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Hello ladies and gentlemen, New Hero of Chaos here, presenting the newest chapter of

Kingdom Hearts: The War of Light and Darkness. Don't really have anything witty this time. Onto
the chapter

What is in The World That Never Was

Ulquiorra always caught onto things a bit quickly, sometimes quicker than Ichigo, particularly
when it came to piloting a gummi ship, though, this one was a tiny two manned craft which still
seemed to barely fit him and Kimiko. Sometimes Ulquiorra wonders how all of this happened,
once upon a time he was a twisted Hollow, then he was an elite arrancrar, but before that he
was a Shinigami, but that so seemed long ago, but even back then Kimiko loved him, and then
he was gone. Only to return years later after he had been twisted, tainted, and then returned
and redeemed. But as he sat there reminiscing about this, he felt his cheek bring poked a bit
before he turned a green eye to Kimiko as he then said "Yes?"

Before she gave a warm smile, and said "You looked really distant for a moment, we're you
thinking about, that?" She asked as he sighed a bit

"Just a bit, I try not to, but it's hard for it not to but sometimes, the thoughts creep in"

And as he said this she began to coil her arms around him and rest on his shoulder as she said
"You aren't the monster anymore, maybe Keiji is gone, but I still love the real Ulquiorra" she said
as he gave a soft smile and nodded

"Thank you Kimiko" as he looked at the screen of their Gummi ship. Before he began to press
the necessary buttons before they began to land. They were arriving in the land of Twilight
Town, where strange readings of energies had been found. And Ulquiorra had volunteered, and
of course Kimiko came along to help. Soon the two landed and disembarked, heading out into
the tall city scape and eternal orange sky of the day. He stopped and admired it as Kimiko
smiled to him

"Let's go take a walk around" she said as she took his arm and the two began to make there
way around the city.

They explored the stores, Ulquiorra buying a moogle charm bracelet for, something she greatly
wanted after seeing a moogle in Radiant Garden. But after that, they headed along towards the
lot, to see 7 people, three on one side and 4 on the other, one of them, a kid with spiked up
blonde hair and a camo theme said "Back off Seifer!"

As another scoffed "You losers can't tell me what to do or not, I'm the boss here" he said as he
was holding as suitcase in hand, well, it wasn't very deep but was long, but something about it,
or in it, made the girl with the blonde kid hold him back
"Come on Hayner, we can't do anything while he has that" she said as Hayner growled

"Come on Olette! if we let him push us around...."

But before he finished Ulquiorra made his way over to this scene and said "Is everything
alright?" As Siefer looked at him and said

"Back of new guy, we don't like strangers getting in our business" as Hayner then yelled
"This asshole isn't letting us hang out here and is threatening us with a legit weapon" he said as
Ulquiorra quirks a brow and said

"That's hardly fair now is it, maybe you should just put away whatever you have and let these
kids have there fun" he said as then suddenly Siefer slammed down his case and began to
open it, soon pulling out what looked like and gunblade, similar to Leon's, but smaller, with and
hilt like a revolver, as he pointed it to Ulquiorra.

"That's it, ill show you not to poke around in my town!" As he stepped in with a stab of his blade,
but as it got close to Ulquiorra, the point of his gunblade was blocked by Kimiko's zanpakuto,
using the flat of her blade to stop the strike as she had an uncharacteristically serious face
before she began to release her spiritual pressure which made Siefer and his cohorts freeze up.

Even Hayner and his friends seized up at the feeling as Ulquiorra smirked
a bit at Kimiko's display as Seifer soon backed up. A look of uncertainty on his face as he tried
to save face and said "This isn't even worth our time, let's go guys" he said as they scrambled
off before Kimiko sheathed her blade, giving a smile and a wink to Ulquiorra as as the other
three looked at them in shock, before Hayner said

"Whoa, that was pretty awesome." As Kimiko giggled

"It's no issue, I hate bullies" she said as Ulquiorra then said to them

"By the way, do you three know anything about strange happenings?" Before Olette chimed in

"Yeah, the old mansion on the hill, that's where all the weird stuff happens, Right Pence?" she
said as the round member of the group said

"Yeah, that's where Sora walked out of, and that weird portal is" he said as Ulquiorra raised a
brow, looking to Kimiko as the two nodded to each other as Kimiko gave a polite bow to the

"Hayner, Pence, Olette, thank you" before her and Ulquiorra made there way to the abandoned
mansion, entering it and beginning to wander around, exploring the mansion as Kimiko said
"This place is creepy"
Ulquiorra was looking at the miniature replica of the city on the table and the half decayed, half
preserved nature of this place, if left him a bit unsettled, but his face didn't show it. His green cat
like eyes peering around before he said "This place isn't the most homely is it?" He said before
he started to make his way to a door, closing his eyes and using his Pesquisa as he felt the
strange swirling of energy coming from another room as he said "hey, let's check this out" he
said as the two of them began to make there way downstairs, finding the machine which was
creating this swirling energy, and as Ulquiorra examined the machine, making sure to use his
eye to record everything before him, to show the others, a convenient trick he had.

