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cahiers ~ techniques n° 174 protection of industrial and commercial MV networks g MERLIN GERIN 6 EEE EEE ES Cahiers Techniques are a collection of documents intended for people in the jncksiry who are looking for infomation in greater depth in order to complament that given in display product catalogues. Certain Cahiers Techniques go beyond this stage and constitute practical trining fouls tor exonutives and technicians in the electric and electronical industries and for rainees engineers They contain date allowing to design and implement elactical equipement, industrial electronias and electrical transmission and distribution and give @ better ‘understanding regarding special phenomenen they can note, fnquiries regarding contont of a Gahier Technique can be mailed or faxed to: SCHNEIDER, Service GOM TECH F 88050 GRENOBLE CEDEX 08 Fax: 76.44 96 60 ‘ful ist af the Cahiors Techniques produced can be obtained on application from SCHNEIDER Com’ Service F 38050 GRENOBLE CEDEX 09 Fax. 76 80 67 32 or your Schneider ioeal conespondant Copyright @ 1995, SCHNEIDER ‘Reproduction ofthis ate is not alowed without SCHNEIDER" authorization and jrovding the mention of "Cahiers Techniques Merin Garin n° (speofic number needed” André SASTRE Specialist in electrotechnical measurements and industrial automatic control systems ‘since 1966. Self-taught, he achieved engineer status In 1971 He Joined Berlin Gerin in 1988, where he participated in the creation of the MV Protection and Control activity. He is currently head of the sales network for this activity. EICT 174 first issued may 1998 n° 174 protection of industrial and commercial MV networks glossary FMECA: Failure Mode and Erfect Criticality Avallysis: an analysis in which, according to an IEC 812 definition, "stallure mode is an effect whic matoriaizes the faiture of an element in the system under analysis’ LV category A, LV category B: voltage categories dafined by the decree of ‘4th November. 1888: ior AC voltages 50 50 KV; 1 publication IEC 71 specifies the highest vottage ranges for equiament: Grange A= i kV 300 kV. Aroviow of the above is planned. It wi inciude only two ranges: range I= 1 kV [0eC geverater A practical solution is telecontral, ‘however the ideel solution is {elevalidation o: remote selection of predefined and tested values (see fig. 2c), selectivity Selectivity consists in de-energizing oniy the part of the network affected by a fault. It organizes tripping of the cifferent phase and earth protection ‘equipment, which must be as rapid as possible (see "Cahier Technique® 62). For this purpose, a “selectivity analysis” is normatly carried out for each installation with the aim of confirming that al predictable fautts will bo ‘eliminated within the technical limits sat for both the instaliation equipment (e.g. breaking capacity) and for the load (e.g. maximum down time). To do this, the designots strive to achieve the most adequate architecture bby posktoning protection equipment at certain points In the tayout of the: ‘olectrical network, Contents of a selectivity analysis In practice, a selectivity analysis consists fa determining the diferent sarfings and acjustmants (ima delays and thresholds) for the protection laquipment while ensuring compatibility between the dover times defined for me upstream and the downstream: equipment, ‘This type of analysis is an important task, since: aLttakes ino account the eifferant fault currents likely to oocur at aifferent points of a network; ‘mit chacks that each probable fauit can be eliminated by two different pieces of protecton equipment, in tordor to back up the potontial failure of the nearest pleoe of protection. lequiomient or of one ofits associated elements such as cabling, curtent adaplers, citcut-breaker. coonectics, ete. Note that the settings of the equipment upstream of the network (iacomer sido} are olten imposed by the poner distibutor wherbas the seltings of the dovinssteam equipment (load side) are often imposed by the circul wth the highest power rating Description of a selectivity analysis A solectivty anlysis shoul inchs: ‘aa description of the opsrating modes: akon inio account in the anaiysis ‘Da simpified single-tine diagram, ‘athe selectity diagrams, phase protection diagrams and earth fault protection diagrams, Ba tochnicat data sheet, ‘a sellings record sheat, ‘athe simplified single-ine diagram: this represents the skeleton of the network, the essential operating mechanisms and the protection ‘equipment with their identilicetion (see fg. a) athe selectivity diagrams: thase diagrams (see fig. Sb} show the ‘nipping curves of each piece of protection equipment along with their ‘dentifications corresponding te those indicated on the singte-kne diagram (00g. 3.2); ihe technical data fe this describes the selectiviy principles which itis not possible 40 show en the diagrams {logic or sifterential selectivity, for exampie). It presents and exolains the results, is particular the tipping time obtained for the circult-breakar af the most ‘upslteam end of the Installation. It ‘ndicatos the risks and, if necessary, propases solutions which, as incicated above, may affect the aistrbution configuration. a > : © © 07 wr QQ Wr 2 4 \ TF 3 wy short ove currants fi. 3: example ofa sintering disgram (9) and a selectivity elagram for protection oupment(b). Note that, orcier io alow comparison the short choultcurents ave expressed ‘or the same vokage fevet ‘Cahier Technique Hterin Gerin n° 174.7 ‘Some examples ave shown in the table in figure 4 ‘This non-exhaustive tst shows the Important inks betwen the analyses of ‘athe configuration, tBthe short-circuit currents, ithe selectivity. Carrying out nese analyses from the slart ofa project is thus particularly isoful; mths settings sheet: ‘This document records all the setting values of all the protection equipment, Essential for stariup, itis the ond product of the selectivity analysis. protection reliability The reliabity of the protection equipment is an essential factor for the safely and availabilty of an eiectrical ‘installation, uring development and