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What is a case study?

-- A case study is an in-depth, detailed examination of a particular case (or cases) within a real-world context.

What is the objective of this particular case study?

-- Overall, we are making this study with the objective of learning how to do community development and
planning towards the ideal of making better places to live in.
-- The immediate objective is to find out the current status of communities and discovering what might need
action for improving communities.

What is a community?
-- A community is a social unit (a group of living things) with commonality such as place, norms, religion,
values, customs, or identity. (Wikipedia)
Logically in architecure, a community would be a group of people with an exact or defined "place" where they
share a commonality which would initially be the "place" and whatever the place represents.

What to accomplish in this case study:

01) Identify your group's community.
02) Gather information about the status of the community, such as:
● map of the "place" where the people of the community are found
● demography (who are the people of the community and the subsets of the people in terms of
age, gender, economic level, role in community, etc.)
● photos of the people of the community (to show who they are)
● photos of the place where these people are are found (to show its state).
03) Make a description of the people and the "place" in words and in photos, explaining their current state.
04) Gather information about the recent past of the community and make a description of how and what it was in
the recent past.
05) Make a projection of the likely near-future state of development of the community based on the information
about its recent past and its current state. Which way will its develoment naturally go?
06) Make a development plan for the community with the objective of developing it into a better place to live in.
(Note: This is no longer in the case study proper, but it is already a development plan.) For this part, provide
visualization of your envisioned inprovements (such as "before-and-after" visions).

Questions to Ask:
● Do you think there was proper development planning for this community at its start?
● Is it a community that has ideal conditions or is it far from ideal?
● What are the community's most pressing problems?
● Have there been efforts to improve the state of its development?

We will use short bond paper as the format size and material. Provide a title page with the title "Case Study #1:
[supply the name of your community]". (Ex.: "Case Study #1: Adamson University")
Provide a table of contents with corresponding pages for the contents.
Also provide list of sources where applicable.
Use your group's original photos; do not use images available in the Internet. Credit the sources of your original
photos. (Who took them? No generalities please; identify the person.)
Use a formal layout and formatting.
For binding, please do not use slides and do not use ring binding either. Just use small black metal clips. If you
wish, you may use heat-fused binding. Binding shall be done only on the left side of the (portrait-oriented) bond

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