored personal
training, free activities events, and lots more.

A Music Student #071235

A music student at the University of Salford who wrote a song in two weeks is celebrating after being featured
on a compilation album produced by Metropolis Studios.
Pop mega-stars including Adele, Michael Jackson and Sir Elton John have all recorded music at the world
famous Metropolis Studios.
Last year, the recording studios set about compiling an album called ‘Lost Songs’, which features songs from
relatively unknown musicians.
First year student Zak Taylor Fray decided to submit his song demo to be included in Volume Two of the Lost
Songs album which was released this year, after he saw how successful Volume One had been.
Zak 24, said: “I found this competition when simply searching the internet for songwriting competitions one
day, and was lucky that there was still time to enter. It amazes me that people who have worked with huge pop
stars thought my song was good and worth something."

Experience the museum #071236

The best way to experience the museum is from the top floor down. One emerges from the elevators into a
spacious hallway. At some hours, museum staff members are giving small hands-on demonstrations of
techniques such as quillwork. These activities take place near wall cases filled with objects. These small surveys
of the museum’s vast holdings are called “Windows on the Collection”. Appearing on every floor in the halls
that overlook the rotunda, these display cases serve as a kind of visible storage, presenting a panoply of objects
and materials. Their arrangements are artistic, and their contents perhaps intentionally designed to jar the
visitor. For example, the largest case on the fourth floor displays animal imagery of all sorts. Older sculptures of
birds, mammals and sea creatures appear alongside witty contemporary works such as Larry Beck’s version of
a Yup’ik mask made of rubber tire treads and metal tools, and Jim Schoppert’s “Walrus Loves Baby Clams”
mask. Recently-made ivory carvings challenge the common distinction between so-called “authentic fine art”
and commodity (a distinction which may be passe in the academic world, but which still holds strong among
much of the general public).

Technology and education #071237

While workers worry about whether robots will take their jobs, teachers are wondering how to use education to
insulate the next generation from such a fate. This has worked before. When the last wave of automation swept
the developed world at the start of the 20th century, policymakers decided education was the answer. “If
machines were going to substitute for brawn”, they reasoned, “more people would need to use their
brains”. The US invested heavily in education, with good results. Workers reaped the benefits through better
jobs and higher wages. Economists Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson summed it up like this: “The
industrial revolution started a race between technology and education — and, for most of the 20th century,

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humans won that race.”

Mechanical engineering #071239

Mechanical engineering was at the heart of Taylor’s theorizing, providing the context for its development, the
world view by which it was sustained and, finally, the justification for its widespread application. Scientific
management aimed to analyse and control the activities of people in the same way that engineers analysed and
controlled machines. Central to Taylor’s system was the desire to rationalize and standardize production
techniques in the interests of economy, efficiency and mutual prosperity. His primary point of interest was the
individual worker pursuing individual goals and motivated by incentive payments. Undoubtedly Taylor’s view
of human motivation was somewhat simplistic and his apprehension of the significance of groups was limited
and generally negative.

Fossil fuels #071242

But look beyond fossil fuels for the most intriguing trends. One is that the energy intensity of the world
economy - the amount of energy it takes to produce one dollar’s worth of income - keeps falling, at a rate of
about 2 percent. What this means is that even without any change in the relative shares of fossil-based and
fossil-free sources in the world’s energy mix, we could have 2 percent annual economic growth without
increasing carbon emissions from energy use. Of course that is not enough to address climate change and we
need more economic growth than that. It is nonetheless a stunning number, which refutes the claim by some
environmentalists that permanent economic growth is fundamentally incompatible with finite physical

Color preferences #071244

Many tests have shown that, in a very broad way, people in most parts of the world have similar color
preferences. Blue is the most preferred and popular hue, followed in order by red, green, purple, yellow, and
orange. Overlaying this basic order of color preference, however, are the responses of individuals, which of
course vary widely and may also be very powerful. Children are likely to have strong preferences for some
colors and aversions to others, but sometimes will not admit to them, since outside factors may be influential in
determining both color preferences and the way that they are expressed or suppressed. Current fashions in
clothes and accessories, gender-stereotyping, and peer-group pressure may all play a significant part. Boys, in
particular, may be reluctant to admit to any strong preferences for colors other than those of favorite football
teams, because color awareness may be regarded by their peer group as feminine.

The return of chemistry #071246

Moreover, for Professor David Phoenix, the dean of the faculty of science and technology, the return of single-
honors chemistry is a matter of credibility and pride. "If you say you're a science faculty, you have to have all
the core sciences, and this course will mean we attract a new supply of potential Masters and Ph.D. students in
chemistry." Phoenix is adamant that the new course will teach solid chemistry, but he thinks that an attraction
for students will be a teaching approach that differs significantly from his days as an undergraduate. This takes
real-life issues as the starting point of lectures and modules, such as how drugs are made or the science behind
green issues. Out of this study, he says, students will be exposed to the same core chemistry unchanged over
decades, but they will be doing it in a way that is more engaging and more likely to lead to more fundamental
learning. It is an approach that symbolizes chemistry's recent success story: moving with the times while
holding fast to the subject's essential role as a building block of science and technological advance.

Circular tables #071247

UMN's ALCs features large circular tables that seat nine students and can accommodate laptop computers for

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collaborative work. Typically, students bring their own computers to class and use the building's ubiquitous
wireless capability. The classrooms are designed to facilitate hands-on activities and problems that require
students to interact with each other to reach a solution. Students can display their work on large LCD screens
mounted around the room to promote small- and large-group discussion. Each table is allotted three
gooseneck microphones so that students can make themselves heard without shouting during group
discussions. Additionally, students can press a button on their table console to light a signal lamp to indicate
when they need help or wish to speak. To facilitate brainstorming and group reporting, the room is also lined
with erasable marker boards.

A novel invention #071250

A novel invention for helping farmers to dry out hay more quickly has won a University of Glasgow graduate a
prestigious design award. Gavin Armstrong, 23, from Kippen, Stirlingshire scooped the Glasgow 1999 Design
Medal for his design for a swath inverter— a device for flipping over a hay crop to help dry out the damp
underside. Dry hay is an essential farmyard food source for sheep and cows. Gavin came up with the design as
part of his Product Design Engineering degree course, run in conjunction with Glasgow School of Art. He built a
working prototype of the device which is powered and towed by a tractor and uses a pair of parallel belts to
invert the swath. The rollers are driven from one hydraulic motor and are geared so as to spin at the same
speed and in opposite directions ensuring that the touching inner two faces of the belt that perform the
inversion move rearwards at the same speed.'

Linda Finch #071252

Sixty years after Amelia Earhart vanished mysteriously in the Pacific during her attempt to become the first
person to circumnavigate the world along the equator, Linda Finch, a San Antonio businesswoman,
accomplished pilot, and aviation historian, recreated and completed her idol's last flight as a tribute to the
aviation pioneer's spirit and vision.

On March 17, 1997, Ms. Finch and a navigator took off from Oakland International Airport, California, in a
restored Lockheed Electra 10E, the same make and model aircraft that Earhart used on her last journey. The
mission to fulfill Amelia Earhart's dream was called “World Flight 1997.” Although Ms. Finch was not the first
to attempt Earhart's around-the-world journey, she was the first to do it in a historic airplane. Linda Finch
closely followed the same route that Earhart flew, stopping in 18 countries before finishing the trip two and a
half months later when she landed back at the Oakland Airport on May 28.

Over a million school children and others were able to follow the flight daily through an interactive website as
part of a free multimedia educational program called “You Can Soar,” provided by the project's sponsor.

Men and women's retirement savings #071254

Men and women are making different choices about their retirement savings, which could lead to very different
investment outcomes, according to Dr Claire Matthews, Director of Financial Planning at Massey University's
Centre for Banking Studies. Speaking at the 2012 New Zealand Finance Colloquium, held at Massey University's
Albany campus last week, Dr Matthews said demographic characteristics had a substantial impact on the
choices people made about KiwiSaver funds and retirement savings more generally. When it comes to fund
selection, she found there were significant differences based on gender. Men are more likely to invest in
aggressive and growth funds, while women are more likely to choose conservative funds. "Males are risk takers,
whether it's in their choice of car or their investment fund," she says. "But when it comes to long-term savings,
risk taking can actually be an advantage." Dr Matthews also found that men are more likely than women to
have prior savings when joining KiwiSaver. Just over half of male respondents said they had savings already,

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while only 38% of women did. "These figures reflect and confirm, quite disappointingly, the difference between
males and females and the level of interest they take in financial planning," Dr Matthews says. "It's important
for all New Zealanders to be better educated about their personal finances, but this is particularly so for
women." Other demographic factors, including age, ethnicity, education, and income, can also influence the
choices being made about retirement savings. Dr Matthews found that those with bachelor and higher degrees,
and those in households with a pre-tax income of $100,000 or more, were more likely to choose aggressive and
growth funds. On the other hand, both the youngest and oldest age groups were more likely to be invested in
conservative funds. While this might be appropriate for the life-cycle stage of older investors, it might not be so
appropriate for younger, longer-term investors.

Cells #071255

A cell is the smallest unit of structure and function. Thus, cells are the basic building blocks of all organisms.
Cells vary in size. With few exceptions, individual cells are so small that cannot be seen unaided. In 1665, a
British scientist named Robert Hooke observed cells for the first time using a microscope. A microscope is an
instrument that magnifies an object. Most images of cells are taken with a microscope and are called

APS #071256

The APS supports the development of an Australian curriculum for psychological science. The APS Division of
Psychological Research, Education and Training, in consultation with teachers and curriculum representatives
from every State and Territory in Australia, has developed a proposed framework for senior secondary school
studies in psychological science. This framework is modelled on the current senior science curricula that were
developed and published by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. The APS hopes
that this framework will facilitate a dialogue between educators and their local curriculum authority, with the
aim of working towards a more consistent approach to the teaching of psychological science at the secondary
school level and optimizing the preparation for students going on to undergraduate psychology studies at
university, as well as the effective use of psychological principles in everyday life.

Golden Gate Bridge #071257

San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, a stunning technological and artistic achievement, opens to the public
after five years of construction. On opening day - “Pedestrian Day” - some 200,000 bridge walkers marveled
at the 4,200-foot-long suspension bridge, which spans the Golden Gate Strait at the entrance to San Francisco
Bay and connects San Francisco and Marin County. On May 28, the Golden Gate Bridge opened to vehicular
traffic. On May 27, 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge was opened to great acclaim, a symbol of progress in the Bay
Area during a time of economic crisis. At 4,200 feet, it was the longest bridge in the world until the completion
of New York City’s Verrazano-Narrows Bridge in 1964. Today, the Golden Gate Bridge remains one of the
world’s most recognizable architectural structures.

Decline in marriage rates #071258

The decline in marriage rates and increase in divorce rates has led to a decrease in the proportion of the
population that is formally married. In 1986, 60% of the population aged 15 years and over were married; by
2001 this proportion had decreased to 55%. Conversely, the proportion of the population aged 15 years and
over who were never married increased from 29% in 1986 to 32% in 2001. At the same time, the proportion of
the population who were divorced increased, from 5% in 1986 to 7% in 2001, while the proportion of the
population who were widowed remained at around 6%.

Internet Use #071259

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People are spending twice as much time online compared to 10 years ago, fuelled by increasing use of tablets
and smartphones. The biggest increase has been among young adults, with time spent online almost tripling
from 10 hours and 24 minutes each week in 2005 to 27 hours and 36 minutes in 2014.

In total, the average adult spends more than 20 hours online a week, which includes time spent on the internet
at work. Meanwhile the average person spends 2.5 hours every week “online while on the move” - away from
their home, work or place of study. This is a five-fold increase from 2005, when the figure was just 30 minutes.

Overall, the proportion of adults using the internet has risen by half - from six in ten in 2005 to almost nine in
ten today, according to Ofcom’s Media Use and Attitudes 2015 report, which questioned 1,890 adults aged 16
and over about their internet consumption habits.

How fish travel #071263

Small lakes with a surface area of less than 100 square meters represent the majority of global freshwater
ecosystems. Many of these lakes are found in remote, often mountainous areas with no inflow and outflow. Yet
in most of these lakes, there are fish. So how do fish reach lakes and ponds that are not connected to other
bodies of water?
This question was already addressed by some of the leading natural scientists of the 19th century such as
Charles Darwin, Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Lyell, who all came to the same conclusion—water birds
must be responsible for fish dispersal.
And they had a plausible explanation for this: fish eggs of some species are sticky and can survive for some
time out of water. The theory is thus that the fish eggs stick to water birds' feathers or feet; the birds then fly
from one body of water to the next, where the fish hatch from their eggs.

Supply and demand #071264

The supply of a thing, in the phrase "supply and demand," is the amount that will be offered for sale at each of
a series of prices; the demand is the amount that will be bought at each of a series of prices. The principle that
value depends on supply and demand means that in the case of nearly every commodity, more will be bought
if the price is lowered, less will be bought if the price is raised. Therefore sellers, if they wish to induce buyers to
take more of a commodity than they are already doing, must reduce its price; if they raise its price, they will sell
less. If there is a general falling off if in demand-- due, say, to trade depression -- sellers will either have to
reduce prices or put less on the market; they will not be able to sell the same amount at the same price.

Superhighway #071269

Even after thousands of years exploring Earth, we're still uncovering new things like an ancient 'superhighway'
in the Guatemalan rain forest. Hidden beneath a thick layer of vegetation, the network of roads stretches over
150 miles and was most likely built by the Mayan empire some 2,000 years ago. The newly mapped roads are
connected to the ruins of El Mirador (sometimes called the Kan Kingdom) in northern Guatemala.
Archaeologists believe El Mirador was founded around the 6th century BCE, and was at its most powerful
around the early first century CE. At that time, it had a population of as many as a quarter of a million, a quarter
the size of Rome itself at the time. It also has some of the largest pyramids in the world. It was the heart of the
Mayan civilization, and naturally needed some major roadways. The roads of El Mirador have been known
about since 1967, but scientists had no idea how extensive they were until now. The thick jungle obscured the
remnants of the road, making it difficult to see from the air.

Neuroscientists #071277

We now know through the work of neuroscientists that the human brain is wired to mimic other people, and

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this mimicry involves actual involuntary physiological experience in the observer. Human beings tend to imitate
actions that they see. Physiologically, our brains include mirror neurons, which react to actions that are seen as
if we are doing the action ourselves. It is largely an unconscious and automatic experience. When we hear
people speak, observe their vocal nuances, watch their posture, gestures, and facial expressions, etc, neural
networks in our brains are stimulated by the “shared representations” generating feelings within us that
reflect the experience of those we are observing.

Truancy #071278

In reality, however, the causes of truancy and non-attendance are diverse and multifaceted. There are as many
triggers of non-attendance as there are non-attenders. Each child has her own unique story, and whilst there
may often be certain identifiable factors in common, each non- attending child demands and deserves an
individual response, tailored to meet her individual needs. This applies equally to the 14-year-old who fails to
attend school because a parent is terminally ill, the overweight 11 -year-old who fails to attend because he is
embarrassed about changing for PE in front of peers, the 15-year-old who is 'bored' by lessons, and to the
seven-year-old who is teased in the playground because she doesn’t wear the latest designer-label clothes.

Plants and animals #071279

From the earliest civilisations, plants and animals have been portrayed as a means of understanding and
recording the potential uses, such as their economic and healing properties. From the first illustrated catalogue
of medicinal plants, De Materia Medica by Dioscorides, in the first century through to the late fourteenth
century the illustration of plants and animals changed very little. Woodcuts in instructional manuals and herbals
were often repeatedly copied over the centuries, resulting in a loss of definition and accuracy so that they
became little more than stylized decoration. With the growing popularity of copperplate engravings, the
traditional use of woodcuts declined and the representation of plants and animals became more accurate.
Then, with the emergence of artists such as Albrecht Durer and Leonardo Da Vinci, naturalists such as Otto
Brunfels, Leonhard Fuchs in botany and Conrad Gesner and Ulisse Aldrovandi in zoology, nature began to be
depicted in a more realistic style. Individual living plants or animals were observed directly and their likeness
rendered onto paper or vellum.

Crop losses #071280

As demand for food and competition for land rises, it is vital that crop losses are limited. Chemical protection
has provided effective control of crop losses in recent years. Alongside chemical fertilizers and improved crop
genetics, it has helped to increase crop yields dramatically over the last six decades. However, there is now a
need to develop complementary alternatives, and researchers from the Rural Economy and Land Use Program
have been exploring the potential of -- and barriers to -- alternative pest management approaches.
'Alternatives to chemical pesticides are needed because overuse of them leads to pesticide resistance and
affects biodiversity and water quality,' says Dr Alastair Bailey. 'Heightened EU regulations are also leading to the
withdrawal of many pesticide products. Hence, complementary approaches are required to reduce use and
preserve the efficacy of those valuable pesticides that are still available to sustain food production systems.

Sigmund Freud #071281

That Sigmund Freud became a major intellectual presence in twentieth-century culture is not in doubt. Nor is
there any doubt that at all times there was both fervent enthusiasm over and bitter hostility to his ideas and
influence. But the exact means by which Freud became, despite this hostility, a master of intellectual life, on a
par, already in the 1920s, with Karl Marx, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie and Bertrand Russell, has not been
sufficiently explored. Strikingly, Freud emerged as a twentieth-century icon without the endorsement and
support of an institution or a profession (in contrast to Einstein, Curie and Russell). Where are we to look for the

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details of this story of an emergent - and new - figure of immense cultural authority? One of the principal aims
of this book is to show how this happened in one local, parochial yet privileged, site - Cambridge, then as now
a university town stranded in the English Fens with a relatively small fluctuating population.

The Iron Age #071282

People in parts of western Africa and southwestern Asia were the first to realize that the dark-silvery rocks
poking out of the earth could be worked into tools and weapons, sometime around 1500 B.C., evidence shows.
The metal was probably discovered there by accident when some ore was dropped into a fire and cooled into
wrought iron, historians think. The eureka moment didn't reach Europe for another 500 years, traveling slowly
north and west through Greece, Italy, central Europe and finally to the British Isles with the spread of the
famous Celtic tribes. The Celts diffused iron technology over much of the continent through warfare, where
their victory was assured due to the strength of iron weapons. Perhaps not the most peaceful of cultural
exchanges, but where the technology did travel, it caught on fast. Iron made life a lot easier in those days, when
just living to the age of 45 was a feat. By that time, much of Europe had settled into small village life, toiling the
soil with bronze and stone tools.

