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Alana Fairchild Alana Fairchild KUAN YIN ORACLE Blessings, Guidance & Enlightenment from the Divine Feminine BIMBANGEL Cee. OR eet Se ge KUAN YIN ORACLE This printing 2021 Copyright © 2012 Alana Fairchild All rights reserved. Other than for personal use, no part of these cards or this book may be reproduced in any way, in whole or part without the written consent of the copyright holder or publisher. These cards are intended for spiritual and emotional guidance only. They are not intended to replace medical assistance or treatment. Published by Blue Angel Publishing® 80 Glen Tower Drive, Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3150 E-mail: Website: Artwork by Zeng Hao ©2012 Edited by Tanya Graham Designed in Paris for Blue Angel Publishing® Blue Angel is a registered trademark of Blue Angel Gallery Pty. Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-9872041-8-9 Om Kuan Chi Yin Poosa! Om Mani Padme Hum! CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 7 HOW TO USE THIS ORACLE 8 SUGGESTED CARD SPREADS 9 KUAN YIN’S MANTRA 11 CARD MESSAGES: 1.BAMBOO MOON 14 2. BLESSINGS OF THE MOON MAIDEN 16 3. BLOSSOMS OF THE SKY DANCER 19 4, CALL OF THE DANCING CRANE 22 5. DANCE OF THE BUTTERFLY QUEEN 26 6. DAUGHTER OF THE PHOENIX 29 7. DRINK FROM THEEMERALD FOUNTAIN 32 8. DYNASTY OF THE DIVINE MOTHER 34 9. EIGHT IMMORTALS 37 10. EMPRESS OF THE PEARL 39 11. ENTERTHEJADETEMPLE 41 12.GATES OF HEAVEN 44 13. HEAR THE YELLOW TIGER MOTHER 47 14. IMMORTAL TREASURES 49 15. IVORY SWAN GODDESS 52 16. MAIDEN MA GU 55 17. MANY HANDS OF THE GODDESS 59 18. MOTHER FIERCE 61 ears aoe 19. MOTHER OF MERCY 63 20. NECTAR OF THELOTUS 66 21. ORCHID PRIESTESS OF DESTINY 69 22. PRINCESS OF THE AUTUMN HARVEST 72 23. RADIANT MOON OF COMPASSION 74 24, REVEAL THE PEACOCK BEAUTY 77 25.SACRED RIVER YANGTZE 80 26. SHINING LOTUS 83 27. SISTERS OF THESTAR BLOSSOMS 86 28. SISTERS OF THESUN RISING 89 29. SOUND THE FIERCE FLUTE 92 30. SPIN THE SILKEN THREAD DIVINE 95 31. SWEEPING SISTER WILLOW 98 32. TAICHIRISING 101 33. TEN SISTERS OF LIGHT 104 34. THE AMARYLLIS LUTE 107 35. THE BOOK OF CHANGES 110 36. THE DANCE UNVEILING 113 37. THE LOTUS THRONE 116 38. THETAO 119 39. THE THRESHOLD 121 40. THE YIN EMPRESS 124 41.TO THE CELESTIAL MOUNTAIN 127 42. TURQUOISE LOTUS MOTHER 130 43. VALE OF SHADOWS 133 44, WEAVE THEFUTUREGOLDEN 136 ABOUT THE ARTIST 139 ABOUT THEAUTHOR 140 KUAN YIN is the Mother of Compassion. She guides us into our enlightenment, which is being able to live in harmony and unity with che Love that is, and surrendering into that Love. Enlightenment is not meant to bea distant spiritual goal, but something that we can choose to live at any time, by choosing love, kindness, compassion and wisdom over fear, judgement, anger or separation from the Source, the Divine Feminine, that seeks to nourish us so that we blossom into the fullness of our being. You are such a beautiful Soul and you have the power to co-create a beautiful life through which your Soul light can radiate and uplift others, reminding them of the way of love rather than fear. You can be a source of great light, healing and wisdom on this planet if you so choose. You are drawn to this Oracle because you are ready. You are ready to grow spiritually, to be a guiding light in the evolution of consciousness on this planet, to be brave and to choose love over fear. Come and bask in the loving glow, the guidance and blessings of beloved Kuan Yin as you find her in your own heart and Soul, speaking to you from within. Namaste, Beloved, She sees, honours and nourishes your light now. Om Kuan Chi Yin Poosa! Om Mani Padme Hum! HOW TO USE THIS ORACLE Beloved, Kuan Yin speaks to you through your heart. The best way to use this Oracle is to centre yourself, breathe deeply and focus on your heart, You can set up a ritual space for your reading too if you have the time and will to do so - perhaps a candle and music playing will help you come into your own sacred space for a more meaningful connection with your reading. It is also recommended that you take a moment to hold your cards before using them each time and just send love from your heart to the cards with the intention that they be clear and helpful for you. You might have a specific question but know that the Divine Mother brings to you what you need — so sometimes you might get an exact answer to your question and at other times, the answer that comes to you will not seem to be related at all. Do not dismiss this information! Treasure it. Be patient and curious about where it will take you and you will begin to connect with the deep wisdom and loving intelligence of the Divine Mother as she guides you to freedom, peace, happiness, love and more. You can choose from the layouts of the cards offered below, shuffling and either taking the card that falls out of the deck or laying the cards out and choosing your desired number of cards, face down, before interpreting your reading using the companion book and your own intuition. You may also wish to create your own card spread. As long as you set clear intention and are in your heart, the Oracle will work for you. SUGGESTED CARD SPREADS ONE CARD, ONE TRUTH For a quick and clear guidance reading, keep your question in your heart and then shuffle and choose one card, or select the card that falls from the deck. KUAN YIN’S MIRROR This spread is to be used when you have a relationship issue that needs clarification or healing. To discover what guidance will serve you in stepping forward in any relationship - whether it be business, personal or spiritual, send love to the person (if that isa bit hard to do at the time, imagine sending it to their Higher Self from your Higher Self!) and then shuffle the cards and lay them out as follows: Card One: Your learning in this situation (helps you to realise what you are supposed to be mastering within, what this relationship can help you to learn) Card Two: Their learning in this situation (helps you understand their soul lessons which may be very different or very similar to yours) Card Three: Highest Outcome (helps you realise how much and in what ways you can grow from this relationship whether it continues in the long term or short term). THE LOTUS BLOSSOM Sometimes you may want spiritual guidance and you can use this reading for any question or issue, whether it is spiritual or material in orientation. This spread will help you connect with your guidance and receive spiritual instruction to move through any block that is bothering you. Card One: Heart of the Issue (it might not be what you think!) Card Two: How can I best grow to heal the real heart of the issue? (The best pathway or approach for you to take to heal the genuine issue at hand) Card Three: Special Guidance (a card of communication from your Higher Guidance) Card Four: Guidance for the Future (a card that gives a sense of the bigger picture of where you are progressing spiritually as you heal this issue) KUAN YIN’S MANTRA As you work with Kuan Yin Oracle, you will notice that the prayer section of most of the messages ends with a mantra. I work with mantra to great healing effect for myself and others, and you can too. A mantra is more than words that have special meaning, although they do have special meaning. They are actually sounds of power that have an immediate effect on our energy field in a more potent way than everyday words. When we speak a mantra we are working with higher consciousness. Did you know that there are spiritual beings that have a job to sound mantra for human evolution? They chant in the celestial worlds helping build a bridge for all of us here on earth who are reaching for higher consciousness through mantra too. When we speak a mantra we make a connection, beyond time and space, to the love and devotion of every human being who has ever chanted the mantra (and with Kuan Yin’s mantra, probably the most used mantra in the world, that is a huge reservoir of group energy and power to draw upon) as well as connecting with the celestial beings of light that radiate this mantra in a form of consciousness in service to humanity. Saying a mantra is joining a huge spiritual team of helpers on the path of evolution. You can saya mantraat any time. Washing up. Meditating. Medirating whilst washing up... Just be careful when you are driving because a mantra can send you into an altered state and it’s best to be very grounded whilst operating heavy machinery! The mantra Om Mani Padme Hum is a powerful heart-opening, consciousness-raising, peace-finding prayer of divine power. It is probably the most utilised mantra on Earth so it has a lot of group energy supporting it and those that choose to use it. It helps bring compassion and resolution to any issue. It calls on the divine power of Kuan Yin, of all beings of unconditional love, and the Divine Mother, as well as your own divine spark expressing through your Soul to get on board and help resolve whatever needs to be resolved. Saying the mantra aloud, with correct pronunciation helps increase MW its effectiveness in your world. The way I was initiated into this mantra was to speak it as follows. Om sounds like ‘pom’ without the ‘p. Mani sounds the same way it does in the word ‘manicure’ Padme sounds like ‘pud-may’. Hum sounds like gum (but with an ‘h’ instead of a ‘g’!). Together it all means ‘the opening of the jewel in the locus; or in my words, ‘may the heart awaken with divine compassion and may I know myself to be an awakened being of light. The other mantra we use in this work is Om Shanti. This powerful litele gem simply means ‘peace’. We speak it as follows - Om (as in ‘pom, bur without the ‘p’ sound) and shanti which sounds like shan (rhymes with pan) and tee (or drinking ‘tea’). Om-shan-tee. Om Shanti. Let there be peace. They work! Give them a go and enjoy. May you be brought healing, insight, peace and joy through working with beloved Kuan Yin. Namaste, I see your beauty and your light, Alana Fairchild D C re 2 Wn n fo) = 1. BAMBOO MOON Did you know that there are no mistakes in the Universe and all events, circumstances, relationships and situations are unfolding in perfection with the timing and intelligence of the Divine plan? Any apparent delay is in your Savour. If something is happening for you right now, then that is perfect too. Divine timing is perfection. It is safe to trust this now. You might be wondering if anything is ever going to come together for you or if it seems to be happening quickly now, if you are even ready for ic! The answer is YES! Diving timing is always at play, whether we are letting go or trying to force something, an intelligent power that is vaster than our comparatively limited vision is always in flow and we are a part of that. We can find so much peace and joy when we realise this and learn to trust and relax in the unfolding of our divine destiny. Chinese bamboo helps us learn chis wisdom of divine timing. For about