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SAINT LUCIA Ministry of Education, Innovation, Gender Relations and Sustainable Development N@ 1225 GRADE 4 2018 MINIMUM STANDARDS TEST COMPREHENSION AND EXPRESSIVE WRITING NAME: SCHOOL: REGISTRATION NUMBER: DIRECTIONS: This paper consists of two (2) parts. You must do BOTH parts of the paper. Write in the spaces provided. Spend no more than 15 minutes on Part I. TIME: 40 minutes PARTI COMPREHENSION. DIRECTIONS: Read the paragraph below. In ONE sentence, answer the question that follows. Andre sat in his balcony watching the rooster his uncle had given him for his birthday. It was feeding in the backyard. He named his rooster Snow because of its white feathers. He could not wait for Snow to grow into a bigger rooster. As soon as Andre entered the house he heard Rover barking, followed by a crashing noise. Within minutes, the place became silent. As Andre rushed out of the door, Rover crossed the yard with a white feather in his mouth. “What have you done!” exclaimed Andre. His dream of seeing Snow grow into a bigger rooster was over. The boy’s eyes began to fill with tears as the dog wagged its tail. Question: Why was Andre crying? PART IL EXPRESSIVE WRITING DIRECTIONS: Writea composition of about 100 words on ONE of the following topics. 1. Write a letter to a friend from another school telling him/her about a race you won at your school’s sports meet. Z. Write a story about “The Accident” 3. John was afraid of going outside the morning after the storm. When he opened the door, he could not believe how terrible the place looked. Write a story to describe what John saw that morning.

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