Marshmallows #071285

In the original test, which was administered at the Bing Nursery School, at Stanford, in the nineteen-sixties,
Mischel’s team would present a child with a treat (marshmallows were just one option) and tell her that she
could either eat the one treat immediately or wait alone in the room for several minutes until the researcher
returned, at which point she could have two treats. The promised treats were always visible and the child knew
that all she had to do to stop the agonizing wait was ring a bell to call the experimenter back—although in that
case, she wouldn’t get the second treat. The longer a child delayed gratification, Mischel found—that is, the
longer she was able to wait—the better she would fare later in life at numerous measures of what we now call
executive function. She would perform better academically, earn more money, and be healthier and happier.
She would also be more likely to avoid a number of negative outcomes, including jail time, obesity, and drug

Digitalisation and smart automation #071288

As digitalisation and smart automation progress, many will see their jobs altered. Advances in automation
technologies will mean that people will increasingly work side by side with robots, smart automation and
artificial intelligence. Businesses will look for employees who are good at the tasks that smart automation
struggles to do and that add value to the use of smart automation.

In the past, technological progress has had a positive impact on our society, increasing labour productivity,
wages and prosperity. Right now, a new technological wave of digitalisation and smart automation –
combinations of artificial intelligence, robotics and other technologies - is fundamentally transforming the way
we work, at an unprecedented pace. For example, data analytics, the Internet of Things and drones are already
used in many industries to make production processes better, faster, and cheaper. We already see shifts in the
structure of employment: in industries, tasks, educational levels and skills.

Climate change #071289

First, the scientific community that studies climate change is quietly panic-stricken, because things are moving
much faster than they expected. Greenhouse gas emissions are going up faster than predicted both from
industrialising countries in Asia and from melting permafrost in Siberia and Canada. The Arctic Sea ice is
melting so fast that the whole ocean may be ice-free in late summer in five years' time. Most climate scientists

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now see last year's report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, whose forecasts are used by
most governments for planning purposes, as a purely historical document.

Second, the biggest early impact of global warming will be on the food supply, both locally and globally. When
the global average temperature hits one and a half degrees hotter - and it will, the carbon dioxide already in
the atmosphere commits us to that much warming - some countries will no longer be able to feed their people.
Others, further from the equator, will still have enough food for themselves, but none to spare.

Australian families #071290

Families provide emotional, physical, and financial care and support to their members, and are often the basis
on which government assistance is determined and administered. Australians have traditionally experienced
three main living arrangements over a life cycle: living with parents, living with a partner (for some of this
period was children), and living alone in old age if that partner died. Now and into the future, living
arrangements throughout a life cycle may also include living alone or in a group household before perhaps
forming a long-term partnership, or living as a lone parent or alone after divorce or separation. These changes
in living arrangements and family characteristics are the outcome of various demographic and social trends,
such as declining fertility, increased rates of divorce and longer life expectancy.

Copyright in digital media #071291

Digital media and the internet have made the sharing of texts, music and images easier than ever, and the
enforcement of copyright restriction harder. This situation has encouraged the growth of IP law, and prompted
increased industrial concentration on extending and 'policing' IP protection, while also leading to the growth of
an 'open access', or 'creative commons' movement which challenges such control of knowledge and creativity.

Marriage and Divorce in Australia #071292

In 2005, 109,000 new marriages were registered in Australia. This was equivalent to 5.4 marriages for every
1,000 people in the population. This rate has been in overall decline since 1986 when there were 7.2 marriages
per 1,000 people.
Over the same period, the crude divorce rate has remained relatively unchanged with 2.6 divorces for every
1,000 people in 2005 and 2.5 divorces per 1,000 people in 1986. The greatest annual number of divorces
occurred in 2001 when there were 55,300 divorces recorded. This peak has been followed by recent declines,
with 52,400 divorces in 2005.
As well as marrying less, Australians are tending to marry later than in the past. In 1986, the median age at first
marriage for men was 25.6 years, increasing to 30.0 years in 2005. For women, the median age at first marriage
increased from 23.5 years in 1986 to 28.0 years in 2005.

Ocean floor #071012

The ocean floor is home to many unique communities of plants and animals. Most of these marine ecosystems
are near the water surface, such as the Great Barrier Reef, a 2,000-km long coral formation off the northeastern
coast of Australia. Coral reefs, like nearly all complex living communities, depend on solar energy for growth
(photosynthesis). The sun's energy, however, penetrates at most only about 300 m below the surface of the
water. The relatively shallow penetration of solar energy and the sinking of cold, subpolar water combine to
make most of the deep ocean floor a frigid environment with few life forms.

In 1977, scientists discovered hot springs at a depth of 2.5 km, on the Galapagos Rift (spreading ridge) off the
coast of Ecuador. This exciting discovery was not really a surprise. Since the early 1970s, scientists had predicted
that hot springs (geothermal vents) should be found at the active spreading centers along the mid-oceanic

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ridges, where magma, at temperatures over 1,000 °Presumably was being erupted to form new oceanic crust.
More exciting, because it was totally unexpected, was the discovery of abundant and unusual sea life - giant
tube worms, huge clams, and mussels - that thrived around the hot springs.

Maya descendants #071091

Descendants of the Maya living in Mexico still sometimes refer to themselves as “the corn people.” The
phrase is not intended as metaphor. Rather, it's meant to acknowledge their abiding dependence on this
miraculous grass, the staple of their diet for almost 9,000 years. The supermarket itself-the wallboard and joint
compound, the linoleum and fiberglass and adhesives out of which the building itself has been built-is in no
small measure a manifestation of corn.

Promoting good customer service #071139

Promoting good customer service must start at the top. If management doesn’t realise how important this
aspect of their business is, they will be at an instant disadvantage in their industry. Good customer response
equates to loyal customers, which are the cornerstone of any successful business. No matter how money you
invest in your marketing, if you don't much have the fundamental elements of your business right, it's wasted

Dictatorship #071143

Dictatorship is not a modern concept. Two thousand years ago, during the period of the Roman Republic,
exceptional powers were sometimes given by the Senate to individual dictators such as Sulla and Julius Caesar.
The intention was that the dictatorship would be temporary and that it would make it POSSIBLE to take swift
and effective action to deal with an emergency. There is some disagreement as to how the term should be
applied today. Should it be used in its original form to describe the temporary exercise of emergency powers?
Or can it now be applied in a much broader sense-as common usage suggests?

Studying Law #071149

It is important to emphasize the need for hard work as an essential part of studying law, because far too many
students are tempted to think that they can succeed by relying on what they imagine to be their natural ability,
without bothering to add the expenditure of effort. To take an analogy some people prefer the more or less
instant gratification which comes from watching television adaptation of a classic novel to the rather more
laborious process of reading the novel itself. Those who prefer watching television to reading the book are less
likely to study law successfully, unless they rapidly acquire a taste for text-based materials.

Clean water in Rome #071265

Clean water was very important to the Romans. Cities, towns and forts were built near springs. However, as
Roman cities and towns grew, they needed to bring in water from further afield. As the population grew, so did
the need for clean water. Trying to shift large volumes of water underground in pipes was not possible as lead
pipes would be too weak and bronze pipes would be too expensive. The Romans could not make cast iron
pipes as the techniques for doing this were not known to them. If water could not be brought via pipes, the
Romans decided to bring it overland in what were conduits. When the water got to the city, it was fed off into
smaller bronze or ceramic pipes. To get the water to flow at an even (and slow) pace, conduits were built on a
slight slope. Valleys were crossed by using aqueducts. One of the most famous of these is the Pont du Gard
aqueduct at Nimes in southern France. Where possible, the Romans did take water through tunnels but the hills
needed to be relatively small for this to be successful.

Desert ant #071266

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There comes a time in a desert ant’s life when a piece of food is too large to ignore, but too heavy to lift, and
the only way to get it home is to adopt a new style of walking.
The long-legged and speedy Cataglyphis fortis normally covers ground with a three-legged stride that moves
two legs forwards on one side, and one on the other. For the next step, the insect mirrors the move with its
other three legs.
But recordings of ants in the Tunisian desert reveal that when faced with oversized lumps of food 10 times their
own weight, the forward “tripod” walking style is abandoned. Unable to lift the morsels in their mandibles,
the ants drag the food backwards instead, moving all six legs independently. “This is the first time we have
seen this in any ants,” said lead author Sarah Pfeffer at the University of Ulm in Germany.
The ants’ long legs already help keep their bodies away from the scorching desert floor and enable them to
speed around at up to 60cm per second.
“Think of Usain Bolt, who has very long legs compared to body size. The desert floor is also very hot, so the
further away their bodies are from the surface, the better,” said co-author Matthias Wittlinger. The ants have
also evolved to function at body temperatures of 50C in a desert where temperatures can soar to 70C.
“They’re basically just trying to get out of the heat,” he added.

Green spaces #071271

Green spaces contribute significantly to a reduction in soil and aerial temperatures during spells of hot weather,
so contributing to human wellbeing. In the garden context, there is, however, little information as to what
extent various types of plants differ in their cooling potential and how certain planting combinations may
maximize cooling under a scenario of low rainfall and minimal water inputs.

Valuable shrimp farms #071286

Over the past two decades, around a third of the world's mangrove swamps have been converted for human
use, with many turned into valuable shrimp farms. In 2007 an economic study of such shrimp farms in Thailand
showed that the commercial profits per hectare were $9,632. If that were the only factor, conversion would
seem an excellent idea.
However, proper accounting shows that for each hectare government subsidies formed $8,412 of this figure
and there were costs, too: $1,000 for pollution and $12,392 for losses to ecosystem services. These comprised
damage to the supply of foods and medicines that people had taken from the forest, the loss of habitats for
fish, and less buffering against storms. And because a given shrimp farm only stays productive for three or four
years, there was the additional cost of restoring them afterwards.

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Fill in the Blanks (R)
命中率:中 优先级:高
共 4-5 题,命中 1-4 题



Teenage daughter #081001

Your teenage daughter gets top marks in school, captains the debate team, and volunteers at a shelter for
homeless people. But while driving the family car, she text-messages her best friend and rear-ends another
How can teens be so clever, accomplished, and responsible-and reckless at the same time? Easily, according to
two physicians at Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School (HMS) who have been exploring the
unique structure and chemistry of the adolescent brain. "The teenage brain is not just an adult brain with fewer
miles on it," says Frances E. Jensen, a professor of neurology. "It's a paradoxical time of development. These are
people with very sharp brains, but they're not quite sure what to do with them."

Plainness #081002

Now that doesn't mean that plainness is the only good style, or that you should become a slave to spare,
unadorned writing. Formality and ornateness have their place, and in competent hands complexity can carry us
on a dizzying, breathtaking journey. But most students, most of the time, should striveto be sensibly simple,
and to develop a baseline style of short words, active verbs, and relatively simple sentences conveying clear
actions or identities. It's faster, it makes arguments easier to follow, it increases the chances a busy reader will
bother to pay attention, and it lets you focus more attention on your moments of rhetorical flourish, which I do
not advise abandoning altogether.

University Science #081003

University science is now in real crisis - particularly the non-telegenic, non-ology bits of it such as chemistry.
Since 1996, 28 universities have stopped offering chemistry degrees, according to the Royal Society of
The society predicts that as few as six departments (those at Durham, Cambridge, Imperial, UCL, Bristol and
Oxford) could remain open by 2014. Most recently,Exeter University closed down its chemistry department,
blaming it on "market forces", and Bristol took in some of the refugees
The closures have been blamed on a fall in student applications, but money is a factor: chemistry degrees are
expensive to provide - compared with English, for example - and some scientists say that the way the
government concentrates research funding on a small number of top departments, such as Bristol, exacerbates
the problem.

Sportswomen #081004

Sportswomen's records are important and need to be preserved. And if the paper records don't exist, we need
to get out and start interviewing people, not to put too fine a point on it, while we still have a chance. After all,
if the records aren't kept in some form or another, then the stories are lost too.

Advertisement #081005

Almost all public spaces nowadays have advertisements in sight, and all forms of media, from newspapers to
the cinema to the Internet, are filled with adverts. This all-pervasive presence reflects the value of advertising to
us. Without it, businesses of all types and sizes would struggle to inform potential customers about the
products or services they provide, and consumers would be unable to make informed assessments when
looking for products to buy and services to use. Without advertising, the promotion of products and practices
that contribute to our physical and psychological well-being-medicines to treat minor ailments, insurance
schemes to protect us, clothes and cosmetics to make us look and feel better- would be infinitely more
problematic than it is. And without advertisements and the aspirations represented in them, the world would be
a far duller place.

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Ikebana #081007

More than simply putting flowers in a container, ikebana is a disciplined art form in which nature and humanity
are brought together. Contrary to the idea of a particolored or multicolored arrangement of blossoms, ikebana
often emphasizes other areas of the plant, such as its stems and leaves, and puts emphasis on shape, line, and

Though ikebana is an expression of creativity, certain rules govern its form. The artist's intention behind each
arrangement is shown through a piece's color combinations, natural shapes, graceful lines, and the implied
meaning of the arrangement.

Kashmiri #081008

Two decades ago, Kashmiri houseboat-owners rubbed their hands every spring at the prospect of the annual
influx of tourists. From May to October, the hyacinth-choked waters of Dal Lake saw flotillas of vividly painted
Shikaras carrying Indian families, boho westerners, young travelers and wide-eyed Japanese. Carpet-sellers
honed their skills, as did purveyors of anything remotely embroidered while the house boats initiated by the
British Raj provided unusual accommodation. Then, in 1989, separatists and Islamist militancy attacked and
everything changed. Hindus and countless Kashmiri business people bolted, at least 35,000 people were killed
in a decade, the lake stagnated, and the houseboats rotted. Any foreigners venturing there risked their lives,
proved in 1995 when five young Europeans were kidnapped and murdered.

Planes #081010

By 2025, government experts' say, America's skies will swarm with three times as many planes, and not just the
kind of traffic flying today. There will be thousands of tiny jets, seating six or fewer, at airliner altitudes,
competing for space with remotely operated drones that need help avoiding mid air collisions, and with
commercially operated rockets carrying satellites and tourists into space.

Stress #081011

Stress is what you feel when you have to handle more than you are used to. When you are stressed, your body
respondsas though you are in danger. It makes hormonesthat speed up your heart, make you breathe faster,
and give you a burst of energy. This is called the fight-or-fight stress response. Some stress is normal and even
useful. Stress can help if you need to work hard or react quickly. For example, it can help you win a race or
finishan important job on time. But if stress happens too often or lasts too long, it can have bad effects. It can
be linked to headaches, an upset stomach, back pain, and trouble sleeping. It can weaken your immune system,
making it harder fight off disease.

Ice Storm #081016

An ice storm is a type of weather when icy rainfall comes down into the cold air and the water turned into ice.
Once there is a serious ice storm when more than 16,000 households had a blackout during the ice storm as
the ice storm would smash the cables.

Kathryn Mewes #081018

Kathryn Mewes does not meet bohemian, hippy parents in her line of work. Typically one, or both, of the
parents she sees work in the City of London. "Professionals seek professionals," she says. Originally a nanny,
Mewes is now a parenting consultant, advising couples privately on changing their child's behaviour, as well as
doing corporate seminars for working parents. Her clients find they are unprepared for the chaos and
unpredictability that having a child can entail. "Parents are getting older, they have been in control their whole
lives and been successful. Suddenly a baby turns up and life turns on its head." Nicknamed the "Three-Day

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Nanny" because of her pledge to fix behavioural problems in children under the age of 12 within three days,
she is filming a new Channel 4 television series demonstrating her techniques. The role of the parenting
consultant - distinct from that of a nanny - has developed, she says, as people are used to buying in expertise,
such as personal trainers or, in her case, parenting advice.

Kids Distinguish Commercial Ads #081019

From a child's point of view, what is the purpose of TV advertising? Is advertising on TV done to give actors the
opportunity to take a rest or practice their lines? Or is it done to make people buy things? Furthermore, is the
main difference between programs and commercials that commercials are for real, whereas programs are not,
or that programs are for kids and commercials for adults? As has been shown several times in the literature
(e.g. Butter et al. 1981 Donohue, Henke, and Donohue 1980 Macklin 1983 and 1987 Robertson and Rossiter
1974 Stephens and Stutts 1982), some children are able to distinguish between programs and commercials and
are aware of the intent of TV advertising, whereas others are not.

Genius #081020

Genius, in the popular conception, is inextricably tied up with precocity-doing something truly creative, we're
inclined to think, requires the freshness and exuberance and energy of youth. Orson Welles made his
masterpiece, "Citizen Kane," at twenty-five. Herman Melville wrote a book a year through his late twenties,
culminating, at age thirty-two, with "Moby-Dick." Mozart wrote his breakthrough Piano Concerto No. 9 in E-
Flat-Major at the age of twenty-one. In some creative forms, like lyric poetry, the importance of precocity has
hardened into an iron law. How old was T. S. Eliot when he wrote "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" ("I grow
old . . . I grow old")? Twenty-three. "Poets peak young," the creativity researcher James Kaufman maintains.
Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, the author of "Flow," agrees: "The most creative lyric verse is believed to be that
written by the young." According to the Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner, a leading authority on
creativity, "Lyric poetry is a domain where talent is discovered early, burns brightly, and then peters out at an
early age."

Sustainable Job Growth #081021

"Sustainable Job Growth" is a motto for many governments, especially in the aftermath of a recession. The
problem of 'job quality' is less often addressed and may be seen as hindering job growth. The sentiment 'any
job is better than no job' may resonate with governments as well as people, especially in the context of high
unemployment. However, if the balance between improving the quality of existing jobs and creating new jobs
becomes greatly imbalanced towards the latter, this could increase work stress among current and future
workers, which in turn has health, economic and social costs. A recent British Academy Policy Centre Report on
Stress at Work highlights these concerns, and describes the context, determinants and consequences of work-
related stress in Britain.