five years of its early life, not much appears to be going on, as the small roots attempt to ground themselves. Yet when they are ready, those roots are exceptionally strong and the plant suddenly grows like wild fire! There was much more going on in preparation for powerful growth than what appeared to be at the humble beginnings of the bamboo plant. So it can be with divine timing. There are periods when not much appears to be going on at all, and we can begin to expect that this will always be the case! Yet this inner preparation time allows for swift development and growth when we are ready. When the time for patient 14 and thorough preparation is over, our growth can happen very quickly and we might then be concerned that it is all too fast and we cannot keep up with it! But of course we shall keep up with it, because the inner preparation has allowed us to develop a good foundation of spiritual strength. Just like the cycles of the moon, that shift from hidden light to full splendour of solar reflection, only to shift again, your unfoldment is just a matter of timing. You are being encouraged to trust in divine timing and know that all is well in your world. Rejoice! Your dreams and divine destiny are manifesting right now whether it is obvious or not, and all will continue to unfold according to your highest good. Be at peace, beloved. You are not forgotten, nor are your gifts being over or under-estimated. All is well in the Divine Plan unfolding of which you are a part. HEALING BY THE BAMBOO MOON Imagine that you are sitting amongst a lush green forest of bamboo, abundant, cool and serene. Overhead the Moon rises and you notice that it has grown full. Soft light, serenity and peace abounds. You become aware of vast fields of bamboo, golden in the moonlight. The bamboo moves peacefully with the breeze. Feel the peace and recognition in your heart. You don’t need to do anything other than just feel it. You belong to nature, you too shall flourish. Just feel it. PRAYER UNDER THE BAMBOO MOON Kuan Yin, you surrender into the perfection of divine timing, like the Bamboo shoots preparing for fast growth and the beautiful moon growing full. Sometimes change is not so obvious and yet growth is happening! Please help me realise all is in accordance with Perfect Timing in my own life and all of my plans, projects and desires now. Fill my heart with your love and peace, beloved Goddess, Let the wisdom of the Bamboo Moon penetrate my Soul. Om Mani Padme Hum. 2. BLESSINGS OF THE MOON MAIDEN The Moon Maiden, with her Lucky Hare, heen | brings auspicious tidings of prosperity and a abundance to you now. The Universe seeks to - “replenish, restore and create through you. Allow yourself to receive beyond what you have thought is possible by opening your heart with gratitude now. Let the blessings of good fortune from the beloved Maiden of the Moon, Kuan Yin, flow easily into your life now. Gifts of abundance and prosperity are flowing to you now. You are being asked to open up to what you believe is possible and then open some more! Allow good fortune in all its forms to come to you. Don’t limit what you are capable of attracting with false beliefs about how much you deserve or what you are worthy of having. The Universe will share with you so much more than you imagine possible as you open your heart and let go of self-imposed limitations, doubts or fears. The Moon Maiden blesses with great generosity, blessings of good fortune and peace, yet we must trust how these blessings come to us and accept that we may need to grow for those blessings to manifest in our lives. All blessings need energy within us in which to vest, like a seed needing soil in which to be planted so it can manifest in the physical world as a vital healthy plant! Blessings such as a new partnership, life path, career opportunicy, growth in personal or spiritual power and financial healing require energy within us to be able to settle and grow into physical form, to be enjoyed and shared in our lives. Our beliefs, openness, vitality and trust need to be big enough to receive the magnificence of the blessings coming to us. 16 Otherwise it is like asking a wonderful vast oak tree to be planted in a tiny pot or an ocean to be contained in a thimble! Do you know how easy it is for you to attract even more goodness and support for this growth in your life? Have gratitude for what you already have received and how you have already grown! These blessings would not be coming to you if there was not a readiness and ability within you to receive them. So share something of what you have with others in a way that expands rather than depletes you. You may choose to share kindness, your talents, love or affection, knowledge or material resources. Give from the desire to do so from the heart. Do not seek to give out of fear, obligation or guilt. Just give what feels good to give and your heart will open with joy rather than close with anxiety or fear. You will feel good and move even more deeply into the flow of abundance. The divine feminine endlessly creates, over and over again, flowing in cycles, just like the Moon. If you have been through a challenging cycle where your creative ability to manifest seemed to be impeded, this oracle indicates that the tide is changing and your finances, energy, relationships and vocation are being infused with abundant universal energy now. Accept this Divine Grace and know that your abundance helps others feel abundant too. It isa spiritual service to live a life of fullness and joy. HEALING BLESSINGS OF THE MOON MAIDEN Take a few moments to consider the area in your life where you would like growth, healing and abundance. Prosperity and good fortune have many faces — material wealth is one, and relationship is another, professional success might be another and spiritual fulfilment and creative expression are yet other faces. What are the faces of abundance that you wish to experience more of in your life? Once you have identified which areas you would most like to receive healing in (realising chat the healing will usually affect all areas of your life no matter which channel it comes through), take time to articulate and perhaps write down in your journal at least three negative beliefs 17 that you have about this part of your life. Then consider three positive situations that you would like to experience and perhaps write them down in your journal. Gently close your eyes and imagine you are in a mystical place with a full moon in deepest night, shining brightly. Imagine Kuan Yin dancing with beautiful light all around her, lotus blossoms pouring from her feet and golden light shining towards you from her hands. Imagine offering her your negative beliefs from your journal - you can even read them aloud to her if you wish — and allow her to shine golden light from her hands, flooding these beliefs with light and transforming them into positive energy. Imagine the lotus blossoms of her feet tickling the crown of your head as she sends the healed, positive energy back to your heart chakra. Imagine breathing it in and when you are ready, you may like to say the prayer below or simply say “thank you” and open your eyes. A PRAYER TO THE MOON MAIDEN I now choose to release negative energy, negative beliefs and negative memories connected with abundance, money, relationships, success and wellbeing. I offer these for healing to beloved Moon Maiden, Kuan Yin. May she turn the heaviness of these offerings into golden light. May I receive this golden light into my heart. Good fortune and blessings how to me now. May I share as I receive. May I flow with joy, abundance and divine grace. Through the blessings of the Divine Kuan Yin, so be it. 3. BLOSSOMS OF THE SKY DANCER Kuan Yin dances creative energy and light across the sky, causing blossoms to descend. In the same way, when we tap into our spiritual power of creation, we cause our life and all of life around us, to bloom. Creation is a natural spiritual power within you, beloved. Force can slow down the process. It is time to stop striving and to allow your manifestation to occur. Trust, let go, allow your creation to flow. Kuan Yin is a being of divine feminine power. She dances with the sky, the heavenly powers of inspiration, and as a result, life blooms around her. Kuan Yin brings you guidance that you are creating something important right now, something that is aligned with heavenly forces and light, that is significant for the path of spiritual awakening on this planet. Whether you are fully conscious of it or not, it IS happening. Your spiritual light is Howing into the physical plane with the intention to manifest certain life situations and circumstances. These manifestations are in accordance with your spiritual path and Kuan Yin will support you in their manifestation with her Sky Dance which calls the divine light of inspiration and support into earthly creation, so that we can experience the divine in form here on earth. The way of the Sky Dancer Kuan Yin is the Yin Way or the way of Divine Magnetism. Yin power is the consciousness and ‘beingness’ that allows us to draw into our lives that which we desire. We become attractive to it — wealth, wellbeing, peace, passion, purpose, friendship, support, success and so on. Rather than going out and striving for it, as though we do not have it within us already, we can grow in our ability to 19 simply be and become simultancously, until we experience it physically in our lives. It is only a matter of time until it happens. To cultivate Yin Power to allow creation to manifest in your physical reality, you can focus more on allowing, flowing, surrendering and participating in the greater flow, rather than the usual ways in Western culture of doing, making things happen, forcing, intending and holding. Kuan Yin guides you now to balance doing with being. Beingness is presence, it is appreciation, it is joyful stillness and wonder, it is the realisation within that you are a spiritual magnet, and whatever you want to attract you can, simply by cultivating the qualities you seek to experience externally within you. She guides you to Sky Dance with her now, to become receptive to heavenly energies and to allow the manifestations to blossom, like flowers falling from her divine feet. HEALING WITH THE SKY DANCER Perceive yourself in a vast, peaceful, dark space that feels simultaneously full and empty. This space holds you and yet does not confine you in any way. As you imagine this dark space supporting you, like a cosmic cradle, gently say aloud, “I now call upon the Yin Potency of Kuan Yin to help me let go of the need to force, to struggle and to believe that I must make things happen of my own accord, that I must be in control for my creation to manifest! Help me trust the Universe, trust my own Soul, trust in the inherent goodness of life and the responsiveness of the Cosmos and my own value. Please help me, Beloved, that my creation may