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Question 1: Give a brief introduction and overview of relational database

systems and SQL.

Relational database systems:

Relational database systems are a type of database management
system (DBMS) that organizes data into one or more tables, each
consisting of rows and columns. Each table in a relational database
represents a particular entity, such as customers, products, or orders, and
each row in the table represents a specific instance of that entity. The
columns of the table represent the attributes or characteristics of the entity.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a programming language that is
used to interact with relational database systems. SQL is used to create,
modify, and query databases. SQL is designed to be used by both
programmers and non-programmers alike and is widely used in business
and web applications.

Overall, relational database systems and SQL are essential tools for
storing, managing, and querying large amounts of data in a structured and
organized manner, making it easy for businesses and organizations to make
informed decisions based on their data.

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