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5.2 LISTS A list i a collection of values or an ordered sequence of values/items. The items in alist . be ofany ype sch string integers, oat, bjt, or even alist Blemets Of ist are ence in square brackets [separated by commas. Lists are mutable, values in the list can be modified, which means that Python will not create a new list when you make changes toa element ofa list. The values that make up alist are called its elements, Elements in alist need not be of the same type, In other words, we say that lists are heterogeneous (of multiple types in nature. Like a string (sequence of characters), list also is a sequenced data type, | For example, Fruits = ['Mango', "apple! y vgrapes'] Learning | list of fruits having three d by comma and les of lists In the above example, we have a items—Mango, Apple and Grapes, separate enclosed inside square [ | brackets. Other examp are: List Types and Examples: Lists in Python can be broadly classified into three types: 1, Empty Lists 2. Long Lists ) ° Nested Lists jder another list with elements, ‘C//0;‘m’/p/‘u/‘t,‘e,r’ stored 7 ———— Index value a> ist 22> list = [1c >>> list(3) EF > An IndexError appears if you try and access element that does not display the error message as: IndexError: list index out of range ‘Type “copyright for more xination. >>> list = ['c S35 liste) Traceback (mos File ": we are having a total of 8 elements for which ccess the element at index 8, Python will gi

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