occur swiftly and gracefully, with beauty and divine perfection.” Imagine that within this darkness, you sense a light weaving gracefully, endless blossoms of light following in its trail. Allow yourself to join with that light, becoming aware that it is the beautiful Sky Dancer Kuan Yin, If you wish, join her in the dance, feeling the heavenly light of creation flowing all around you both now, as a beautiful, open blue sky streaming with sunlight. Feel the joy as blossoms flow from Kuan Yin’s aura and swirl around you both in spirals. Be in your heart and when you are ready, just open your eyes. 20 PRAYER TO THE SKY DANCER Beloved Kuan Yin, Sky Dancer, blossoming with creation, I am one with the power of the divine feminine. I am one with peace, with creation that will manifest. I am love, I am surrendering, I am Yin, I am blessed. I let go to reccive. I let go to flow. Peace in my heart now fertilises my creation to grow. Om Mani Padme Hum. 21 4. CALL OF THE DANCING CRANE Dancing Crane moves through waters and muddy marsh with elegance and grace. The mating call and dance of the Crane is full of beautiful movement and flow. There are times when the astral waters of our emotional life become stagnant and will benefit from the healing movement, grace and beauty of the Dancing Crane. The Call of the Dancing Crane is a reminder that Sound can be healing too. This is particularly so when your thoughts, beliefs and emotional patterns do not support you in living the spiritual destiny you were born to live. Have you ever felt like you were a ‘different person’ on holidays or when you were travelling? This is because you were free of the astral gravity that you usually live within on a day-to-day basis. The astral plane is like glue. When we put enough energy of habit into thoughts, emotions, beliefs and stories from our past that condition how we interpret current life experiences, we can get stuck in astral gravity, unable to let go of ways of thinking and reacting even if we really wish to do so. We can create sticky astral thoughts and beliefs that attach to houses, places and people. When we are in a different environment we often have a chance to create fresh habits and beliefs, which is why a holiday or travel can be so refreshing and inspiring. Sometimes however that is not practical and we need healing to break through the muddy stagnation of old thoughts and beliefs right now! As we grow spiritually, we can outgrow our astral conditioning. Just like sifting mud out of water, so we can move more freely and gracefully like the Dancing Crane, if we accept healing energy to help us filter 22 through our psychological programs so that our thoughts, beliefs and emotions can create new habits and patterns more aligned with what we would like to experience in our lives. These filtered energies can become more powerful than old stories about life that no longer support us in living according to our spiritual light. Healing the astral waters can require great patience, persistence and application to be achieved. The Dancing Crane uses dance and sound to thrive and you are encouraged to use movement such as dance or yoga, and sacred sound such as chanting mantras or healing names of the divine such as Kuan Yin, Dancing Crane Goddess, to support your healing. You may intuitively feel that movement in a physical sense to a different location, such as going for a walk or a drive to a different park or beach, might help you. If you have been feeling that you need to move toa different location, change situations in your life or connect with new groups of people with whom you feel more inspiration, then this oracle is confirming this intuition and encouraging you to embrace those changes in your life. You are being guided by the Grace of Kuan Yin, through the healing vibration of the Call of the Dancing Crane, to stop believing in your own stories, your old habits and patterns and to realise that they are simply astral conditioning. There is no higher truth to them than this. You are allowed to change them! You can choose to cultivate any thoughts, beliefs and interpretations of experiences that you like. Sometimes we are graced with divine assistance which helps our astral healing happen more quickly and easily. We still need our affirmations, to change our thoughts and to let go of old stories about our self-worth, abundance, health, relationships, judgements of ourselves or others. Yet with Divine Blessings, it is like we get a hand lifting us up out of our old ways until we learn to stand in the new vibration on our own, You are being asked to allow Her to assist you now. She might come to you in meditation, through a healing session or in a dream. You may sce her as a Crane Goddess or hear music and sound that uplifts you into 23 a new vibration. You may feel Her guidance in the urge to create a vision board, to say affirmations or a mantra, in a desire to dance or do yoga. Allow her to guide you to the perfect way for you to receive Her divine blessing and help so that your affirmations, your vision board made of inspiring images that you love and your choices to interpret incoming data as evidence that the Universe loves and helps you become more powerful than the pull of your past. HEALING WITH THE CALL OF THE DANCING CRANE Sit quietly and be aware of your heart space. Imagine you can look up through the crown of your head and see, sense or feel a radiant ball of pure white light, with vibrant neon violet flecks in the centre and a radiant neon violet rim around the edges. Say “I call upon the Electric Violet Light to cleanse my astral field of all negative energy now, through the Grace of Kuan Yin, so be it.” Perceive that electric violet light pouring like an endless river through the crown of your head, down through your body and out of your feet, flooding out through the centre of your being until you are in a huge column of electric violet light that grows larger than the room you are sitting in. Rest in this for as long as feels good and finish by saying, “I now call the grace of Kuan Yin to help me manifest higher vibrational thoughts, beliefs and emotions that support my Soul light in a joyful and fulfilling life experience here on Earth now. Om Mani Padme Hum.” ‘Then imagine that within your own heart you can see two Cranes dancing, elegantly, calling out to each other, playfully, feeling joy and delight. Imagine that these Cranes represent your own Soul and the Soul of Kuan Yin. Allow there to be freedom and dance between your Souls. When you are ready, breathe in and out and then open your eyes. You might like to complete this process with a bath or a foot bath, including a handful of salt in the water to finish your cleansing process. 24 A PRAYER TO THE CALL OF THE DANCING CRANE Beloved Kuan Yin, Goddess calling through the Dancing Crane, may your Sound, Grace and Light shine brighter than my doubt or fear. May your Light help my own Soul drawn near. May I surrender that which no longer serves me with unconditional love, and replace it with inspiration of your divine love. Om Shanti. 25 5. DANCE OF THE BUTTERFLY QUEEN A pure heart and sincere love attracts Divine Grace. With the Grace of Kuan Yin, Butterfly Queen, that which was impossible, becomes possible. From caterpillar to winged creature of delight, you cannot restrain what Divine Grace ordains no matter how incredible it may seem to be. Whatever has been troubling you, or whatever has been inspiring you, allow Grace to infuse the situation or dream, so that it may unfold with divine perfection. Allow the Butterfly Queen to dance, she will bring healing and grace to your life situation now, beloved one, with lightness of step and grace in her heart. “DANCE OF THN) BUTTERFLY QUEEN: Divine Grace flows through the Butterfly Queen with lightness of touch and with great joy. She bestows blessings of healing, empowerment and liberation. It flows to those in genuine need and who are ready to receive it. There are no limits to what is possible with divine grace. It is the power that the Butterfly Queen Kuan Yin allows to flow through the pure channel of her heart. Kuan Yin encourages you to be ready to receive her Grace, and choose to let go of striving and instead to turn to your heart, calling out to unconditional divine love and beloved Kuan Yin to dance her grace through your life. Divine Grace is not suddenly having a valuable lesson taken away from you. It is the intervention of compassionate, unconditionally loving, divine intelligence that helps you to realise you have learned what you can and now it is time for you to be assisted out of the situation, to be lifted up into a new vibrational experience. Turn your mind to the 26 expectation of peaceful resolution and inspirational assistance. Let go of deep feelings of unworthiness that require that you must continue to struggle with limited resources on your own. Surrender false notions that allowing others to assist you is dependency, whether these others are in human form or spiritual form on the inner planes. It is interdependence to allow yourself to be assisted and to assist others. You are not handing over your power, you are allowing empowered divine relationship to make your power grow so that you can rise above and be blessed. Butterfly Queen urges you now to let the heaviness of the situation go, allow your heart to become light as air, as though her butterfly dance was tickling your heart so lightly now. Her Grace is reaching to you now, beloved. HEALING DANCE OF THE BUTTERFLY QUEEN Allow yourself to find a place in nature or where you can observe something that is beautiful and peaceful, or perhaps sit before your altar at home with some flowers on it or even a picture of a beautiful place that you love. You can even close your eyes and visualise that you are in a beautiful serene place in nature. Allow yourself to notice how every element of that natural setting just ‘is. The water just flows, the trees just grow, the sun just shines, and the rain just falls. There is no effort, there is just flow. Imagine now that your life with all its various components and people, is like a scene in nature. Imagine the energy just flowing without restraint. Imagine as you let go of the effort and struggle to get things the way you want them, they are suddenly able to flow and change, to grow as they are meant to grow, naturally, according to the divine plan and grace thar fills our universe. Say “I now gratefully receive the Divine Grace and Unconditional Love of Kuan Yin, Butterfly Queen. Thank you for the blessings of Grace that now dance through me. May this Grace transform my heart, and my life, into an expression of pure love and higher consciousness. I surrender into the sweetness of your grace and the joyful flow of life! Om Mani Padme Hum!” 27 PRAYER TO THE DANCING BUTTERFLY QUEEN I now choose to surrender struggle and doubt and open to the blessings of Kuan Yin’s divine grace, through which all