"I wish Darren or Nemu were here, then they could help us figure this out" he said before he
touched the machine. Suddenly a sound of something whirling up behind them happened as
they turned around only to be a green light which they tried to cover up from, but it began to
rapidly deconstruct them. But almost just as soon as they were deconstructed, they were being
put back together, Kimiko screaming as it all ended.

"What the heck happened!" She said as Ulquiorra once began to use his Pesquisa, but couldn't
sense any one from before, but found found a new mass of energy, it was very close by as well.
As he would soon begin to look for it

"I'm not sure, but this energy source, this may be what we came looking for" he said as he
would dust off his black trench coat, removing the beanie he had on and tucking it away.

Kimiko puffed her cheeks at him but said nothing more as she followed after him. Going to a
large empty room and in the furthest corner, a swirling green mass which resembled a portal, as
Ulquiorra looked at it, it resembled a Garganta slightly in appearance, but in energy similarities,
it felt almost the same, a rip in dimensions, forced open by immense power, but as he
investigated. Suddenly Kimiko reached for, and before he could grab her to prevent this,
suddenly both were pulled through this portal.

The two barely felt anything, Ulquiorra assumed that this was the difference between this portal
and a Garganta, this portal only went to one place. As soon the two crashed down into a street
below, Ulquiorra managing to grab Kimiko and put himself under before impact, but the impact
and confusion cause Ulquiorra to be knocked out of his modified gigai, a specialized design for
hjm and Grimmjow to take away their hollow fragments yet keep their powers. As Kimiko looked
to him as he was a few feet away and grumbled as he dusted off his immaculately white attire.

"That was unexpected, are you alright Kimiko?" He asked as he approached her, offering a
hand which she gladly accepted

"Yes, thank you Ulqui-chan" she said as Ulquiorra was about to say something but was cut off
by some of the powerful pressure he has ever felt, only Aizen, or that hollow form Ichigo had
taken against him were, but Aizen's was sinister, the hollows primal, this, pure malice and anger,
raw, yet contained. Terrifying by any means. As Ulquiorra turned around to see the person
behind him. Floating high above the two.

Long silver hair, a great black wing and an attire of black. And a sword of length he could never
imagine, it was like 2 of Ichigo's Tensa Zangetsus. The man then spoke "Well well, intruders in
my home, you shall not be tolerated" he said as he gripped his blade, before suddenly he

Ulquiorra barely tracked, that wasn't Sonido, or Shunpo, that was pure speed. As he suddenly
pushed Kimiko back and was soon sent flying up in the air, the man pushing him up. "I am
Sephiroth, and you will die here" he said before he leveled out in the sky and pushed Ulquiorra
off, sending him flying and crashing into a building.

Ulquiorra pulled himself from the wreckage as he would then look at Sephiroth. Before he began
to think "He isn't giving me me any choice, I'll have to fight him all out" he thought before he
raised his sword "Enclose. Murcielaglo." As suddenly green energy rained down until Ulquiorra
was no longer visible before suddenly he burst forth in his resserecion, a Javelin of energy in
hand as he tossed it at Sephiroth, who knocked it aside before slashing, at which he dodged
and created another javelin, stabbing it at Sephiroth, who dodged away again before he slashed
once more, cutting slightly into one of Ulquiorra wing as he turned around and swiped with
another Javelin, cutting Sephiroth slightly on the cheek in return.

The silver haired haired man still smirked that vicious smirk as they began to clash over over
and over and over until finally Sephiroth got the advantage, blasting Ulquiorra with a meteorite
blast, it knocked him back, before Sephiroth drove his sword forward right into Ulquiorra heart
as he smirked, leaving Kimiko in shock, and Ulquiorra dangling on the blade.

"And now, for you" he said as was about to turn from Ulquiorra, but as he did, he he heard
Ulquiorra speak

"Cero Oscuros" as suddenly a black wave of energy, outlined in green blasted into him, sending
him tumbling down and through a building as Ulquiorra slowly slid himself up along the blade
"Sorry, I don't have a heart for you to impale" he said as he then pulled off the handle, before he
grabbed the sword, and threw it towards Sephiroth.