production, protection equipment ‘esigners pursue @ dual objective: ensure tepping = safety, mayoid cuisance tripping = availabilty. ‘This objective has now been attained using ¢igitabtechnology protection equipment, since: tmaflor undorgoing numerous EMC tests during the design and ‘prtduction stage, thay can then ba instatled in savere environments; once instaltea they permanently carry out selliests (known as the watchdog function}, ‘ain the event of a taut, they provide @ selldiagnosis which indicates the ‘cause, thus reducing the down tima. However, whatovor type of protection Is Used, the overal objective can onty be attained i wm good quality sensors are used: inthe auxiiary power supoly i reliable: athe device is correcty operated and adjusted, integration of the protection with monitoring and control functions Mictoprocessorenhanced protection equipment (see fg.) fan ensure numerous functions: fritcan process data om votage Bnd curtent sensors and display farous maascrements (LW. power factor, BO, ola) o enstro parametor-depersdent protection ininey aiso provice loca! automatic Control functions: Siovetching or automatic transfer, tralarm preprocessing, storage of date such as hpsing, blocking, ete, cimutua tipping between 0 terminations of a ine or the primary ‘and secondary windings of & transformer, logic selectivity (sax "Cahier Technique’ n’ 2), load shedding and restoring. ‘These ramote automatic control functions are as important a3 selectivity itself as far as the ‘operationat continuity objective ' concerned. ‘The protection, monitoring and contol units of agsomblies are also able to communicalo with each other, thus meeting the principle of romote intoligence Remote intebigence means that the decision ts taken by the dovice nearest 10 the action roquired, het enn nn a risks detected ineompatty between ie protection equipment me catays, Incompatibitty between short-clrout current an ecupment fuse does act slow ‘down tims too long solution Te revise coniguiation toimprove reciviys 1X moity protection plan to use logic or offeraral select Megotiate win a uty for increased substation ime: im cnange aistibution anor sotvioe woRage. ‘mao not alow parae-eouping of sources ‘mincreano transformers Uses Wadd lieing incuctances: ‘se clarent equipment. ww change use ratings: (ack an esiroct protection relay wath ston; replace fuses by a cimaloreaker, snodiy source: Cinerease shortcut power: [reduce Uce f upstream transformer. ‘Buse double shut type power supply: {provide a replacement source that can be rapicly inplementet (back-up ‘generator and, necessary. toad shed tow remy loads; Ice automatic withing ad motor riven sitengoar. en sgt fia, 4 Asks and solutions alfacting the contiguation ofa disroution network eect tipping folowing a short-circuit . | decided and initiated immediately upstream the point of failure load shedding 's decided depending ‘on the extent of the ovarioad, sithar at workshop level (local ‘management unt) or at incoming focdar level (contrat management wit This principe is advantageous from the point of view of availabilty land management of the electrical network, since these inter- ‘communicating units can be used vith computers to aequire numerous parameters whien can tnen be compared with raference values in order to detect serious deviations. Wis then possible to trigger @ warring 19 order to ensure preventive mmaintonance, for example ma warning can be given before blocking acqurs by datocting a significant increase in the starting current of a motor, ‘apremature aging of equipment can be predicted folowing a pro‘ongad everioad; sma weming can be aiven before a shodt-circult occurs by detecting an increase in the residual curent {insulation level drop}. ig, 5: Sapam, 2 ange of miaropraceaser based protection aquiement integrating a mandacing ‘and eantra apabitly erin Ges Cahir Technique Metin Geri. 174/p9 2. types of selectivity and protection equipment ‘The type of protection equipment selected when drawing up tha protection plan has a direct tect on selectivity. This cheater gives a brief summary ot the ditlrent types of selectivity and protection equioment. ‘Those types of selectivity and protection equipmant are the outcome ‘of the toliowing concepis: am standard procedures: japerating mode: athe influence of the cistribution utities rochnologieal developments; ‘micchniqes devised by the manufactur. Troy last because they all have advantages. The cortact choice for any ‘ven point in the network must ‘harafore be based on one of the above concapts, in other words, the one which ensures most advantages. ‘This freedom to optimize any ene choice is made easier by the use of Govices capable of aMering several solutions within the same equipment current-dependent selectivity In current-lependont selectivity, the ‘monitored variable is the current. In a network, the farther a point of {oilure is from the source, the weaker the short-circuit current ‘Thus, ia theory, selectivity can be ‘obtained by setting the threshald of the protection equipment to the predicted Short-crcult current aecording to their position in the disinbulion network (eee fig. 6a), “This type of selectivity does net include ‘the notion of time delay, since itis instentaneous, aach piece of protection ‘equipment being independent cf the: thers, Itis frequently used for LY dass A end consumer, out rarely tor ‘MV installations, since the actual short-circuit current variations between any two points are too small (The coupled impedances are negligible), a sot corns no ke Ira = —_= I foun 0 eee Tee Ieet. eurvents A nv b sot ie 8 currents WO TEA Lika) fault eet 4 Teck currents tecB FEE! orcas wnora select rot ape w tod Jig, 6 in theory (a), t ensure amp dependoot solocttty, check that 100A » A » [008 > WB > Loo >t. in practice (b) the cleseness oF tno adfustment valves only allows paral selectivity. ‘thus selectivity is only partial {ee fig. 6b), Note thet for HY insiallations in general an Impedarce-inducing fault reply delerieratas inio a total broakdown. ‘The major disadvantage of this type of solectviy is that the upstream side does not back up the downstream side of an installation (Le. here sro redundancy) Finally, fag main nandicap of amp- dopondent selectivity is that he threshold of @ piece of protection ‘equioment increases the nearer itis to the source, hence tho cick of greater damage. So, by favouring the safoly aspect, itaften compromises the opandabiiiy objactive defined in chapter 1 time-dependent selectivity This type of selectivity Integrates the concept of tne into the monitored Vatiable, ie. the current. & time delay is added to the action of the currentedeperdant protection equipment. 