Breton Language #081022

It is difficult to tell precisely when the Breton language was born. As early as the VIth century the new country
was established and known as “Lesser Britain”, but for many centuries its language remained close to the one
of Great Britain’s – very close even to the dialect spoken in the South West. The VIIIth century is the milestone
where Breton, Cornish and Welsh are considered as different languages.

Study space #081026

You can study anywhere. Obviously, some places are better than others. Libraries, study lounges or private
rooms are best. Above all, the place you choose to study should not be distracting. Distractions can build up,
and the first thing you know, you're out of time and out of luck. Make choosing a good physical environment a

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part of your study habits.

Cuteness #081027

Cuteness in offspring is a potent protective mechanism that ensures survival for otherwise completely
dependent infants. Previous research has linked cuteness to early ethological ideas of a "kindchenschema"
(infant schema) where infant facial features serve as "innate releasing mechanisms" for instinctual caregiving
behaviours. We propose extending the concept of cuteness beyond visual features to include positive infant
sounds and smells. Evidence from behavioural and neuroimaging studies links this extended concept of
cuteness to simple "instinctual" behaviours and to caregiving, protection and complex emotions. We review
how cuteness supports key parental capacities by igniting fast privileged neural activity followed by slower
processing in large brain networks also involved in play, empathy, and perhaps even higher-order moral

White Paper #081029

Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white paper, void of all characters, without any ideas: How
comes it to be furnished? Whence comes it by that vast store which the busy and boundless fancy of man has
painted on it with an almost endless variety? Whence has it all the materials of reason and knowledge? To this I
answer, in one word, from experience: in that, all our knowledge is founded, and from that, it ultimately derives

Truancy #081032

In reality, however, the causes of truancy and non-attendance are diverse and multifaceted. There are as many
triggers of non-attendance as there are non-attenders. Each child has her own uniquestory, and whilst there
may often be certain identifiable factors in common, each non-attending child demands and deserves an
individual response, tailored to meet her individual needs. This applies equally to the 14-year-old who fails to
attend school because a parent is terminally ill, the overweight 11 -year-old who fails to attend because he is
embarrassed about changing for PE in front of peers, the 15-year-old who is 'bored' by lessons, and to the
seven-year-old who is teased in the playground because she does not wear the latest designer-label clothes

Wind #081033

gentle or fierce, wind always starts in the same way. Wind is formed by the circulation of air. The sun heats up
some parts of the sea and the land. The air among the hot spot warms up and rises. The cold air drops because
it is heavy. Some wind circulates within a small area. Others blow in the entire globe.

Surface Water #081034

Chemicals used to control weeds in crops such as corn and soybeans may sometimes run off farmland and
enter surface water bodies such as lakes and streams. If a surface water body that is used as a drinking water
supply receives excess amounts of these herbicides, then the municipal water treatment plant must filter them
out in order for the water to be safe to drink. This added filtration process can be expensive. Farmers can help
control excess herbicides in runoff by choosing chemicals that bind with soil more readily, are less toxic, or
degrade more quickly. Additionally, selecting the best tillage practice can help minimize herbicide pollution.

Australia and New Zealand #081035

Australia and New Zealand have many common links. Both countries were recently settled by Europeans, are
predominantly English speaking and in that sense, share a common cultural heritage. Although in close
proximity to one another, both countries are geographically isolated and have small populations by world
standards. They have similar histories and enjoy close relations on many fronts.

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In terms of population characteristics, Australia and New Zealand have much in common. Both countries have
minority indigenous populations, and during the latter half of the 20th century have seen a steady stream of
migrants from a variety of regions throughout the world. Both countries have experienced similar declines in
fertility since the high levels recorded during the baby boom, and alongside this have enjoyed the benefits of
continually improving life expectancy. One consequence of these trends is that both countries are faced with an
ageing population, and the associated challenge of providing appropriate care and support for this growing
group within the community

Volcanoes #081036

Volcanoes blast more than 100 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year but the gas is
usually harmless. When a volcano erupts, carbon dioxide spreads out into the atmosphere and isn't
concentrated in one spot. But sometimes the gas gets trapped underground under enormous pressure. If it
escapes to the surface in a dense cloud, it can push out oxygen-rich air and become deadly

Microorganism #081037

Although for centuries preparations derived from living matter were applied to wounds to destroy infection,
the fact that a microorganism is capable of destroying one of another species was not established until the
latter half of the 19th century. When Pasteur noted the antagonistic effect of other bacteria on the anthrax
organism and pointed out that this action might be put to therapeutic use

Symbiosis #081039

Symbiosis is a general term for interspecific interactions in which two species live together in a long-term,
intimate association. In everyday life, we sometimes use the term symbiosis to mean a relationship that benefits
both parties. However, in ecologist-speak, symbiosis is a broader concept and can include close, lasting
relationships with a variety of positive or negative effects on the participants

Environmentalists #081041

Although environmentalists have been warning about this situation for decades, many other people are finally
beginning to realise that if we don't act soon it will be too late. The good news is that more and more
businesses and governments are beginning to understand that without a healthy environment the global
economy and everything that depends on it will be seriously endangered. And they are beginning to take
positive action.

Exams looming #081043

It's that time again! Exams looming, essays or reports outstanding and you wonder where the years gone
already. You start wondering how you're going to cope with it all. A limited amount of anxiety can help you to
be more motivated and more purposeful. It can help you to plan your work and to think more clearly and
logically about it. In other words, it can help you stay on top of things. Sit down at your desk and make a start
on writing down all the things you have to do to prepare for the exams.

Steven Pinker #081046

Steven Pinker, a cognitive psychologist best known for his book "The Language Instinct", has called music
"auditory cheesecake, an exquisite confection crafted to tickle the sensitive spots of at least six of our mental
faculties." If it vanished from our species, he said, "the rest of our lifestyle would be virtually unchanged."
Others have argued that, on the contrary, music, along with art and literature, is part of what makes people
human; its absence would have a brutalising effect. Philip Ball, a British science writer and an avid music

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enthusiast, comes down somewhere in the middle. He says that music is ingrained in our auditory, cognitive
and motor functions. We have a music instinct as much as a language instinct, and could not rid ourselves of it
if we tried.

Higher Education Qualifications #081047

Higher education qualifications provide a substantial advantage in the labour market. Higher education
graduates are less likely to be unemployed and tend to have higher incomes than those without such
qualifications. Having a highly educated workforce can also lead to increased productivity and innovation and
make Australia more competitive in the global market

Just-in-time #081048

'Just-in-time' is a management philosophy and not a technique. It originally referred to the production of
goods to meet customer demand exactly, in time, quality and quantity, whether the 'customer' is the final
purchaser of the product or another process further along the production line. It has now come to mean
producing with minimum waste. 'Waste' is taken in its most general sense and includes time and resources as
well as materials

Disadvantage in Early Childhood #081054

Disadvantage in early childhood poses multiple risks to children's development. Factors such as low
socioeconomic status, long-term unemployment of parents, and social isolation may have lasting impacts on a
child's chance of reaching their full potential. Whilst not eliminating disadvantage, preschool education can
help to lessen the effects of these risk factors and can provide children with a better start to school. However,
some of these factors may also be barriers to preschool attendance for groups that would benefit most from
preschool education. In Australia, the early years of children's education is the responsibility of man
government and non-government agencies and it occurs in a range of settings. Preschool is aimed at children
around four years of age to prepare them for compulsory schooling from the age of six years. In most states
and territories, children can start full-time schooling at five years of age, when they enrol in a kindergarten or
preparatory year. In 2001, just over half of five-year olds (57%) were at school with about a third (34%)
attending preschool. While in some states and territories children can commence preschool before they turn
four, participation rates for three-year olds are much lower than four-year olds (24% compared with 56% for
four-year olds in 2001). The preschool participation rate of four-year olds in 2001 (56%) was similar to the rate
in 1991 (58%).

Lake Turkana #081056

Lake Turkana is a large lake in Kenya, East Africa. This part of Africa was home to some of the first humans.
Here, archaeologists have found piles of bones (both human and animal) and collections of stones that humans
used as tools. By carefully uncovering and examining these remains, scientists have started to put together the
story of our earliest ancestors. In 2001, a 4 million year-old skeleton was uncovered in the area. Although a link
between it and modern-day humans has not been established, the skeleton shows the species was walking

Selling Price #081059

Once an organization has its product to sell, it must then determine the appropriate price to sell it at. The price
is set by balancing many factors including supply-and-demand, cost, desired profit competition, perceived
value, and market behavior. Ultimately, the final price is determined by what the market is willing to exchange
for the product. Pricing theory can be quite complex because so many factors influence what the purchaser
decides is a fair value.

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Impressionist Painters #081061

Early impressionist painters were considered radical in their time because they broke many of the rules of the
picture-making that had been set by earlier generations. They found many of their subjects in life around them
rather than in history, which was then the accepted source of subject matter for paintings.

Concept of Culture #081065

Many people today think of culture in the way that it was thought of in Europe during the 18th and early 19th
centuries. This concept of culture reflected inequalities within European societies and their colonies around the
world. This understanding of culture equates culture with civilization and contrasts both with nature or non-
civilization. According to this understanding of culture, some countries are more civilized than others, and some
people are more cultured than others. Anything that doesn’t fit into this category is labeled as chaos or
anarchy. From this perspective, culture is closely tied to cultivation, which is the progressive refinement of
human behavior.
In practice, culture referred to elite goods and activities such as haute cuisine, high fashion or haute couture,
museum-caliber art and classical music. The word cultured referred to people who knew about and took part in
these activities. For example, someone who used culture in this sense might argue that classical music is more
refined than music by working-class people, such as jazz or the indigenous music traditions of aboriginal

The wholeness of thought #081066

The writer-or, for that matter, the speaker conceives his thought whole, as a unity, but must express it in a line
of words; the reader- or listener-must take this line of symbols and from it reconstruct the original wholeness
of thought. There is little difficulty in conversation, because the listener receives innumerable cues from the
physical expressions of the speaker; there is a dialogue, and the listener can cut in at any time. The advantage
of group discussion is that people can overcome linear sequence of words by converging on ideas from
different directions; which makes for wholeness of thought. But the reader is confronted by line upon line of
printed symbols, without benefits of physical tone and emphasis or the possibility of dialogue or discussion.

The United Nations Library #081070

The Dag Hammarskjold Library at United Nations Headquarters in New York is a library designated to facilitate
the work of the United Nations and focuses mainly on the needs of the UN Secretariat and diplomatic missions.
Anyone with a valid United Nations Headquarters grounds pass, including specialized agencies, accredited
media and NGO staff, is able to visit the library. Due to security constraints in place at the United Nations
Headquarters complex, the library is not open to the general public.

Psychology #081078

Psychology as a subject of study has largely developed in the West since the late nineteenth century. During
this period there has been an emphasis on scientific thinking. Because of this emphasis, there have been many
scientific studies in psychology which explore different aspects of human nature. These include studies into
how biology (physical factors) influence human experience, how people use their senses (touch, taste, smell,
sight and hearing) to get to know the world, how people develop, why people behave in certain ways, how
memory works, how people develop language, how people understand and think about the world, what
motivates people, why people have emotions and how personality develops. These scientific investigations all
contribute to an understanding of human nature.

Climate #081079

Climate is the word we use for weather over a long period of time. The desert has a dry climate, because there

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is very little rain, The UK has a temperate climate, which means winters are, overall, mild and summers,
generally don't get too hot.

The resultant force #081081

The overall result of two or more forces acting on an object is called the resultant force the resultant of two
forces is a single force, which has the same effect as the two forces combined. If two forces pull an object in
opposite directions, the size of the resultant can be found by subtracting one force from the other. If the forces
are equal, they balance each other.

The logic of scientific method #081083

The logic of the scientific method was set out by John Stuart Mill in 1843 and was named the method of
difference. A simple example of what he meant by this is to take two glasses of water which are identical in
every respect. Introduce a few drops of ink into one of these glasses. The water changes colour! According to
Mills method of difference it is safe to assume that the change in the colour of the water is due to the
introduction of a new factor - the independent variable -in this case, the ink.

Gun violence #081084

Exposure to gun violence makes adolescents twice as likely to perpetrate serious violence in the next two years,
according to a University of Michigan study. Researchers found there is a substantial cause and effect
relationship between exposure and perpetration of violence. Jeffrey B. Bingenheimer, a doctoral student in
health behaviour and health education, analysed five years of data from adolescents living in 78
neighbourhoods in Chicago. Bingenheimer is lead author on a paper in this week's journal Science.

Tokyo’s Skytree #081085

Team Lab's digital mural at the entrance to Tokyo’s Skytree, one of the world’s monster skyscrapers, is 40
metres long and immensely detailed. But however massive this form of digital art becomes -and it's a form
subject to rampant inflation--Inoko's theories about seeing are based on more modest and often pre-digital
sources. An early devotee of comic books and cartoons (no surprises there), then computer games, he
recognised when he started to look at traditional Japanese art that all those forms had something in common:
something about the way they captured space. In his discipline of physics, Inoko had been taught that
photographic lenses, along with the conventions of western art, were the logical way of transforming three
dimensions into two, conveying the real world onto a flat surface. But Japanese traditions employed “a
different spatial logic”,as he said in an interview last year with, that is “uniquely Japanese”.

Primitive man #081086

It is commonly said that primitive man is less individual than civilized men. This contains an element of truth.
Simple societies are more uniform in the sense that they call for a far smaller diversity of various skills and
occupation than the more complex and advanced societies.

Material culture studies #081096

The study of objects constitutes a relatively new field of academic enquiry, commonly referred to as material
culture studies. Students of material culture seek to understand societies, both past and present, through
careful study and observation of the physical or material objects generated by those societies. The source
material for study is exceptionally wide, including not just human-made artefacts but also natural objects and
even preserved body parts (as you saw in the film 'Encountering a body’).
Some specialists in the field of material culture have made bold claims for its pre-eminence. In certain
disciplines, it reigns supreme. It plays a critical role in archaeology, for example, especially in circumstances

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where written evidence is either patchy or non-existent. In such cases, objects are all scholars have to rely on in
forming an understanding of ancient peoples.
Even where written documents survive the physical remains of literate cultures often help to provide new and
interesting insights into how people once lived and thought, as in the case of medieval and post-medieval
archaeology. In analyzing the physical remains of societies, both past and present, historians, archaeologists,
anthropologists and others have been careful to remind us that objects mean different things to different

Plants and animals #081097

From the earliest civilisations, plants and animals have been portrayed as a means of understanding and
recording the potential uses, such as their economic and healing properties. From the first illustrated catalogue
of medicinal plants, De Materia Medica by Dioscorides, in the first century through to the late fourteenth
century the illustration of plants and animals changed very little. Woodcuts in instructional manuals and herbals
were often repeatedly copied over the centuries, resulting in a loss of definition and accuracy so that they
became little more than stylized decoration. With the growing popularity of copperplate engravings, the
traditional use of woodcuts declined and the representation of plants and animals became more accurate.
Then, with the emergence of artists such as albrecht durer and Leonardo Da Vinci, naturalists such as Otto
Brunfels, Leonhard Fuchs in botany and Conrad Gesner and Ulisse Aldrovandi in zoology, nature began to be
depicted in a more realistic style. Individual living plants or animals were observed directly and their likeness
rendered onto paper or vellum.

What's music? #081100

What is music? In one sense, this is an easy question. Even the least musical among us can recognize pieces of
music when we hear them and name a few canonical examples. We know there are different kinds of music
and, even if our knowledge of music is restricted, we know which kinds we like and which kinds we do not.

Folklore #081104

Folklore - A modern term for the body of traditional customs, superstitions, stories, dances, and songs that
have been adopted and maintained within a given community by processes of repetition not reliant on the
written word. Along with folk songs and folktales, this broad category of cultural forms embraces all kinds of
legends, riddles, jokes, proverbs, games, charms, omens, spells, and rituals, especially those of pre-literate
societies or social classes. Those forms of verbal expression that are handed on from one generation or locality
to the next by word of mouth are said to constitute an oral tradition.

Clones #081110

Clones of an Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides) in the Bronx and other city spots grew to double the
biomass of clones planted outside small towns upstate or on Long Island, says Jillian Gregg, now of the
Environmental Protection Agency's western-ecology division in Corvallis, Ore. The growth gap comes from
ozone damage, she and her New York colleagues report.
Ozone chemists have known that concentrations may spike skyscraper high in city air, but during a full 24
hours, rural trees actually get a higher cumulative ozone exposure from urban pollution that blows in and
lingers. A series of new experiments now show that this hang-around ozone is the overwhelming factor in tree
growth, the researchers say in the July 10 Nature. "This study has profound importance in showing us most
vividly that rural areas pay the price for urban pollution," says Stephen P. Long of the University of Illinois at
Urbana- Champaign. "This work should be a wake-up call," he adds.

Humans began farming #081111

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When humans began farming some 12,000 years ago, they altered the future of our species forever. Our
ancestors were ecological pioneers, discovering and cultivating the most valuable crops, scaling them up to
feed entire communities and transforming wild crops so fundamentally that they became dependent on
humans for their survival. Farming, in the words of National Geographic’s Genographic Project, “sowed the
seeds for the modern age.”

Coffee #081114

Coffee is enjoyed by millions of people every day and the 'coffee experience' has become a staple of our
modern life and culture. While the current body of research related to the effects of coffee consumption on
human health has been contradictory, a study in the June issue of Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and
Food Safety, which is published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), found that the potential benefits of
moderate coffee drinking outweigh the risks in adult consumers for the majority of major health outcomes

Shrimp Farm #081115

However, proper accounting shows that for each hectare government subsidies formed $8,412 of this figure
and there were costs, too: $1,000 for pollution and $12,392 for losses to ecosystem services. These comprised
damage to the supply of foods and medicines that people had taken from the forest, the loss of habitats for
fish, and less buffering against storms. And because a given shrimp farm only stays productive for three or four
years, there was the additional cost of restoring them afterwards.