manner of things become possible. Butcerfly Queen may I hear in my own heart the divine music of joy and peace to which you dance. Om Mani Padme Hum. 28 | 6. DAUGHTER OF THE PHOENIX When the Soul is ready to spread its wings, it saNtend er | goes through a deep cleansing, purification and UE ES | preparation for new levels of spiritual wisdom, “power and light. Just like the Phoenix that is baptised through celestial fire to be born anew, you are going through such a phase of heavenly purification, preparation and initiation. This is an advanced phase of soul growth and soon after you will enjoy greater spiritual peace, divine power and advancement on your divine life path. Kuan Yin, Daughter of the Phoenix, has been through fire both physical and heavenly and has ascended into a position of great spiritual peace, power and authority. She guides you now to claim your rebirth and ascend. In the same way that if we were moving house, we would need to sort through our possessions and sometimes it is an opportunity to let go of that which we do not wish to take with us into our new life, as we prepare to move into a higher level of consciousness, there are old habits, stuck emotions and stagnant energy that do not belong in our new life cycle. The path of purification and initiation by celestial fire is preparation for spiritual enlightenment, greater happiness, wellbeing, prosperity, success, spiritual responsibility and leadership. It can be a challenging time as that which would stand in the way of a new level of spiritual potency must be eliminated, and often these things are deep fears, doubts or questions about our own worth and ability. It can feel confronting to meet these parts of ourselves consciously. Yet we cannot let go if we don’t even realise what we are still holding on to within us. This initiation will help you release any old baggage or pain that will not resonate with the 29 higher levels of light that you are preparing to live. It can feel challenging at times but know that there is nothing wrong. There is actually something very right behind these experiences. Do not fear the challenges. You would not be taking these ‘spiritual exams’ if you were not ready to live at a higher spiral of consciousness. Have some faith in your own progress and remember not to get attached to what is ‘leaving’ your consciousness as you are preparing to ascend. Letting go of old energies with trust, even if you do not always consciously understand what is happening, is the quickest way to be able to ascend easily and gracefully. To pass this initiation and benefit from it, we must be prepared to surrender that which needs to be burned away. Kuan Yin, Daughter of the Phoenix, guides you to have faith and fearless trust that it is safe to let heavenly fire have its way, so that you may rise up anew into your spiritual destiny. ‘The initiation is in its final phases when you are able to put your new beliefs and talents to the test, living based on your spiritual principles of trust, faith and love. No matter whatis presented now, itisan opportunity for you to apply your spiritual values and live your life accordingly. Then the celestial fire will have soon done its work and you will arise like a glorious phoenix, ready for a new life. HEAVENLY HEALING WITH THE DAUGHTER OF THE PHOENIX Sit quietly with your eyes closed and see, sense, feel or intend that there is a column of fire descending from above your head, all around you and through the centre of your being until ic burns with spiritual love high above your head, and deep into the earth, with you at its centre. Say, “I now release with trust and peace, any energy, chord or attachment that no longer serves my soul ascension into the next level of divine light and embodiment. I call upon Beloved Daughter of the Phoenix and Heavenly Fire, Kuan Yin, to bless and assist me now.” Be aware of a soft light that begins to glow within the centre of the 30 column of fire. This is Kuan Yin. Imagine her as a magnificent phoenix goddess, with wings and a heart of divine fire. She rises up, pulling you toward her and then all becomes very peaceful as she steps out of the fire as a gentle feminine goddess. Allow her light to soothe you and lift you out of the fire into peace with Her. Imagine shedding old energies and emerging new and refreshed with her light cocooning you, protecting and supporting you as you grow. All is well beloved. A PRAYER TO THE DAUGHTER OF THE PHOENIX Divine Daughter of the Phoenix, Mistress of Heavenly Fire, Kuan Yin, your light of peace and grace sustains me through the trials of my growth, may I be lifted by your luminous beauty into peace, may I feel rapture and excitement rather than fear and doubt as I grow. May I learn to release old pain without getting caught up in stories or history. May I have compassion for my own suffering as I release it with peace and love. May I live according to my truths, applying my own spiritual wisdom in all parts of my life with courage and faith. Om Mani Padme Hum. 31 7. DRINK FROM THE EMERALD FOUNTAIN The Divine Feminine is encouraging of the awakening and empowerment of all living PENS . . et Nn beings. When a sincere seeker is trying to find the way through, there is much help sent. It makes sense to be open to receive it, indeed to step forward and drink from the emerald fountain which is the unconditionally loving heart chakra of Kuan Yin. Allow yourself to be nourished by the power and love of the Divine Mother flowing to you now. There is nothing to be gained in making life more difficult than it needs to be, other than unnecessary stress or perhaps the learning that it isn’t as much fun this way! At this time, you are going through a time of important spiritual growth. Your Higher Self has set a spiritual schedule and is planning on being at a certain destination in time and space to set events in motion, to benefit from synchronicities and to be able to live out its Divine Purpose in the physical world too. The Soul is very resourceful and is calling for Divine help in getting to its destination on time. When you allow yourself to be helped, great reserves of support become available to you. Your Soul is strengthened and nourished by the loving heart of the Divine Mother. As it is filled with love from the Emerald Fountain, it can flow through you and you feel happier, more balanced, content and peaceful. The more you allow yourself to be assisted, the more you will feel detached and trusting. You will find fewer problems actually arise for you, and when they do, you might be surprised just how swiftly they are resolved, sometimes with only a small amount of effort on your part. This is the benefit of allowing divine 32 forces greater than us individually to nourish and support us. We allow the loving power much greater than our individual consciousness to do the heavy lifting, and our Soul path unfolds more joyfully and more quickly. It is a doing without doing. You are at a point on your path where you need support to rise up and break through. You are invited to drink from the Emerald Fountain, to accept the love pouring endlessly from the heart chakra of the Divine Mother as it would greatly benefit you, even in ways that are not as yet part of your conscious awareness. May your spiritual thirst be sated and may you be supported and assisted by the Mother Divine. AHEALING AT THE EMERALD FOUNTAIN Laying or sitting comfortably, close your eyes and let your breathing relax. Imagine that before you there is a sacred place filled with emerald green light and you hear a fountain. It sounds like a waterfall, like a beautiful woman singing sweetly, like a crystal bowl being sounded and birds singing. You see or sense the fountain and allow yourself to approach it, realising you are in a very special place of great power and love, the heart chakra of Divine Mother Kuan Yin. Allow yourself to bathe and drink in this fountain with respect and gratitude. Let yourself absorb it. Feel any emotion releasing and simply be. When you are ready, return to your breath and your body, and you may like to finish your healing with the prayer below. As you move through the following days and weeks, be open to saying yes, to allowing life to be easier, to letting go of that which feels heavy or obstructing and to having utter faith in your process. PRAYER AT THE EMERALD FOUNTAIN Divine Kuan Yin, beloved Goddess that loves me unconditionally, you have my blessing and permission to assist me with divine energy that is for my highest good in all areas of my life now. I kneel at your sacred fountain of love, light and divine assistance now. I drink from your heart that which fills my Soul! I gratefully receive your unconditionally loving help. Om Mani Padme Hum. 33 8. DYNASTY OF THE DIVINE MOTHER ‘The only wish of the Divine Mother Goddess is PANN that all beings be spiritually free. The Divine ee Goddess calls us to realise our true nature, to fall in love with our own divinity. Enlightenment is a culmination of many small steps, each one as a drop of water forming a divine ocean of peace, realisation, love and unity within us, an ocean that washes away fear, separation and scarcity and bathes us in abundance and bliss. You carry the torch of enlightenment within you, beloved. Let it shine each day. Sometimes we imagine enlightened beings to be another species to everyday humans! Yet there is an old Eastern saying that goes, ‘Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water, after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water’ Enlightenment is made manifest through the small actions we take each day. Sometimes the smallest action can feel like an enormous leap, and yet when that action is taken, we realise that the journey into peace is something we can choose to take at any moment. The Dynasty of the Divine Mother is her spiritual legacy, her endless compassion for human suffering and her intent to lift humanity out of ignorance into peace, which shines through the Oriental Goddesses like Kuan Yin, Green Tara and Mazu. This oracle indicates that your spiritual legacy is important on this planet. You are a channel for the Dynasty of the Divine Mother, for the enlightenment of all beings. We contribute to the Divine Mother's Dynasty through our choices and creations, from the inner thoughts we hold to the projects in which we invest time, energy and money. These 34 become part of the spiritual legacy we pass on to generations to come. The Divine Mother now guides you to realise that your Soul is moving closer to personal enlightenment and is beginning to live it from moment to moment. The more you choose to notice and appreciate these moments, the more they will happen for you. It is the realisation of your own process of realisation taking place! It is very exciting and yet it will not take you away from the world or your loved ones, as you might have feared subconsciously, beloved, it will simply make your light stronger, bringing blessings and peace through your being into the world and your relationships each day. Your personal enlightenment will help the planet in so many ways. You will become a stronger spiritual light to which others can look so that they can find their way more clearly. You are being asked to surrender ideas about what enlightenment may look or feel like and to realise where it is already emerging within you. You will also receive guidance about your spiritual practice on a daily basis soon. You may be drawn to meditate in a different way, to work with sacred words and prayers, Tai Chi or Chi Gung healing arts or to get acupuncture or massage more regularly. Listen to your heart — it knows unity and has the seed of enlightenment already within it — and follow your inner guidance. This is the luminous pathway to divine realisation and living your everyday enlightenment. The Divine Mother has gratitude for you as a part of her spiritual legacy, a member of the Dynasty of the Divine Mother. This card is also guidance not to fear if your spiritual path appears to be losing some focus to matters in the day-to-day world. Your spiritual focus will return when the time is right, but for now, look to what is happening in your life as spiritual practice and trust that you are progressing with perfection. Enlightenment doesn’t have to happen in an obviously spiritual place. Our life can be a temple for our Soul growth if we are open to it from the heart. Let your heart rest peaceful, knowing that your spiritual light is shining bright and growing deeply. 