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1. issues
2. topics
3. theory
4. theme
5. principle
6. principle
1. a strong case for
2. to an alarming degree
3. the methodology
4. their views on
5. out on the scope of the study
6. raising awareness of
A. 7
B. 6
C. 5
D. 2
E. 3
F. 8
G. 1
H. 4
1. issues facing the world today
2. scope of your research
3. awareness of the problem
4. approach to their theme
5. case for restructuring parliament
6. scope of your research
7. into the environmental effects of the nanoparticles
8. pattern of changes in temperature

scope of your research

awareness of the problem
issue facing the world today
approach to their theme
aspect of modern society pattern of changes in temperature
case for restructuring parliament
into the environmental effects of the nanoparticles

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