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Human Potential & Employee Wellbeing

Companies understand that to grow, the comfort and security of employees (their human
potential) are of utmost importance. Companies, therefore, need to have policies centered on
employees’ wellbeing. These should include:

Balancing Control and Autonomy

Too much control hinders productivity. However, when a company allows some level of
autonomy, employees are empowered to make decisions as professionals. This policy tends to
result in increased job satisfaction. Not all important business decisions have to come from the

An example of a company that has effectively implemented autonomy in the workplace is

Spotify. They have 2,000 employees, grouped into self-organizing agile teams called squads.

“Each squad is accountable for a discrete aspect of the product, which it owns cradle to
grave,” Eric Garton and Michael Mankins wrote. “Squads have the authority to decide what to
build, how to build it, and with whom to work to make the product interoperable.”

Financial Incentives (pay and benefits)

Payments and benefits motivate people, especially sales personnel. Financial incentives
encourage employees to put in extra effort and, in the end, it is a win-win situation for the
workers and business.

Analysis by the Harvard Business School showed that performance-related pay was positively

associated with job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and trust in management. Profit-
related pay did not have similar positive effects; in fact, some levels of profit-related pay
resulted in employees being less committed and trusting management less.

Health and Fitness

Businesses suffer when employees frequently call in sick. Healthy living should be promoted
and encouraged across departments. For instance, companies can provide free gym
subscriptions or offer free medical check-ups or consultations. Such policies encourage both
healthy living and boosts employee morale.

HSBC for instance understands and prioritizes employee wellbeing. They know that success
depends on the health and welfare of their workforce.  Agnes Chan, Chief Customer Officer at
HSBC Life Hong Kong, says that “We believe our employees are our most valuable assets. As
such, their health, wellbeing, and safety have always been our top priorities when it comes to
our people strategy.”

Job Security
Every employee needs to be assured that their job is secure. Even during economic downturns,
companies should communicate to their workforce the strength of their security. When an
employee’s employment is guaranteed, it leads to productivity increases, better confidence, and
focus, and the rate of staff turnover significantly reduces. When employees are not certain if
their job is safe, they will definitely not give their best. Their time and energy will be spent on
job searching instead.

Instead of just hiring new workers with the required skills, some companies sponsor their staff
to take MBA programs with specialization in different areas. The company in the long-run
benefits, as employees turn to be more loyal and feel valued, and overall, the extra training
helps maintain productivity. Most importantly, it keeps employees engaged and interested in
their work.

Successful engagement requires removing a number of barriers that prevent capable individuals from
performing excellent job.

Without a doubt, every organization's leader wants its staff to excel. With the right direction of the
organization’s management, every employee must give their all at work if a company or other
organization is to succeed and maintain its reputation. The question now is how do leaders ensure that
their members perform at the optimum level? Could there be any perfect ways to unlock the full
potential of all employees in the organization? What should be the ideal setting on the culture and
environment of the organization to avenue growth and healthy engagement? All of these questions are
not that easy to answer. The fact that every organization differs from one another, the approach may
also be different on how to handle every type of people. As to engaging to employees quite of
multifaceted, getting the most out of every member of the organization is simply beyond the pay – it’s
about how every member of the organization play their vital role, the culture and environment, and the
mindset of every people in the organization. In this paper, we will dissect how all these creates an
impact in achieving the highest potential in the organization.

No matter how much potential an employee possesses, if it is not properly managed and fed with the
right nutrients, it could remain dormant. A strong leader would never let a team member's potential go
undetected or lose steam. Unlocking potential frequently entails shattering stereotypes and developing
fresh perspectives. Employees must therefore see what others miss, act on what others refuse, and
persist even when caution tells them to give up. Today's leaders are searching for employees that can
not only execute their tasks better but also reinvent them in their own image while learning new
standards in the process to boost output, sustainability, and opportunity to have an impact on the
bottom line.

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