0 do this, he trigger thresholds are detined wih incteasing time delays {tom the downstream to tho upstreem ido. Thus, upstream ofa faut, Several pisces of equipment will ba sensitized (redundancy), but ia fault Decurs, ony the device locatod immediately upeteaim ofthe fault wal np: since the fait pole is no onger energized, the ather protective devices stop “seeing” tho faut botore their tme delays have elarsed Operation can be checked by compating (ie. superposing) the operating curves (see fig. 7), sich must be suticienty spaced fo ensure corr selectivity (09 s, for example) However, nnen 10 pieces of equipment monitor the same rated curent (th oF without a voltage change), the thresholds must also bo shifted 20 % in orca to ba abla to ignore the tolerances. Ths time delays are of two types: either depencent on the magnitude of the {aul curert, or independent of (928 Nig. 8). a ory ¥ 8 oa} a “A A i Fa) b ra 8 my pi Fw Wy fo, 7 by superpesing the mager curves fa, ‘18 possbve 0 chock the selectvly between ucuatbvoakors A and B (b) which detect Be same ft curcent ‘Time-dependent selectivity is frequently used because of its simplicity. However, it daes have one inconvenience: the time detay mereases by belween 0.2 $ and 0.3 s at each “stage” as the source is neared. Ths is necessary to take account of the response time tolerances of tho components making up the protection system (sonsors, electronics, release devioa and cirauit-breaker) and of the arcing time of the downstream eircult-breaker, Therefore, the higher the enaray lavoi of a taut and the nearer itis to the source, the longer it wif remain energized hence greater damage). ‘The dependability objective is not totaly attained, but by applying this type of selectivity beiwean two oF three stages, a satisfactory compromise: botwoon saioly and avaiiabifly can be obiained, Note 1 Given is simptcty of uso, this type of selectivity is usetul for protecting a tink botween two remote substations. 6) Note 2 Mixing the time-dependent and current dependent lypes cf selectivity is particularly useful for protecting the primary winding of a transiormer, since. the differences in the short-circuit current bemeen the primary ang secondary circuits are considerable (08 fig. 9). Nis therefore possible to insiall 2 quicichreak protective device {= 100 ms) on the primary circuit # tS threshold is set to a feve! higher than the secondary current Ice as "seen" with respect to the primary winding, logic selectivity {900 "Cabiier Techaiaue’ n° 2) ‘This type of selectivity is also known as ‘a logic solectiviy aystem (SSL), for ‘which Merit Gerin currently Rave a patent pending. I eperates on the principle of data transfer between she protection systems, Tho variabie ‘monitored is the current, ts) FA HR WOR | T{KA) JecA [ee a Bole TikAy 4 = minimum tine setting 2 = maxireum time setting cows time soting range= 1102 SE A= minimum threshold seting B= maximum threstold setting “> threshold sting range = Ato B fig, @ tina-aepencont (or constant{ — p) ‘and non ore-copenoar (or reciprocal Fa-= J} pger curves. Ir1B = lower threshold > 1.2 TrAto compensate inaccuracies. A300 ms {curve 8) selectivity intorval is usually applied! to back up A. 1128 = upper threshold « teeB, but [2B > foo, wih a 100 ms tapid-action jsming in ordar to withstand the closing ‘overcurrent, fig. 9: appication of curentdependent and time-dependent selectivity typ9s ‘nanstonmation supstavons. Cahtor Tochréguo Morin Gorin n° 174 fpf Al SSL protection systems communicate. through hard tink jknown as the pilot line): each unit attocted by a fault instantaneously transmits a logic ho'd pulse through this circuit te the Upstream unit. mn this way, ony the protection equinment located iminediatoly upstream of the fault romains free to aperata since it has not raceived a hold signal (se9 fig. $0). The advantage of tne logic soloctiity system is that it reduces the tipping times (6c fig. 17), in particular near the source maither, by setting the sare time delay. onal the units: mor, ty decreasing the time delays rom the Gownstream to the upstream evi upstream of faut en ald tino linea} protection equipment a I< On dente vpsviesm of ‘et on td tn rite emits 2b signal bs proston equtmaat oases device upstream offal ems a hats ‘sgnel and tigger signal protection eulpment deve re actuated Focsted downsiteam of ‘aut proton quipmant 4 plotting Tee opi hole signa oie. fig, 10: Soni solvent principe side, contrary to time-dependent solectivily (see anova), AAs with time-dependent selectivity, ail protection equipment iscated Upstream ofa fault are sensitized (le. redundancy) However, in spite of having to connect ail logic selectivity system protection units through a piot line, this type of selectivity comes closer to attaining the depenkiatilly objective than the other methods desorbed above. Note “This type of selectivity is usefut forthe protection of incoming and outgoing feeders of the same panelboard. In this ease, the connecting wires are nol an instalation constraint, sinoe they ate ‘only routed through the paneiboard and ‘ean thoratare be factory-integratod. ‘Moreover, with this solution, the faut own times are shorter for incoming feeders than for culgoing feeders. 