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This article aims to provide you with information about two ways of knowing and their importance to

one area of knowledge.

Sense perception is how we experience our surroundings through our five senses.
While most people are only aware of the five senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste), there are
several less-known senses that are just as important. One example is that if you close your eyes and
someone pulls your hand down or up, you can detect which way it travels. Proprioception is the medical
word for this sensation. While sensory perception is definitely important to our existence, it is limited in
a few ways. This way of Knowing only describes objects that humans can understand biologically. An
optical illusion, for example, can deceive the eyes into seeing something that isn't true in reality.
Without sense perception we would not be able to share the knowledge events without first feeling,
hearing, tasting, smelling and seeing them. plus, sense perception is an important stage in sharing
knowledge. Sense perception is so important because humans use it to understand most phenomena
that occur in the environment. Without sense perception, we would not be able to get the knowledge
that is shared in the Natural Sciences.

Imagination in ways of knowing is a means to generate new thoughts, concepts, or pictures found in our
everyday lives. Imagination is therefore vital in the development of new information.
Let's have a look at businesses. They design items by first imagining them first and then bringing them to
life. Often, the extent to which we can imagine things is limited by our real world experiences.
Imagination plays a significant role in the arts, both from the point of the creator and the observer. For
example, the creator first makes an image of what he wants to draw and then he brings it to life.

By: Mohammad Alkan

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