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Environmental science brings together the fields of ecology, biology, zoology,

oceanography, atmospheric science, soil science, geology, chemistry and more in an

interdisciplinary study of how natural and man-made processes interact with one
another and ultimately affect the various biomes of Earth.

What Is Environmental
Environmental science seeks to understand and protect our
environment. It encompasses many disciplines, like biology, chemistry,
geology, physics, and computer science. Read on for an overview of
environmental science job options, responsibilities, degree programs,
and the career outlook.

Environmental Science Overview

Environmental science is a multidisciplinary field that explores the
dynamics between Earth systems, flora, fauna and humans. It involves
research on air, water, soil, food, and wildlife to help understand system
processes, identify environmental damage or hazards, and develop
solutions to environmental concerns. Environmental scientists may work
as environmental consultants, horticulturists, ecologists, hydrologists,
park rangers, and conservation planners.

What Is Environmental Science?

A simple environmental science definition is a culmination of scientific fields, integrating
physics, biology, geology, chemistry, meteorology, and oceanography all in order to study the
interactions between the physical, chemical, and biological components that make up
ecosystems. Environmental science should not be confused with environmentalism which is a
social movement. Though environmental science has the intention of studying environmental
systems in order to help solve environmental problems, it as a scientific discipline only intends
to describe and explain the what and how related questions about natural phenomena.
Whereas, environmentalism is a broad philosophy and ideological social movement which
intends to enact political, legal, and social change in order to solve environmental problems.

An environmental scientist might collect samples of rainwater in order to test its pH in order to
find and graph a causal relationship between carbon dioxide in that region's atmosphere and
the acidity of its rainwater. Whereas, an environmentalist might instead organize a protest in
order to push for political action toward solving issues surrounding pollution and acid rain.

Though environmental science is an interdisciplinary science, the interconnected disciplines do

not include social or political fields. Though politics, philosophy, ethics, history, the humanities,
and sociology may have some part in solving environmental problems, they are not physical
sciences and therefore cannot help describe, explain, and predict the various physical,
chemical, and biological systems that are all interfaced with one another and emerging as the
flux of ecosystems and the environment. So why is environmental science an interdisciplinary

Why Environmental Science Is an Interdisciplinary

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary science because its focus of study is the
culmination of interacting systems which all have their entire scientific fields filled with experts
on those specific systems. In order to understand the environment and ecosystems, biology or
the study of life is not enough. Life is subject to the changes of the Earth, and the Earth is
subject to changes caused by life. Life can alter the atmosphere. Plants take in carbon dioxide
and exhale oxygen, and animals take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. The atmosphere
can also be altered by Earth's geology and volcanism, which can, in turn, have a profound effect
on life and the climate life lives in and experiences.

Earth ecosystems are composed of and governed by the various interactions between Earth's
systems and the physical laws that govern the entire universe. Earth's systems include its
specific geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. The geosphere is Earth's entire
abiotic solid and liquid rocks and metals. The hydrosphere is the entirety of Earth's oceans,
freshwater, groundwater, water vapor, and ice caps. The atmosphere is composed of gases
which are gravitationally bound to and blanket the Earth. The biosphere is the entirety of life on

What makes an ecosystem or environment is the combined interaction of these Earth systems.
A terrestrial ecosystem is typically comprised of a diverse biosphere filled with a variety of
animal life that are dependent on the surrounding plant life and fungal life, which are
dependent on the soil and geosphere they are grounded in. All life is dependent on the
hydrosphere or water which soaks and permeates through the ground after having fallen from
the atmosphere. Since each of Earth's systems are all directly or indirectly involved in every
aspect of every ecosystem and environment on Earth, then an environmental scientist must
study all of these systems. A scientist that wants to describe, explain, predict, and solve
environmental problems needs to be able to ask and investigate questions within fields of
chemistry, geology, physics, biology, meteorology, ecology, oceanography, and even astronomy.
Earth as a system is not a closed system, and therefore its environments are subject to changes
that come from the universe outside Earth's atmosphere; e.g., the Sun, or asteroids and
comets. An environmental scientist needs to be an interdisciplinary scientist in order to
accomplish the goals of environmental science. But what are the goals of environmental

What are the Goals of Environmental Science?