4 9 QQO a bo os differential protection In principle, when there are no fauls, the currents input into each element of an electrical aistribution instalation are the same, phase for phase, as those output. The purpose of diferent protection is to monitor this situation, to measure any dilference between twa currents (1.8, caused by a fault), and to transmit a inp signal at a predetermined threshold. The faully felornant is then isolated from the network (see fig. 12). ‘This type of protection can bo used to monitor a woll-delined part of the network using twe current adapters {or current transformers): i 18 auto- selective and can therefore be ‘ngtanianaous. Is a advantage which ‘must he conserved for tines when transient phenomans occur; howover, its sensitivity must bo limited to phenomena induced by fauk conditions ‘and not by normal conditions (such as fo. 17: exempta ofa singe fine diagram and a selectivity clagram lor protection equipment nth angie selccuty stage (between siages 2 ard Compare ts diageam wit that shown in gure 3 (maciiod curves aro show orange). 8 ‘shows that, for te samo ors, thi ype of selocttysigniicantlyrecuces the tmp times (for ‘crout-breaker 3 for exam, te recuctan i rom 0.7400. 8). akin Taohninun Marianas n° 1741999 sourat pont 1, 12: examples of uso of diferontat pretocion, ‘2 citeranta! protection of eabies in ino event of @ faut, the 2 ereareakers open 1b oferental protection of machines, motors or AC ganersters, {-diforoata protection of tanslormars; thers are dounsteeam sources, both chou ‘breakers wot pon in tha evento @ fart { -ofrerna proteaton of bushars; if there are downstream sources, at cxcuit breakers wil ‘pen ithe overt cla Fault bigger currents oF fauit currents caused by another part of the network). The “wansient” characteristics are specific to each element of he network; diferential protection equioment is therefore technologically ‘w ifforontial protection of fines and cabies: _n ifferantial proteotion of busbars; ‘x itterentia prosection of transformers; ‘mdiflerentia! protection of motors: ‘a differentia protection of AC generators ‘The use of this type of protection is limited, since it requires the careful use ‘oF (plot ines or connection of current ltansformer secondary windings), ‘current adapters anc fine tuning in ‘order to prevent nuisance tipping. Itis used whenever high-speed elimination of faults is essemtia, 12.2 mo reduce the upstream tims dolay in a time-dependent selectivity system by removing one of the stages from the system; {to improve the dynamic stability of an installation containing rotating machines; smo provide aciltional protection of an element which is highly important because of is intrinsic value or the naccaptabie consaquences of a prolonged stoppage in the event of a faa, The use ofthis type of protection also Imposes certain conditions, sma current transformer must be installed per phase at each end of the monitored part; ‘a connection must be provided between ine two devices in order to ensure difterential protection a the cable. In addition, before deciding to Use this type of protection, ft must be checked to ensure ils efficiency forall imaginable typas of faull. With the detection principle, often used for plot line type aifferential protection ‘equipment, the sensitily depends on Ihe faulty ohase and the type of fault phase-phase or phase-earth} for aitforantial protection of machines, the winding terminations on the neutral soint side must bo accossibio in orcar to be able to install all the current transformers; 1 for diflorontia protection ot transformers: ‘8 depending on wheter the protection zelay is installed in an upstream oF downstream compartment, the wiring required to reach the offer current transformer may be relatively tong ia this ase, care must be takon in termining ts cross-section far powor ‘consumption} and its routing to avoic imterierence), Gif the neutral point arrangement is ‘very diferent on each sid of the transformer, earth faults may net all be detacted; in this case, a specif procedure ls required, 1m or differential protection of busbars; ‘with certain types of equipment, all ‘current transformers must have the ‘same winding ratio as the largost ‘current transformer. Ths high- Impedance protection, fequentiy used in countries under Angio-Saxon influence, leads to great dificulties: ‘for switching currant transformer secondary circuits, when the busbars supply several outgoing feeders with sifferent configurations, tnfor wiring, since its high impedance may induce overvoltages in the wiring at the current transformer secondary winging during the taut. These Covervoliages may require the use of surge arrestors, ‘Ganior Technique Matin Gosin 1 $74 p33 Rleminder: logic selectivity, which is more practical to use, also meets the time-saving cbjactve, directional protection ‘This type of protection operates aocevding to the current, the voltage and the direction at flow of the energy. W's activated whon the current or the powor exceeds a sel threshold and at the same time, the eneroy is propagated in an abnormal direction. Tho folowing dectional protection nists: ‘phase current residual currant active power, reactive power: moro sequence power {not dealt with inthis Technical Specification, since ‘is mally used in corrected neutral ‘publ distribution networks) Phase current directional protection When two sources, two fins or more rormaily operate in paral, thore is a Fisk of total failure ofthe distribution if a ‘autt occurs in any ono of these elements. The reason is that the same fault ourrent flows through all these faloments, the current changing direction in the faulty element {see fig. 19}, Directional protective devices are therefore nsed fo detect the faulty element and order it to ba isolated from the sound patis. In order to be able to ‘solate the fauly olement, these eviogs are altout 250 ms quicker than the overcurrent devices concemed by the same faut, Earth fault current directional protection Ifa notwork is supplied by two or more transtormers (or AC generators) with their neutral points simuttaneotsty onnected to earth, in the event of an. fart fault in any ona of these sources, a vesicual current flows through all the sources. Only the source attected by the fault “senses” a residual current towing in the opposite cirection trom phase eurent fdeectinal protection Cs ‘overcurrent protection fault current flowing teugh eound pact ‘rect aust curent fig, 13: enase current cireclonsl protection