35 YOUR ENLIGHTENED HEART Lie quietly in a slightly darkened room and take your awareness into your heart centre. Imagine that there is a light glowing in your heart that ebbs and flows with your breath. As you breathe in, you feel the light glowing stronger and as you breathe out, you feel the light expanding within and then all around you. Say softly, aloud as you breathe in, “I feel the light of love within me,’ and as you breathe out say, “I feel the light of love all around me.” Breathe in and out like this for a while, and then say, “I am one with the light of love in all things.” Rest, feel the energy of connection and allow it to travel from your heart through your entire body. When you are ready, open your eyes. PRAYER TO THE DYNASTY OF THE DIVINE MOTHER Beloved Kuan Yin, Green Tara, Mazu, Goddesses of the Great Divine Mother, please help me to live my light, to live my enlightenment in each day, to know my own Self and to live the beauty and bliss with peace in my heart. Thank you for your help. Om Shanti. I feel your Peace in my heart now. May all beings feel and know this peace within. Om Shanti. Om Mani Padme Hum. 36 9. EIGHT IMMORTALS The messages you have been receiving that are unconditionally loving, fearless and encouraging of you to grow and be your true Self are from your Higher Guidance. The Eight Immortals and other beings of Divine Light and Divine Love are guiding you. It is safe to follow these messages now. Doing so will bring you greater joy. Sometimes you may question whether you are in contact with genuine spiritual guidance or engaging in wishful thinking! Genuine guidance is simple, clear and repetitive. When you ask for confirmation, it will come. The more open you are, the more quickly the confirmation can reach you in the form of signs, conversations and serendipitous happenings. In fact confirmation and guidance can be instantaneous and from multiple unconnected sources! Like the Universe is playing a joyful, loving game with you! The guidance will be uplifting and helpful. Sometimes it will ask you to take a step that feels challenging, and yet true guidance always proves itself in that it only asks of you what is right and just for your highest good. It always serves the highest good of all involved in any situation, no matter what our fears might be. It is good to be careful and discerning about the quality of guidance that you are seeking, but it is usually an easy task to identify when guidance is not of a higher vibrational variety. Ic will be judging, of you or others, it will not feel right (even if genuine guidance feels like it is asking you to do something unexpected or something that feels like a real stretch for you, it will still feel right in your own heart to do so). Genuine guidance, even when challenging, brings a sense of rightness and peace into your heart, whereas lower vibrational guidance or thoughts or 37 wishful thinking doesn’t bring you into deeper peace, it simply confuses and confirms judgment. It isn’t nearly as helpful! Sift through your thoughts and feelings to come cto the genuine guidance and true spiritual knowing within you now. You can call upon the Eight Immortals and any being that loves you unconditionally and trust that you will receive quality guidance. The process below will help you to be still and connect with it through your own heart, beloved, which contains great wisdom and peace to guide you. EIGHT IMMORTALS HEALING Take a pen and some paper, or your journal, and write a letter to the “Higher Guidance that Loves Me Unconditionally” and let them know what you need guidance on, or what guidance you need confirmed or revised. Write the letter, read it aloud, then seal it up and place it in a sacred space, perhaps in your journal, or with a crystal on top in your bedroom or meditation space. Close your eyes and visualise Eight beings of unconditional divinelove all around you. Say, “I call upon those beings that love me unconditionally to assist me in providing clear, helpful and unconditionally loving and true higher guidance in answer to my question. Thank you, beloveds. Namaste.” Let it go then and come back and re-read it in two weeks’ time to see if your question has already been answered through your life experiences to that date. IFnot, read the letter again and ask to be shown the answers in the way that serves your highest good by repeating the visualisation and request if necessary, A PRAYER TO THE EIGHT IMMORTALS Tcall upon the Eight Immortals that love me unconditionally and shine the light of peace and spiritual power upon me now, you understand that no matter what happens in life, there are blessings underneath it. Please help me find my clarity, wisdom, guidance and truths to reveal the blessings and grow now. Namaste, beloveds. Thank you for your help! Om Mani Padme Hum. 38 10. EMPRESS OF THE PEARL You have an inner gift of great value, born of struggle, adversity and challenge. In wisdom you know that suffering can lead to growth provided we are willing to search for a way to heal through it. Seeing challenges as ways to expand your spiritual light empowers you to focus on the growing light, rather than getting caught up in suffering. Natural pearls are rare, lustrous feminine gems, created within a living organism, the pearl oyster. They have a unique creation process. Natural pearls are created when a foreign entity, such as a grain of sand or parasite, finds its way into the pearl oyster. The oyster reacts and creates layers of pearlescent substance, creating a warmly glowing treasure within. Just like the beautiful and rare natural pearl, you have a unique spiritual beauty to offer to the world. Your pearl is your precious gift, something unique that is being born through your experiences and consciousness that cannot be created or copied by another because it is of your own unique soul light. Any struggles you have experienced are a karmic gift to help you grow this inner exquisite offering to support the spiritual evolution of humanity. Once you recognise this, you can dispense with your struggles more swiftly, using them to help you grow and not adding unnecessary energy or focus to the problem, which might make it grow instead! If you have found yourself attracting negative energies from those around you, or perhaps feeling drained or sometimes even possessed by negative thoughts or experiences, you don’t have to feel afraid. You can 39 heal with Kuan Yin now, allowing that which is stirred up within you to begin forming the beautiful gift you have to share. Just as the pearl starts from irritation and reaction, so are the circumstances in your life which feel uncomfortable serving you to help you grow your gift. It is time to realise that your Soul is growing is lustre and beauty to share with the world. Once you realise this, your struggles become less and your Soul light becomes even more luminous. THE PEARL HEALING WITH KUAN YIN Gently close your eyes and focus on your breath flowing in and out. Imagine you are in a peaceful place and you become aware of a light, glowing and bright, that is beloved Kuan Yin shining within your own heart. You feel yourself expanding, growing bigger. You can look down and notice any irritation, discomfort, negativity or fear that has been of concern for you. The larger the light grows within, the smaller that issue becomes. The light begins to glow with pearlescent, luminous warmth. It wraps itself around the issue with love, gentleness and peace, layer and layer until the issue itself disappears into an endless layering of pearlescent light. Breathing into your heart, then say, “I now choose to release any negative energy that has drained me or disturbed me, I release it with love, and I allow my own Kuan Yin heart to create its pearl now for the highest good, so be it!” Breathe out through your heart and be peaceful fora moment. When you are ready, open your eyes. PRAYER TO THE EMPRESS OF THE PEARL With beloved Kuan Yin, Empress of the Pearl, as my witness, I transform negativity into light through compassion. Anything that causes me discomfort I use to grow my light, so it becomes bigger than the discomfort, and I now choose to experience the light of my being and its spiritual growth as more powerful than any irritation or suffering which serves that growth. Om Mani Padme Hum. 40 11. ENTER THE JADE TEMPLE Kuan Yin, in her Temple of peaceful Jade, ENTER TT causes all conflict to elevate to higher peaceful AE resolution. A resolution and healing of any situation that is concerning you is already underway. In fact, you are being asked to begin to feel the relief of that resolution now, so you can more readily receive the divine solution and blessing of peace from the beloved Kuan Yin when it arrives. There are moments on the Path where conflict arises and struggles emerge. These conflicts may be within us or appear to be in an external relationship or situation. This can be part of the experience of life on the physical plane that actually helps us raise our vibration to find unity and yet still honour our individuality. There is a spiritual light within, a light of Peace, that can be brought to bear on any situation or struggle, an energy of peace that can transform even the deepest conflict through blessings of the divine goddess, Priestess of the Jade Temple, Kuan Yin. Peace does not mean avoiding conflict or pretending that