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COVID-19 is a serious global infectious disease outbreak that caused millions of

death. Worldwide, over 200 million cases and more than 4 million COVID-19 related

deaths have been reported (Covid-19 dashboard by the Center for Systems Science

and Engineering (CSSE), 2021). This Global Pandemic has caused major public health

concern. As a result of this pandemic, Health systems of low-to-middle-income

countries may have fewer buffering resources and capacity against shocks from a

pandemic. The most pressing public health concern is the urgent need for basic health

care, which is severely insufficient even at the most basic level. According to the World

Health Organization (WHO), more than half of the world's population lacks access to

sufficient health care services. This is because most of the poor individuals do not have

access to or cannot afford current healthcare services.

Pandemic has led to a rise in fear, anxiety, stress, and depression among the

population. People were overwhelmed with fear of financial crises and having covid-19.

These caused patients to avoid healthcare services completely. Physical isolation was

the main preventive measure implemented worldwide to avoid transmission of virus,

which caused multiple lifestyle changes in people. Many people have experienced the

death of family and friends, which has resulted in anxiety and mental distress. The

widespread disinformation, fake news, anti-vaccine comments and their worry of going

to hospital because of the fear of acquiring Covid virus in hospitals have caused an

increase in self-medication , use of medicinal plants, and other alternative treatments 

(Tejada, 2021) when experiencing mild or common symptoms of covid-19 like fever,
cough, sore throat, body pain and loss of smell and taste. People are trying alternative

medicine including traditional, Herbal treatment, Vitamin supplements, dietary therapy

and prayer as an option for prevention or treatment of Covid-19 (Panyod et. al.,2020).

Various type of alternative medicine were used and practice to manage covid 19

symptoms but it has no scientific evidence that can cure covid-19. In present situation,

stress and anxiety due to coronavirus pandemic can be effectively managed by the

practice of yoga and ayurvedic medicines. Some form of therapies like acupuncture and

massage can be used effectively for symptomatic relief.

US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that one of the best ways

to prevent the infection is by avoiding contact with the diseased people. But, in the

absence of any definitive treatment, alternative medicine can be of great help in general

population to boost their immunity with less harm or side effects. The numerous benefits

directly linked with alternative or natural medicine has created a wave of interest that

seems to continue to grow at a rapid rate especially during Covid-19 Pandemic.

This study will help determine the different alternative medicines used by residents of

Buldon, Maguindanao during the occurrence of covid-19 symptoms. This will enables us

to understand the importance of alternative medicine specially on low income countries

and community that doesn’t have access or cannot afford expensive healthcare

services. This could help develop another approach in healthcare system as it gives

rise to future treatment in dealing with Covid-19 common symptoms and its impact on

overall wellbeing of human health.

Significance of the Study

This study is entitled Alternative medicine during common symptoms of Covid-19

used by Residents of Buldon, Maguindanao can be significant to the following fields:

The Organization’s Nursing Department. Specifically, it will be able to give help in

the organization’s nursing department, as it will help nurses to learn about alternative

therapies because they offer patients new avenues that may improve their patients conditions

and overall health.

The Local Government and Community- will also benefit from this study because this

will help to revive local knowledge of alternative medicine used and practices which

could be beneficial in terms of accessibility and affordability.

The Health Advocates. As for health advocates, this study will be able to give

them more sound ideas and therapeutic knowledge therefore making their advocacies

and services more effective.

The Future Researchers. Lastly, this study will be beneficial for future

researchers because they can use this study as a reference for their desired research. It

can support them in generating ideas and help their research be more productive.

Alternative medicine is a term that describes medical treatments that are used instead of

traditional (mainstream) therapies. Some people also refer to it as “integrative,” or

“complementary” medicine (Ratini,2021). Alternative medicine is also commonly

associated as a remedy that is only used by those who are unable to afford modern

treatment and can be perform at home with basic knowledge and practices. This


acupuncture,- This is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that uses needles to stimulate

specific points around the body. The person who performs this therapy (an

acupuncturist) sticks thin, sterile needles into your skin. The goal is to help your body's

natural healing process kick in. Studies show that acupuncture can be effective in treating

a number of conditions, like neck

and backpain, nausea, anxiety, depression, insomnia, infertility, and more.

homeopathy,- is one of the most popular complementary and alternative health practices. It is based

on two different theories. First, that "like cures like" - that is, a chemical that causes identical symptoms

in healthy persons can treat sickness. Second, there is "the law of minimum dose," which states that the

smaller the dosage, the more effective the treatment. A system in which patients' remedies are tailored

to their specific needs based on distinct features recognized from individual’s physical, mental, and
emotional symptoms (Kurda, et. Al, 2021). Furthermore, most patients require a sequence of drugs to

be cured because homeopathic medicines are personal and unique to each person.

