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The volleyball was created in the year 1895 by American William C.

director of physical education of the Christian Association of Young Men (ACM) in the
city of Holyoke in Massachusets, in the United States of North America. The original
name o f the sport was mintonette. In that time, the sport in fashion was the basketball,
that had just been instituted three years ago to put Naismith and that quickly had spread.
It was very energetic and tiresome for men of age. To put suggestion of Shepherd
Lawrece Rinder, Morgan idealized a less tiring game than the basketball for the
associated ones older of ACM and it placed a similar net the one of tennis, to a height of
1.83 cm, on which a camera of basketball ball was beaten the sport that would be
denominated volleyball later appearing like this.

The first ball used in the volleyball (camera of basketball ball) it was very heavy,
and to put this reason, Morgan requested the firm A.G. Stalding & Brothers the
production of bullet for referred him sport. Mentioned her firm, after several experiences,
ended up satisfying to the done demands to put Morgan.

In the beginning that sport was restricted the city of Holyoke and to the gym
where Morgan was the director. In a taken conference the effect in the University of
Springfield, among directors of Physical education of United States, two teams of
Holyoke made a demonstration of the sport. After this demonstration, the volleyball was
extended by Springfield and other cities of Massachusets and New England.

In Springfield, Dr. A. T. Halsted, after observing the new sport, suggested that its
name was changed of mintonette for volleyball, tends in view that the basic idea of the
game was to play the ball to and from, for open the net, with the hands.

The first article on the game appeared published in the number of July of 1896 of
Physical Education. Its author, J.Y. Cameron of Buffalo, New Yorque, wrote: “The
volleyball is a new game, exactly adapted for the gym or it squares cover, more than it
cannot, also, to be practiced outdoors. Any number of people can practice it. The game
consists of conserving the ball in movement on a high net, to and fro, and it presents, like
this, the characteristics of the other games, as the tennis and the handball”.

The first volleyball block had the following measures: length – 15.35m; width –
7.625m. the net had the height of 1.98m. the ball was made of a rubber camera covered
with leather or canvas of clear color and he/she had for circumference 67.5cm. And its
weight was of 255 to 340g.
The volleyball appeared in South America, through Peru, the year of 1910,
through a mission hired by the Peruvian government, close to United States, with the
purpose of organizing the primary instruction in the country. The members of this
mission were Joseph B. Lochey and Jose the Macknight. They worked of common
agreement in the modification of the programs of physical education for children, that the
basketball, the volleyball, the handball, but they didn’t get to surpass the borders of the
country. Only in 1912, at Montevideu, in Uruguay, with the presentation and the
incentive of the volleyball for ACM, the first seeds that produced the wanted fruits

In Brazil, they say one that he was practiced, for the first time, in 1915, in the
Clegio Marista of Pernambuco, and others that the same was intriduzido about
1916/1917, by ACM of Sao Paulo.

The first South American championship of volleyball, masculine and feminine,

sponsored by Brazilian Confederation of Desportos, entity that controlled that sport, it
was accomplished in the gym of Fluminense F.C., in Rio de Janeiro, in the period of 12
to September 22, 1951, being champion Brazil, in the masculine and in the feminine.

The Brazilian confederation of volleyball was created on August 9, 1954 and he

had as its first President Mr. Denis Hatthaway.

The Federecao Internacional of volleyball was founded on April 20, 1947, in

Paris, France, being the first President Mr. Paul Libaud and founders the following
paiseses: Brazil, Belgium, Egypt, France, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yoguslavia, United States and Uruguay.

In September of 1962, in Sofia’s congress, the volleyball was admitted as

Olympic sport and its first dispute by occasion of the Olympic Games of Tokyo, Japan in
October of 1964, with the presence of ten countries in the section masculine. The first
Olympic champion of masculine volleyball went to the team Russia (USSR), champion
vice Czechoslovakia, in 3rd place Japan. Brazil was in 7th place. The feminine counted
with 6 countries, with the selection of Japan becoming champion, vice Russia, 3 rd Poland.
Brazil didn’t participate in this competition.