principe. ‘On ay one Ine, 2 directional device fs more spa 2500s} Han an overcurrent aewce the example shown 200ve, tapping oocurs at x hen at Note tad these ines are replaced ty paralot-coonected vansforers, the principe stays the Ce the others, This principle is used by ‘earth faul dipetional protection devices in order to distinguish between the sound elements and the faulty element {see fig. 14) “The direction is determined by measuring the phase shift between the ‘residval current” and “residual voltage” vectors. “These davices are also used to detect a faulty outgoing feeder in networks. ‘wit high capackive currents, in particular whan the cables are fong: & residual ourrent ows in the same ‘direction though all sound cutgoing feeders and in the apposite direction in the faulty feeder (soe fg 15). Note For tha latter ease, another solution ‘based on the use o earth fault current ‘maasuring protection equipment is possible to ensure selectivity without the use of directional protection However, the threshold of this protection equipment must eatisty the relation: Fe pagaing tomer <18 < EI ration where lc = capactive current, Ig = threshold current. Ingeneral Is 1.8 10 1.9 Teoutgang tee But this solution s only applicable if. for each outgoing feeder: Ke puagoing teoder “ EICinstiaton If this Is not the case, a zero sequence Current generator is requises. Others, the protection equipment on ‘sound bul Tong fines will nuisance to feympathetic tripping}, since they are activated by the capacitive curent .gonerated by the ines together. Active power directional protection ‘This type of protection ie used for oxampie to: disconnect an AC generator rom the ‘network which is absorbing eneray > ro aD- phase currant 11 [i] zone 3, tine aosay = 9 > 2 4 Ziransert has no eet noe Sdefnstby parlldoaram f Zot uty ine ah poseton 1g. 16: diagram showing tne operation ofa zonal protecive device (8). Tripping occurs whon the and af the rapadance vector af the protecied ine enfers ane ofthe ‘perating zones o the device (b). A tine delay ws se! or each zone. To provent nuisance tipping ave 1 ‘oad variations transient impeasnce vecton), ihe operating zones can have dilerar? forms, ether eicular or quadrlataraln drawing b, zone 2s defined by 2 paraloiggram inet! ofa cic ccatent apendent and ‘imse dependent seloctity 2oKy tol sone ? | y cree E cesentonens | Seuoponat | select : : é. ey i urtente opandant ana time-dependent soonvty 410¥ esky THA} a -salecivay curves diagram using only time dependent salaciviy wih constant pratection equipment ‘Noto thal betwoon curves 2, ‘be At=900 me and 4 and 4, there must 18) 13 yo me 400m 100 m9 Tee DR 1 TkAy b- selectivity curves diagram using sitleront ‘types of selecivily ard pratection equinment soon prcect Bolen | se Yo mT ee i 700 300 = fie oo © comparison of tines roquirod by solutions a _and b above 1 etiminate shor-icuits (in ms). Jig, 17:9 the exampio snown above, optimum select is oblanad by the use of diferent techniques iagiam a: curentedepender, time-dependent and logic techriques. Sharam bs tne coponan orig wh oom recroal (2) rxrocalendogc}(@) (2), ans consine(B) are coves Cahier Technique Matin Gera n° 174 9.47 | synthesis of the use of different types of protection equipment cnn ‘ype ‘main apptications ‘curent-dependent ‘wbsiveen Ine anc ioad side fe transtormer ecopordent between imo substations ioge ‘W beminan tncomng and outgoing loaders ‘7 the same sth im bemieen line aos load side of a transformer: sm zonveon tuo substations whan tis posite to install logis ik ‘GHerental ‘on any par where sataty is of prme oncom feabies, machines, ot) rectonal Won tines, AG generators and transioimers ‘operating in parabess ‘8 on outgoing loadors with a high capsctive current 7 natok With Severs neutra polts; 1 on networks with a corrected navi nderimpedares ~ a came application af cferenial protection van the zane is 69 cormgiox tat summing the inooming and outgoing earents is prohibitive, “isance-daponsert ‘lor mechod netwoRRE (power transmission). ‘ig, 18: synthesis of tha use ef he aterent typos of protection egoioment deserted above ace ner nse tn nanan 3. use of protection equipment a aes The use and incorporation of different protection equipment impases certain precautions. This chapter deseribes ‘these precautions and alse proposes soma practica! solutions, tt2s of course obvious that certain network contigurations, and the power supply for machines with specitic characteristics, wil require specific analysis and cannot Bo doalt with in ths document precautions to be taken in the choice and use of protection equipment “The chotoe ofa type of protection and ofthe equipment lo provide this protection must Be made only ones the "sks tothe elamert io be protecied andi the effects of potential faults have been assessed On principe, fr all elements ofa network, the miniowsm tat shoud Be provided is protection against the visks oF = phase-phase shortcircuits {phase ‘overcurrent protection): ‘a phase-earth short-circuit residual overcurrent protection). ‘When the earth and phase faut curtents are of ie same magnitude, fone single piece of three-phase protection equipment can cover tot typos of risk, but wil not distinguish between them. Phase overcurrent protection “This type of protection can only be ellison’ ts opacaion salistios the inequality | phase threshold < lee min and A "phase” threshold > 1 max in fault free conctions (vansient ius ‘current. To this end, the folowing must be checked attne conaiton “oping tnresnotd ower than Semin= must be checked nthe vent of two-phase lat ons Sina networe suppied by one single tanstormer, whereas tis normaly suopiea by soveralparaioecnnectod onsiorme's Sina network supplied bya substitute Salt toumination of a tog ne, tre conden “mppingteshold vatue Endlor me delay higher than maxim urronsinfeulreo conditions” must be cheokes when staring up motor, Bewitcing on tranelonmers, Seeneraizng capacior batterie. foneck tne effets of overcurrent resulting rom volage crops, vanslent power culs, source switching. et Earth tault overcurrent protection The threshold, which must be adaates to su te earthing