Generally, and colloquially speaking, there are three goals of environmental science. These
goals are not specific to solving any particular environmental problem, or should not be
confused with political or social goals. The goals or purpose of environmental science are to:

What is environmental science and its purpose?

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary science which integrates physics, biology, geology,
chemistry, meteorology, and oceanography all in order to study the interactions between the
physical, chemical, and biological components that make up ecosystems. The purpose of
environmental science is to understand natural phenomenon and ecosystems, and how
humans interact and impact the environment.

What are some examples of environmental science?

Some examples of environmental sciences include human ecology and climate change science.
These are environmental sciences because they study the interactions and impacts of humans
on and within their environment.

The scope of environmental studies is very wide and it deals with many areas like i) Conservation
of natural resources, ii) ecological aspects, iii) pollution of the surrounding natural resources, iv)
controlling the pollution, v) social issues connected to it, and vi) impacts of human population
on the environment.

What is importance of
environmental science?
It helps us to establish a standard for a safe, clean and healthy natural ecosystem.
It also deals with important issues like safe and clean drinking water, hygienic living
conditions and clean and fresh air, fertility of land, healthy food and development.
What is the main focus of
environmental science?
Environmental Science provides an overview of how science affects our environment.
We focus on interactions between the solid Earth, its water, its air and its living
organisms, and on dynamic, interdependent relationships between these four

Ecology and Scope of Ecological Studies:

Ecology is that part of environmental studies in which we study about
organisms, plants and animals and their relationship or
interdependence on other living and non living environment.

The term ‘Ecology’ is derived from Greek word ‘Oekologue’ which is

composed of two words:

(a) ‘Oekos’ means surrounding

(b) ‘Logs’ means study on a whole ecology means ‘Study of


The scope of ecological study includes:

1. It deals with the study of flow of energy and materials in the

2. It deals with the study of nature and its function.

3. It deals with the exchange of various materials between the biotic

and abiotic components of environment. E.g., Biogeochemical cycles.
Meaning Of Environmental Studies:
Environmental studies are the scientific study of the environmental
system and the status of its inherent or induced changes on organisms.
It includes not only the study of physical and biological characters of
the environment but also the social and cultural factors and the impact
of man on environment.

Objectives and Guiding Principles of Environmental Studies:

According to UNESCO (1971), the objectives of environmental studies

(a) Creating the awareness about environmental problems among


(b) Imparting basic knowledge about the environment and its allied

(c) Developing an attitude of concern for the environment.

(d) Motivating public to participate in environment protection and

environment improvement.

(e) Acquiring skills to help the concerned individuals in identifying

and solving environmental problems.

(f) Striving to attain harmony with Nature.

According to UNESCO, the guiding principles of environmental

education should be as follows:
(a) Environmental education should be compulsory, right from the
primary up to the post graduate stage.

(b) Environmental education should have an interdisciplinary

approach by including physical, chemical, biological as well as socio-
cultural aspects of the environment. It should build a bridge between
biology and technology.

(c) Environmental education should take into account the historical

perspective, the current and the potential historical issues.

(d) Environmental education should emphasise the importance of

sustainable development i.e., economic development without
degrading the environment.

(e) Environmental education should emphasise the necessity of

seeking international cooperation in environmental planning.

(f) Environmental education should lay more stress on practical

activities and first hand experiences.

Scope and Importance of Environmental Studies:

The disciplines included in environmental education are
environmental sciences, environmental engineering and
environmental management.

(a) Environmental Science:
It deals with the scientific study of environmental system (air, water,
soil and land), the inherent or induced changes on organisms and the
environmental damages incurred as a result of human interaction with
the environment.

(b) Environmental Engineering:
It deals with the study of technical processes involved in the protection
of environment from the potentially deleterious effects of human
activity and improving the environmental quality for the health and
well beings of humans.

