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Once upon a time there was a kitten that had more than one name, the kitten was

born on a sunny spring day, when he was a baby, he loved to be with his mother,
she kept him warm and always fed him and his brothers.

This kitten felt so safe in the field that he was born, until one day a couple of children
found this kitten and decided to take him home.

The first days for this kitten were very difficult, he was full of fear and missed the
warmth of his mother, however, after a couple of weeks he felt better, now he had a
name! little bean! The children decided to name him that way because of his brown
and fluffy fur, however as the days went by, little bean was increasingly playful and
mischievous. The children's family did not like this, until one day the father of the
children decided to abandon him in another field, little bean felt so sad, he thought
they were his new family, how can someone from your family do something like that
to you? little bean, hungry and fearful decided to enter a house looking for food in
the garbage, the family of this house fed it and named it marshmallow, because it
was very tender, they gave it a space in their garden until one day marshmallow
broke a bag of garbage and scattered it all over the garden, again this family
abandoned him, marshmallow was now devastated, it seemed that not having a
family was his only destiny, don't I deserve a little unconditional love? he wondered

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