system, ust iso Sally the folowing wo hnequaltios Tresdual tireshold < 0.210 ses and Tresdualtteshold » 1,310 sagastve generated ay te protected sean, Fence: fa target threshold of 0.1 12.020 snaes {protec al least 86“ of the col sci: Ma trresholdhighor than 1.2.0 spate Gf te protect ie inorder to prover nuisance tpg when fauts occur in another part of tre network For satey inealaions (ot ons) Spocctod wh an nsuiod Sout, 22 earth faut protective device agjustments are calculates using only the capacive currents ofthe nakork Co ier = 310 copie Reminder: wth a visit inproving dperaiona! continuity, conaln mal reworks ar operated win an Insulated neta. French iegislaioa imposes the use of a continuous insulation detector (CPI) in order fo detect drops in the insulation lever and proven! tipping on an earth faut. ‘Thermal imageftemperature probe type protection Protection using thermal imagos should only be envisaged f there is a risk of overloading. lis heating and cooling time constants must be adapted to the: charactoristics of the protected equipment ‘Temperature probes (normally ype PT 109 in accordance with standard JEC 751} must be fitted in the coils winen. a dusty environment affects correct, ventilation of the protected equipment: the machine is operated with an independent air-biovin cooking systom. In both cases, poor ventilation will not causa an overcurrent, bul may result in destructive overheating, Harmonic distortion Nonlinear loads induce potution in flgctrioal networks. This polution lakes the form of a voltage distorion and by harmonic eurents which mainly affect the thermal resistance of rotating machines and transformers. Harmonics can be eail with in three ways either, by instaling titers; the characteristics and location of these {ters wil be determined by an analysis of the harmonics: mor, by protection equioment which take into account the BMS current resulting trom the quadratic sum of the ‘ode-ranked harmonics: sor, i the protection equipment does pot take the RIMS curren! into account, by dovin-rating the equipment so that it only operates at a 0.8 oF 0. fraction of its rated power. The thresholds of their ‘overload pro:ection equipment must ie lowered by the same amount if they only take info account the fundamental Cabier Technique Merlin Gorn 174 /p.19, precautions to be taken with sensors Number ‘The number of sensors required 10 tect polyphase faults has evolved with developments in technology: electromachanical protection ‘equioment requires three sengors to detect the faulty phase conductor: digtal technology requires only two sengors (the current of the thi ‘conductor is calculated). But if the pratection plan is to be elficiert, tis ‘essential to make sure thal the two ‘sensors ar@ insialieg on the same phase canductors throughout te network Reminder: thore aro three ways of ideatitying conductors: srusing numbers = 4.2, and 3 musing tatters = A, Band C, or A, S and ‘Current transformers, ‘Those must be designed to allow correct operation of the protection equipment, Thoy should net emit a distoried signal winch might be considered by the protaciion equipmant ‘as a fav, resuling in nuisance tipping. im their rating must be equal to or higher than the current to ba maasvred: snthor linearity must be checked ‘throughout the entire RMS current range (saturation by currents such as an invush current can affect the signais at tre secondary windings): ‘thelr tolerance must be cansistent vith the measurement accuracy hreshow). [Note that using the Nicholson sotup (see tig, 19) to measure weak residual ccurcents often requires the transformers to be palred. Moreover, the absolute frror of the measurement is inhibiting {or low residual current thresholds, On ‘he other hard, the insanity end ‘dynamic range ot ROGOWSKI type non-magnetic sensors (see "Cahier Technique’ n° 170) overcome many of these inconveniences. Zero sequence toroidal sensors ‘The use of sensitive earth protection equipment is particulaly useful in linvting damage fo eouipment, since higher liming impedances are possible. Weak residual currents are detected preferably using a torcidal sensor fitted around the thres phases. Note that ceriain precauitons must be im the inoutation between the active conkiuotors and the toroid must be ‘checked, Dut itis often provided by the cattle sheathing, fin order to prevent matfunctions, itis preferable to arrange the Cconduciors inside the toreis and to ‘enter ther Vottage transformers In order to avoid tha destructive phenomanon of ferromagnetic Tosonance (overvoltages), vortage ransformers mus! be loaded to a value similar to their power rating. proieto Frotors ten aon ving ae Sonor intheir power rating must be adapted to mthe earthing sifip on the cable = L— suit the protection equipment snd the: armouring may be routed outside or re- 7 lo cabin eer etamd ceo 20), FS he Ntoeonacke with yes neti box aicebotin z _ nested cive Smeg _amasna ou cnostrn! sanhing’ % cable box ig, 20: nstaing tort on an HV cabo. eorthing tip roid precautions to be taken with respect to networks Network with soveral earthed neutral points ‘Anelwork which has several neutral poinisis likely to be affected by ‘3rd harmonics and muttpies of B occurring between these points, To avoid having fo desensitize the earth fault protection equipment, they should bbe equipped with H3 fillers. Network with several earthed neutral points When operating on the AC generators, if large part of the power & absorbed by the motars, the protection equipment must act suficionty rapidly to prevent network breakdown (6. to maintain dyaamic stability. Overvoltages In the event of an earth fault, power distribution through cabies genarates a capacitive current which, in addition to sympathetic lipging (see chapter 2, “Directional protection’). can aso create ovenvoltages due to resonance (00 fig. 27}, The best means of minimising these ‘overvoltages is to earn the neutral through a resistor. This solution is often used for industrial networks, ‘The rule usually applied is: 1yn® 2 loo where Jn = desired resistive resickual current, ge = capacitve residual current Inherent in the