Wrinkle Cure #081116

Barrie Finning's, a professor at Monash University’s college of pharmacy in Melbourne, and PhD student Anita
Schneider, recently tested a new wrinkle cure. Twice daily, 20 male and female volunteers applied a liquid
containing Myoxinol, a patented extract of okra (Hibiscus esculentus) seed, to one side of their faces. On the
other side they applied a similar liquid without Myoxinol. Every week for a month their wrinkles were tested by
self-assessment, photography and the size of depressions made in silicon moulds. The results were impressive.
After a month the depth and number of wrinkles on the Myoxinol-treated side were reduced by approximately
27 per cent. But Finnin’s research, commissioned by a cosmetics company, is unlikely to be published in a
scientific publication. It’s hard to even find studies that show the active ingredients in cosmetics penetrate the
skin, let alone more comprehensive research on their effects. Even when rigorous studies are commissioned,
companies usually control whether the work is published in the traditional scientific literature.

Can dogs tell our emotions? #081122

Can dogs tell when we are happy, sad or angry? As a dog owner, I feel confident not only that I can tell what
kind of emotional state my pets are in, but also that they respond to my emotions. Yet as a hard-headed
scientist, I try to take a more rational and pragmatic view. These personal observations seem more likely to
result from my desire for a good relationship with my dogs.

Two ‘Norths’ #081123

Mapping software works with your phone's GPS for the location and then the in-built compass finds north,
adjusting to the direction you're facing and pointing the way. But that's not easy because there are two 'norths'.
There's true north - which is the direction of the North Pole and which reliably stays put - and there's magnetic
north which, thanks to the flowing layer of molten iron in the Earth's outer core, has a habit of moving around.

Wind Moving #081129

Wind is air moving around. Some winds can move as fast as a racing car, over 100 miles per hour. Winds can

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travel around the world. Wind can make you feel cold because you lose heat from your body faster when it is
windy. Weather forecasters need to know the speed and direction of the wind. the strength of wind is
measured using the Beaufort scale from wind force when there is no wind, to wind force 12 which can damage
houses and buildings and is called hurricane force.

Iceland Volcanic Events #081131

On average, Iceland experiences a major volcanic event once every 5 years. Since the Middle Ages, a third of all
the lava that has covered the earth's surface has erupted in Iceland. However, according to a recent geological
hypothesis, this estimate does not include submarine eruptions, which are much more extensive than those on
the land surface.

The Antarctic and the Arctic #081133

At the height of summer the Antarctic, tourist ships move gently around the coast. Even 30 years ago such
sights would have been unthinkable, but today people are willing to pay large sums of money to see the last
real wilderness in the world. In the Arctic, careless human exploitation in the past has damaged the fragile
ecosystem. Today concerned governments are trying to find ways to develop the region while caring for the
very special natural environment. Because the Antarctic is less accessible than the Arctic, it is still largely
undamaged by humans, although holes in the ozone layer above the Antarctic have already been discovered.
Many people believe that one way to preserve the area is to make the whole region into a world park, with
every form of exploitation internationally banned.

Australia’s Dwelling #081134

The stock of Australia's dwellings is evolving, with current homes having more bedrooms on average than
homes ten years ago. At the same time, households are getting smaller on average with decreasing proportions
of couple families with children and increasing couple only and lone person households. This article examines
the changes in household size and number of bedrooms from 1994–95 to 2003–04. It also looks at the types of
households with spare bedrooms and the size of recently purchased new homes compared with existing stock.

Shakespeare’s Works #081135

Shakespeare produced most of his known works between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies
and histories, genres he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the sixteenth century. He
then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth, considered some of
the finest examples in the English language. In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances,
and collaborated with other playwrights.

Utility #081136

Most housing agencies would pay the utility costs for tenants, generally because individual unit in
developments don’t have individual meters. The family pays its own bills to the utility company, or agencies
deduct an amount from the family’s rent.

Recommended Energy Intakes #081141

Recommended energy intakes are difficult to calculate even among individuals of the same age, sex, weight,
height and general pattern of activity. Therefore, the energy requirement for healthy people is often expressed
as the amount of energy needed to maintain the status quo.

Physical Activity #081146

Participating regularly in physical activity has been shown to benefit an individual's health and wellbeing.

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Regular physical activity is important in reducing the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and stroke,
obesity, diabetes and some forms of cancer. The National Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults recommend at
least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, preferably every day of the week, to obtain health

Private Schools in the UK #081147

Private schools in the UK are redoubling their marketing efforts to foreigners. Almost a third of the 68,000
boarding pupils at such schools already come from overseas. But now, with many UK residents unwilling or
unable to afford the fees and a cultural shift away from boarding, many schools are looking abroad to survive.
Overseas students now account for about £500m of fee income a year for boarding schools in the UK.

Class Attendance #081151

Because instructional methods, expected class participation, and the nature of the courses vary, no fixed
number of absences is applicable to all situations. Each instructor is responsible for making clear to the class at
the beginning of the semester his or her policies and procedures in regard to class attendance and the reasons
for them.

Concrete Jungle #081152

Spending too much time in the concrete jungle is bad for city dwellers' health and could have potentially
catastrophic consequences for the environment, conservation biologist Richard Fuller will argue during a
seminar at the University of Canberra today. Dr. Fuller, lecturer in biodiversity and conservation at the University
of Queens' and CSIRO, will explore the fact that although there's evidence that the well-being of humans
increases with exposure to our surrounding biodiversity, the opportunities for people to experience nature are
declining rapidly in the modern world.

Critical thinking #081156

Critical thinking involves looking at something you may have seen many times and examining it from many
different angles and perspectives. It involves going beyond the obvious or beyond “easy” to seek new
understanding and rare solutions. It involves looking at common issues with uncommon eyes, known problems
with new skepticism, everyday conflicts with probing curiosity, and daily challenges with greater attention to
detail.views, new, curiosity, ideas, solutions

Predictions of weather #081160

All kinds of predictions may be about to get even more difficult thanks to climate change. Though no one is
sure exactly what its effects will be, it seems that extreme weather conditions such as storms and hurricanes are
likely to become more common. Such events have far-reaching effects on distant weather systems, making
general forecasting much harder.

Modern human nature #081163

Modern developments in areas such as neuroscience, artificial intelligence and evolutionary psychology have
resulted in new ways of thinking about human nature. Can we explain the mind and consciousness in terms of
brain function? Can we understand modern human behavior as our evolutionary heritage? Is science even the
right place to start if we want to understand human nature? Come along to the Great Debate, hear the
arguments and have your say.

How to invest #081164

To invest, you need to draw up a clear plan, do your own research, build in a margin of safety by always

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thinking about the valuation and, ultimately, be patient. By all means include some speculative picks if you wish
, but ensure they are only a small part of your portfolio. Looking for an oil explorer whose shares double, treble
and double again is exciting but such firms are very rare. There are a lot more companies that have a consistent
record of paying out the dividends which really make the markets work for you, once they are reinvested.

Electric eels #081166

Electric eels are born to shock. Thanks to cells called electrocytes which, stacked like batteries, make up 80% of
their bodies, these cunning South American hunters can deliver debilitating blows of up to 600 volts to their
prey. But they’ve harnessed their electricity to pack even bigger punches. Last year, Vanderbilt University
biologist Kenneth Catania revealed electric eels bring their positively charged head and negatively charged tail
closer together to generate a more powerful current.

Genetically modified corn #081167

Almost no one regards corn with suspicion. But the same can’t be said for humans’ ingenious ability to
engineer the plants we eat. Genetically modified (GM) crops are viewed with such hostility that they are barely
grown in Europe. However, a new study by an independent group of scientists, who have done the most
comprehensive review of the evidence so far, shows that our aversion to GM food is pointless, unscientific and
harmful to farmers.

Private schools in the UK #081168

Private schools in the UK are redoubling their marketing efforts to foreigners. Almost a third of the 68,000
boarding pupils at such schools already come from overseas. But now, with many UK residents unwilling or
unable to afford the fees – top boarding schools are edging towards £30,000 ($49,759) a year – and a cultural
shift away from boarding, many schools are looking abroad to survive.

Overseas students now account for about £500m of fee income a year for boarding schools in the UK. They
come from Hong Kong, China, Germany, Russia and Spain, as well as from Africa, South Korea and other parts
of Europe.

Assessments of language learning #081169

Assessments of language learning in 18-month-olds suggest that children are better at grasping the names of
objects with repeated syllables, over words with non-identical syllables. Researchers say the study may help
explain why some words or phrases, such as 'train' and 'good night', have given rise to versions with repeated
syllables, such as choo-choo and night-night. The researchers say such words are easier for infants to learn, and
may provide them with a starter point for vocabulary learning. A team from the University of Edinburgh
assessed the infants' language learning behavior in a series of visual and attention tests using pictures on a
computer screen of two unfamiliar objects. The two objects were named with made-up words which were
communicated to the infants by a recorded voice — one with two identical syllables, for example neenee, and
the other without repeated syllables, such as bolay. The infants were then tested for their recognition of each
word. Recordings of their eye movements showed they looked more reliably at the object labeled with
repeated syllables, than the other object. Researchers validated their results with a control test, in which the
infants responded to pictures of familiar objects — such as a dog or an apple.

Selfies #081171

To better understand selfies and how people form their identities online, the researchers combed through 2.5
million selfie posts on Instagram to determine what kinds of identity statements people make by taking and
sharing the photos.

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Nearly 52 percent of all selfies fell into the appearance category: pictures of people showing off their make-up,
clothes, lips, etc. Pics about looks were two times more popular than the other 14 categories combined. After
appearances, social selfies with friends, loved ones, and pets were the most common (14 percent). Then came
ethnicity pics (13 percent), travel (7 percent), and health and fitness (5 percent).
The researchers noted that the prevalence of ethnicity selfies (selfies about a person’s ethnicity, nationality or
country of origin) is an indication that people are proud of their backgrounds. They also found that most selfies
are solo pictures, rather than taken with a group.
Overall, an overwhelming 57 percent of selfies on Instagram were posted by the 18-35-year-old crowd,
something the researchers say isn’t too surprising considering the demographics of the social media platform.
The under-18 age group posted about 30 percent of selfies. The older crowd (35+) shared them far less
frequently (13 percent). Appearance was most popular among all age groups.
Lead author Julia Deeb-Swihart says selfies are an identity performance—meaning that users carefully craft the
way they appear online and that selfies are an extension of that. This evokes William Shakespeare’s famous
line: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”

Paris #081172

In the preceding hundred years, Paris had been center stage for political and social movements that had deeply
affected all of Europe. The many ways in which tradition had already been challenged and shaken during those
years helped make it easier for those to achieve a break with traditional art.

International Shakespeare Association #081175

Over 800 Shakespeare scholars from almost fifty countries will gather at King’s College London next week as
the university co-hosts the 10th World Shakespeare Congress to explore and honour the Bard’s life and work.
Organised by the International Shakespeare Association (ISA), the World Congress is held every five years and
2016 is the first time it will be co-hosted in two locations that were integral to both the personal and working
life of William Shakespeare. Delegates will arrive in London on Thursday following the start of the Congress on
Sunday in Stratford-upon-Avon. With an overarching theme of ‘Creating and Recreating Shakespeare’, the
Congress will look at the continuing global relevance of Shakespeare’s work through a varied programme of
plenaries, panels, seminars and workshops.

Airborne diseases #081176

Airborne diseases are very easily transmitted and can result in respiratory illness that can be life threatening.
It’s therefore no wonder that outbreaks of airborne infectious diseases are a major public health concern, and
that researchers are working hard to come up with technologies to provide clean air. So far, however, such
technologies have had limited success.

Green spaces #081178

Green spaces contribute significantly to a reduction of soil and aerial temperatures during spells of hot
weather, so contributing to human wellbeing. In the garden context, there is, however, little information as to
what extent various types of plants differ in their cooling potential and how certain planting combinations may
maximize cooling under a scenario of low rainfall and minimal water inputs.

Duel of honour #081179

A “duel of honour” was a way of settling disputes between gentlemen over some injury or insult. The fight
had to be arranged privately because duelling was never legal , but it became common in the 17th century. A
social code governed the duel of honour and, as long as the rules were kept to, the survivor could usually
escape without being punished by the law. Duels were fought with either pistols or swords, but pistols became

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the more usual weapon after swords went out of fashion at the end of the 18th century.

Active learning classrooms #081180

Our active learning classrooms contain an array of circular tables. Each table seats up to nine students with
wireless laptop computers to encourage student engagement. The tables are equipped with microphones and a
lamp to signal when someone needs help or wishes to speak to the entire room.

Performance appraisals #081181

Performance appraisals have traditionally been considered the best way to evaluate and employees
performance, but increasingly organizations are finding them of little value. Employees find them stressful and
unhelpful. Importantly, they also take up a lot of time. When Deloitte analyzed their own process, they found
managers and employees spent around 2 million hours a year on performance reviews. A growing number of
companies have decided to abolish performance reviews altogether, instead introducing more regular catch

Health professionals #081063

People who visit health professionals tend to be older than the general population, because illness increases
with age. However, the proportion of the population who visited complementary health therapists was highest
between the ages 25 and 64 years. The lower rates for people aged 65 years and over contrasted with the rate
of visits to other health professionals which increased steadily with increasing age. The reasons for this
difference might include lower levels of acceptance of complementary therapies by older people. Alternatively,
older people may have different treatment priorities than do younger people because their health on average is
worse while their incomes are generally lower.

Teacher's Response #081137

The casual observer does not necessarily recognise the skill in how a teacher, for instance, responds to a
thoughtful question from a normally quiet student and how that may be very different from the 'standard
response' to a commonly inquisitive or talkative student. Expert teachers are aware of what they are doing; they
monitor and adjust their teaching behaviors to bring out the best in their students.

John Milton #081154

John Milton wrote in a wide range of genres, in several languages, and on an extraordinary range of subjects.
He had a more general education than what is offered at Cambridge these days, and it continued after his
seven years here, equipping him with the tools to write some of the most groundbreaking literature ever seen,
and to engage as a polemicist on many different social, political, and theological questions.

South Fremantle Power Station #081177

The ruins of the South Fremantle Power Station have stood empty since 1985, home only to urban explorers
and street artists. Opened in 1951, the power station was once a pillar of progress for the expanding energy
demands of Perth. Here it stood proud and strong for 34 years, supplying energy to its surrounding metropolis
until 1985 when it was deemed to no longer be worth the money. The doors were shuttered, and the plant’s
four tall chimney stacks were demolished, leaving the rest of the plant to rot by the sea.

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Sound Receptors 声音接收器 #111001
Sound receptors are small devices that are floppy and spiky in the ears. These receptors can
translate vibrational energy that hits your eardrum into a vibration of the fluid in your ears.
Then the physical motion of these receptors will be translated into electrical signals that go
into your ear. MIT students are invited to learn more about sound receptors, who would find
sound receptors remarkable.

Sound receptors are small devices in the ears. These receptors can translate vibrational
energy into the fluid. The energy will hit your eardrum. In the following step, the physical
motion of the receptors will be translated into electrical signals. Therefore, the speaker
invites MIT students to learn more about sound receptors, and they will find them

声音接收器(sound receptors)是一种耳朵中蓬松又多刺(floppy and spiky)的小装置(small
【解释 - 工作原理】
· 首先,它先将来自外耳(coming from your ear),打在鼓膜上(hitting your eardrum)的振动
能(vibrational energy)转换成为内耳中淋巴液的振动,即液波(a vibration into the fluid in
your ear)。
· 接下来,液波将会被转换成物理运动(physical motion),而这些物理运动又会被进一步转换
为电信号(electrical signals)。
麻省理工学院的学生(MIT students)被邀请学习更多关于声音接收器的知识,他们会发现这些声音接

Vitamin D 维他命D [V1:阳光维他命] #111013

Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin because there is no dietary need for vitamin D if you
have adequate sunshine. Therefore, vitamin D is not a vitamin but a prohormone. When
human beings lived in tropical climates with sufficient skin exposure to sunlight, there was
no dietary need for vitamin D. Later, the migration away from equatorial regions created a
dietary need for vitamin D, especially in winter.

Vitamin D is a prohormone and is called the sunshine vitamin. It only works when people
have adequate sunlight exposure. Initially, people lived in tropical climates. They had
sufficient exposure to sunlight, so there is no dietary need for vitamin D. However, as people
left equatorial regions, they need vitamin D in food. This is because the sunlight was not
adequate, particularly during the winter.

维他命D(Vitamin D), 被称为“阳光维他命”(the sunshine vitamin),因为如果你能接触到足量的阳
光(adequate sunlight exposure)的话,你根本就不需要摄入维他命D。

【解释 - 特质】

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1) 赤道地区(equatorial regions)
当人们住在赤道附近的时候,因为热带气候(tropical climates)带来了充足的阳光(sufficient
skin exposure to sunlight),所以就没有要摄入维他命D的需求(no dietary need);
2) 极地地区

Talent War 人才之争 [V1 男声版 人才最重要] #111015

There is intense competition to hire the most talented people. Now it is not the bosses’
world, but the talent’s world. We have a talent shortage both within countries and
between companies. Now countries are trying to lure bright young immigrants to their
universities. So, talent is at a premium on many levels, which is due to the aging of baby
boomers and the more sophisticated economy.

There is intense competition to hire the most talented people. Now it is not the bosses’
world, but the talent’s world. We have a talent shortage both within countries and
between companies. Now countries are trying to lure bright young immigrants to their
universities. So, talent is at a premium on many levels. The reasons include the aging of baby
boomers and the more sophisticated economy.

曾经的世界是由大公司主导的世界(the bosses’ world),许多有才的年轻人想进入大公司却求而不

现象:现在的世界,是以人才为主导的世界(the talents’ world)。各个国家都在想方设法吸引更多
优秀的移民人才,让他们来本地读大学,最后移民留下来(lure bright young immigrants to their
原因:因为新生儿潮的族群逐步老龄化(the aging of baby boomers),经济结构变得更加成熟
(sophisticated economy)了。

所以,在社会的各个层面我们都不难发现:人才是最重要的(at a premium)。

Indian peasants 印度农民债务 #111018

The debt now is so high for peasants that they cannot pay it back. The debt comes from the
seeds which used to be free and the pesticides whose usage has surged due to the free
market and globalization. Peasants can only buy expensive seeds and pesticides by
borrowing money from the same companies that sell seeds and pesticides.