struggle does not exist. Peace is the light that flows when we are able to step above the illusions of separation, competition and conflict, to seek out the consciousness where we are in fact all one in Di ine Love and we are all serving the Path of Light — in our own unique ways - together. The energy of such a high level of genuine consciousness is transformative. It allows us to surrender judgment and to release any need to prove ourselves or our worth to another. Instead we can just live our lives and allow others to do the same with more peace in our hearts. Conflict becomes an 41 opportunity to grow more in inner peace and loving acceptance of all paths, to learn detachment and to trust. It cakes a mature Soul to call in peace because it is not a way to avoid conflict, it is a way to use conflict as a spiritual tool through which to grow and become bigger than the conflict, to make allowance for cach being to choose their own way to grow and to call forth the spiritual genius of the divine that is able to provide solutions that can bring peace toall. The Divine Goddess speaks to you now and says that your resolution is assured. Have faith, be prepared to surrender your viewpoint and receive a new one that will serve you and bring you to peace at a higher level of reality. It is no longer about right or wrong, it is now about stepping up into peace and resolution, more joy and more delight! You are so capable of this and you will enjoy the wonder of the healing process as you surrender into the Jade Temple, the place of peace over which Kuan Yin presides as Priestess and Guide. She bestows healing blessing on your life situation now. This oracle is confirmation that if you have been struggling, a time of respite and peace is on its way to you swiftly now. HEALING IN THE JADE TEMPLE With your eyes closed, see, sense, feel or intend that you are sitting in an exquisite temple made of creamy Jade. The walls, benches, altar with carvings and statues are all created from various shades of Jade - green, lavender, cream, soft orange, red and white. On the main altar in the temple you see a large lotus carved from Jade and you feel great love emanating from this lotus blossom. You sense deep peace and notice that Kuan Yin is standing at the altar behind the lotus smiling down at you. Say aloud, “I now call for the peaceful resolution of any situation or struggle that I am involved in, consciously or unconsciously, through the Divine Grace of Beloved Priestess in the Temple of Jade, Ma Kuan Yin. May I be a vessel for peace and light in my life. Om Shanti. Let there be Peace. Om Mani Padme Hum.” 42 Allow the energy of the temple, the lotus on the altar and beloved Kuan Yin to flow into your aura, taking you to a place of peaceful surrender where solutions will arise and great healing can occur. When you are ready, be aware of your heart and just open your eyes. PRAYER OF THEJADE TEMPLE Om Shanti. Om Shanti. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Shanti. Om Shanti. May all beings know deep peace and blessings of beloved Priestess of Peace Kuan Yin. May the heart of all conflict be resolved in the Jade Temple. Om Shanti. Om Shanti. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Shanti. Om Shanti. B 12. GATES OF HEAVEN |) All beings have an ultimate spiritual destiny of happiness and freedom. Beloved Kuan Yin ous | shines tireless compassion upon all Life to Ue this end. Yet sometimes attachments, lower vibrational beings, entities and elementals become frightened of divine love and believe they will do better to hide in human energy fields instead. This blocks progress towards liberation where human beings and lower vibrational beings can pass through the Gates of Heaven into peace, bliss and homecoming to the spiritual Source of all Life. Sometimes we need to help beings find their way to the light. They can get attached to earthly energies, people, places or things. Like trying to enter a forbidden city, they attempt to reside where they should not, within the light of the human energy field, rather than progressing spiritually on their own journey through the Gates of Heaven, into a higher consciousness of bliss. Sometimes this happens because although the journey can occur, to the consciousness of the lower vibrational being, it doesn’t seem possible. You may consciously sense attachments or spiritual presence that is not of highest vibration and needs to be released from your energy field or you may just feel angry, tired, depleted or ‘not yourself’ sometimes. This may be because of old energies that you need to release that do not belong to you, or even from energetic influences that are not a natural part of your energy field and can be released for the greater good of all involved, The healing process below will help you even if you are unaware of the intricacies behind why you are feeling the way you do. You may have just done a clearing, in which case this oracle is 4 confirmation that it is working, or if you have recently lost a beloved, this is confirmation that they are passing through and are at peace, but could benefit also from your loving prayers to help them on their way. This oracle may also indicate a psychic skill that you have in helping non-physical beings find their way into more peaceful consciousness. If you feel this may be the case, you would perhaps benefit from seeking out training from skilled practitioners who approach this task with love and kindness in their hearts. This oracle is also a message that there is benefit in calling back to yourselfall parts of you, that leaving any part of you attached to another's energy field out of fear (whether or not they gave you permission or encouragement to do so) is not going to help you grow anymore. The time has come to own your power and no longer seek to enter the Forbidden City of another's energy field, and instead seek to pass through the Gates of Heaven and dwell in the Palace of Light within your own heart, beloved. HEALING THROUGH THE GATES OF HEAVEN Focus on your heart and imagine you can look up through the crown of your head, seeing brilliant star of light above you that is pure white light, with flecks of neon violet light around the edges and in the core of the star, Imagine that light pouring down through the crown of your head, forming a star of light above your head, in the centre of your forehead, in your heart centre and in your navel and then below your feet. Imagine the light pouring down, filling those stars and flooding through you like a river of light. Say, “Of my own free will, as a sovereign being of light, I now dissolve and disintegrate any contract of permission that I have ever given, consciously or unconsciously, in this or any lifetime, to any being that does not love me unconditionally to be attached to my energy field. I now release all such beings, entities, attachments or inclusions from all dimensions of my energy field and my body. I release these now with love and peace and burn all contracts I ever made that are associated with 45 them, through divine grace and my own free will, so be it.” Then visualise or intend that there be a soft pink light in front of you and say, “I call on the beings that love and serve this process unconditionally now to hold unconditional love and light in place.” Send love to that pink light and say, “To all beings and inclusions that are now leaving my energy field, you will be safe, loved, accepted and fed in this pink light of unconditional love. You will feel great! You may go to that light now if you so choose, or return to the Source or the Earth, as you so choose, but you must leave my energy field permanently now, through the loving grace of Kuan Yin and my own free will, so be it.” Allow the love to grow and as it starts to fade away, you will know the process is completed. Focus on the pure white light with neon violet flecks pouring through your being for three more slow breaths. When you are ready, just open your eyes. A PRAYER FOR RELEASE THROUGH THE GATES OF HEAVEN May all beings be happy and free! May all beings be happy and free! May all beings be happy and free! Lokah Sumastar Sukinoh Bhavantu. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. Om Mani Padme Hum. 46 13. HEAR THE YELLOW TIGER MOTHER Sometimes we must be strong and hold true whilst all around us seems to be shifting and changing. The Yellow Tiger Mother, Kuan Yin in her Guardian role, is roaring her divine sound within you, She asks you to hear her, to remember that you are a powerful being of light and even whilst you are in flow with universal] L forces, your strong roots help you be at peace with your truth, standing your ground whilst your light shines true. In our surrender to divine forces, there are times when we must be flexible and flow and then there are times when the surrender is into holding strong and being true to our inner knowing. There are inner truths that we know are worthy of the effort to grow strong enough to honour them in our lives, these are the truths of kindness, compassion, the right of each individual being to be spiritually free and loved and more. The yellow tiger mother sounds her roaring note within you. She is a fierce protective tigress and yellow is her golden strength and wisdom. She urges you to listen for her sound within and trust yourself — you know when you need to stand your ground and not be swayed! You are more powerful, strong and courageous than you may realise. Your strength is not stubbornness or resistance, it is holding firm to what you feel in your heart to be true and in time, you will come to realise the wisdom of your courage. Your strength at this time is needed, like a protective shield, providing nurturing to a young plant, your strength and refusal to be dissuaded from your truths helps your dreams and higher path continue to manifest. Allow yourself to hear the Yellow 47 Tiger Mother as she gifts you with power, strength and knowing, Be brave and stay true to yourself, beloved. HEARING THE YELLOW TIGER MOTHER If you cannot do this exercise physically, then you may like to visualise doing the exercise instead. Stand with your feet on the floor firmly grounded. Rock lightly on your feer, feeling where all four corners of the feet connect with the floor and then bounce a little, without lifting your feet fully off the ground. Really feel your connection and weight on the ground through your feet. Place your right hand on your solar plexus, just below your ribcage and your left hand on your upper chest and say aloud, “I am a courageous being of light. I am in alignment with Universal Forces and Truth is my powerful ally, I do not need to force or defend, I simply remain steadfast in my truth now and always, through my own free will. I hear the sound of the Yellow Tiger Mother Kuan Yin within my being, emerging now!” If you want to give a roar, do it! Stick your tongue out and feel her power within, More power to you, beloved. PRAYER