herbal therapies- herbal medicine has played an important role in controlling infectious

diseases and is considered one of the alternative approaches in the treatment of

COVID-19 ( Ang., et. Al, 2020). Countries such as China, India, Bolivia, Morocco, Nepal,

Peru and Brazil, are using traditional medicine against COVID-19. medicinal plants and

bioactive compounds with antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties exhibit potential

efficacy against Covid-19 that strengthen the immune system or treat respiratory


Chiropractic- Chiropractic was defined by D.D. Palmer as a science of healing without

drugs. Is a form of alternative medicine designed to treat issues involved with the

musculoskeletal system. Although chiropractic is alternative medicine, chiropractors are

required to have graduate level degrees and are highly educated.

massage, exercise/movement,;

high-dose megavitamins-

spiritual healing-

, lifestyle diet-



, energy healing-

folk remedies-



and art/music therapy-

Factors affecting use of alternative Medicine

The main reasons for AM use were (a) expected benefits and perceived safety of

Alternative Medicine (AM), (b) control and participation in their therapy, and (c)

alignment of socioculture, beliefs and needs. Their findings showed various reasons for

AM use, such as: (1) the benefits and safety of AM, (2) availability and accessibility of

AM, (3) influence from friends, family, and the mass media, and (4) dissatisfaction with

conventional medicine (CM). Several contextual factors influence the

experience of making AM decisions, including demographic and disease-

related factors, social factors, and cultural norms. Relevant demographic

and disease-related factors include age,33,47 geography,29,47 disease status

and active treatment,12,28,33,38,46 experience with CAM use,19,28,35,38,49 and income

and ability to pay.21,29,35,38,47 Social factors centre on an individual's

interactions with others, including friends and family, health care

practitioners, and other patients. Finding validation and support from

others appears to be of great value to patients and seems to offer them

the confidence to move forward with decisions that feel right for them

AGE and Gender on Alternative medicine use

Various individual socio-cultural and demographic traits such as gender and age are all

correlated with an individual’s level of alternative medicicine (McCarter and Gavin,

2015). Age and gender are the most commonly examined variables (Albuquerque et al.

2011), with women and older people tending to have greater knowledge of the

alternative medicine use (Albuquerque et al. 2011; Torres-Avilez et al. 2016; Voeks and

Leony 2004). Although most studies rarely provide mechanistic explanation for why age

or gender and literacy can drive knowledge dynamics, there are various arguments put

forward to explain these patterns. For example, accumulating alternative medicine

knowledge is a life-long process, so elderly people have simply had more time to

acquire it (Brandt et al. 2013; Hanazaki et al. 2013), while, in many traditional cultures,

women serve as the primary healthcare providers in their families, so it is

understandable their alternative medicine knowledge is greater than that of men.

This review focuses on the decision which leads to choosing CAM; as such it concerns

itself with the models which attempt to explain the choice of complementary or

alternative healthcare and the psychosocial factors that are involved in this decision.

Andersen's Sociobehavioural Model (SBM) is often used to explain healthcare decision-

making, it sets out three sequential components which mitigate healthcare use. The first

most indirect, are predisposing factors including beliefs, sociodemographics and

characteristics which motivate the healthcare service use. The next component, more

directly related to behaviour, are enabling factors which allow and give access to

healthcare services (e.g. income, physical location, insurance). The final most proximal

component is medical need, including the objective and subjective experience of

symptoms of illness.

Consumer Decision-Making model (CDM) has three components: first is external

influences: sociocultural influences on beliefs, knowledge and behaviours. Second is

the consumer decision-making process; including psychological influences (values,

beliefs, attitudes, personality) which form the main part of the decision making process.

Finally, the post decision behaviour consists of the behaviour itself and an evaluative

comparison of the actual experience with the anticipated experience.

At present, there is no clear or comprehensive theoretical model to account for the
increasing use of alternative forms of health care.Three theories that have been
proposed to explain the use of alternative medicine were tested:

1. Dissatisfaction: Patients are dissatisfied with conventional treatment because it has

been ineffective, has produced adverse effects, or is seen as impersonal, too
technologically oriented, and/or too costly.
2. Need for personal control: Patients seek alternative therapies because they see them
as less authoritarian and more empowering and as offering them more personal
autonomy and control over their health care decisions.
3. Philosophical congruence: Alternative therapies are attractive because they are seen
as more compatible with patients' values, worldview, spiritual/religious philosophy, or
beliefs regarding the nature and meaning of health and illness.

In addition to testing the validity of these 3 theoretical perspectives, this study also
sought to determine on an exploratory basis how the decision to seek alternative
therapies is affected by patients' health status and demographic factors.

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