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International Business

Compute for the Following:

Philippine government import 10 tons of rice from Vietnam at P35.00/kilo in a free trade. The
transaction is a spot transaction payable at exporters bank after 2 days after its shipment. It was shipped
January 17, 2023 payable in Dollar. Philippine government have to buy dollars for buying imports based
on direct rate at the data of shipment with an additional .02 percent buying rate.


1. What should be the settlement date?

2. How many kilos is imported from Vietnam?

3. How much in peso should be paid? (based on applicable conversion rate)

4. How much in dollar?

5. How much is to be transferred to exporters bank during date of settlement?

Suppose the transaction is now changed into Forward transaction, based on the forward exchange rate,
meaning the anticipated Dollar rate on the settlement. Suppose the dollar rate during the settlement
day is P60.20 with additional .02 needed to buy dollars,

1. When will be the settlement date?

2. How much is to be paid during the settlement date?

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