(c) Environmental Management:
It promotes due regard for physical, social and economic environment
of the enterprise or projects. It encourages planned investment at the
start of the production chain rather than forced investment in cleaning
up at the end.

It generally covers the areas as environment and enterprise objectives,

scope, and structure of the environment, interaction of nature, society
and the enterprise, environment impact assessment, economics of
pollution, prevention, environmental management standards etc.

The importance’s of environmental studies are as follows:

1. To clarify modern environmental concept like how to conserve


2. To know the more sustainable way of living.

3. To use natural resources more efficiently.

4. To know the behaviour of organism under natural conditions.

5. To know the interrelationship between organisms in populations
and communities.

6. To aware and educate people regarding environmental issues and

problems at local, national and international levels.

Need of Public Awareness about Environment:

In today’s world because of industrialization and increasing
population, the natural resources has been rapidly utilised and our
environment is being increasingly degraded by human activities, so we
need to protect the environment.

It is not only the duty of government but also the people to take active
role for protecting the environment, so protecting our environment is
economically more viable than cleaning it up once, it is damaged.

The role of mass media such as newspapers, radio, television, etc is

also very important to make people aware regarding environment.
There are various institutions, which are playing positive role towards
environment to make people aware regarding environment like BSI
(Botanical Survey of India, 1890), ZSI (Zoological Survey of India,
1916), WII (Wild Life Institute of India, 1982) etc.
What is the scope of environmental science?

Environmental Science:
Although the natural environment has been studied for hundreds of years, the discipline of
environmental science emerged during the 1960s and 1970s. Both scientists and the public
became aware of the harmful effects of chemicals, such as pesticides and industrial waste,
when released into the environment. Pollution and environmental degradation were affecting
the food system and human health. Out of these concerns, the discipline of environmental
science was established as an academic pedagogy and a research specialization.

Answer and Explanation:

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary study of the natural environment and the impact
of human activity on the environment. It is a combination of physical, biological, and
information sciences which perform quantitative studies of the environment and the effect of
human activity to it. The broad scope of environmental science includes: geology, soil science,
geodesy, biology, plant science, oceanography, climatology, chemistry, physics, limnology, and
information science. An environmental science major would take courses in chemistry, biology,
geology, and physics. Environmental science is different from the field of environmental
studies, which focus on the social impact of human interactions with the environment.

The environment is an everlasting topic as it positively and negatively impacts us daily. We

live, eat and breathe in our environment, and we constantly interact with it to meet our daily

The environment is a topic that is always relevant. It also demonstrates to others that you
are enthusiastic about it. It communicates to them that there is a part of their lives that you
believe should be discussed; This encourages potential people, clients, and customers to
associate more closely with your brand or company’s message.

There are many reasons that tell us the importance of environmental science. We will
discuss this below, but first, let’s understand environmental science’s meaning.

What Is Environmental Science?

In environmental science, the physical, biological, and information sciences are brought together to
examine the earth’s great natural systems. During the Enlightenment and early Industrial Revolution, it
arose from the fields of natural history and medicine.
Environmental study is an interdisciplinary field of research eager to find solutions for the deteriorating
state of our environment. Most people don’t have much knowledge about the importance of
environmental science.

Environmental studies will help you to develop an appreciation of environmental causes and effects.
From there, you’ll gain the skills needed to build successful careers in related fields. Therefore, it is way
too important to learn environmental science.

Why Is Environmental Science Important?

There are several ways in which environmental science is important to us.

It explains how to use resources sustainably

Environmental studies focus on the importance of environmental sustainability. These studies offer a
rare chance to gain a better understanding of our planet and how we can best take care of it.

Natural resources are getting depleted rapidly in areas such as soil, air, water, and minerals.

This has created a heavy burden on the inhabitants of this planet. It has become essential to analyze
how we can use these resources more responsibly. By preserving our environment, we might be able to
save ourselves from further damage.

