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What is the copywriter’s intent? (The best action the reader can take after reading this ad?)
Who is the ideal prospect for this ad? (The person who is most likely to take the action above?)
What is the ideal prospect’s primary pain point? (Their biggest fears, worries, frustrations, etc?)
What is the primary promise (The New Opportunity offered) solved by the offer in this ad?
What are three core benefits (Not features!) described by the offer in this ad?
What is the actual offer made in this ad?
What style of headline formula is used? Templatize it.
What are three swipe strategies you can take away from this ad?

On a scale of 1-10, rate the ad on the following:

The headline/illustration captured your attention and inspired you to read the opening line.
The opening line held your interest and inspired you to read the lead.
The copy uses the You-Orientation rather then the Me/We-Orientation.
The copy emphasizes benefits rather than features.
The copy moves logically from top to bottom.
The copy created an emotional experience.
The copy uses specificity rather than generalities.
The copy is clear, concise, and conversational.
The copy demonstrates authority and is credible and believable.
The call to action includes a strong guarantee of satisfaction.
The call to action urges the reader to take immediate action.
My Thoughts:

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