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My Sister’s Keeper Socratic Seminar

The goal of a Socratic Seminar is to discuss a topic with other students without
teacher involvement. In order to prepare yourself for this, answer the following
questions thoroughly on a separate sheet of paper, using quotes and other evidence
from the text to support your answers. Remember to identify the page number
where you found your textual support!

1. My Sister’s Keeper is told from many different viewpoints. Why do you think
Jodi Picoult wrote it this way? How did hearing from each character change
your opinions of them and the situation?

2. Discuss the ways each family member copes with their situation. How are each
of their identities affected by Kate? How does this affect Kate?

3. The ending of the novel and the ending of the movie are quite different. Which
ending seemed more powerful to you? Was there any way to end this story
differently? Consider all of the factors: the illness, the family dynamic (burning
out), the inevitable end, and finally, closure (what the author does to tie up the
loose ends of the story).

4. Why did Kate ask Anna to sue for medical emancipation? Was Anna right to
listen to her wishes? Do you think it was fair of Kate to ask Anna to do this?
Why or why not?

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