OF THE YELLOW TIGER MOTHER Kuan Yin, beloved Yellow Tiger Mother, I need courage and strength now to be true to myself and allow my own light to take root and grow, nurture me with your strength of spirit so that I might realise that I have your strength within me too — it is my strength, my courageous heart. Help me beloved, now, to realise my courage and have peace in my heart. I feel the roar of your courage and strength within me and I realise that this is my own courage too! Thank you for helping me realise this, beloved Tigress. Om Mani Padme Hum. 48 14. IMMORTAL TREASURES You carry within you precious Immortal Treasures, beloved. They exist beyond life and death, belonging to the celestial, heavenly realms of the Divine presence within you. Kuan Yin now guides you to honour these treasures, the gifts of your Soul, which include the ability that you have to transmit healing. Honour yourself as a Healer beloved. Whether formally or informally, your Soul brings a special healing light to humanity. You have divine support in your role as a healer, in whatever way, usual or highly unusual, that this is unfolding for you now. Each Soul is unique and precious in its own way. Certain Souls have the light of healing. Yours is one such Soul. Your presence on this planet brings light and hope to others, sometimes in ways that you don’t consciously recognise. Kuan Yin is with you, guiding you to be open to perceiving and utilising the Immortal Treasures that lay within you, the beautiful light and gifts of your own Divine Soul. Just remember to take care of yourself too. An empty cup cannot fill another, It is better to allow your inner cup to be spiritually filled, and emotionally and physically replenished through balanced self-care, a bit of indulgence balanced with loving discipline and boundaries that make you feel safe and secure within. To find the right way to care for yourself, explore what might work for you. It might be yoga and meditation, a little sacred time each day to sit with a crystal or talk from your heart with your Guidance, a health retreat, time in nature, a good book and some time laughing or playing with loved ones. Your healing ability will 49 find new levels of power and strength through exploration of self-care. The Immortal Treasures of the Soul are to be shared with loving respect of your own Self as well as for others. This oracle can also indicate that itis helpful for you to explore healing of an issue that you have been dealing with and is yet to be resolved. If you have been contemplating visiting a healer or taking a break from a stressful situation, this card supports you in doing so. You might simply need a chance to replenish and withdrawal for a short time may help you meet this need. You may also benefit, if you feel so inclined, from a healing with another. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to honour your own special light and the need that you might have for receiving healing just for you at this time too. Kuan Yin will help you find your way. The processes below will support you in receiving Her help. IMMORTAL TREASURES HEALING Sit or lie in a peaceful place, preferably with soft music playing and your phone switched off, making sure you are warm enough and then close your eyes. Quietly say, “I give thanks for this healing on all levels of my being through the unconditional love of Kuan Yin. Thank you, beloved. Om Mani Padme Hum.” Focus on your breath flowing and then see, sense, feel or intend that you are being bathed in an ocean of emerald green light. The ocean of light then becomes royal blue, and then rich purple. When you feel ready, the ocean of light finally becomes gold, surrounding you in spiral patterns of lush golden energy. Within the spiral of light you become aware of a collection of most magnificent treasures, beautiful and gleaming, radiant with beauty. You realise that these treasures are made of pure light and consciousness dancing into form. Feel the joy in your heart as you perceive the aliveness of those treasures, glowing with beautiful divine fire within. Know that these treasures are expressions for your own Soul and its immortal treasures lying within. When you are ready, give thanks and open your eyes. 50 PRAYER OF THE IMMORTAL TREASURES Beloved Kuan Yin, may I feel the compassion that you have for me within the depths of my own being. May I have compassion for myself in the same way I do for others. May I accept and meet my needs for wellness and fulfilment. May I receive healing with grace and gratitude. I open now to fully receive, activate and shine forth the Immortal Treasures in my own Divine Soul. Help me, beloved mother, to do this with love, trust and grace. Om Mani Padme Hum. 51 15. IVORY SWAN GODDESS ‘The Ivory Swan Goddess speaks of spiritual grace PAO and purity. The purity of your Soul light never an fades, beloved. Release guilt, shame, judgment or fear that you are not enough in any way, $0 that you may realise your beauty, be more of yourself and shine your divine essence into the world. Do not cast your eyes away from the perception of your own divine inner light in all its purity and radiance, beloved Soul. You may find it easier t0 believe in the illusion of sins and unworthiness than in the truth of your spiritual innocence, yet just like the purity, beauty and grace of the Ivory Swan Goddess, your own Soul is luminous, pure and eternally graceful. You are being asked to recognise the divine energy within you without holding yourself back from unconditional self-acceptance and regard. It is time to accept your divinity in greater measure, to be present to the pure light within and not try to ignore it, down play it or worry that it is not enough. No matter what has happened in your life, or what experiences or choices you have made; your Soul light is as pure as the divine source itself, because essentially that is what it is! There is no need for spiritual shame or feelings of inadequacy, The light within all of us is exactly the same. We are just in different stages of realising it. Kuan Yin, Ivory Swan Goddess, wishes to bestow divine grace upon you, beloved Soul, to assist your spiritual growth at this important time on your Path, For this to occur, you must be willing and able to receive it. 52 As you choose to let shame simply be a feeling and let it go, as you choose not to empower judgment, condemnation or criticism of the Self by you or by any other, you are walking the path of remembering the essential Soul purity of all beings. This is a peaceful and joyful path. You become capable of seeing the god and goddess shining out at you in the most unlikely of people, situations and experiences! You are opening to receive the grace that beloved Kuan Yin wishes to share with you now to help you live more joyfully in such a state of spiritual remembrance. Allow her to bless you with her grace as you remember the spiritual purity of your own being, free from taint, judgment or flaw. HEALING WITH THE IVORY SWAN GODDESS Find a quiet, private space with a pen and your journal and sit down and write a letter to yourself from your Higher Self which is unconditionally loving. This letter is to affirm that you now love yourself unconditionally, that you do not judge or condemn yourself, that you forgive yourself for being human and needing to learn lessons and that you are now ready to release shame and guilt so that can more accurately be who you are in truth. You can add any other unconditionally accepting and loving statements from your Soul to the letter. It doesn’t matter whether you fully believe the unconditional love in your words — you will in time and why not start cultivating that higher capacity for loving acceptance right now? Say gently, “Beloved Kuan Yin, you encountered betrayal, violation, abuse and misunderstanding in your lifetime, yet you ascended as a Soul of pure light and deep compassion, a being of grace, an Ivory Swan Goddess. I now ask that you witness this Soul letter and help me open my heart to receive your grace.” Then read your letter aloud with love. If feelings come up as you read, just let them come and go without attachment or fear, allow yourself to just release them now. Imagine Kuan Yin’s pure light shining from within you, brighter and brighter, opening up light the pure white wings of a swan, with light soft and pure as creamy ivory. This is Soul healing, 53 happening in your own heart, as you read your letter. You may like to complete your Ivory Swan Goddess Healing with the prayer suggested below. PRAYER OF THE IVORY SWAN GODDESS Beloved Kuan Yin, Mother of Peace, Beauty and Compassion, the Light in you is the same Light in me! Help me to be at peace with my eternal innocence and purity. Ivory Swan Goddess, please help me let go of old beliefs and experiences of shame, self-condemnation or judgment that no longer serve me. I now honour and accept wholly and completely that the Light in You is the same Divine Light in Me. Om Mani Padme Hum. 54 16. MAIDEN MA GU ‘The Maiden Ma Gu, Goddess of Spring, healing and transformation, brings you assistance now. You are asked to honour that light can come from even the darkest beginnings, beloved one. In fact, sometimes we need to enter into the unknown parts of ourselves to find exactly what we need to grow in peace, creative self-fulfilment and happiness. The challenge can be to trust that we will arise from this darker place again. Just as the Spring always follows the Winter, beloved, so too will any inner work with the shadow precede a beautiful rebirth for you. Maiden Ma Gu, an immortal expression of the Divine Mother of the East, now brings you a special message from Kuan Yin. She guides you to trust that if you enter into the darkness of the unknown parts of yourself, you will emerge into light, reassembled and reborn once more. If you are going through chaos in your life, because you are allowing yourself to grow, Maiden Ma Gu also reassures you that the order and light will emerge out of the chaos in due course. Have faith and keep growing! In order to grow spiritually there are times when we simply must delve within and find our shadow. It is easier to perceive the effect of the shadow than the shadow itself. The effect of the shadow is judgment = positive or negative — of another that we do not think is related to us personally. We may mightily admire or despise characteristics or traits in another, and yet when such judgments arise, it is a part of us that is seeking to be integrated and expressed, trying to get our attention through our judgment. Noticing our judgments of others is the quickest way to get in touch with the Shadow Self trying to grow and heal into 55 our conscious awareness so that we can become more whole, empowered and divinely delicious as we were always meant to be! This is especially so if you have pulled the Vale of Shadows card as well as Maiden Ma Gu. Your judgment might be a strong reaction to a person