network, Modifying @ network ‘As concerns protection, two checks are usefu! when moaiying a networks taro the existing neutral point arrangement and the earth fault protection equipment campatiole wih the new capacitive currents? itis the existing phase protection ‘eguipcngnt and the current tansformors suitably adapted to the new rated currents and short-crcult currents? tea os ot ie a be fig. 24: sesonance-induced overviteges fkoly 9 be gonerated during an earth taut by capaciwe currant cable bye dsinbuton systems Cahier Tectaique Matin Garin ri 174 /p.21 4. selection guide | ee Tho tablo in figure 22 gives an idea of the possibie choices epending on the element ta Note that the vede variety of distribution ‘configurations and operating requirements means that it not Reminder : remember that short-irout protection and earth fav {or insulation {ait} protection must be systematically v9 protected. Possible o offer a“universar solution, __ptovided for each element 10 be protected. ‘alement to be installation potential risk required comments protected concerned protection ines and cables ‘Grale feeder, parale|, | shoreereur ‘weiferental vain piot ine ‘ralaged nap hye cables paralelor looped | shor-creut and ‘Wteciona wsidual ane abies earth faut hase eutient protecnan ouigeing feeders | earth aut ‘wavecton iovitual currant urn bigh capactve pxorection current, multiple eanhs, parale or looges eas basbare panelboards srerareut was Fepresersing an ailerontal busbar important node protection inthe alstoatien system, high Pos paneiboards ‘wundorimpodance aiso pay protools ttanstoemers| ‘AG genorators ‘overond mihommal mage ‘blown ventilation | wtsmperature pres fature andlor aust ‘machine whichis | Iara auth undorimpedence high-speed protective expensive oF o sewers import or amuiforental AC gonerator operation | protection ciation Tare roactve power ‘ecdeack ronsing en mater other parallel connecied ‘under and overveliage | group production Mitequency ‘mphace breakows i single-phase loads and unbalance | 210% of aes ‘capacitors pavalor banks ‘munbalanes (ouble star) of neutral points Cahier Technique Merin Gern n* 174/922 faut ‘tementto potential tek required comments be protected concerned protection Tanstonver ‘overoad ‘etrermal mage ‘a blown ‘wiemperaiure ~ ‘entaation monitoring failure andor cast “overoutrant at |" fst txeshold, tme- ‘secondary winding ovayod.paeary winding ice soverrat auit 1 20d threshold, + instantaneous, ‘roportant intemat fault ‘a diferertial svansformer ‘wanstormer ‘ychronoue motor ‘eatloaa reveal mage ai blows we fomperature ventaton ‘monitoring failure ansior dust itmportant machine ‘x ciforonal mat protec. os ‘bnorraly Figh im startng delay protection fan, torque oF taneranmng ~ . "wrote jarring heak current | Se redervotage with mater running her startup | rotor jamaned a under mpodaice motor stay or sped motor tnleinal ang we foonlor successive | a por process stsrups ‘and when commissioning plant test} i check: time intervals Dotan sussaseive starups panes Toss of pimng ww uriercurant or active power ower supply vakage | mreciresal Phase breakdown ‘gomnponen (s09 Technical ‘and unbalance Speaticalion No. 18) ‘Synchronous motor ‘Sane protectin equipment as or an asynahronois rotor, plus sm syrchromiom ss oxcaton monitoring inser ‘directional curen ‘apd disconnection generatorf oF power protection from supply neiwark low mator torque direst umlervolioge random reaeceleration remanent, undervekage fig 22:2 selection guido for protecton equlementeoceniing an te element tobe protect Cahier Technique Metin Geto n° 174 / pas | | | 5. conclusion Protection techniques are numerous ‘and variod and itis neoassary to be Tariige with then in order to make a choice. Since the advent af logic selectivity, there have been faw development. This is nermal, singe protection equipnient i stil designed to timit the ‘onsequencas of the same electrical or mechanical faults ‘On the other hand, tochnoiegical evelopments have oecurted: ‘mone-‘unction electromechanical relays; ‘mone-{unction analog electronic relays: sm mult-funetion analog electronic racks, such a6 the Vigitack, daveioped in 1970 by Marlin Gerin. This lypo of “protection unit requires litle power ‘rom the sensors and is equipped wrth factory. preitad alarm and tipping relays; 1 muti-tunction digital units based an the use of micropracessors, for example the Sepam manufactured by Merin Gerin The multifunction capability includes: protection functions, Fimeasurament and enelering functions, Caer Technique Merin Garin a" 174 p24 alocal automatic control, Dselfciagnasis, ‘alarm processing and display, ‘Beommmunication, ‘The parameters of these ‘smart” units can easily be modified by any clectrician to provide several ot these functions, This type of equipment minimizes the umber of sensors required, since it uses only the protective curtont ‘ranstomers to ensure: ameasurements, metering, protection, Hence, there is enhanced flexi for {tho designer in devising his protection ‘lan and carying out the salectvity analysis. Non-magnetic or nonerrous sensors Improve the sensitivity and the stabiiy ‘of protection equipment and their variants can ensure both the measurement and the protection functions, therefore the use of these sensors reduces the time required 10 carry out the analysis. Presenteday components also allow reductions in the cost of very comprehensive, complox protection ‘equipment such as directional protection equipment. So: lm thair use is no fonger lited 10 powerful machines, high vollages, or ‘Sonsitive industial processes; ‘mor are they isolated, tee specific, or ‘orgatien, On the contrary, tey are now integrated into a communicative rmuit-Ainction system which grocesses: and controls all the data relative to the ‘monitored element. By communicating with the network management systoms, itis possible to: obtain electrical data; moblain dala concerning fauits and ‘events in chronological order; tm know the position of cvcut-breakars and other operating mechanisms; im check thatthe system is operating conroctly (watchdog) carry out operations: analyse the nunprous measurements fo ensure more