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Law, Rights and Discourse ‘The Legal Philosophy of Robert Alexy Edited by George Pavlakos Fov-sP J BIBLIOTECA ‘| HART: na wHARRS S_10teo res OXFORD AND PORTLAND, OREGON 7 Political Liberalism and the Structure of Rights: On the Place and Limits of the Proportionality Requirement MATTIAS KUMM THAT DO YOU have in vite of having right? Ave rights ramps over competing considerations of poy? Do they have priory over the god’ in rome son fense™ Are ri roving song protons spun demands made by polis community?» Even though there are itreting and spnficant Aierences bewveen conceptions of gs in the Mberal tad, chy ‘zoel share he sea that someting protected as a mater of right ma) ot be overiden by ordinary considerations of poly. Circumstantial sllhingr considered jgements on what ir in the general ware ace fener omficene grounds to ji infringements of rights Resins Jnslping am nfiagemene of rights ave to Be of speci seng Yee th claim of 2 spacial pronty of ight six anconly with a prominent feature of concutonal snd han rights adjudication. At omparaiveconsiasonal scholars have pointed outa general ete of Wh io Ws He Tinchy Ono ie | 152 Mate Kimo ‘as nl oe he wd om vein appa ‘Bosh opty mab ner wes ey 6 oe chs ac of tes rmning wae Sons feos "yn dome ne oi peel og Sin df ean he wo uae gin pes apetonlnay.Gl ary asst te weds Bet dete propane ra al ty dua tee fc sv df cl pty mc fake ‘compelling strength? “6 a an he chapel prc no pa The a wil oie» design’ and fer israton Of acount oe i pe onde te mango he ropa cee Crit Te snd pt wi ste wt an Chat ‘Sol nameless The esa ‘ih oltoe et ean tne trae aaa [i coe dea eng tow Shs har wae ong se ‘Sateen poprentiy sar mse peo Frere epraoaly Hpes En Dace, Rwe 0) 8 Sa a 18 Alana Lew a he ay of aac (1947) 96 Wale 90 Eecyey ant ¢ oc Cane ay veh oe poo Reerergmoaiy: Hh and Fae 0)" U Fo] Coat St ee Mt Politica Liberation and the Stucure of Rights 133 matter of politcal morality, Other stracaral fetes of sigh dicouse Inlude the idea of excluded restons and the prohibions of certain Inetn-nds relations. Parhermore, thee ae institutional considers fons that somesmes justify imposing additonal reuiements on the Joslin for an infingement of = right, requsing reatons of special ‘Gena. Thote eno one sacral clement that the defn Fate of fhe cesoning. Right esoning se cus the practice of courts and buna worldwide, celecs the structural schaess of reasoning about Polical moray The lnguage of ight in human and constitutional fights practice merely provide away to stature the assessment of policy fics se thy rae to alloted individuals. Whae yu have in vie oF faving aright as song or as weak a the proposition of poll ‘hori hat the claims prouned im? Analysing the srctre OF eh ‘usoning bes provide x carer ndentanding ofthe stra complex iy ofa ther polical morals. Additonal, helps guard again 4 arow understanding of sighs tht wnconvinigly tes the very idea of he to a parcculst mon sate BRIGHTS AS OPTIRASATION REQUIREMENTS: PROPORTIONALITY Not all consutonal or human rights lied in legal documents require proportionality analysis or anyother discussion of mtx. The xt [eguer of righe consid in domesnc conmicasons snd international Iman vgs documenes cede norms that have tmp ctegaie fuleikesrbture. They may site Such things as "No quartering of ‘eoops in pevate homes in practi’. "The deth peal is abolished. rey cite has the right be heard bya jade within 4 hous afer his rest Most pectic roles of his kind are bert dent a sthorie Akermintions made by the consiioal legato sboat bow alle felevaneRrsvorder considerations of morality and policy play ow is he Girummances deed by the rule Nowathseanding interpretative es fring atthe margin, de jadi enfrceent of such resis geoerally| ot subject to proporomalty analysis or any other meaning engage ‘ment with moral considerations, Buc atthe heart of men consatonal rights practice are sights provisions of a diferent kind, Modem consitiions seals absrac Feuirements sich right ofeedom of speech, abwiaton and lon, hava gh hy ate cme yl "feet ae aT May Fk Oa Unie Pre, 186 134 Matis Kamm ‘These cght it seems, cannot plausibly have the same structure as ‘terial rule ie rghsprovsons, Clea there mut be linations ce Sch rights. Theres no ight falsely shor fie a crowded cies or ‘xpi a spontaneous mass demontation in the idle of Times Squat ‘dsing rash hour Flow sboel these ins be determined CConstatonal teas provide some illumination as to how those iy ‘ght tbe conceved. Asa matter of textual architecture is help e Altingush between tice diferent approaches othe limits of igh “The fis textual approach co say nothing all about lms Inthe United States, the st Amendment, for example snpy sates ths ‘Congres shall make no laws. abiding the Fredo of spesch for the re execs of religion’ Hece the tex suggest thal he interps tative work needs 0 be done when tscising wha so cout ss apee lunder thi provision. The absence of any kind of limitation clase seme lnvite the argument hat