The debt now is so high for peasants that they cannot pay it back. The debt comes from the

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seeds which used to be free. And it also comes from pesticides whose usage has surged. The
reasons include the free market and globalization. Peasants can only buy expensive seeds
and pesticides by borrowing money from the same companies that sell seeds and pesticides

印度农民(Indian peasants)现在债台高筑(debt is so high),而且他们可能永远都没办法还清(cannot
pay it back)。

从前:农民可以使用免费(used to be free)的种子(seeds)
改变:自由市场(free market)和全球化(globalization)的作用下,原来这些免费的种子开始被垄断
现在:在这种境况下,收入很低的农民就需要借钱(borrowing money)来买这些种子和农药,而他们
借钱的这些公司(the same companies)就正是售卖给农民种子和农药(sell seeds and pesticides)的

University competition 高校竞争 #111021

Universities have to acknowledge that there is not only competition for the best students,
but also staff in the academic job market, too. Especially when English has become the new
Latin, universities in English speaking countries are exposed to more intense competition.
We are in a competition for government funding, research contracts, and philanthropy. This
competitive environment is particularly visible to a vice-chancellor.

There is competition for the best students and staff in the academic job market. When
English has become the new Latin, universities in English-speaking countries are exposed to
more intense competition. We are in a competition for government funding, research
contracts, and philanthropy. This competitive environment is particularly visible to a vice-

大学(Universities)之间的竞争非常的激烈(intense competition)。

【表现 - 竞争方面】
1) 人员的竞争
主要体现在竞争到海内外的优秀学员(students),和优秀的学术职工(staff in the academic
job market)这两个方面上。
尤其是因为英文(English)就像拉丁语(the new Latin)一样成为了新的国际流行语言之后,这种
竞争在英语国家(English speaking countries)尤其激烈。

2) 资金的竞争
这些学校在政府资金(government funding)、研究合同的订立(research contracts)和慈善事

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*课外知识补充:在英国的大学里,chancellor指名誉校长,vice chancellor是指校长。

The Definition of Risk 定义风险 #111043

The lecture on risk analysis focuses on the definition of risk and safety. There are two literal
definitions of ‘risk’ in dictionaries. One means the possibility of loss or injury while the
other means the consequences of some kinds of danger. Moreover, the definition of ‘safe’
or ‘safety’ means being free from harm, which is a simple notion of being either safe or
not safe.

Risk analysis includes the definition of risk and safety. Risk has two literal definitions in
dictionaries. One means the possibility of loss or injury, and the other means the
consequences of some kinds of danger. Moreover, the definition of ‘safe’ or ‘safety’
means being free from harm. It is a simple notion about safe or not safe.

这是一场关于风险分析(risk analysis主要)的讲座,介绍了风险(risk)和安全(safety)的定义。
字典上面关于风险的书面定义(literal definition)有两个:
1) 造成损失或者伤害的可能性(the possibility of loss or injury)
2) 某种伤害带来的结果(the consequences of some kinds of danger)
· 某事是安全的,或者听起来具有安全性。
实际上,安全和安全性(safe and safety)的定义和风险是一个循环论证(非此即彼)即是免于伤害和风险
(free from harm or risks)。

Wildlife as food and income 野生动物 #111046

Wildlife has an important role in livelihood, especially in most east and west Africa. All
humans rely on wildlife as the source of food and income. Fish is the primary source of
animal protein for billions of people in poverty. Therefore, the management of the fish
resource is incredibly important to livelihoods and health. Besides, wildlife tourism can be
the top source of income in many countries.

Wildlife has an important role in livelihood in Africa. All humans rely on wildlife as the
source of food and income. Fish is the primary source of animal protein for poor people.
Therefore, the management of fish resources is important to livelihoods and health. Besides,
wildlife tourism is the top source of income in many countries.


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and west Africa)。

1) 方面1 - 食物
野生动物是人类的食物来源(source of food)。尤其是对于穷人(people in poverty)来说,鱼
肉(fish)是他们主要摄取动物蛋白质(animal protein)的来源。因此,更好的鱼类养殖业的管理
(the management of fish resources)会让食用鱼的质量更好,让人们能摄取更好的营养,从
2) 方面2 – 经济
目(wildlife tourism)能够吸引更多的外国人到这些地方去旅游,从而刺激当地的经济

Big Bang Theory 宇宙大爆炸 #111047

In cosmology, scientists previously believed the Big Bang happened about 10 to 20 billion
years ago. Now, we know the universe started in a Big Bang over 13.8 billion years ago. The
laws of physics can explain how the stars work. It fits well as the universe is older than the
oldest star. We know how the universe began, but we don't know what will happen in the

In cosmology, scientists used to think the Big Bang happened about 10 to 20 billion years
ago. However, the universe started in a Big Bang over 13.8 billion years ago. The laws of
physics can explain how the stars work.It fits well because the universe is older than the
oldest star. We know how the universe began, but we don't know what will happen in the

【时间点1 - 过去】
在宇宙学中(cosmology),科学家过去认为“大爆炸”( the Big Bang)发生在大约100亿至200亿年前
(10 to 20 billion years ago)。

【时间点2 - 现在】
· 我们了解到宇宙起源于138亿年前( 13.8 billion years ago )的“大爆炸”
· 我们了解到宇宙(the universe)比最古老的恒星(oldest star)更古老。物理学定律(laws of
· 我们了解到宇宙是如何起源的,但是我们不知道未来会发生什么。

Obese Women 女性体脂实验 #111049


Thirty-one obese women volunteered in a Canadian experiment to test their body fat
changes. They followed strict daily diet requirements and did exercise as instructed every
day. After six months, some of them lost weight, while others stayed the same, and some
even gained weight. There are two explanations: some of them may have been cheating on

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the diet, or they did less exercise consciously or unconsciously due to psychological reason.
Thirty-one obese women volunteered in a Canadian experiment. They wanted to test on
body fat changes. They followed strict daily diet requirements and did the exercise every day.
After six months, some of them lost weight, while others stayed the same, and some even
gained weight. There are two explanations: maybe some of them have eaten more, or they
did less exercise due to psychological reasons.

31位肥胖女性(thirty-one obese women)自愿参加了一个加拿大实验(a Canadian experiment)。

测试每位女性的体脂改变(body fat changes)。

管住嘴:每位实验者都被要求,要按照严格的食谱要求(followed strict daily diet requirements)来
迈开腿:每位实验者都需要按照规定来进行锻炼(did the exercise as instructed)。

6个月(six months)后,三种情况都有:
1) 有的人减重了(lost weight)
2) 有的人不变(stayed the same)
3) 甚至有的人还增重(gained weight)了

【两种解释(two explanations)】
没管住嘴:有些人没忍住偷吃了(cheated on the diet);
(unconsciously)没有达到锻炼的要求(did less exercise)。

The decline of Bees 蜜蜂数量减少 #111050

One of the various conclusions is that bees are in decline, which is well-documented,
supported only by good strong scientific evidence. The drivers of decline vary depending on
species. Although the effectsof pollinator loss are not catastrophic now, it could be.
However, the positive side is that people are aware of the problem and are taking action to
fix the recognized problems.

This lecture gives information about the decline of bees. This conclusion is well-documented
with strong scientific evidence. The drivers of decline are different between different species
. The effects of pollinator loss are not severe now. But it can be severe in the future.
However, the positive side is that people are aware of the problem. We are taking action to
fix the problems.

蜜蜂的数量正在减少(bees are in decline),这是由一系列强有力的科学证据支撑和记录的(well-
documented, supported only by good strong scientific evidence)。

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从原因上看,蜜蜂数量减少的驱动因素(drivers)会因为蜜蜂种群的不同而不同(vary depending on

考虑到其影响,蜜蜂这类传粉昆虫的减少(pollinator loss)目前不是一个大灾难(not

但是,乐观的一面是我们已经知晓了这个问题(aware of the problem),并且正在采取措施解决这个
问题(taking actions to fix the recognized problems)。

Earthquake and Faults 地震 #111051

Faults are breaks in the earth's crust, constructing a fault plane. An earthquake starts at a
particular point on the fault plane, called the focus of the earthquake. The rocks propagate
out from the focus, creating the rupture that is in that particular earthquake. The epicenter
is a point vertically above the focus on the earth’s surface. So, this is the relationship
between the faults and the earthquakes.

The lecture gives information about the relationship between faults and earthquakes. Faults
are breaks in the earth's crust. An earthquake starts at a particular point on the fault plane,
and this point is called the focus of the earthquake. The epicenter is another point vertically
above the focus on the earth’s surface. The rocks propagate out from the focus in that
particular earthquake.

· 断层(Faults)
断层是地壳( the earth’ s crust)中的断裂(breaks),断层构成了断层平面(fault plane)
· 震源(focus)
断层平面上的震源是地震(earthquake )开始的地方
· 震中(epicenter)
垂直于震源向上(vertically above the focus)位于地球表面(on the earth’s surface)的点叫做
· 破裂(rupture)
岩石(rocks)从震源向外传播(propagate out)地震波,造成地震中的破裂

Smart Consumers and Brand 品牌与顾客需求 #111053


A brand is essential to smart consumers because they make decisions based on brands and
would pay morefor a better brand. However, the Second Moment of Truth is also important,
which means after they went home with products bought, the product must be of great
quality. However, there are fundamental engineering contradictions as consumers want
products that are both strong and soft, or both light and strong.

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A brand is essential to smart consumers. People make decisions based on brands.
Consumers would pay more for a better brand, but the product must have great quality. If
consumers went home with the products, the Second Moment of Truth is important.
However, there are fundamental engineering contradictions for the products to be both
strong and soft, or both light and strong.

顾客购买商品时,第一眼,看重品牌(brands),顾客愿意为了一个名牌而花更多的钱(pay more for a
better brand)。


但是总是存在“鱼与熊掌不可兼得”(engineering contradictions)的情况,比如顾客希望卫生纸又柔

Human Rights Act in UK 英国人权法案 #111055

The Human Rights Act is far-reaching and controversial in the UK's history of rights,
providing the starting point for a wider application of the law to rights. The 1998 Act
introduces 15 specific rights and freedoms, which are also called positive and negative
rights. The Human Rights Act does not expand on the provisions made by the European
Convention but follows a baseline or minimum standards for human rights.

The Human Rights Act is far-reaching and controversial in the UK's history. The Act provides
the starting point for a wider application of the law. The 1998 Act introduces 15 specific
rights and freedoms, which are also called positive and negative rights. The Human Rights
Act does not expand on the European Convention but follows a baseline for human rights.

主体:人权法案(The Human Rights Act)
一个名词:起点(the starting point)
主体:The 1998 Act (也就是The Human Rights Act人权法案的另一种称呼)
1. 权力(rights) = positive rights(指“有权做某事”)
2. 自由(freedom) = negative rights(指“有权不做某事”)
将《英国人权法案》和《欧洲公约》(the European Convention)对比:
并没有对《欧洲公约》进行扩充(expand on);只是遵循了人权的基准(baseline)/最低标准(the
minimum standards)。

Australian housing price 澳洲房价 #111056

Australia has been through a long period of uninterrupted economic growth over the past

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15 years when the mortgage rate was halved. Everyone could afford to borrow money from
banks. Secondly, the increasing immigration and the falling size of the average household
led to a higher demand for accommodation with increased purchasing power. With the
additional purchasing power and the stable housing supply, the housing price has been
pushed up.

Australia has experienced economic growth over the past 15 years. At that time, the
mortgage rate was halved, and everyone could afford to borrow money. Therefore, people
had a higher demand for accommodation. The reasons included the increasing immigration
and the falling size of an average household. In conclusion, with the additional purchasing
power and the stable housing supply, the housing price has been pushed up.


1) 经济原因
澳大利亚在过去15年经历了持续不间断的经济增长(uninterrupted economic growth), 抵押
贷款利率(mortgage rate)减半,每个人都能够从银行贷款。
2) 人口原因
增加的移民(increasing immigration)和平均家庭规模的减小(decreasing size of the average
household), 伴随着增长的购买力( with increased purchasing power), 导致对住房的需求
(demand for accommodation)增加。

HTML 互联网内容 #111057

During the 1990s, thanks to Tim Berners Lee, normal people could get online. There was
extraordinarycreativity during the 90s. People created all sorts of content on the internet,
such as webpages, social experiments, and lessons. They did it without a profit motive,
religious factors, advertising, fears, or motivational schemes. People did it because they
simply enjoyed it and it was a good idea.

Thanks to Tim Berners Lee, normal people could get online. During the 1990s, there was
extraordinary creativity. People created enormous content on the Internet, including
webpages, social experiments and lessons. They did it without profitable motives, religious
factors or advertising. People did it because they simply enjoyed it and it was a good idea.

1990年代(the 1990s),极具创意(creativity)的人们开始在互联网上制作多样的线上内容(online
· 学习资源(lessons)
· 网站网页(webpages)


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· 不是为了广告收入(no advertisings)
· 不受任何利益驱使(no profitable motive)
· 也不受任何宗教的影响(no religious factors)

他们做这些事,就只是单纯地因为他们喜欢这件事(simply enjoy)。

Sign language 手语 #111058

This lecture talks about abstraction and the origin of symbolic systems. People used to use
sign language for a long time, but it turned out that they could not communicate while they
were doing things. For example, they needed to ask for help when they strangled rhinoceros
. So, they needed to communicate and do something with their hands at the same time.
That's how words and language came.

This lecture talks about abstraction, and language is a classic symbolic system. People used
to use sign language for a long time. However, they needed to communicate and do
something with their hands at the same time. For example, they needed to ask for help
when they strangled rhinoceros. So, words and languagecame.

抽象概念(abstraction)­——使用电脑——符号语言(symbolic system)


Genes affect human behaviors 基因影响人类行为 #111059

【本题音频是并非真实音频,仅供参考;请以答案内容为准!】 (注:故事框架和老师录音基本一致

Since the discovery of DNA structure, people have believed that genes have an impact only
on people’s physical structure. However, the study of mapping of genes in 2001 found that
there is a genetic responsibilityto human’s physical and psychological behaviors, which has
changed the way we understand our behaviors. The research on genes has provided
integrated information, and the findings can benefit biology, psychology, and neuroscience.

People used to believe that genes only have an impact on people’s physical structure.
However, the study found that there is also a genetic responsibility to human psychological
behaviors. It has changed the way we understand our behaviors. The research on genes has
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provided integrated information. In the future, the findings can benefit biologists,
psychologists, and neuroscientists.

人们以为DNA只是单纯地影响我们的生理特征(physical structure),比如我们的肤色(skintone)、头
发的颜色(hair color)或是眼睛的颜色(eye color)。

2001年的一项研究(mapping of genes)表明,DNA不仅影响我们的外貌特征,还会影响我们的心理
行为(psychological behaviors)。


Market Economy 市场经济 #111064

The notions of pragmatism and democracy had succeeded in tempering the market
economy in developed countries. The Industrial Revolution had negative effects on the
living standards of the working classes. However, legislation about working conditions and
better environmental conditions was passed to circumscribe the worst behaviors, which
reversed the damage. Nowadays, the benefits of the market economy are shared far more
widely than 100 years ago.

This lecture gives information about the market economy. The ideas about pragmatism and
democracy have tempered the market economy in developed countries successfully. The
Industrial Revolution negatively influences the living standards of the working classes.
However, legislation about working conditions and better environmental conditions reversed
the damage because it restrained the worst behaviors. Now, thebenefits of the market
economy are wider than 100 years ago.


countries)的市场经济(market economy)(所带来的问题):

工业革命(industrial revolution)对工人阶级(working classes)的生活质量(living standards)带来了

的行为,从而扭转了一些损失(reversed the damage)。


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Climate change predictions 气候变暖预测 #111072
People are questioning how panic we should be about the reality of global climate change.
Although the prediction of the population bomb in 1968 was criticized because some of the
predictions didn’t come about, the world cannot afford to take the risk that the climate
scientists have wrong predictions, because major precipitation changes are taking place on a
global scale.

People are questioning how panic we should be about the reality of global climate change.
The prediction of the population bomb in 1968 was criticized because some of the
predictions were wrong. However, the world cannot afford to take the risk because major
precipitation changes are happening all over the world.

由温室气体导致的全球气候变化(the reality of global climate change)正在让人们逐渐感到恐慌

【表现 - 理论上】
理论上,有一个新的预测把人口爆炸的预测(prediction of population bomb)和气候变化的预测合并

【表现 - 实质上】
化(precipitation changes),已经在全球范围(on a global scale)开始呈现了。

Therapeutic Environment 治愈性环境 #111092


A long time ago, people began to study the therapeutic environment. They found that fresh
air and sunlight can have positive impacts on patients' recovery, and architecture has the
same positive impact, too. Viewing hospital yards can help people rest well and sleep well,
and can also help release their stress and pain easily. 90% of nurses in hospitals agreed that
the designed hospital environment links to patients' recovery.

People began to study the therapeutic environment. They found that fresh air, sunlight and
architecture can have positive impacts on patients' recovery. To be more specific, viewing
hospital yards can help people rest well and sleep well. Also, it can help release stress and
pain easily. 90% of nurses in hospitals agreed that the designed hospital environment is
related to patients' recovery.

人们开始研究环境治疗法(therapeutic environment)有很长一段时间了。

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他们发现新鲜空气(fresh air)和阳光(sunlight)对病人的康复(patients’ recovery)有积极的影响,建

缓疼痛(release their stress and pain )。


Babies just want to be smiled at 婴儿喜欢笑容 #111093

By studying the interactions between babies and their mothers, researchers determined that
babies’ smiles are strategic but not spontaneous. Specifically, babies smile in hopes others
will smile at them, and they time it in a manner of sophisticated timing. In the study,
researchers have found that mothers want interactions, while babies just want to be smiled

Researchers studied the interactions between babies and their mothers. They found that
babies’ smiles are strategic but not spontaneous. Specifically, babies smile at sophisticated
timing because they hope others will smile at them. In the study, researchers have found that
mothers want interactions, while babies just want to be smiled at.

