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SIMPLE PAST eat Tate] have (had) help oneself ass ut fput] set [set] fa table] sit [sat] down talk NOUNS: coffee cup dessert dinner food fork glass helping knife lap main course napkin plate salad salad bowl sauicer serving dish spaghett! spoon table For Special Attention ‘help yourself = take something for yourself ‘In a meal, a helping is an amount you take to eat. + Your lap is the upper part of your legs when you are sitting down, Jap a napkin fork Prat knife Everyone sat down at the table, Se Paul helped himself to some salad... Then they helped themselves to the food, Paul had a second helping of spaghet 37 30, where did youge today? They put their napkins on their laps. ..and passed the serving dish to Kate. As they ate, they talked. e.2 After the main course, they had some dessert.

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