Mass Movements

Environmental initiatives and awareness programmes also help students in clearing their doubts and
building their knowledge on important issues such as climate change and sustainable living. You can
learn about various ways of protecting the environment through initiatives like planting trees on

They can also conduct workshops on various pressing issues or join an NGO that directly supports
environmental conservation.
Focus on Environmental Development

Environmental science aims to avoid stream pollution and re-educate the general population about the
importance of recycling to preserve our available resources.

Based on data-driven planning models, environmentalists seek to direct development towards

sustainability. We must use every available resource in the most efficient way possible so that it can be
saved for future generations.

Helps in generating Creativity skills

Environmental science promotes the study and understanding of natural and human-caused processes
in our natural environment. By researching and investigating complex environmental issues, students
develop and enhance essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative thinking.

Environmental scientists develop and advance theories about how and why things happen in our
environment through research, investigation, and modeling; This is one of the major reasons why it is
important to learn environmental science worldwide.

It Encourages a Healthy Lifestyle

Environmental science allows students to immerse themselves in the natural world around them,
whether observing it or learning about it. The information that is given in environmental science courses
have done wonders to help improve the health and well-being of countless children today.

Environmental science unites fieldwork and classroom learning to promote health and well-being.
Students benefit from the time spent in the field and labs. They learn about ecosystems and reduce
stress through a focus on nutrition. Through Environmental science, students get to observe and solve
real-world problems such as pest infestations and erosion.

It Empowers Teachers and Students.

Through interactive, hands-on activities, students will investigate the connections between the earth’s
ecosystems and develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues.
In addition to learning how major environmental problems have been tackled locally and globally over
time, the course helps students examine the contemporary issues that we are facing today—providing
examples of solutions that can be implemented today!

It gives educators and students alike a true sense of civic responsibility and stewardship toward the
earth. You will come away with the comprehension of understanding the basic concepts of the
ecosystem, policy issues, and environmental impact on other species.

It Saves the World from Destruction

An understanding of the relationship between humans and their environment is important to establish a
sustainable future. Humans have been abusing and exploiting the environment for years and have
caused environmental degradation around the world.

In the absence of a thorough understanding of environmental science, there is a considerable risk that
what we know as a home may be lost to extinction.

Environmental science is important because of the growing presence of calamities in our world.
Examples of these calamities include flash floods, hurricanes, droughts, and many others. The growing
presence of these calamities means that there is a great danger that our planet earth may lead to
complete extinction.

Safeguards Future Generations

The discoveries made through the study of this field have led to a better understanding of our natural
environment. These discoveries have been implemented into everyday life, and with continued
improvement and following nature-related rules and regulations, we are directly saving resources for
our next generations.

Importance of Studying Environmental Science


Environmental studies open up opportunities to explore both human and natural systems and to bring
the two spheres together. This is achieved through our core principles, which aim to develop your
knowledge of environmental issues.
Learning about the environment is a lot more fun than you would expect. It’s an adventure that can take
you around the world and make a difference in the lives of others.

The environment lays the foundation for human life. As human beings, our concern for the environment
stems from the very fact that we are dependent on the health of the natural world.

We live in a world where many ecosystems are under threat, and with climate change looming, we need
to do something about it. The study of all this is a complex issue, and it takes a lot of education to
understand what’s going on.

Importance Of Getting a Degree in Environmental Science

By 2026, employment in environmental science is expected to rise by 11 percent, making it one of the
fastest-growing professions in the United States. If you’re thinking about pursuing a career that helps
protect our environment, you might consider environmental science.

The necessity of environmental sciences is self-explanatory because it is one of the most fundamental
branches for sustaining life on planet earth and managing resources. Environmental sciences play a
crucial role in maintaining ecosystems on a larger scale as well as playing a vital role in conserving our
natural resources.

The environmental sciences are crucial to the survival of the human race; these sciences manage the
resources on the planet, making them renewable for future generations. We cannot take conservation
measures lightly; if we do, we will end up hurting the present generation and future generations.

