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LOR A sense of humour Listening 1 You are going to hear a talk from a woman called Emma Coleman about university student pranks, or practical jokes. For questions 1-9, complete the sentences wth a word or short phrase. In Cambridge in 1958 a student prank gave the illusion that a car was moving against the (1) ‘The pranksters pretended the car was publicising & (2) seem so as to avoid suspicion. Some of the pranksters used (3) _. to create a bridge which the lifting group could walk on. Fortunately for the prank, some suspicious policemen were distracted by (4) who were passing the scene. Some student sportspeople were persuaded that the object dangling in the sky was a 6 that had been attached there The car was eventually dismantled by workmen using (6) A ‘The secret of how the prank was done was revealed, to the disappointment of ” : in 2008 The leader of the pranksters, Peter Davey, later became an expert in the field of ) ‘The speaker, Emma Coleman, stresses that her interest isin student pranks that give no (9) ceoeusrenen tthe intended victim.

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