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Jgblly jueni gl just Matrix aalg 395 ,94 yailndll gions goa 3D Transform cLisiv gago | Powered By Youssef Pro And Al Rose White space | White-space: normal; @alpieul dow! | White-space: wrap; Gohnas spay W tonic Sp sagt call dal la | White-space: nowrap; stall yusdi gle MlolS gill dults | Word Wrap | Word-wrap: Normal; aualjiaul deal | Word-wrap: break-word; uaa jul digjig pilAll juu5 2D Transform Rotate ? Transform: rotate(---- deg); (es3) Transform: scale( , ) Transform: scale(<1> , <1>) L Scale X(usy0u!) | Scale Y(usbu) | Transform: Translate (x,y) dulug duylail pid judy Translate X() | Translate y() Skew Transform: Skew\(.....deg,....deg) (catyait - Jao) Skew x() Skew Y() | Transform:matrix (scalex, Matrix Skewy,Skewx,Scaley, (uaitaall Js goa) translate, translate) Scale (ges - uss) Translate (sist! yas) Powered By Youssef Pro And Al Rose W Font Face Bagall 94 dalito hgh cleriaul gl pei! yridiyb aagi Links Head J! 94 lMaudlg Jaga Yo hgh’ plaaiul y4o0 : Manual @font-family{Font-familyi.oe; SUCremersesh Illllxa dol dagalo io Glaanioll JS pcsil bgbill Gislaiol gos dabal yo sa 7 7 1 | otf woff | Woff2 | svg Powered By Youssef Pro And Al Rose # laa Gola dagalo SA qdacl pill aay aia cliall wll ybdieg cll Lam Jl aulslall polis! elute yl wl Algal yallllls dayuy aogiao Display: Flex; (Display: inline-Flex;)dlgai pj sgago gl Ul oa ui yloS Jaci alino g! Parent 1 Flex Direction Flex-Direction: rows | Flex-Direction: Colums | wagac digjall 6 2 Flex Wrap | ynisil walail! Flex-Wrap: Wrap | Bygyedll nic Yausl yl prisll Jgji Flex-Wrap: NoWrap | Jina Lomo Yau! gil poisil Ygji pac 3 Flex Flow | Qaivtull gutuotall guy gna du ls Flex-Flow: Flex-Direction + Flex-Wrap 4 Justify Content | Hye cgiaall dlalao justify-content: Flex-start | daanll dlail (94 dljlsoll 014 justify-content: Flex-end guuiyll Gul dulai yo lum 034 justify-content: center | aniioll «94 jnisll gag | justify-content: Space-bettween glut poliall yole Div Jl daluo pusdl justify-content: Space-arround wlll poiell Yga claluo gig Powered By Youssef Pro And Al Rose W 3D Transform Perspective 3D aylc diby ynisll aouy - yghio dual jie! dosall | Perspective:300px; lio | Perspective-origin: X ¥ | Perspective-origin: 50% 50% Jalal ole elo atl) Us! 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Apally Jgbll yo clasyl Overflow-x: hidden; Overflow-y: hidden; wpyall yo elasyll dgbll yo lasyl | Resize | dadaall oa jaiall pas a1 yo gSaill Resize: none duslyiall dorall Resize: both reg Ugh pall: pSaill : Resize: Vertical haa Jgbll pSaill Resize: Horizental has ly pSaill I Resize:inherit paall pSaill gio Opacity gaiall; doll dala! Opacity: 1; dualpiaull douall Udit daladall Jetty aalg dasa p51 cas Flex Box Grow coll puudins yyoll grind! Parent = (uu!) Powered By Youssef Pro And Al Rost | Child = (tut = autstatt potist!) eV” 3 Flex-Shrink | jnisll yalai Flex-Shrink:1; ] duljiav! dowall Flex-Shrink:0; | Uilai DIV JI yiualdio Laliso 4 Flex-Basis | yall Aljall paall ge yitldulo Guy pall cuil aliao gl Flex-basic: 200px; 5 Shorthand | paidall sg4il Flex: 0 1 auto; Flex: Flex-Grow , Flex-Shrink , Flex-Basis Transition (cboy ~ dcp) flail! Transition: Property Duration Timing Function Delay Property(!) All Width | —_—sheight —_| Background-Color Duration(caig!!) Transition-duration: 05; | dul jiaw! doll Powered By Youssef Pro And Al Rose 5 Iteration count JUS Animation-iteration-count:1; dul ial doxall | Animation-iteration-count:ii GLa Vio sacl s1)SiI1 Direction Animation-direction:normal; | olai! dunljiav! doa clalaiul Jlaaii Reverse alternate yudall yo _ dill gays sSill Jing: Lo Yale dail go Haus | Alternate-Reverse leo Quidslull Qin ll aoa Fill Mode mode: none; @udlyiav! doxall Animation-fill-mode: Forwards Animation-fill-mode: Backwards Keyframes ,o@ alayo yl sic wddig Joins ais 025 azig Keyframes Jgl salu Play State | aja dla Animation- Play-State: Running; Animation- Play-State: Puased; (Josdslyiawl dowdll dafigio d4yall dla Animation Shorthand Animation: none 0 ease 0 1 Normal none running Name duration timing-Function Delay iteration-count direction fillmode play-state Powered By Youssef Pro And Al Rose #

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