Who managed to catch the blade, before suddenly an explosion of Shadow came off of him,
before he was suddenly behind Ulquiorra, a spray of blood erupting as his left wing, arm, and
horn all were severed from him. His eyes wide as he began to crash to the ground, as his sword
began to glow, suddenly he heard Kimiko yell "Chase. Furoa" as suddenly a length of golden
beads attached to string wrapped around his arm, then like attached room hundred needles
they all extended spikes which latched into his arm. As he turned his glowing green eyes, cat
like, actually similar to Ulquiorra's.
"You care for him?" He said with a smug chuckle "Then I'll let you die with him" as he raised his
hand, several meteors forming and making a circle around him. Before he pointed it at kimiko.
Who began to speak an illegible incantation for a Bakkudo as the meteors closed in rapidly.

But just as she thought it was over, a blanket of darkness covered her, the meteors impacting
and disbursing on it, before it faded, and standing there was Ulquiorra, but in hjm Segunda
Etapa. She hated this form, he always felt that it pulled him future and further into his hollow
side. But he turned back to her "kimiko, are you okay? I know you hate this from, but I didn't
have a choice" he said as she paused

Reaching out and putting a hand on his shoulder. As she then gave him a nod as Sephiroth
began to laugh a bit manically as he then pointed his sword at the two of them. As Kimiko's
Furoa retreated back to her. Ulquiorra then went at Sephiroth. The two clashing and creating a
massive shockwave. There battle spanning the city as they clashed. Despite how hard they
fought, it seemed Ulquiorra did more damage, due to his healing ability. But then the Ulquiorra
put his hands together, then pulling them apart as he formed his signature attack, Lanza de
Ramplago. Before he hurled the spear with tremendous force and speed at Sephiroth, who
casually dodged it, but when it impacted on the tall building behind him, he was caught in the
explosion. Ulquiorra bearing a small smirk on his face. But as the explosion died down the smirk
changed to am expression of Horror.

Sephiroth stood there, a few feathers burned off, some burns on his attire and his face, but
otherwise he was just fine. Smiling even "Only 3 people have ever forced my hand like this, be
honored" he said as he then looked up, as the clouds began to swirl around. The arrancrar
looking up to see what exactly was happening as a large meteor began its descent.

Ulquiorra's eyes were mesmerized by horror horror as the meteor began to gain seed as it was
on a Collison course with this world. Which currently seemed to only be populated by Kimiko,
Ulquiorra, and this Sephiroth who attacked them randomly upon entrance to this world.

As Ulquiorra then created two Lanza de Ramplago. Before flying up at the meteor. Throwing
one Lanza at the object to try and damage it, but before the first explosion died, he tossed the
second, feeding the explosion and making it strong enough to cause the meteorite to explode.
But Ulquiorra was caught in said explosion. Sending him careening down in a severely injured

Kimiko screaming out to him as she jumped and caught him just before he impacted the ground.
Ulquiorra knocked out of his Resserecion as he was barely awake. Before she moved put his
wounded body back into his special Gigai. But due to its nature the wounds began to open this
body as Sephiroth began to close in.

But in a last ditch effort to escape. Ulquiorra grabbed Kimiko, holding her tightly as her opened
up a Garganta under them. The two falling through as Ulquiorra closed it behind them.
Meanwhile back at Radiant Garden, Grimmjow had just returned, and was discussing what he
had found there over a game of Cards with Ichigo, Sora, Cloud, Leon, and Yoruichi, who had
been dominating the boys. "I mean, who are all these people, I've never heard of them"
Grimmjow said as Yoruichi sighed

"Of course you don't catnip brain, you didn't even know about other world's until we brought it
up, now call or fold" she said as Grimmjow was about to say something before suddenly
Grimmjow and anyone who came with Ichigo recognized the sound of tearing fabric. As right
above the table, a Garganta opened and from it came Ulquiorra, Kimiko tightly in his grasp as
they crashed onto the table, breaking it upon impact, cards flying everywhere.

Kimiko looked up at everyone as tears streamed down her face. Ulquiorra laying unconscious
under her as everyone called for Kairi, Orihime, and Aeirth to come help. The entire room now
in a panic.

And that's the end of this chapter. I'm sure you are all wondering what exactly is going on with
Sephi, look to the second prologue and it will make some sense. And I'll do more with this in
later chapters. And don't worry! Ulqui-chan isn't dead! Also, reviews! Please! I want to know
what you all think please! Until then, The New Hero of Chaos, signing out.

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