通过研究婴儿和母亲之间的互动(interactions between babies and their mothers ),

研究人员确定婴儿的微笑(smiles)是有策略的(strategic ),而不是自发的(spontaneous) 。
timing )。

在这项研究中,研究人员发现,母亲想要互动(interactions),而婴儿只想让妈妈对自己笑(be smiled

Newspapers Industry 新闻业下滑 #111096


The economic models of newspapers are crumbling. The newspaper industry has been
shrinking dramatically in the last half of the 20th century. Some newspaper publishers’ cash
flows were in red or just maintained at the breakeven point due to the decreasing number
of advertising and buyers. Some newspapers are no longer published daily, and some are
online only. The staff in the newspaper industry have dropped by 30% to 40%.


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The newspaper industry has been shrinking dramatically in the last half of the 20th century.
Firstly, some newspaper publishers’ cash flows were in red or just maintained at the
breakeven point. This is because of the decreasing number of advertising and buyers.
Secondly, some newspapers are no longer published daily, and some are online only.
Thirdly, the staff in the newspaper industry have dropped by 30% to 40%.

根据经济模型(economic model),在20世纪的后50年(last 50 years of the 20th century),美国报
纸行业(the newspaper industry in the U.S.)一直在急剧萎缩(shrinking dramatically)。

由于广告量和购买者的减少(a decrease in advertising and buyers),大多数报纸出版商
(newspaper publishers)现金流量(cash flow):
- 有些报社呈赤字(in red),即亏损
- 有些报社处勉强维持收支平衡 (the breakeven point)
- 有些报社虽然有盈利 (positive cash flow), 但他们已经没有多少读者了 (individual

很多报社不再每日发行报纸,而是改为一周三天(three days a week),有些小报社直接转为线上发行
(publish online),而有些报纸则消失了(disappeared)。

在报纸行业工作的员工(staff)下降了30%至40%,甚至更多(even more)。

Automated Driving Systems 自动驾驶系统 #111097


Telescope 天文望远镜 #111099

The aperture of a telescope is several times larger than the aperture of the human eye so
that the objects cannot be normally seen by unaided eyes. A telescope can be equipped to
record light over a long period of time, such as a long-exposure photograph. A third major
advantage of large telescopes is that they have a superior resolution, the ability to discern
fine detail.

The aperture of a telescope is several times larger than the aperture of the human eye. The
objects can not be normally seen by unaided eyes. A telescope can be equipped to record
light over a long time, such as a long-exposure photograph. A third major advantage of
large telescopes is that they have superior resolution, the ability to discern fine detail.


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1) 光圈
天文望远镜的光圈(aperture)是人类眼睛(human eye)的好几倍,所以它能看到通常肉眼看不
2) 曝光时长
天文望远镜可以长时间记录光线(record light ),比方说长曝光的照片( long-exposure
photograph );
3) 分辨率
大的天文望远镜的第三个优点(advantage)是它们有非常高的分辨率(superior resolution
),可以辨别出精美的细节(fine detail)。

Need 需要和需求 #111105


There are several ways to use and interpret the word ‘need.’ When you say, 'I need a
holiday,' it is an expression of a strong desire but not a basic need. When you say, 'the plant
needs water,' it is an objective statement because it is essential, like sunlight and water to
plants. Also, there is a psychological use of 'need' when someone lacks something.

There are several ways to use and interpret the word 'need.' When you say 'I need a holiday,'
it is an expression of a strong desire but not a basic need. When you say 'the plant needs
water,' it is an objective statement because it is essential, like sunlight and water to plants.
Also, there is a psychological use of 'need' when someone lacks something.

1) 表示强烈的愿望(a strong desire),但不是基本需求(basic need)。例子:我需要放假。
2) 作客观的陈述(objective statement),因为某个事物是必不可少的(essential),例如植物需要
3) 表示心理的(psychological)需求。当某人缺少(lacks)某物时,在心理上会有“需要”。

Globalization & Detraditionalization全球化导致传统文化丧失 #111107

The world is a global village with instant communications through the internet.
The world is also shrinking due to distance and speed. Globalization has
brought detraditionalization because of the erosion of traditional culture and
conventional ways of doing things, as young people are rejecting the culture in
which they grew up and are keen on imitating the Hollywood models.

The world is a global village. People can have instant communications through
the internet. The world is also shrinking due to distance and speed.
Globalization has brought detraditionalization. This is because of the erosion of
traditional culture and conventional ways of doing things. For example, young
people are rejecting the culture they grew up in. They are keen on imitating the

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Hollywood models.

我们的世界是一个地球村(a global village ):
· 通过因特网我们可以进行即刻的交流(instant communications through the internet);
· 我们的世界也在全球化的进程中缩小(shrinking),因为我们交流的速度(speed)正在提升并且人

· 年轻人正在盲目地模仿好莱坞的明星们(imitating the Hollywood models),拒绝他们在成长
过程中接受的传统文化,这就削弱了传统文化(the erosion of traditional culture)和传统的行
为方式(conventional ways of doing things)。

Manager 经理应该自我提升 #111112


Although managers are busy, they should read more books and go back to university to
improve themselves. The best manager is not someone who knows his organization better,
but someone who is a professor in management and with broad perspectives. Experience is
not necessary, but management knowledge is much more important because learning
management is a highlighted point for being a manager.

Although managers are busy, they should read more books. They should also go back to
university to improvethemselves. The best manager is not someone who knows his
organization better, but someone who is a professor in management with broad
perspectives. Experience is not necessary, but management knowledgeis much more
important. Learning management is vital for being a manager.

(improve themselves):
· 最好的经理应该是一个管理学专家(a professor in management),并且具有广阔的视野
(broad perspectives),而不只是一个对自己的组织有更好了解的人
· 经验(Experience)不是必需的,但是管理知识(management knowledge)更为重要,因为学习
管理(learning management)是成为经理的亮点(highlighted point)。

Moral Objectivism and Moral Absolutism 道德客观主义与道德绝对主义 #111113

In moral objectivism, there are some universal moral principles that are valid for all people
in all social environments and all situations. In moral absolutism, there is a firm and absolute
boundary between what is right and what is wrong. Therefore, in moral absolutism, there
are non-overridable principles that must be followed and never be violated. The notion of

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right and wrong is not subject to different interpretations or situations.

In moral objectivism, we are looking at some universal moral principles for all people. These
principles are for all social environments and all situations. On the other hand, in moral
absolutism, we are looking at non-overridable principles. These principles must be followed
and never be violated. Nothing is subject to interpretation, and nothing is dependent on
the situation.

【概念1】道德“客观主义” (moral objectivism)
【定义】普适性的 (universal)
【应用】所有人 (all people)、所有社会环境 (all social environments)、所有情况 (all situations)
【概念2】道德“绝对主义” (moral absolutism)
【定义】绝对的 (firm and absolute),不可逾越的 (non-overridable),必须遵守 (must be
followed),绝不可违反 (never be violated)
【应用】不会因为任何解读 (interpretation) 或情况 (situation)而有所改变

Credit Card Experiment 信用卡实验 #111114


In an experiment on customers’ behaviors, one group of inactive credit card users received
a message offering benefits that they could gain by using the cards, while the other group
received a message implying a penalty if it’s not used. The result shows that customers
are more motivated by a potential loss when not using this card than the benefit they could
gain by using the card.

The lecture talks about an experiment on customers’ behaviors. The samples are inactive
credit card users. One group received a message offering benefits by using the cards. The
other group received a messagewith a penalty if it’s not used. The result shows that
customers are more motivated by a potential loss than potential benefit.

在一个研究客户行为的实验中(experiment on customers’ behaviors )。

一组停滞使用信用卡的用户(inactive credit card users)收到信息说如果他们使用信用卡就可以得到福
利(a message offering benefits ),另一组收到信息说如果他们不适用信用卡就会得到罚款
(implying a penalty)。

表明:相较于潜在的福利,客户更容易被潜在的损失所激发(more motivated by a potential loss)。

The history of software 软件发展史 #111116

The history of the software and IT industry is fairly new, but it has become a major new
discipline in a short time. Thanks to the rapid expansion in computing and the rapid fall of

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computing costs and storage costs, IThas moved into all areas of life. Thus, there has been a
stampede, according to Moore’s Law, which will continue to guide the development in the

The history of the software and IT industry is very new. But it has become a major new
discipline in a shorttime. IT has moved into all areas of life. The reasons include the rapid
expansion in computing and the rapid fall of the costs. Thus, there has been a stampede,
which will guide the development of software and IT in the future.

软件和IT行业并没有很悠久的历史(the history of the software and IT industry ),但是它们却在短
期内成为了最主流的行业(a major new discipline)。

1) 计算的需求在各个行业迅速的提升(the rapid expansion in computing)
2) 软件和硬件开发的成本在急剧下降(the rapid fall of the costs)

因此,根据摩尔定律(to Moore’s Law),IT行业的热潮在过去引领者人们,也将在未来继续引领人
*课外知识补充:摩尔定律是由Intel创始人之一Gordon Moore提出来的。其表达的内容简言之是

Transportation Network in Paris 巴黎交通系统 #111117


There are thousands of trips and too many travelers every day in Paris. The transportation
network in Paris provides thousands of public services and links them together. A good
network can help people with long-distance or multi-destination trips in cities with a high-
density population such as Paris. If carefully planned, we can also apply this network to
lower-density cities.

There are thousands of trips and travelers in Paris. The transportation network in Paris
provides public services and links them together. A good network can benefit long-distance
or multi-destination trips. Paris is an old city and has a high-density population. If we have a
careful plan, we can apply this network to low-density cities.


· 巴黎的交通网络(transportation network)提供成千上万的公共服务(public services),并将人们联系

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· 良好的网络可以帮助人们进行长途(long-distance)或不同目的地的旅行(multi-destination trips)。

像巴黎这样的人口高密度(high-density population)程度尚且如此,如果认真规划(carefully
planned),人口低密度的城市(low-density cities)也可以使用这样的公交网络。

Canned Food during the Great Depression 大萧条时期的罐装食品 #111121

During the Great Depression, a lot of canned food came onto the market, and refrigerators
were becoming extremely popular both in cities and in rural areas. Thanks to the Rural
Electrification Administration, farmers could buy appliances, which meant frozen foods were
becoming big. This was when modern food technology started and when Americans started
to think about supermarkets with freezer cases and cannedfoods.

During the Great Depression, there were a lot of canned food in the market. Refrigerators
became very popular both in cities and in rural areas. Thanks to the Rural Electrification
Administration, farmers could buy appliances. This made frozen foods become big. Because
of modern food technology, Americans started to think about supermarkets with freezer
cases and canned foods.

在大萧条时期(the Great Depression),许多罐头食品(canned food)被投放进市场(market),冰箱
(refrigerators)在城市(cities)和农村地区(rural areas)都变得非常受欢迎。

多亏农村电气化管理(the Rural Electrification Administration),农民(farmers)才可以购买电器
(appliances),这意味着冷冻食品(frozen foods)正变得越来越大。

那时是现代食品技术(modern food technology)开始发展的时代,也是美国人(Americans)开始考虑
发展带有冷冻箱(freezer cases)和罐头食品(canned foods)的超级市场(supermarkets)的时候。

Roman city planning 罗马城市规划 #111122

Rome grew in an ad hoc way, meaning it wasn’t planned all at once but grew over time
since the 8th century. However, Romans structured their cities in a very methodical way
based on military strategy and planning. In this way, they built camps that were laid out in a
geometric plan, usually square or rectangular. That’s why ideal Roman cities are called
military camp design.

Rome grew in an ad hoc way. It wasn’t planned all at once but grew over time. Romans
structured their cities in a very methodical way. It was based on military strategy and
planning. In this way, they built camps in a geometric plan. The shape was square or
rectangular. That’s why ideal Roman cities are called military camp design.

罗马(Rome)以特别的方式(an ad hoc way)发展,这意味着它不是一次规划(planned)出来的,而是自
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罗马人(Romans)基于军事战略和规划(military strategy and planning),以非常有条理的方
式(very methodical way)构建了自己的城市(heir cities)。通过这种方式,他们建造的营地
(camps)通常呈现出正方形或矩形这样几何图形式的平面布局(a geometric plan)。
这就是为什么理想的罗马城市(deal Roman cities)被称为军营设计(military camp design)的原因。

Synthetic biology & genetic engineering 合成生物学与基因工程(新增原音频) #111123

This lecture is about the applications of synthetic biology and doing things with biological
systems. Biological engineering is the next level of engineering. Nowadays, scientists can
engineer and design nature. While scientists could only cut and paste DNA from one
organism to another 40 years ago, they can now write and synthesize DNA to create new
organisms. Besides, scientists are building a cellular factory and cultivating millions of
bacteria based on one bacterium.

This lecture is about the applications of synthetic biology and doing things with biological
systems. Biology engineering is the next level of engineering. Nowadays, scientists can
engineer and design nature. Scientists could only cut and paste DNAfrom one organism to
another 40 years ago. Nowadays, they can write and synthesize DNA to create new
organisms. Besides, scientists are building a cellular factory and cultivating millions of
bacteria based on one bacterium.

本文主要讲述了工程在生物系统(biological systems)中的应用(applications)。生物工程(Biological
engineering)是更高等级的工程学(the next level of engineering)。
· 【40年前】
科学家只能将一种生物(organism)的DNA剪切并粘贴(cut and paste)到另一生物中,但现在他
们可以编写和合成DNA(write and synthesize DNA)以创建新的生物。
· 【如今】
科学家(scientists)可以改变自然界的基因(engineer)和设计自然界(design nature)。
此外,科学家正在建立一个细胞工厂(cellular factory),并基于一种细菌(one bacterium)培养数百万
种细菌(cultivating millions of bacteria)。

Mars and Earth 火星与地球 #111124


Mars is an interesting neighboring planet to Earth with a similar geological surface and
landscape. Although there has not been evidence for the existence of water yet, the trace of
heavy gases has existed on Mars for billions of years. The low gravity on Mars means there
may be a thin layer of the atmosphere on Mars. Therefore, Mars might be the most ideal
destination other than Earth.

Mars is a neighboring planet to Earth because Mars has a similar geological surface and
landscape. There is no evidence of water on Mars, but heavy gases have existed on Mars for
billions of years. Gravity on Mars is very low, which means that a thin layer of the

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atmosphere might be on Mars. Therefore, Mars might be the most ideal destination.

火星(Mars)是地球(Earth)一个很有趣的邻居(neighboring planet)。

1. 地表特征(geological surface) 地貌(landscape):比如沙漠(desert)
2. 水文:暂无证明水的存在(the existence of water)
3. 大气:但是重气体(heavy gases)在火星上存在了很多年
4. 重力:极低的重力(low gravity)表明,火星外部可能存在一圈很稀薄的大气(thin layer of the

因此,火星可能是除地球外最适合我们生存的星球(the most ideal destination)。

The History of English 英语语言发展史 #111127

English is not a pure language as it has been influenced by other 350 languages in history, so
English is a variety of many languages. The history of English language is closely connected
to the history of English people, so today we are learning about the history. However,
different periods of people have different views. For example, during Shakespeare's period,
people hated those borrowed words which were not original English.

English is not a pure language. It has been influenced by other 350 languages in history.
English is a variety of many languages. Today we will focus on history because the history of
English language is closely connectedto the history of English people. However, different
periods of people have different views. For example, during Shakespeare's period, people
hated those borrowed words which were not original English.


英语(English language)的历史其实就是英国人(English people)的历史,两者紧密相连(closely

亚时期,人们不喜欢使用那些从其他语言借鉴来的外来词汇(borrowed words),因为那不是原版的英

Great ideas 好想法 #111129

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To be a successful entrepreneur, you should have good ideas, but the definition of a good
idea variesdepending on whom you ask. A great idea should have several features. For
example, good ideas should be novel and unique, which means no one has thought about it
before. Also, good ideas should be productive, and it is essential for the ideas to be

To be a successful entrepreneur, you should have good ideas. The definition of a good idea
varies depending on whom you ask. A great idea should have several features. For example,
good ideas should be novel and unique, which means no one has thought about them
before. Also, good ideas should be productive, and the ideas need to be transformative.

要成为一名成功的企业家(a successful entrepreneur),需要有好主意(good ideas),但是对于好主
意的定义(the definition)取决于你问的是谁(whom you ask)。

1) 好主意应该新颖独特(novel and unique),这意味着以前没有人考虑过;
2) 同样,好主意应该富有成效性(productive);
3) 而且必须具有改革性意义(transformative)。

Demolition of buildings 拆除建筑 #111130

Architecture is more than just the built environment, but also a part of our culture. In the
20th century, many old buildings with design flaws were demolished or modified. This is an
application of Darwin's theory of natural selection, which means buildings should adapt to
the new world to survive. However, some people criticize the demolition as it's important to
honor the cultural nuances in the built environment.

Architecture is not only the built environment, but also a part of our culture. In the 20th
century, many old buildings with design flaws were demolished or modified. This is an
application of Darwin's theory of natural selection. It means buildings should adapt to the
new world to survive. However, some people criticize the demolition because they think it's
important to honor the cultural nuances in the built environment.

建筑设计(Architecture)不仅仅关于建筑环境(the built environment),也是构成文化的一部分
(a part of our culture)。

20世纪(the 20th century),许多有缺陷的建筑被拆除(be demolished)或改造(be modified)。

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遵循达尔文的自然选择理论(Darwin’s theory of natural selection),建筑应该适应(adapt

有人批判拆除旧建筑的行为(criticize the demolition),认为我们应该尊重(honor)建筑环境的
文化差异(cultural nuances)。

Negativity bias 消极偏差 #111131


Negativity bias means humans usually pay more attention to negative emotions such as
fears rather than positive emotions. We feel content and pleasant more frequently, but these
positive emotions are lighter, which means they cannot be easily recalled or stay in our
minds. However, negative emotions happen lessfrequently, but they are strong and intense.
Negativity bias can help us evaluate the environment and survivewhen facing life-
threatening issues.

Negativity bias means people pay more attention to negative emotions, such as fears. We
often feel positive emotions, such as content and pleasant, but positive emotions are lighter.
However, negative emotions are less but strong and intense. We can recall negative
emotions easily, and they stay in our minds. Negativity bias can help us evaluate and survive
, especially when we face life-threatening issues.

