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Aurora Light

Aurora Light has grown up in Happy Valley – Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador.

She has lived here her entire life, but she always felt different from everyone she has grown up

with. The day she first saved a life when she was only 13, she knew this was true. A boy had

fallen through the ice while taking a short cut home from school, she had taken a similar route

and ran over to his screams as ice cracked and crashed together into the water under his feet.

This is when she felt this energy inside of her that she did not recognize. This feeling ached to

get out and almost lifted her off her feet, it was as though she was being pulled up to the sky. She

let go of the fear that was holding her back as the boy went completely under the ice, no longer

in sight. Her body filled with a tingling from her head to her fingertips, to her toes. She fell to the

ground as she felt herself lift into the stars. It happened quickly. In an instant she had the boy out

of the water and on to the ground. The air around her was full of beautiful vibrant colours of

greens, pinks, blues, and purples. Then before she could even think about it or comprehend what

was happening, she was back inside of her body. This was how it all began. The power to

control and produce aurora borealis, this she refers to as “The northern lights.” She will

eventually come to find she is immune to extremely cold temperatures and is able to

communicate with the spirits of the animals who once lived on the land, who assist her when she

is in trouble.

To produce the northern lights, Aurora must focus all her energy into the sky and will her

soul into the stars. Her soul is what controls the lights, leaving her body lifeless and unprotected.

Aurora eventually makes a pact with the spirit animals who protect her body when she must

leave her body behind to conjure and control the lights. She wears fur clothing from animals who
have been hunted for the purpose of food, always being fully used and a ritual performed before

the killing of the animal so it can pass safely to the spirit world. She wears these clothes out of

respect for the animals, not for the cold temperatures as she is practically invincible to cold all on

her own.

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