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Recommendation Letters

The recommendation letter also known as the reference letter is a formal document that is sent by an
authoritative figure that one may have used as a reference in his/her résumé. These letters can range from
completing an admission form for a prospective student to composing a detailed description of professional
accomplishments and personal characteristics for someone seeking employment.

Often times, having a recommendation letter is being preferred to a phone call. One day, when you become
an authoritative and dignified figure in your field, you may be asked a recommendation letter.

To write an effective letter of recommendation, you must be familiar enough with the applicant, his or her
abilities, and performance to offer an evaluation, and you must keep in mind the following:

 Identify yourself properly in the signature block. No matter how famous you are, you need to properly
address yourself with your correct contact details, titles or positions, employer, and address.
 Respond directly to the inquiry, carefully addressing the specific questions asked.
 Focus on the applicant, and address specifically the applicant’s skills, abilities, knowledge, and
character, guided by the person’s résumé when possible.
 Communicate objectively without exaggeration.

In the first paragraph, you need to state your intention of writing the letter. Give the summary of the

Second paragraph should focus on how you have known that person. Establish that you are very much
qualified to give recommendation. Mention, with as much substantiation as possible, one or two outstanding
characteristics of the applicant.

On the succeeding paragraphs, focus on the achievements, work ethics, character, abilities, and knowledge of
the person. One paragraph should be given for each outstanding remark.

The last paragraph should reiterate that you are recommending this person.


Supposing you are a distinguished person in your career, and one of your classmates is a former employee.
Write a recommendation letter for that college classmate who is looking a career opportunity. You are free to
choose whatever circumstances or company that may suit your letter best.


Alred, G., Brusaw, C., Oliu, W. (2010). Handbook-of-Technical Writing. 9th Edition. Bedford/St. Martin’s
December 2, 2022

Dr. Charles Rico

Director, Lancaslte Institure
123 State Street
Nevada, USA 63102

Immediately stated the reason

Dear Dr. Rico: of writing

I am strongly recommending Mr. MICHAEL GAMBINO for a job that fits his qualification in your
school. He is a fine embodiment of creativity, dedication, and excellence in whatever situation
he places himself. Credibility of the writer as a
reference and how long writer
I have known Frank since his undergraduate years as a Bachelor of Science in Education, major
in English student, here at West Visayas State University, where he also earned his Master of
has known applicant and the
Arts in English and Literature degree. I served as his professor in his major subjects, both circumstances
graduate and undergraduate levels, and have been blessed to have a former student quite
endowed with intelligence, love for language and literature, and a very good singing voice that
never fails to mesmerize.

Frank is culturally sensitive and politically correct in his dealings especially with those who
belong to the periphery of society. He is also endowed with an analytical mind and the drive to
keep abreast with time, so as to be relevant always. His English language skills are excellent, as Outstanding characteristics of
he can communicate well in this language, both in the spoken and written form. He also has
applicant on each paragraph
strong research skills necessary in today’s professional advancement and in finding ways to
improve life and living.

Aside from being strong in the area of communication and music, he is also strong in relational
skills. He works well with others. To him, teamwork can bring more and better outputs. Reiterating that the applicant
I am truly privileged to issue this recommendation to him for I know that he will be a great
is very much endorsed
addition to your workforce.

Very truly yours,

Mon Mallari, Ph.D.
Former Chairperson, Department of English, Foreign Languages and Literary Studies
Mobile Number: +63 928 55 44 075

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