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The 22nd Amendment

The 22nd amendment caused some of the most change in U.S.

History because it brought the system of election used today,
system of election being no person can be president more than
twice. The amendment was liked among Americans because it
could have been declared inoperative within seven years of being
published as long as 75% of states agreed upon it and this didn’t

By limiting the amount of times someone can be elected into

o ce the government stopped people from holding too much
power. The amendment was made because of the past
experiences of the people and them realizing that the person in
power cant be in power too long or they stop caring about the
concerns of the people in turn making the president have less
power but still being a power shareholder for the nation.

George Washington contributed a lot to the people of America

and had a driving force behind the 22nd amendment because he
felt serving too many terms was not good for the country and
that he should pass on the presidency. George Washington
passing the power made Americans realize in more depth how
the power should be split from a man with a reputation, George
Washington was a successful man in the U.S. Government
before becoming a leader furthermore increasing his

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