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1. What are the common attribution errors?

Most of the times we encounter a lot of people with different behavior, some
are nasty and some are good and then we will ask ourselves why are they
acting that way? Here comes the word attribution, is how we explain other
people’s behavior that we sometimes mistakenly done. The common attribution
errors are: Fundamental Attribution Error, Actor-Observer Bias, Motivational
Biases. Fundamental Attribution error according to Ross, 1977, is the tendency
for the observers to attribute other people’s behavior to dispositional or internal
caused and to downplay situational or external causes. Dispositional Attribution
when we attribute someone’s behavior because of their personality, beliefs,
opinions, or there is something about their own set of traits that drove or
caused such behavior. situational attribution or the external attribution, this is
happening when you explain that person does what he/she does not because
there is something about them but maybe they did it because of a certain
situation that they were in, their environment, the people around them or because
of the circumstances. Actor-Observer Bias, it is about how the we attribute other
people’s behavior rather than our own. Lastly, the Motivational Biases, it is
when something motivates us internally to make particular attribution. The
attribution we make about our behavior is for us to protect our ego, enhance
our self-esteem, or look good to others.

IFIOQUE.COM. Errors and Biases in Attributing the Causes of Behaviors.

2.What factors influence attribution?

The factors that influence attribution are: Consistency information,

Distinctive Information and Consensus Information. Consistency information it is
how everyone else is behaving in the same situation.

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