there are no limitation, Now surpcingly. femainsa unique and feature of US contin iit culure winston eights narrowly, so tha there are at few exceptions ss posable ‘hem. Arguments about rights ate genealy Tossed on the question wheter the Behaviour ia queton protected es right Convers fat ‘of sights discourse is geaerallynot‘on whether thre are good feasons nde the crcamsance for reuiing that ihe “The second approach is characentic of human sight treaties and ‘onstttons enacted in the perio following the Second World Wat These [enrally dope a bfrcatedappeoch, The fase par ofa provision dns the scope of the right The second deste the limits of the right 8 lining the conditions under which an inrngement canbe jai. ‘Article 10 ofthe European Coaventon on Huma Righty fr examples 1. Beran asthe ig eed of exrson 2. The excite of these fecdome may te abt <0 ssh foaltn ‘nti remticions or eles a rexel by law ad ae te) in ‘teem soe, the ire of ana ey cee neg ot pate ey Simi, Artie 2, par ofthe German asic Law tates ery pron ha he sight he redevelop ofthe persona ro cer they ono ike 00 hehe ths eld api nsasonal ode he ito publ marae 1 Shas shone Se alan rt Right aud rane (Oxford Univesity Pen, 1978) Political Liberation and the taco of Rights 135 The fist pat defines the scope ofthe interes tobe protected all those ress at rte repel to cedom of ears or the free development ofthe pemonaliy. The second part establishes the conditions under which ifngements of tee tnereay can be jst ‘reitios vw secoary in a democrat sore in the inert of and “hen the limitation serves to protec the rhs of there, te const onal order or public morals The fst sep of contains analysis trp consis in dering hts an ining the mye of bt Mt does prina fade lation of ight has ecesred. The ond xp consis in determing wither that ingens an be jie tnd the limitations clause. Only i cannot there dete aon othe rh ‘re though the em proorinaiy snot generally wed in consti ‘sal ison clases mmeately afer the Sond Wonk Way, vet time courts ave practically unifoemly ntereted hse Kinds of ination clases a searing peoporconay aly. Benes che requement of icgali-—anylttion utred by th aides! stb peed by Inthe proportionality regureeat les a the hea of dering heer a tigen of te ope of ight jae ‘The tid approach pial of ore recent hs coins, often scopes and embraces ts development by sitting gee Ela lation clases for rightpect mason ses” hele 113 of the ecenlysepviated Ewopean Charter of Fantamenal Right, for mpl sates Sab te pine operons maybe made oly if hey sees andere reece cl ince teen) ‘Be Uon ot hese rn Sg dos fsa [A fuer of cricsms have been died aaint an understanding of hts a which the real workin the desing of concer eats done ‘iin the tamer of prooronsiy sna Some have came that there are no sata stnderd salshe thar alow for dsngashing benwoon measure tat ae proportional from those tt ae no, Others have insted tha eve if thre are sch sandy ta spec concent aly tbe subject to considerable dagrecmen, ether abso otf pplication To the extent hat ithe cn, nce why courts ater hence oa ene ate pene a cos foros adtan ie qson we ei of gh Serene eine iene ad be ah el Pie a ye ea ae eo eS ae eae eee ie ere sy eee ag eee open Po Tuts era eesti of oe repro cmc oth Ti omen een in prc tase essa ayy Rake Ng gs tet SStvucon iad oa este aco a psoas Conia Comcast aa ces day there el gh onan od cnc Meet tas penclyS ald Ra act hs ches fed incon coal gus Ue oer lp yee ce Taree ersten oest ThtetepedieatiJacemeneet cf pocricuatoee cee his ink end pty int UN Deron of Hanan Ri CAB a hse Aen Rt le eee ee ei tePSnat tad nll wt towdee ene ache in since eet ec ree "Gaveson Hn Rs tu ne oe UN Denon Te br les ei haman hte bua amas Ca ESS Al Nga EE) na igh Tio PoltcalLiberalin and the Structure of Rights 137 rene of ping express a ‘es ought, Like statement of val Sotmen ofp: pois of the facta a ora ee helen thre acne berwcen a ence abd comntra ree the propoonay te prove he ceria deesmine i ee pecedence ue he estan oer as san cera amines enue in pricolarcreumstance, + OPO drat io be aplcd” The proportionality tt provides an oy ese orang whee mes imposed on he easton ae ip na parla coment are oti apn age of, proportionality, necsy end balancing AIS Catonal aon 20 finns, te sec se Se proprtualy foxes always clese™ According fo Asin indeed scaring the Geman Cotnal Cort he is fur pong Tir prongs—sab a Frm on empirical conser, Tey expres fhe egies that may aad the pene pole event lati 10 What Fae ce The exe to—einate ens and flaca faculy Pot pues he eequremet tht pencils be slid 0 the mets pone given sounervaing noma CHEE SRE cree emsttona isa petals and proporsonay shar samt sma one of snstional convene, Dut concepeza reat piles aroma eae means that a ese peoporsony sala, The proprsonay est aa ry comenicn pga ro ht fe prove a dsl a ey Sse purpose ofa atlysi Ui rights ae, optimisation sma the fropotonaiysrocute provides an analytes fame a er he accom and sce conditions andst which «rht Terk se er competing comers as 2 marr of st rer polite