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Little Angels High School

Sample Paper (Session 2022-23)


TIME : 2 hrs M.M 50 marks

1) Read the questions carefully. 2) Be careful to recheck your answers


1) To convert gram into kilogram, we have to divide by 100.
2) Height of a boy can be measured in km.
3) If the number is 48 and the scale is 12, the number of symbols will be 6.
4) The perimeter is the surface enclosed within the boundary of a shape.
5) I L = 1000 mL.

Choose the correct option

6) Distance is measured in ________ [ Kg / Km]
7) If the numbers are 90, 60, 45 and 135, the scale of the pictograph should be _______[ 5 / 15 ]
8) In area more than half square is considered as_____ [ 1 / 0]

9) and are __________ fractions. [Like / Equivalent]

10) 8 km 28 m is equal to ________ [ 828 m / 8028 m ]

Fill in the blanks

11) My room is 10 ____ long.
12) Fractions with different denominators are called _______.
13) 3 x side is the perimeter of _________.
14) 7802 mL = __________ L
15) To convert smaller unit into greater unit we_______.
Short Questions
16) Find the perimeter of a square with side= 9km.
17) Subtract 346 L 23 mL from 500 L.
18) Arrange in columns and add. 45 kg 300 g, 240 kg and 30 kg 200 g.

Word Problems
19) Sanya travels a distance of 500 km between two cities. She travels 205 km 300 m by Bus and
the remaining by car. What distance does she travel by car?
20) Read the following information showing the points scored by the players of a team and
answer the given questions:

Players Sumit Harpreet Medha Kayra Kamya

No. of 400 500 600 200 300


a) Who scored the most points?

b) Who lost the game?

c) Who scored the second highest points?


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