【定义】Negativity bias 消极偏差

【解释1】Positive emotions 正面情绪


【解释2】Negative emotions 负面情绪


【意义】life-threatening 为了生存

Water recycling at home 水的循环利用 #111134

We need to recycle the water because we don’t generate much new water, as the process
of generating water is difficult. Now there are lots of different technologies involved in
water recycling for industrial use, but there is very little water recycling technology in the
home. This is because in a modern home, people don’t think of recycling water when they
use water at home.

We need to recycle the water because we don’t generate much new water. The process of

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generating water is difficult. Now there are lots of different technologies. They are involved
in water recycling for industrial use. However, there is very little water recycling technology
in the home. This is because people don’t think of recycling water when they use water at

因为我们很难自己产生新的水资源。因为生产新的淡水资源(new fresh water)的过程并不简单


Inequality in Children 儿童成长的不平等 #111136


According to the professor's sociology research, the capacity of well-educated parents will
remain in their prosperous children because these children have sufficient educational
capacity and support since they were born. According to studies, the life chance of a child
has been set by five years old, which is a compelling and disturbing fact. The professor
cannot find obvious ways to address this deep root of inequality in our society.

According to the professor's sociology research, the capacity of well-educated parents will
remain in their prosperous children. This is because these children have sufficient
educational capacity and support since they were born. According to studies, the life chance
of a child has been set by five years old. This is a compelling and disturbing fact. The
professor cannot find ways to address this deep root of inequality in our society.

根据这位教授社会学的研究(the professor’s sociology research ),受过良好教育的父母(well-
educated parents)的能力(capacity)将保留在他们富裕的孩子(prosperous children)身上

因为这些孩子从出生起就有足够的教育能力和支持(sufficient educational capacity and support )。

研究还表明,一个孩子生命中的机会(the life chance)在五岁的时就会确定下来,这是一个不容置疑

这位教授找不到明确的方法来解决我们社会不平等的这个深层根源(deep root of inequality) 。

Young students’ social communities 年轻人的社交群体 #111140

Research in the UK was conducted on children and young students that investigated 70% of

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the people in the UK. The research is to see how young people participate, communicate,
and get involved in society and how to form values and character education. There are
many factors affecting children, such as their parents, friends, siblings, and schools. The
research has also attracted attention and interest from many politicians.

Research in the UK was conducted on children and young students. It investigated 70% of
the people in the UK. The research is to see how young people participate, communicate,
and get involved in society and how to form values with character education. There are
many factors affecting children, such as their parents, friends, siblings, and schools. The
research has also attracted attention from many politicians.

针对儿童(children)和年轻学生(young students)进行的研究在英国(Research in the UK)展开
· 【目的】对于年轻学生而言
这项研究旨在了解他们如何参与(participate),交流(communicate)和融入社会(get involved
in society),以及如何形成(form)价值观(values)和品格教育(character education)。
· 【结果】对于儿童而言


Two types of motivation 两类动机 #111143


The lecture described two types of motivation, which are approach motivation and
avoidance motivation. She first mentioned that approach motivation means moving to
positive things, such as vocational plans. Secondly, avoidance motivation is driving away
things that are negative, which its purpose is to reduce anxiety. Finally, she emphasized that
avoidance motivation is quite intense.

There are two types of motivation: approach motivation and avoidance motivation.
Approach motivation means moving to positive things, such as vocational plans. Avoidance
motivation is driving away things that are negative. The purpose of avoidance motivation is
to reduce anxiety. Finally, the speaker mentioned that avoidance motivation is quite intense.

本文主要讲述了两种动机(two types of motivation),即趋近动机(approach motivation)和回避动
机(avoidance motivation)。

· 【趋近动机】
意味着要转向积极的事情(moving to positive things),例如职业计划(vocational plans)。

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· 【回避动机】
意味着远离负面的事物(driving away things that are negative),其目的是减少焦虑(reduce

Internet and Email system互联网与电子邮件 #111144

Internet was invented by people who are good at programming, and people keep optimizing
it for different purposes. So, the internet has been growing organically. The email system
was designed by a group of researchers who know and trust each other. Initially, the email
system didn't consider security because there was no suspicion among people at that time,
and there was no authentication process built into this system.

Internet was invented by people who are good at programming. People keep optimizing it
for different purposes. So the internet has been growing organically. The email system was
designed by a group of researchers. They know and trusteach other. Initially, the email
system didn't consider security because there was no suspicion among people, and there
was no authentication process built in this system.

互联网(The internet)是由擅长编程(programming)的人发明的,人们为了不同的目的(purposes)不
断优化(optimizing)它。因此,互联网一直在有机地发展(growing organically)。

电子邮件系统(The email system)是由一批科研人员(a group of researchers)设计的,他们彼此了解
系统中没有内置的认证过程(authentication process )。

Industrial Revolution 工业革命 #111146

During the 1950s and 1960s, the idea of the Industrial Revolution was the creation of
machines, primarily in the textile and mining industries. Past analyses viewed
industrialization as a situation of winners and losers, which has been rejected because the
Industrial Revolution was the intensification of forms of production that were already there
, whose rapid rise was tied to traditional forms of production.

During the 1950s and 1960s, the idea of the Industrial Revolution was the creation of
machines. Previously, people believed that industrialization was a situation of winners and
losers. These had been rejected because the Industrial Revolution is actually the
intensification of forms of production. The rapid rise was tied to traditional forms of

在20世纪50年代和60年代,大家觉得工业革命(Industrial Revolution)就是是发明机器(the

creation of machines ),消除流水线生产(assembly line production)的障碍(blocks ),主要集


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● 过去的分析认为工业化(industrialization)是一种赢家和输家的局面(a situation of winners and

但这种观点被否决了,因为工业革命实际是将已经存在的生产形式高度集中化(the intensification of
forms of production),它的迅速崛起(rapid rise)与传统的生产形式(traditional forms of

Organizational study 组织研究 #111147


The two speakers are talking about organization studies and how they appreciate it.
Organization study is about a whole family of disciplines, such as social science, psychology,
sociology, history, and cultural studies. The speaker enjoys studying organization studies
because of its broad range and its breadth. What organization study has taught him is
liberating ideas without disciplinary boundaries.

The two speakers are talking about organization studies and how they appreciate it.
Organization study is about a whole family of disciplines. It includes social science,
psychology, sociology, history, and cultural studies. The speaker enjoys studying
organization studies because of its broad range and its breadth. What organization study has
taught him is liberating ideas without disciplinary boundaries.

两位演讲者谈论了关于组织研究(organization studies ),并且讲授了这个研究的价值(appreciate)。

组织研究是关于一整套的学科综合(a whole family of disciplines),比如社会科学(social

演讲者喜欢进行组织研究是因为在这类研究需要对相关学科的研究有足够的宽度(broad range )和广

组织研究告诉研究者们要解放思想 (liberating ideas ),不要限制于学科间的界限(disciplinary

The internet requires energy互联网需要能源 #111207

The internet has the most complicated structure and is the most powerful tool in terms of
engineering. The internet can be connected to a MODEM, or an ADSL switch, and then to a
local landline telephone exchange. It can connect us from Sydney to Melbourne and then to
the U.S. However, information transmission requires energy. For example, the longer email
you write, the more energy is consumed.

第 135 页 /共 152 页
The internet has the most complicated structure. It is also the most powerful tool in
engineering. The internet can be connected to a MODEM or an ADSL switch. After that, it is
connected to a local landline telephone exchange. It can connect us from Sydney to
Melbourne and then to the U.S. However, information transmission requires energy. For
example, the longer email you write, the more energy is consumed.

互联网(the internet):复杂(complicated structure) + 强大(powerful)


信息传输(information transmission)的过程需要消耗能源(requires energy)。

Clone 克隆 #111209

The word "clone" is derived from an Ancient Greek word and it means a branch of a tree.
The process of cloning is just like grafting, by attaching the branch onto the root of another
tree and the mother tree provides nutrients to it. Therefore, it can be concluded that
grafting uses the method of clone.

The word "clone" is derived from an Ancient Greek word. It means a branch of a tree. The
process of cloning is just like grafting. It attaches the branch to the root of another tree. And
then, the mother tree provides nutrients to it. Therefore, it can be concluded that grafting
uses the method of clone.

“克隆”一词来自古希腊(Ancient Greek),古希腊语中意为“树枝”
因为克隆的过程(the process of cloning)就像植物嫁接的过程(grafting)——将树枝移植到另一
棵树上,让母树(mother tree)向新移植的树枝提供养分(nutrients)。


Sociology 社会学 #111247

This lecture is introducing some basic information about sociology. Firstly, sociology is the
science to study humans and the structure of our society. Although people may think it is

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hard to learn, sociology is not a difficult problem. Secondly, sociology involves various
professions in the world. Thirdly, sociology is taught in many institutions and universities
around the world.
社会学 (sociology)
(1)研究“人类”和“社会结构” (The science to study humans and the structure of society)
(2)不难(Not difficult)
很多职业 (professions) 都需要社会学
世界上很多大学 (institutions/universities around the world) 都有社会学专业 (is taught)

Effects of Crops on Climate农作物影响气候 #111119

Crops and the climate can affect each other. If we deforest the land and plant crops, it will
alter the characteristics of the land surface and the way water and heat flow from the land
surface to the atmosphere, which will ultimately change the regional climate. It is a difficult
topic to understand because it requires crop scientists and climate scientists to work
together and to join their models.

Crops and the climate can affect each other. If we deforest the land and plant crops, it will
alterthe characteristics of the land surface. It will also change the way water and heat flow
from the surface to the atmosphere. This will finally change the regional climate. It is a
difficult topic to understand. It requires crop scientists and climate scientists to join their


农作物影响气候的方式主要是:种植的农作物会改变土壤表面的一些特征(characteristics of land

这个话题(topic)是比较难以理解的(difficult to understand),因为整个过程的复杂性(complexity)比
较大。同时也因为需要农业科学家(scientists)和气候科学家要互相合作(work together),要把二者的
模型结合在一起(join models)也让这个话题变得更难以研究。

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Highlight Incorrect Words
命中率:20% 优先级:低



Diabetes and Blood Pressure #121001

No that was, and that’s an important aspect, as you alluded to earlier we’ve previously done work which has
proven that in some situations, even people whose blood pressure is not high, can benefit from blood pressure
lowering therapy. So in this study the main reason that we included the patients was because of diabetes, we
didn’t care what their blood pressure was, whether it was high or low. And our objective was to see whether
or not lowering average or below average blood pressure in diabetics was beneficial and the result suggested
that irrespective of whether your blood pressure was high or low, if you had diabetes you benefited.

Future of a Photon #121002

Oh, it’s very spooky. First of all, probability by itself is spooky. Give me… let me show you how probability
enters the system. You walk past a store window and you see an image of yourself in the store window, you
straighten the part, not so bad you know, for a man of my age. The guy in the store window who’s fooling
around with mannequins he sees you and you see yourself. What does that mean? A stream of photons from
sunlight leaves your face, heads for the store window – let’s consider one of them. It has a choice: it can go
right through, so that the guy behind the window can see you, or it can be reflected from the store window.
Some fractions of them are reflected, and some of them go through. What determines that? What determines
the future of that photon? And countless such examples teach us that it’s random, that it’s a throw of the
dice, and that’s where Einstein made his famous statement “God plays dice with the universe.” That every
instant of that single object, that quantum object we have probability, we do not have certainty.

Obligation of the Bank #121003

Well there… there… there’s a positive obligation on the bank to ensure that the people who are signing a loan
guarantee, know what they’re doing. Loan guarantees are er kind of unique in that… in that someone is giving
security or a guarantee and placing themselves at risk for someone else, and they receive nothing material in
return. So you’ve got to ask yourself why is this person doing this, do they know what they’re doing?
They’re risking a lot, and not really getting anything back for it. So the imperative is that the bank must ensure
that these people know what they’re doing, and that they fully understand the implications of what they’re
doing, and they know that their properties may be sold if another person doesn’t meet their obligations.

Australia's greenhouse gases #121032

It's basically all the same thing. A complicated plan to cut back Australia's greenhouse gases. And we are, per
capita the biggest carbon polluters on the planet. But it's not carbon trading that will make the first big cuts in
our emissions. The first big cuts will come from the Government's renewable energy target. Melbourne based
analysts Carbon Market Economics says the Government's 20% target will not only cut pollution, it'll help the
economy as well.

BioBonanza #121033

BioBonanza is a one day open house festival. All of the researchers in the Department of Biology are going to
be showcasing their research so students can come see the research, interact with the researchers. And we want
people to be able to interact and have fun at this event. As soon as you walk in the doors, you'll see all sorts of
activities, displays of how a human heart works. We'll have sections of spinal cord and brain. You'll get to be
able to see butterflies and all sorts of insects. You'll be able to try to catch some local insects and we'll have
activities like walking through local plant gardens and seeing how photosynthesis works.

Definitions of happiness #121034

There have been various definitions of happiness throughout history and the history of philosophy, the ones
which interest me are approaches to happiness that follow the Enlightenment, particularly in the work of

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Jeremy Bentham, for whom happiness was really a combination of physical feelings, pleasures as different
combinations and aggregations of pleasure and pain occur over time. They generate these psychological
experiences that Bentham called happiness. But underlying them for Bentham were physical triggers and

Cumulative culture #121035

They may be our cousins, but orangutans and other primates are nowhere near humans in terms of
technological achievement, social organization or culture. As humans, capacity for building off of one another,
an integral part of our so called cumulative culture that has allowed us to build up so much in so little time. But
how do we develop such advanced methods of learning in the first place? Kevin Leyland of the University of St
Andrews spoke with me about his team's quest to pinpoint the social and cognitive processes that underlie
humans ability to acquire and transmit knowledge.

Human life support systems #121036

Dramatic changes in human life support systems took place in the modern world over the last 500 years.
Human populations during this time period reached unprecedented sizes and growth rates. Global migrations
introduced exotic plants, animals, diseases, technologies and cultural beliefs throughout the world. The
Industrial Revolution and its aftermath transformed ecosystems on an unparalleled scale and intensity. Urban
places exploded in number and size during the period and large scale social systems emerged that were tied
together by networks of economic exchange, production and communication.

Short written assessment #121037

We're going to have a short written assessment which will happen every fortnight. You will all be broken up
into small groups, so feel free to ask any questions as I go along. And we'll also ask you to participate. So if
you'd all like to open your books to page one.

第 139 页 /共 152 页
Fill in the Blanks (Listening)
单词命中率:70% 优先级:低
萤火虫 APP 内置《听力 FIB 必备词汇》命中率极高

使用萤火虫 APP 的单词本功能,选择 FIB 听力词汇本,


William Shakespeare #141001

For all his fame and celebration, William Shakespeare remains a mysterious figure with regards to personal
history. There are just two primary sources for information on the Bard: his works, and various legal and church
documents that have survived from Elizabethan times. Naturally, there are many gaps in this body of
information, which tells us little about Shakespeare the man.

Integrated Ticketing #141002

Well in 2004 we integrated ticketing in South East Queensland, so we introduced a paper ticket that allowed
you to travel across all the three modes in South East Queensland, so bus, train and ferry and the second stage
of integrated ticketing is the introduction of a Smart Card, and the Smart Card will enable people to store value
so to put value on the card, and then to use the card for traveling around the system.

Contract Patterns Generator (CPG) #141003

In animals, a movement is coordinated by a cluster of neurons in the spinal cord called the central contract
patterns generator (CPG). This produces signals that drive muscles to contract rhythmically in a way that
produces running or walking, depending on the pattern of pulses. A simple signal from the brain instructs the
CPG to switch between different modes such as going from a standstill to walking.

Ocean Currents #141004

For many years, the favorite horror story about abrupt climate change was that a shift in ocean currents could
radically cool Europe's climate. These currents, called the overturning circulation, bring warm water and warm
temperatures north from the equator to Europe.
Susan Lozier, an oceanographer at Duke University, says scientists have long worried that this ocean circulation
could be disrupted.

Financial Markets #141005

Financial markets swung wildly yesterday in the frenzied trading market by further selling of equities and fears
about an unraveling of the global carry trade. At the same time, trading in the US and European credit markets
were exceptionally heavy for a third consecutive day. London trading was marked by particularly wild swings in
the prices of credit derivatives, used to ensure investors against corporate defaults.

Online Dating #141006

Bruch and her colleague Mark Newman studied who swapped messages with whom on a popular online dating
platform in the month of January 2014. They categorized users by desirability using PageRank, one of the
algorithms behind search technology. Essentially, if you receive a dozen messages from desirable users, you
must be more desirable than someone who receives the same number of messages from average users.

Then they asked: How far "out of their league" do online daters tend to go when pursuing a partner? "I think
people are optimistic realists."

In other words, they found that both men and women tended to pursue mates just 25 percent more desirable
than themselves. "So they're being optimistic, but they're also taking into account their own relative position
within this overall desirability hierarchy."

And the study did have a few more lessons for people on the market: "I think one of the take-home messages
from this study is that women could probably afford to be more aspirational in their mate pursuit."

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Laurence Stephen Lowry #141042

Laurence Stephen Lowry was an English artist. Many of his drawings and paintings depict Pendlebury,
Lancashire, where he lived and worked for more than 40 years, Salford and its vicinity.

Lowry is famous for painting scenes of life in the industrial districts of North West England in the mid-20th
century. He developed a distinctive style of painting and is best known for his city landscapes peopled with
human figures, often referred to as ""matchstick men"". He painted mysterious unpopulated landscapes,
brooding portraits and the unpublished ""marionette"" works, which were only found after his death.

South Australia #141043

Now that the story's been scratched, it is only part of contingency planning. But it was a symptom of the
dramatic turn of events in South Australia, and it flushed out other remarks from water academics and people
like Tim Flannery, indicating that things were really much worse than had been foreshadowed, even earlier this
year. So is Adelaide, let alone some whole regions of South Australia, in serious bother? Considering that the
vast amount of its drinking water comes from the beleaguered Murray, something many of us outside the state
may not have quite realized. Is their predicament something we have to face up to as a nation?

