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The proposed conceptual framework can be used to test empirically and explicate the factors that affect

customer satisfaction of Samgyupsal in Municipality of Guimba. The input for this research includes

the factors that affect customer satisfaction in Samgyupsal such as price fairness, food quality, service

quality and the social/cultural influences. The process of this research involves a quantitative approach

to understand the factors that affect customer satisfaction in the Samgyupsal in Municipality of

Guimba. This will involve conducting surveys with customers to gain datas and information on the

various factors. The data collected from these survey will be analyzed to identify patterns and themes

related to customer satisfaction. The output of this research will be an understanding of how each of the

identified factors affects customer satisfaction in the Samgyupsal in Municipality of Guimba . This

will include an analysis of how each factor contributes to overall customer satisfaction.

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