A Career in Environmental Science

Whether you want to inspire young minds to appreciate the environment we live in or promote energy
efficiency, there are numerous environmental jobs and educational programs available for anyone who
holds a passion for the natural world and a desire to help protect it.

Jobs in environmental education are accessible to people with different life experiences, academic
backgrounds, and career goals.
Environmental education jobs can be found in formal and informal settings through a variety of fields,
including educational advocacy and management. Here is a look at available positions.

Students in Environmental Science classes will be introduced to the effects of natural resources,
sustainability, technology, and policy on the environment. This can lead to careers in education, state
and national government agencies, or in environmental consulting firms.

Businesses & Government

Sustainability professionals track environmental trends and advise companies on how they can reduce
their negative impacts on the environment. They study the effects their business operations have on the
environment and devise solutions to increase their overall sustainability.

Environmental Compliance Professionals help organizations meet their environmental obligations and
standards. They identify, evaluate, and recommend strategies to reduce emissions and material waste.


Geology uses the scientific method to address environmental issues. The scientific field of geology
examines geological data using the latest technology. Some well-known geoscience fields include earth
science, the natural resources and conservation field, and geospatial technologies.

With increased activity in mining, construction, and drilling across the globe comes great responsibility.
The need for data interpretation, safety, asset protection, and efficiency of resources is crucial.

Geoscience provides information to environmental industries, blends science with technology to help
you address environmental issues wisely.


Environmental scientists are environmental thinkers, innovators, and educators. They work with
everyone from politicians and journalists to health professionals and community members to improve
environmental sustainability.

A degree in environmental science provides you with a solid foundation on which to build your career in
ecology and conservation, giving you the skills needed to manage and restore natural resources.

The field of environmental sciences is a growing area of study which is enlarging due to the increasing
number of challenges that the earth is facing. Apart from saving the planet, it has several career
opportunities and opportunities for people who are associated with it. Environmental science is a
growing field with increased opportunities due to our planet’s health.

For us to have the best possible environment in which to live, work, and play, we need to ensure that
our communities are built sustainably
Definition: Environment literally means surrounding and everything that affect an organism during its
lifetime is collectively known as its environment. In another words " Environment is sum total of
water, air and land interrelationships among themselves and also with the human being, other living
organisms and property ".

It includes all the physical and biological surrounding and their interactions.

Environmental studies provide an approach towards understanding the environment of our planet
and the impact of human life upon the environment.

Thus environment is actually global in nature, it is a multidisciplinary

Environmental science is a multidisciplinary science whose basic aspects have a direct relevance to
every section of the society.

Its main aspects are:

• Conservation of nature and natural resources.

• Conservation of biological diversity.

• Control of environmental pollution.

• Stabilization of human population and environment.

• Social issues in relation to development and environment.

• Development of non-polluting renewable energy system and providing new dimension to nation's

Environment belongs to all the living beings and thus is, important for all. Each and every body of
whatever occupation he or she may have, is affected by environmental issues like global warming,
depletion of ozone layer, dwindling forest, energy resources, loss of global biodiversity etc.

Environment study deals with the analysis of the processes in water, air, land, soil and organisms
which leads to pollute or degrade environment.
The Importance of
Environmental Science Pdf
July 11, 2022 by adminpeso
The Importance of Environmental Science pdf download links
Environmental science is not just a topic that is relevant to the environment
and natural resources, but also has direct implications on human health. It is a
multidisciplinary field of study that studies living organisms and their
interactions with each other and the environment, along with their
interactions with humans. This article discusses some of the most common
types of environmental science jobs.

Environmental science is the study of the interactions between living

organisms and the surrounding environment, from the immediate vicinity on
Earth and other planets to global environmental processes that operate over
geological time scales. Environmental scientists apply a systems approach to
understanding environmental problems, which may require a broad range of
fields and disciplines – such as biology, chemistry, physics, ecology, geology
and geography. An important aspect of environmental science is the
mitigation of environmental impacts by addressing the causes of pollution
(i.e. by finding ways to reduce and ultimately eliminate sources of pollution),
and by embracing renewable energy such as solar power.