ora. — a awn rom te Earpean Cour of Haman Ris (ECR) Ieee poparsonlty soaps operates inthe audition of ne Pang Prean and Dechert v United Kingdom.” a pind that te investigations no thei sel oeaion ea aren te Roya Navy on the sole ground tat they were aan ei fof the Earopean Conentom on Honan RSs {Blige rk in vo fara evan eas fll "Senge tof Ud So Mo somite fears ee Bele 138 Matis Kio 1 Bveone the igh cect ori pete ie 2 There sal eno itescece by 2 pblic auto wit he xi of hi fake cep rch asodanae wah he lw ands eee revit vy ne eee of een cay, for he preven of Since de goveenment ha accepted hae here ad been interferences with the applicants ght o expect foe thes private fa iltion of» pita facie right had oscurred~the only question was whether the incerfeences were jotted or whether the itreence amounted to a define vil ‘on ofthe gh. Since the action of the goverment were compliance th domestic states and applicable European Community law, and dae [lied the requiem of ving Been in secordance wh tela’ the ‘quetio was whether the law sathoring the government actions quale fed ae “noceuaty ina democratic society’. The ECW had essentially imexpreted hat requirement at splat 4 proporonaly te The folowing is'a scomsruced and summarised account of the cout mao. “The fst qution the ECIH. adresse concer the existence of legate vm, Thi prongs reasively eny to sty in cases whee the onsttionl provision does aot specially ses the kind of aims that fount a legiimate for jung a itecernce with a specie right Is this care the constieatonl provision limits the king of ams that cout at leptimate forthe purpose Of using an infringement of peas. ese the United Kingdom lesed the maintenance of morale, fing pow: tnd opcatinal etlecrvenes ofthe med forces, purpos eal lated to national scurigy aa jusficaton to prohibit homosexsale om ‘erage armed fore ‘The next quenion thea was whether disallowing homosexual fom ering inthe suned forts sable mae fo ferber the legitimate poly goal. This an empirical goestion. A means suitable if i acres futers the. declared poy osl of the goversment. In this case # fverment commisioned stay had shown thot iteration problews ‘would be posed tothe lary system if open homosexuals were 1 ee Inthe atop Eventhough the ECAP remained sop with regard the Seventy ofthese problem, aceptd that there wood be some ite tion rublme i homosexuals were allowed to serve i the aroed fore ‘Get this uate f alfisthere was mo question that a6 an epic ratty, these problems cold be sigacaaiy mitigated, f nox completely ‘hminced, by excluding omanexals from the ranks ofthe armed frees ‘A mocediffelt question as wheter the prolubiuon of homoseal serving inthe ariel forse eceasary. A measure is necessary only there ino lens estscuve but equally elective measure available to achier€ Political Libera and the Structure of Rights 138 US consiuionalInyers that & measre be narrowly tilored towards {chicrng substantial policy gol nhs cse the ue was whether code ff conduct backed by aiiplinary measirer—cleny 2 les irae ‘rearorecould he regarded a equally efecive Umatly the cour bald {Bor eves though code of conduct backed by diiplinay tacarres would igo qe sme way to addres pealems of integration, the goverment bad ‘lose reson to bbe that it would aor go a fara to guaiy aan ‘qual efecive alenatie co the blaner prohibition. aly he ECE had to sess wheter the messi was proportional in the maow sease by appling the so-called balancing test, which levoees applying what Alexy call the wo Balancing The preter the Aegree of non station of op dewiment to, one pti the grate inst be the importance o sxisyng the oer > The deve question in ths case was wheter on balance the nese in the moral, ghting force and operational ellciveness achieved by prohib ‘ag homesexal rm serving in the ard forces jst the degree of inference in the applicant’ piacy, cr whether twas instead disproper tions. On the one hand, the court invoked the senoumest of the infinpement ofthe older’ privacy, given that sexual orientation concerts the mos itnate spect ofthe individual petal, On the ter band, the degee of dirupoon tothe armed forces absent auch polices wat predicted to be reltvely mine The court pointed to the expecenes in Sher European aemies that had recently opened theie aed forces to Komosemsls the sical co-operation of the UK army with aed NATO nr which ineladed homoveeanls the avalaliey of codes of ‘condace and ducipinaey measures to prevent inappropriate conduct well as the experince of sccesflly admiting women and aia minor rs imo the armed forces, whch bad cased aly modes dieuptions. Op balance, the UK measures were hed to besuficenty disproportionate to fl ouside the governments margin of appreciation andthe cour eld the nied Kingdom to have lated Arle of he ECHR, “This example trace to charac fexturs of ighs sesong: firs a sghsholder doesnot have very machi ve of having a nak More specifically the fc that eighties has a pina facie right does not imply that he hols posi that gives hin any kind of priony over