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Course BCA
Semester 5 Web Technologies
Total Marks: 15

Q.1. Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500)

A. Explain the use of <meta> tag with example.

B. What do you mean by event handling in javascript? Explain in detail.

C. How the tables are formed in HTML? Explain with example. Explain Cellpadding and Cellspacing
with example.

Q.2. Write short notes on all of the following topics (1 mark each - Word limit - 100)

A. Explain any five style sheet properties in short.

B. What is Web?

C. What is Web Publishing?

D. What is client-side scripting? Explain with suitable example. Give the difference between Client-
Side scripting and Server-Side Scripting.
E. Difference between Attributes and Entities.

Course BCA
Semester 5 Web Technologies
Total Marks: 15

Q.1. Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500)

A. Explain the working of function and function return in JavaScript with example.

B. Write an HTML code which creates form to collect user information like name, age, email,
phone no. And write code which displays information submitted by user.

C. Write a DHTML to change the background image if the user moves the mouse over it.

Q.2. Write short notes on all of the following topics (1 mark each - Word limit - 100)

A. Write any five HTML rules.

B. What is Web Page?

C. What is stylesheet? Write is syntax. Explain the types of stylesheets.

D. What is Website?

E. What is XSL and why it is used? What is XML? How is it different from HTML?

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