What is environmental science?

Environmental science is actually a combination of a number of scientific fields that encompasses certain
aspects of physics, biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, soil science, geography and atmospheric
science among others. The interdisciplinary field deals with the environment, its problems and possible
solutions to those problems. The two active branches of environmental science are environmental studies
and environmental engineering; the former deals with understanding of human society and its approach
towards the environment, while the latter deals with development of techniques and technologies to solve
current and future environmental problems.
The importance of environmental science

Environmental studies keep a track of all the actions we take which harms the environment and aims at
finding ways to limit that damage. It makes us aware about the necessity of protecting and conserving the
environment against indiscriminate destruction by actions of the emerging modernity. Ignorant as most of
us are, there are currently environmental problems present with enough future potential to exterminate life
as we know it and the job of the environmentalists is to try and keep that from happening. Here are a few
points that make environmental science all the more important.

Civilizations – Developing civilizations must make way for urbanization, industrialization, transportation,
agriculture, residence and a host of other things. All of these things are bound to lead to deforestation,
ecological destruction and the release of tremendous amounts of pollution into the environment. Without
the existence of a methodical scientific approach to keep track of all this and to try and contain or manage
the impact, our planet may not have a future.

Issues of international merit – The issues that environmental science deals with are not limited to any
particular country or geographical location. Global warming, acid rain, depletion of the ozone layer, loss of
biodiversity, etc. are problems of such proportions that they cannot be solved without international
cooperation, guided by the studies and efforts of environmental science.

Planned development – We know that the expansion of civilization impacts the environment mostly in a
negative way, but it is something that cannot actually be stopped. Therefore, the job of the
environmentalists is to devise ways in which to expand with some sort of a plan for the environment as

Awareness – Perhaps the most important task of environmental science is to make people aware of the
current problems that are plaguing our planet. If the people of the planet join the effort to save it in
whatever little way that they can, only then will environmental science make any true progress.

Tomorrow – Even if the environmental problems do not cause extinction in the near future, there is no
doubt that it will make sustenance of life harder for most of us. It is not a logical or humane thing to leave
our water bodies polluted, air toxic and forests depleted, in order for our descendants to suffer in. Thus,
the disciplines of environmental science are all directed towards reserving a tomorrow.
Importance of Environmental Science
 Environment belongs to all living beings and thus is important for all. Each one is
affected by environmental issues like global warming, depletion of ozone layer,
dwindling forest, energy resources, loss of global biodiversity etc.
 Environment study deals with the analysis of the processes in water, air, land, soil
and organisms which lead to pollute or degrade the environment. It helps us to
establish a standard for a safe, clean and healthy natural ecosystem.
 It also deals with important issues like safe and clean drinking water, hygienic living
conditions and clean and fresh air, fertility of land, healthy food and development.
 Sustainable environmental law, environmental protection, management and
environmental engineering are emerging as dimensions in environment protection
and management.

What is Earth & Environmental Science?

Environmental Science provides an overview of how science affects our
environment. We focus on interactions between the solid Earth, its water,
its air and its living organisms, and on dynamic, interdependent
relationships between these four components.

Earth and environmental scientists also consider how these relationships

produce environmental change at different timescales. To do this, they
combine knowledge, models and methods drawn from geology, biology,
physics and chemistry.

We also strive to understand past and present environmental processes

so that reliable and scientifically based predictions can be made about the

Environmental science studies all aspects of the environment in an interdisciplinary way. This
means that it requires the knowledge of various other subjects including biology, chemistry,
physics, statistics, microbiology, biochemistry, geology, economics, law, sociology, etc. It is a
relatively new field of study that has evolved from integrated use of many disciplines.

A biome (/ˈbaɪ.oʊm/) is a biogeographical unit consisting of a biological community that has formed

in response to the physical environment in which they are found and a shared regional climate.[

 1.the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.

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