efficient operation; wm onsure better running of tha network ‘ey means of a comprefensive, user trendy inetrument panel, “The direct impact cf these developments: improved safety and energy aveitabity. ‘enhanced efficiency and maintainability 6. practical information | ee ‘The fist of data given below can be uused to carry out @ reasonably accurate selectivity analysis. ‘Where certain items are unknown (pilot project, for example), the designer wil define these in his hypotheses. His ‘experience wll guide rim in the choice ‘of the noxal practical values, such as: sce for a givon supply voliage level, 1m Uce depenting on the types of transformers; 1a motor starting times deaending on the functions for which they are used, data required to carry outa selectivity analysis Network data msingie-ling diagram; ‘a possible operating configurations: voltages; mirequency, st short-circuit power of the upstrearn network (minioum and maximum values) each wiring diagrams (neutral point arrangements); mccanections length and type ot cables, numbar of paratiel cables) ‘@ ating of existing current transformers; mating of existing fuses; msoltings of existing protection ‘equipinent {upstream and downstream) Teansformor data power rating: 1§ short-circuit voltage (Uce %): ‘copper ossos; coupling: tmload setting (minimum and maximum values) AC generator date stype of AG ganerator(turbo-generator cor salient pote generator) power rating, voltage rating: mrated power factor, ‘msui-transient reactance values (cirectly along axis and in quadrature); permanent short-circuit current {minimum and maximum valves); or excitation voliage/tating, saturated synchronous reactance iotor data antypo (synchronous oF asynchronous); power rating myoitage rating: amsierting cuvrent, msiaring time, muhoties thre is a tisk of rotor jamming {i yes, the time itean ‘withstand the rotor jemmed condton number af startups and authorized intervals (for cold and hot staring) ‘wsiztor thermal time constant, selectivity diagram Diegram layout A current versus dime selectivity diagram should preferably bo presented in iogriog orthonoced ‘coordinates since these variables can vary in considerable proportions: customs can vary froma feer amps to several kloamps: lime detays can vary from some tens of miliseconas (Hor instantaneous tripping) te hundreds of seconds (as in the operation of thermal Image type ovarioad protection equipment. Inorder to be able to compare the ‘curves on the diagram, 3 reference voltage must be dafinad, preferably that ‘which is most frequently used in the instalation. In this way, a maximum of comparisons and analyses can be carviod oul by reading the diagram Girecty, the curves concerning the other voltages can be observed using she reciprocal vollage rate. For example, in a diagram where the relerence voltage is an MV voltage, therefore: the MV curtents can be read aivectly, for LY currents: Lv vottags av votiage for HV currents: HY votage MV voltage | whe earth fault currents and the phase Currents boiong fo afferan systems land are therefore repraserted on sitferentdlagrars, Ilo make lor easier reading ol the Giagrams, only the relevant part of the diagram is ehwn, be, ftom Me twirimum service cuttent to the maximum shorcroul eucrent ofthe part cencemed Selectivity principles smal least to curvas must cover each {eit current level sm scloctivity is said to be total betwoon {to piecas of protection equigmant when ther eferen curves do not intotsoct. This does not apply to Yogic selectivity f8e0 fig. 17, LV vale HY value Gahior Tochniqua Morin Gorin n° 174.25, | Reading a diagram Aciagcam ofthis ype {see fig. 23) ‘contains several types of information: won tha currant axis Beurtent rating, ‘short-circuit currents, protective device thresholds. tower tweshotd ot G) a= upper threshold of CO) snot = @ a) lover inestotd ot @ = upporteshotd ot won tho time exe: m= time delay coresperting to upper threshold of @) ana @ ime delay corragponding to shrestielé of (@) and iower threshots “@ ime delay ot @) = time delay coresponding to lower Trees of “The theshod anime delay values ae reeerdedin the settings sheet Sled mon commissioning of re instalation, Cahier Technique Merlin Gorn 174 p28 us 1 700 me 400 me some ig, 23: exampio ofa sotoctvly dagram (a) and a sinle-ne ciagenm ofthe protection fcuipment ote that in onder to be abe to alovr comparison, short cteull currents ave exprassad for @ sama vottago fevel. in this case IV. 7. bibliography ‘Standards ANS! © 37-2: Numbering of protection equipment, IEC 117-3: Symbols used for protection equipment, IEC 258-2: Non time-dependent moasurement relays. IEC 286-4: Time-dependent measurement relays, IEC 812: Systems rotabilly analysis laciniques » Fafluro Mose and Effect Caticalty Analysis (FMECA) Procedures. NF C 13-100: Postes de Ivraison : 6tabls & fintériour dun batiment at alimentés par un réseau do distribution publique de deuxiéme ealegy INF C 13.200: Installations électriques A haute tension: regles. ‘Merlin Gerin's Cahiers Techniques 1m Protection of electrical distribution networks by the logic selectivity system, Cahier Technique n° 2, FSAUTRIAU Analyse dos réseaux triphasés on régime perturbé & aide des compogantes symsitiques, Cahier Technique n° 18, 8, DE METZ NOBLAT ‘= Earthing of the neutral conductor in High-Voltage networks, Cahier Technique n° 62, F, SAUTRIAU = Caleviaton of short-circuit currents, Cabiet Technique n° 158, FL CALVAS, B. DE METZ NOBLAT, A. DUCLUZAUX and G, THOMASSET. ‘= Curtont transtormes for HV protection, Cahier Technigua a’ 168, MORLHAC HY industrial network design, Canier Technique n° 163, G, THOMASSET 1m From current transformer to hybeid sensors, in HV, Cahior Technique n* 170, C. TEYSSANDIER Others publications m Guile to MY protection Mesin Gesin, reference CGOO2TX. Selecting a nauaral point arrangement for an HV industria) network in the 1 40 ‘96 KV range. J. VERSCHOORE, GE review No. 11, November, 1980. Cahier Teohrique Marlin Gavia r# 174 /p.27 Cahier Technique Marin Gesin 174.28 Metin Gorin Serwogtnformation Fads Grenonia cedex 9 Fox. 75.47 06 09

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