who seems to be self-centred and self-obsessed. The Shadow in the Self trying to communicate with you through this judgment might be the part of your own consciousness that wishes to be more supportive of the Self. It will no longer allow you to put yourself behind others, but instead, encourage you to express yourself and take up your space with presence! Admiring a great talent in another with strong reaction or judgment — positive or negative — might be a part of your own psyche wishing to grow and express itself with similar confidence and freedom too. It can be extremely surprising exactly how many wonders are hiding in the parts of us that we are yet to know consciously. Sometimes there is anger, fear, jealousy or shame wrapped around those hidden parts of Self. If we can be kind, allow the feelings to come up and to pass without fearing them, then eventually the beauty underneath will reveal itself too. You are being guided by Mother Divine Kuan Yin through the Maiden Ma Gu to realise that there is a part of you within that is trying to emerge. You may have judgments of others on one issue or trait that seems to be more repetitive or noticeable of late. You are guided to sense what beauty within you could be underneath these judgments, trying to make its way into your conscious awareness, bringing you more of your Self to enjoy and share with the world. Be patient and open-minded as you wait for your intuition to help you realise what is growing within you, triggering your judgment of another. If it is anger you see in others, be strength growing in you. If it is manipulation you see in others, It wil it will be a desire to be direct and own your needs within you that is growing. The Shadow holds great beauty within, beloved, and there is no need to fear it. Maiden Ma Gu's special blessing to you is to realise that you will soon enter the Spring of rebirth with this process. Entering into the Shadow 56 Self can feel like going into a spiritual Winter — ic can feel dark and alone delving into the parts of us that we might prefer not to look at too closely! Allow the process that is happening for you to bring more of you to light. Don't be scared! You might not have been ready to see yourself as an empowered, spiritual, musical, creative, healthy or talented being in the past, and yet now you are more ready for this — so embrace it. Have trust in beloved Kuan Yin that these energies only seek expression when the psyche is ready for it. This card is also an indicator that if you have been working on a project, whether it be self-healing and shadow work, or a creative project, or are looking to work with children, rebirthing or creative endeavours more generally, the time is fast approaching when this will come together as anew reality for you. HEALING WITH MAIDEN MA GU Close your eyes and sit comfortably. Imagine that you sit with beautiful Spring Goddess Ma Gu, with her basket of fresh blossoms falling all around you. It is a beautiful temperate Spring day and you are in a sacred field of blossoms. She gestures ahead and you sense a figure approaching. It is you, but a future you, more whole and complete, with a message for you from your highest possible future. Let this part of you speak to you, bring you love and any guidance that is helpful for you to hear now. You might not hear words, in which case just look for the love in your eyes reflected back to you, or even imagine that the future you and the current you can touch each other's hearts, gently resting your hand on each other’s chests. Maiden Ma Gu sprinkles blossoms around you both and when you are ready, you follow the breath and come back into your body in the here and now. Sit for a few moments peacefully, without thinking, and when you are ready, just open your eyes. 57 SPRING HEALING PRAYER OF KUAN YIN AND MAIDEN MAGU Beloved Kuan Yin and Spring Goddess Maiden Ma Gu, thank you for your unconditionally loving help now. I ask to be helped in knowing myself more fully and allowing that part of me that is seeking expression now, to emerge in a conscious, loving and empowering way. May I know and live all of myself, beloved ones, may my life be filled with light, energy and warmth, like Springtime after the Winter, for the highest good of all. Om Mani Padme Hum! 58 17. MANY HANDS OF THE GODDESS The Goddess Kuan Yin brings blessings to multiple projects and many different parts of your life and consciousness, beloved. She is not limited to one task at a time. Do not be afraid to surrender into her guiding wisdom and creative genius now, for there is much that you can accomplish together and she wants to assist you! MANYBANDS. OF THEGQDDESS in za We often create well when focusing on one project at a time, seeing it through to completion and then tending to the next one. Sometimes our attention might be stretched across numerous projects, especially if you have a lot of natural creative energy at your disposal. You may worry that you are being stretched beyond your capacity to be productive, that your creative energy is being dissipated by flipping from one project to another and that you will not complete anything! The guidance from Goddess Kuan Yin is to release your worries and intentions to her and then let her guide you. When you feel strongly to work on a particular project, perhaps to focus on it for a time, do so. When you feel to step back from it and rest, do so. In the rest, you will replenish, gain new perspective and return to your creative work more productive. It is an essential part of the process! Trust that she is uplifting, guiding and instructing you through your own intuition so that your projects and creative desires will manifest with the highest wisdom and in the best order and timing. You do not have to worry about having too many logs on the fire, you just need to let Kuan Yin guide you and follow her impulses faithfully. Do not be afraid to surrender projects to her, even if they seem to be taken out of your hands for a time, when the time 59 is right they will come back to you, perhaps in a revised form that is more aligned with your divine essence. With the Many Hands of the Goddess assisting you through your trusting heart, you will accomplish more than you thought possible, assisted by the Universe in ways seen and unseen. HEALING THROUGH THE MANY HANDS OF THE GODDESS Close your eyes and perceive a many-armed Kuan Yin shining brightly above the crown of your head. Intend to rise up through the crown of your head to meet with her. Say, “Divine many-armed mother, bless my projects and desires so that they may manifest through unconditional love and for the highest good. I surrender into your creative wisdom and power. I trust in your guidance through my own heart. Namaste, beloved, Om Mani Padme Hum.” Intend to hand over your desires, projects and manifestations to her now, seeing her take one in each of her limitless number of hands and being aware that she blesses you on the crown, on the forehead and on the heart with three other of her sacred hands. Think “Thank you!” and when you are ready open your eyes. Listen closely to your heart and have faith in your inner impulses over the coming days, weeks and months and your creations shall be sublime. A PRAYER TO THE MANY HANDS OF THE GODDESS Hands that heal and bless, hands that lift and strengthen, hands that guide and hands that protect, Om Kuan Yin, Many Armed Mother of Mercy and Compassion, I receive your blessings and assistance now, for my highest good, so be it. Om Mani Padme Hum. 60 18. MOTHER FIERCE Mother Fierce is your Guardian. Nothing can penetrate the passionate fire of her fearless love. Your safety is assured, beloved. In the midst of MOTHER arate any apparent challenge or threat, no matter how frightening it may seem, and no matter how insecure you might feel about taking a step on your spiritual path into more power, know that you are safe, you are protected, you are loved. Beloved, you have been growing spiritually and sometimes this evokes responses from others. The responses may be loving and affirming, encouraging and validating. Many will choose to be inspired by your growth. Sometimes however lower vibrational responses will arise which might be fearful, insecure, jealous or angry. These responses arise so that they can be healed. The healing for you is in how you choose to allow yourself to shine and not be diminished by the healing process of another. For the other, their healing is their journey, and you have offered them a great service. Know that you do not need to be afraid, nor do you need to hold yourself back out of fear. There is nothing that escapes the notice of beloved mother Kuan Yin. As a Divine Mother of fierce compassion and protection, she sees all, she knows all, she blesses all. She can lift you beyond fear and threat, beloved, into a place of unity with divine love that secures you against any would-be threat and delivers you into peace. For you to benefit the most from her protection, you need to trust in her Light and realise that she is shining through your own inner light, that She and You are one in truth. From this perspective, you can realise 61 that you always have the right to say ‘no’ to any energy of fear or doubt that seeks to cause you harm, Harm comes from a lower vibration. It does not need to be feared, but it does need to be responded to with assertiveness and compassion. Kuan Yin now helps you retain your inner peace in the face of any lower vibrational energy, so that you can be kind and accepting of the divine essence in all of existence, no matter how heavily veiled the divinity appears to be, and yet also remain assertive that only unconditionally loving vibrations are welcome in your energy field. A HEALING WITH MOTHER FIERCE Sit comfortably and say aloud “I call upon the unconditional love and divine protection of Kuan Yin as the Fierce Mother now.” Perceive or intend that there is a huge ring of fire within which is a beautiful goddess, seated in meditative pose, with many arms fanning wide and with many all-seeing faces. She sees, protects and blesses in all directions. Imagine that her heart chakra burns with peaceful fire in the centre of her being, and you can step into her heart now. Imagine any fear or threat, any insecurity or attack being burned away in the brightness of her heart. Feel the peace within her heart and the peace within you. Say aloud “I surrender into the heart light and protection of the divine mother, fierce with love and compassion, no harm can penetrate her peace. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum.” A PRAYER FOR THE FIERCE MOTHER Take me into your heart beloved Kuan Yin, fierce with love, where the pure fire of peace burns eternally, may I be blessed with peace and Protection now and always, may I feel the loving protection of your consciousness within my own heart. Om Shanti, beloved. Om Mani Padme Hum. 62

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