The creator of the volleyball, William C. Morgan died on December 27, 1942, 72
years of age.

Source – Manual of Official Rules – SNAKE – Brazilian School of Masters Degree.

The Founding

The first serious activity aimed at the founding of FIVB was an informal meeting
held at the Graf Coffee House (now called Krivan) in Prague between representatives of
Polish, French, and Czech Volleyball Federation, followed by a more formal meeting in
the council chambers of the Smichov brewery. The Czechoslovak delegation was headed
by Mr. Havel, president of the federation, and composed of Messers. Cebalka, Stoic,
Pulkrat, Koutsky, and Vlademir Spirit. The French delegation was lead by Paul Libaud,
the newly elected President of the federation, and included Messers, Aujard and Babin
Federation, and his colleague Mr. Szeremeta.

This meeting started by the reading of written declarations of support which had
been sent by the Federations of Italy, Yoguslavia, Rumania and Belgium. In the
proceeded to establish the so called “autonomous volleyball commission” composed of
the following member: Ronald Wirszylo (POL) president; Paul Libaud (FRA), vice
president; and Josef Cebalka (TCH), general secretary, together with a representative
each from the Soviet Union, the USA and Rumania. The assistant to the general secretary
was Mr. Castellant (FRA). The main aim of the commission was to lay the foundations of
an international volleyball federation, together with other tasks detailed in the minutes of
the historical meeting to give as much publicity as possible to volleyball in all countries;
to create a unified set of the rules of the game using as basis the American rules; the
organization of some championships (Europian and World Championships) in Prague;
the conclusions of volleyball into the programme of the Olympic games; and the
convening of a constitute Congress in Paris, to be held in 1947.

The organization of this Constitute Congress was entrusted to the President of the
French Volleyball Federation, Paul Libaud. It took place in Paris from April 18 – 20,
1947, in the splendid rooms of the Grand Hotel with the participation of 14 federations
some of which had been delegated to act for other Federations as well.

The FIVB was born! It is certain that a decisive moment in the fascinating history
of volleyball’s first hundred years was the founding of the FIVB (Federation International
de Volleyball) when one day in April 1947 representatives of Belgium, Brazil,
Czechoslovakia, Egypt, France, Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Rumania,
Uruguay, USA and Yugoslavia met in Paris to found the FIVB Frenchman, Paul Libaud,
resident of the French Federation was elected first President of the FIVB. The
headquarters were established in Paris, where they remained for the first 37 years until

VOLLEYBALL is a game of which the limit of man’s ability is completed. It is a
sport played by two teams on a playing court divided by a net. This sport has different
version and/or dimensions that offer versatility to every one. Volleyball is considered not
only as a recreational sport but as an education and a competitive sport as well.

As an educational sport, it is offered as a subject requirement in physical

education curriculum which contributes to the total development of the individual – the
physical, mental, social, emotional, moral, psychological, spiritual and aesthetic values.

As a competitive sport, it offers varied challenges that test the physical and
mental progress, psychological and emotional stability as well as the development of the
social and inter-personal relationship including teamwork and cooperation. It offers a
challenge of proving one’s superiority in skill over the other in pursuit of excellence and

As a recreational sport, it encourages participation, and inter-personal

relationships, develops friendship, and other officials involved in coaching courses and
seminars, may this hand book may serve you best.


Be a resource person able to assist the athlete to develop his/her athletic potential
and self-dependency. Recognize individual differences in athletes’ and always think of
the athletes’ long-term best interests. Aim for excellence based upon realistic goals and
the athletes’ growth and development.
Lead by example. Teach and practice cooperation, self-discipline, respect for
officials and opponents and proper attitudes in language, dress and deportment.
Make sport challenging and fun. Skills and techniques need not to be learned
painfully. Be honest and consistent with athletes. They appreciate knowing where they
Be prepared to interact with the media, league officials and parents.
They too have important roles to play in sport.
Coaching involves training by responsible people who are flexible and willing to
continually learn and develop.
Physical fitness should be a lifelong goal for all Filipinos. Encourage athletes to
be fit all year, every year and not just for the season.

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