Beautiful Buildings #141044

Along the way we have built unashamedly beautiful buildings, two of which have won and another was runner-
up in the prestigious United Nations World Habitat Award: the first time an Australian building has received
that international honour. We rely on older concepts of Australian architecture that are heavily influenced by
the bush. All residents have private verandhas which allow them to socialize outdoors and also creates some
"defensible space" between their bedrooms and public areas. We use a lot of natural and soft materials to build
beautiful landscape gardens.

Sunflowers by Van Gogh #141045

These two paintings, both called “Sunflowers,” are generally accepted as the finest of several depictions of
the thick-stemmed, nodding blooms that Van Gogh made in 1888 and 1889 during his time in Arles. The first is
now in the collection of the National Gallery in London, and the second is in the Van Gogh Museum in
Amsterdam. Van Gogh referred to this work as a “repetition” of the London painting. But art historians and
curators have long been curious to know how different this “repetition” is from the first. Should it be
considered a copy, an independent artwork or something in between? An extensive research project conducted
over the past three years by conservation experts at both the National Gallery and the Van Gogh Museum has
concluded that the second painting was “not intended as an exact copy of the original example,” said Ella
Hendriks, a professor of conservation and restoration at the University of Amsterdam, who was the lead
researcher on the project.

Nanotechnology #141046

What is nanotechnology? Well, a report that was put together by a combination of the Royal Society and the
Royal Academy of Engineering that came out last summer, identified two topics. Nano-science is the study of
phenomena and the manipulation of materials at atomic, molecular and macromolecular scales, where
properties differ significantly from those as a larger scale. Nanotechnologies are the design characterization,
production and application of structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and size at the nanometer
scale. So I'll talk a little bit more in a moment about what a nanometer is, but loosely speaking people think of
nanotechnologies as being a sort of a hundred nanometers or less.

Carbon-rich soils #141047

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Rebuilding carbon-rich agricultural soils is the only real productive permanent solution to taking excess carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere. She's frustrated that scientists and politicians don't see the same opportunities
she sees. This year Australia will emit just over 600 million tonnes of carbon. We can sequester 685 million
tonnes of carbon by increasing soil carbon by half a per cent on only two per cent of the farms. If we increased
it on all of the farms, we could sequester the whole world's emissions of carbon.

Cars in America #141049

There are some 250 million cars in America, 250 million cars in the country with just over 300 million people.
And most of those vehicles, of course, are gas powered. This poses a huge challenge given the limited supplies
of oil and the growing urgency of the global warming crisis.

But there is good news, according to our guests today. And that is we have the know-how and the technology
to build sleek, fast automobiles that don't use gasoline. These vehicles of tomorrow are powered by hydrogen,
electricity, bio-fuels, and digital technology. And they already exist. So what's stopping us from putting them
on the roads? Our guests today will help answer that.

Beekeeper #141050

Dave Hackenberg, a beekeeper since 1962, can usually tell what killed his bees just by looking at them. If
they're lying on the ground in front of a hive, it's probably pesticides, he says. If the bees are deformed and
wingless, it's probably vampire mites. But last fall, Hackenberg saw something he had never seen before.
Thousands of his bee colonies simply disappeared. He was in Florida at the time, pulling the lids off some of his
commercial hives. To his horror, they were all empty.

Dogs and Hygiene Hypothesis #141051

Dogs aren't just man's best friend. Previous studies have shown that kids with dogs are less likely to develop
asthma. Now a new study may show how—if results from mice apply to us. The work was presented at a
meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. The study tests what’s called the hygiene hypothesis. The
idea is that extreme cleanliness may actually promote disease later on. Researchers collected dust from homes
that had a dog. They fed that house dust to mice. They then infected the mice with a common childhood
infection called respiratory syncytial virus—or RSV.

Locomotion #141052

We are trying to understand the locomotion of one of our closest living relatives, which is the orangutan, and
also the locomotion of all of the apes and the common ancestor of humans and the other apes. And in that
area, we have had a big problem traditionally, and that we know a lot about how they move around the forest.
I've been out to the forest and spent a year recording the different types of locomotion they use, but we have
no idea about the energetic cost of how they move around the forest and the solutions that they find to
problems of moving around the canopy. And what we're doing here is using the park or athletes as an analogy
for a large bodied ape moving around a complex environment and getting them to move around in the course
that we've made that they've never seen before. And we're going to record their energetic expenditure while
they're doing it.

Productivity in Industrial Revolution #141053

I'm going to argue that the tremendous increases in productivity that we associate with the industrial
revolution originate not so much from changes in science or technology or new inventions, where England was
far from unique as from changes in attitudes, attitudes towards morality, towards what constituted the good.
Attitudes towards property, which became in England individuals long before it did on the continent. Attitudes

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toward the proper role of government. And together, these attitudes constitute much of what the Luddites
were protesting against.

Lead-in time #141054

Lead-in time is the amount of time that elapses between a business placing an order with a supplier for more
stock or raw materials and the delivery of the goods to the business. Businesses want the lead-in time to be as
short as possible, so that they can meet their customer orders and minimize the time between paying for the
stock and receiving the revenue from the customer. However, this may not happen due to a number of factors,
such as delays in the supplier receiving the order, or the breakdown of the suppliers’ lorries delivering the
stock to the business.

Malaria #141055

Also, malaria is something that is a very complex disease with this complex life cycle. That means that if you're
going to eliminate it, you have to be able to target cute parasites and humans. You have to be able to target
parasites in the mosquitoes, that mosquito population. And so that requires a lot of resources. It requires really
good planning and a health system across all these different levels. And so I think the political capital that you
need for that, the educational infrastructure you need for that, the economic resources you need for that are
quite a challenge.

Corporate culture #141056

For a long time now, it's been a widely accepted and rarely questioned belief that a strong corporate culture
goes hand in hand with success. However, a recent study has cast some doubt on this principle. After all, the
authors of the report argue for culture. A company builds up may be strong, but wrong. There is little point in
every employee marching to the same tune if they are all marching in the wrong direction.

Library Catalog #141057

In this tutorial, we will show you how to find specific journal articles using the library catalog. The university
subscribes to over 18,000 journals across a variety of subjects, most of which are available electronically to find
a specific journal article using a library catalog. We need to search by the journal name as individual article
titles are not listed in the catalog.

Belief #141058

Belief is the human capacity to imagine, to be creative, to hope and dream, to infuse the world with meanings,
and to cast our aspirations far and wide. Limited neither by personal experience nor material reality. Believing is
a commitment, an investment, a devotion to possibilities. Beliefs permeate neurobiologies, bodies and
ecologies acting as dynamic agents in evolutionary processes. The human capacity for belief, the specifics of
belief, and I, and our diverse belief systems shape, structure and alter our daily lives, our societies, and the
world around us.

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Write from Dictation
命中率:98% 优先级:极高
“4 中 4”和“4 中 3”


1.The celebrated theory is still the source of great controversy. #131001
2.I thought a good architectural structure should be useful, durable and beautiful.#131002
3.A group meeting will be held tomorrow in the library conference room. #131003
4.A number of students have volunteer jobs.#131004
5.Educational level is found to be associated with social and economic background.#131005
6.We can all meet at my office after the lecture. #131006
7.Affordable housing is an important issue for all members of society.#131009
8.All dissertations must be accompanied by a submission form.#131011
9.All industries are a system of inputs, processes, outputs and feedback.#131012
10.All of the assignments must be submitted in person to the faculty office.#131013
11.Economic development needs to be supported by the government.#131014
12.Although sustainable development is not easy, it is an unavoidable responsibility. #131022
13.Americans have typically defined the process of plant growth in quantitative terms.#131023
14.An introduction is an essential element of presentation#131025
15.The assignments should be submitted to the department office before the deadlines.#131028
16.Students will develop confidence in their ability to think critically. #131033
17.Certain scientific principles must be learned verbally or by logical deduction.#131038
18.Consumer confidence has a direct influence on sales. #131045
19.Convincing evidence to support this theory is hard to obtain. #131047
20.Despite their differences, all forms of life share certain characteristics.#131050
21.Economic problems caused a big rise in unemployment. #131052
22.Many experts think that the world climate is constantly changing.#131058
23.Human beings compete with other living things for resources and space. #131061

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24.Good research delivers practical benefits for real people.#131064
25.If finance is a cause of concern, scholarships may be available. #131072
26.It is important for students to keep up with the deadline.#131082
27.It is really a comprehensive program covering both theory and practice.#131084
28.It is not possible to solve the problem easily. #131086
29.Medical researchers have focused on different causes of diseases and treatments.#131096
30.Native speakers are exempt from the language tests in their own language. #131103
31.Nurses can specialize in clinical work and management. #131107
32.Organizational failure is considered from various perspectives in academic literature. #131111
33.Please note that the submission deadlines are only negotiable in exceptional circumstances. #131122

34.All of your assignments are due on Wednesday.#131125
35.Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world.#131130
36.Remember to sign the attendance register before leaving the lecture hall. #131134
37.Remember, the prestigious election of stewardship has strict eligibility criteria.#131136
38.Scientists are always asking the government for more money.#131143
39.You are advised to use multiple research methods for this project. #131156
40.Students are instructed to hand in their assignments by the end of this week. #131157
41.Students have the options to live in college residences or apartments. #131159
42.Students who are successful have good strategies for learning.#131163
43.Teaching assistants will receive a monthly stipend for housing. #131169
44.Textile manufacturing plays a large role in improving economies.#131170
45.The artists tied to the conservative politicians earned the role of critics.#131179

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46.The assessment of this course will begin next week.#131180
47.The business policy seminar includes an internship with a local firm. #131183
48.The cafeteria features soup, salads, sandwiches, chicken and fish. #131184
49.The chemistry building is located near the entrance to the campus.#131186
50.The city’s founders created a set of rules that became law.#131187
51.The course helps students to improve their pronunciation skills#131191
52.The rising inflation rate indicates a decrease in demand for consumer products.#131196
53.The essay should be easy to complete once the research is finished.#131201
54.The first assignment is due on the fourteenth of September#131208
55.The garden behind the university is open to the public in summer.#131209
56.The history of the university is a long and interesting one.#131211
57.The massive accumulation of data was converted into a communicable argument. #131219
58.The nation achieved prosperity by opening its ports for trade. #131224
59.The railway makes long-distance travel possible for everyone.#131231
60.The technician dropped the new microscope in the biology lab.#131249
61.The theme of the instrumental work exhibits more of a demure compositional style.#131251
62.The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing.#131260
63.This morning’s lecture on economic policy has been canceled. #131276
64. Our laboratory equipment is provided free of charge. #131277
65.Traffic is the main cause of air pollution in many cities. #131284
66.It would be extremely beneficial to work together. #131286
67.This project is divided into four main sections. #131288

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68.Understanding how to use the library will save your time.#131289
69.Water filters on campus will discourage the unnecessary use of plastic bottles.#131293
70.We can’t consider any increase in our price at this stage.#131296
71.We have not yet achieved equality in our society. #131297
72.We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us.#131298
73.We were able to contact a number of research subjects.#131301
74.Years of training are required to become a medical specialist. #131308
75.You will acquire many skills during the academic studies. #131316
76.Manufacture can now employ more people than agriculture and fishing combined.#131333
77.Farming methods across the world have greatly developed recently. #131335
78.There have been many changes recently in mathematics department.#131352
79.They developed a unique approach to training their employees.#131356
80.Every student has both the right and the ability to succeed.#131366
81.The university should invest in new technology to support learning.#131367
82.A good academic paper should present a clear argument.#131370
83.A good research assistant is not afraid to ask questions.#131371
84.All lectures and learning materials can be found on the internet.#131373
85.Before submitting your dissertation, your advisor must approve your application.#131377
86.Enrolling in a double major may increase your career options.#131381
87.Experts are now able to forecast weather over a much longer period.#131382
88.Geography is generally divided into two main branches, human and physical.#131384
89.Making mistakes is fine as long as you learn from them. #131388
90.Many graduates of journalism can get jobs in the communication fields.#131389

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91.Read the safety instructions before using the equipment in the workshop.#131395
92.Some people are motivated by competition, while others prefer collaboration.#131396
93.Students who attempted to go to the conference must register now.#131397
94.Students are encouraged to monitor their own attendance.#131399
95.We have a lecture in the morning on Thursday. #131408
96.The department has higher than normal proportion of postgraduate students.#131411
97.The economy is now showing the first sign of recovery. #131412
98.Our new medical students must attend the talk about optional courses.#131414
99.The plight of local wildlife has been ignored by developers.#131415
100.Digital gadgets are an excellent addition to any outdoor venture.#131416
101.The professor took one year off to work on her book.#131417
102.The lecture tomorrow will discuss the educational policy of the United States.#131428
103.You should submit your term papers to the general office.#131434
104.The department is organizing a trip to London in July.#131440
105.Protective clothing must always be worn in the laboratory.#131449
106.We no longer respond to any reference material requests.#131454
107.Social media is criticized for causing internet addiction. #131457
108.Consumer confidence tends to increase as the economy expands.#131469
109.Food containing ample calories provides little or no nutritional value.#131470
110.There is a widely believed perception that engineering is for boys.#131474
111.Time and distance are used to calculate speed. #131479
112.Every student has regular meetings with his or her personal tutor.#131488

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113.His appointment to the Minister of Culture was seen as a demotion. #131500
114.It takes a long time to walk to university. #131506
115.You do not need special knowledge to enjoy this book.#131517
116.He was regarded as the foremost economist at his time.#131528
117.Sea levels are expected to rise during the next century.#131556
118.The tutorial timetable can be found on the course website.#131557
119.The very basic feature of computing would be counting and calculating.#131574
120.Philosophy uses logic and reasons to analyze human experiences.#131590
121.Undergraduate students can select what interests them the most in the science program. #131599
122.People have been dependent on using phones in their everyday life. #131605
123.The university provides excellent leisure facilities for students and staff.#131612
124.Auditions for the university theater will be held next week.#131614
125.Students must attend the safety instruction course before attending the engineering workshop. #131616

126.Undergraduates may pursue their specific interests within certificate programs.#131619
127.A good abstract highlights the key points of your paper.#131620
128.The commissioner will apportion the funds among all the authorities.#131625
129.Three separate research resources are not enough for this assessment.#131631
130.New media journalism is an exciting area of study.#131633
131.The deadline for this assignment is next Wednesday.#131647
132.It is an integrated course with several main elements. #131685
133.Members should make mandatory contributions to associated operating funds. #131692
134.The key witnesses to the event have conflicting recollections.#131695

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135.The very basic definition of computing would be counting and calculating.#131709
136.He wrote poetry and plays as well as scientific papers. #131724
137.Industry experts will discuss job opportunities in an automated workforce.#131732
138.The economic predictions turned out to be incorrect. #131735
139.Cells are the basic building blocks of all animals and plants.#131739
140.Summer school programs allow some students to accelerate their studies. #131743
141.Good nutrition is crucial to general health and vitality.#131749
142.Please click on the logo above to enter the site.#131752
143.The momentum is defined as the combination of mass and velocity.#131755
144.Democracy is constantly offering the most stable form of government.#131773
145.More research is needed before any definitive conclusion can be drawn. #131775
146. It is important to make clear notes when you are reading.#131781
147.The untapped potential of using sun rays is phenomenal. #131782
148.You will study two core and three optional modules.#131787
149.A lack of sleep can increase the chance of getting some illnesses. #131794
150.Lecture outlines are available on the college internal website.#131821
151.Optional tutorials are offered in the final week of the term.#131850
152.Technology has changed the media we both used and studied.#131851
153.The college operates a system of continuous assessments.#131864
154.The sports teams often practice on Wednesdays and play games on weekends.#131870
155.There is a pharmacy on campus near the bookstore.#131898
156.Recession triggers exciting creativity and high rates of public wisdom.#131899
157.The history course is assessed via three written assignments.#131902

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158.In addition to class requirements, students must pass all the qualifying examinations.#131982
159.The accountancy students must hand in their dissertations this week.#131993
160.You may not arrange your time when reading the text.#1311022
161.Many students are now studying science, technology, engineering and maths.#1311023
162.You don't need to have a lot of courage to be a hero.#1311024
163.Visual aid is really helpful when you are revising.#1311025
164.The marketing budget has been doubled since the beginning of the year.#1311026
165.We encourage students to complete applications before the deadline.#1311027
166.I will come back to this in a moment. #1311028
167.I will be back in several minutes.#1311029
168.Every year, more and more academic courses are made available online.#1311030
169.Even the most motivated students may need help with choosing a career.#1311031
170.The curriculum should be adjusted to the current development.#1311032
171.Lectures are the oldest and the most formal teaching method at university.#1311033
172.Research shows that exercising makes us feel better.#1311034
173.The residence hall is closed prior to the academic building closing time at the end of the semester.
174.The student shop sells a range of stationery.#1311037
175.Consumers are better informed today because of the internet.#1311038
176.A few journalism students write for the school newspaper.#1311039
177.Let me give you an example to explain what I mean.#1311040
178.During the examination, electronic devices must be left with the supervisor.#1311042
179.Today we have a guest speaker who is visiting from Canada#1311043

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180.Before you choose your university course, you should consider your future career.#1311044
181.It took almost three years to build the football stadium#1311045
182.Graduates from this course generally find careers in financial sector.#1311047
183.You may not be allowed to read anything without the reading list.#1311048
184.Digital scans of archive materials are provided for a small fee.#1311049
185.It is a debate about the value of knowledge.#1311050
186.You may not manage to read everything on the reading list.#1311051
187.Your term paper should be about a current social issue.#1311052
188.Tutors should set a clear goal at the start of the class.#1311053
189.She is giving an outline of the previous lecture.#1311054
190.Courses on nutrition are growing in popularity every year.#1311055
191.Students who study overseas can significantly improve their work chances.#1311056
192.Strangely, people are spontaneously impressed by statistics.#1311057
193.Many students lived in the hall of residence during the term time.#1311058
194.The vocabulary that has peculiar meanings in a special field is called jargon.#1311059
195.Taxes from factories play a large role in some economies.#1311060
196.The timetable for the next term will be available next week.#1311061
197.The design of modern cities is a challenge for urban planners.#131109
198.The university theater group will be performing in the concert hall. #131114
199.An undergraduate is required to do many projects.#131327
200.The three elective courses were carried out in the program.#131328
201.All students can learn even though they have different speeds.#1311014

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