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Subject Yama sent ‘Saya sorag 5! plaer Wo ae atigert Kerirain ‘They ae sat Meret panda ‘Shoe Beat la) ak Hols Hacer ih gto ipod bons They woe smart He was Handsome was ge ‘Saya sera sonal soa Meret dd pandas i) cat ‘lh a garg date senoaan 2572 uy mete come re ‘bus ska targus er ae Sus a isa? mena ss dan i? Reon so hem oy. Spa boars merch stain "want you ae her hare now ‘pe au ta tr 8 pur, ‘etorns wet Saya uta saya enya Possesive Adjective ( Kata Ganti Kepunyaan) Possesive Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Kepunyaan) ‘uponvaks pny tata ‘pny mrea supra ae a pura a(t) Reflexsive Pronoun (Kata Ganti Diri Sendiri) ‘tough met anew ar sa mambel bl unk ay sone (0 in youre rew one Caran bark rir src Worogitourshes arewiesson Kani el pleran tou Trecouekeoptesortttonalee Pacangan fu renin aaa ‘Sh coos forheeat Da mamas und a snc Beso couentieyrelinsdf Bran iar, da wk se remactan Steves eat Thecali goog tet ig rid Sri 2. Adjective (Kata Sifat) ‘ceraten armas" LoS a”) (femmes, 99 Inca indonesian sro | | mente 99) 17. eb nw ian eri Ua sting ata ound abl “To cmolpsic equa, semen 9D atau mel? — ‘hin ie short gt ‘Tati rei atime, ‘atic cr moe ore BD ‘ceanma rt completed. 3. Noun ( Kata Benda (seperti : dog, man, book, pen, bag, idea dil) (Countable Nouns (uncountaate NOUNS Pm Ureountaie oun re fore ting at we EIT pee (Benda yang OAK bea diitung) ‘Countable Two doge nouns are for 2aning eset ‘One man 2 man Thee mans ‘count using ‘aka orang aka Stakrak numbers. (One hore horse “wo horses sri yard Hie 1 hua eekor Kuda 2hoda aritung) (One kee / ania Two ideas ‘ide sebuah ie 2d Coo Co 1 Tea Teh 2 Coffee Kopi ‘some, lot of, much, obit of Email Minyak ‘Aut fo at 4 Water Air 5 Air Udara up of bog fh of Ik 6 Rice Beras/ Nasi aaa 7 Powders Tepung 8 Gases Gas 9 Sugar Guia 10. Honey Madu / Examples ee Ineed a cup of tea Iwant some water, please a bottle of oi adrop of honey {'ve got much of money. A. 2 ‘Saya perlu secangkir teh ‘Saya mau air putin, tolong ‘Sebotol minyak Setetes madu ‘Saya punya banyak uang CATATAN ‘Some noune are countable incther languages but LUncountable in English. ‘They must folow the rules for uncountable nouns. Dalam Bahasa kita bisa ihitung (Countable Nouns) Tapi dalam Bahasa Inggris, kata tersebut tergolong dalam Uncountable Nouns, Zo [unceurabe noun weaning | a aR gi wee cnn Boome I 34 bohor Perlha | would ke o give you is os some advice. 6 tuntre Perabotan Ir make much progress E70 oman tomas today. Eo toe aos Eee 5 = looks tk a 10 pees Kereta’ trouble to me. g parkembangan 2 wate ‘Lal lintas How much bread shoud \\ E Sete c una 13° trouble: Masaiah irr eS 1 yen Pemeen Catatan Shehaslongblond ai. EZ] Lashed my hair yesterday She has tong blond hairs. % I washed my hairs yesterday. 9% “MY father geting afew grey hnairs now. (mengacu pada individu rambut) “Hound a hair in my soup! (Mengacu pada satu helai rambut) is Article a dan an Menggabungkan 2 kata @/ an: sebuah + Kata Sifat ‘buku ene book -|-Sebush bus abook | + hu yg besar one big Book Zoku — wobooks Zhu bars wo new books ‘ape one apple ——_Sebuah pal { apetsegar one osh apple Sapel tree apps Note : ‘An : Kata yang berawalan (vowel) Guess the answer ‘Sebuah Rumah Sebuah meja Seorang guru house @ table 4 teacher Seekor Gajah Seckor hewan _Seekor burung hantu ‘an elephant aan animat ‘An owl >? Article the ‘The merupakan definite artcle Kala sandang “The biasonya digunakan pada hal yang spesifik atau yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya. Ataupun untuk menyebutkan kata benda tertentu secara khusus (particular), umumnya meliputl benda, ‘orang, ide, atau pemikiran. “the” dipekal ketika suatu kata benda sudah disebutkan pada kalinat sebelumnya Ihave a dog. The dogis black. | need 2 cup of tea. The hot tea ee 2. Kata "the" dipakai ketika dikhususkan pada noun atau sesuatu yang dimaksud sudah jelas [My breakfast is on the white desk ‘The dog is here 4. diqunakan untuk nama keluarga dalam bentuk jamak yang berart family. The cullen = 4. Kata "the" dipakai sebelum kata yang menunjukkan waktu atau arahiposisi the moming, the afternoon the middle, the west, the east ‘5. Kata the" dipakai ketka suatu kata benda morupakan hal yang ‘sudah diketahui unum. ‘Shinta went tothe office _———— S m—- 6. digunakan untuk menunjukan kitab suci, tempat, laut atau wilayah The qur’an ‘The Sabang Isiand 7. digunakan untuk kata yang menunjukan bangsa atau orang secara koleki The Javanese, 8 Digunakan untuk nama benda yang hanya satu-satunya The sun. ‘The moon. Penambahan S/ES Pada Noun 1. Kata benda (Noun) yang berakhiran CH, SH,SXdanZ +es rc gular Plural Tenn 1 branch Three branches ranting 2 abrush ten brushes sikat 3 abus Four buses bus, 4 abox two boxes, kotak 5 a quiz ‘Two quizzes: Kuis Note 2. Kata benda (Noun) yang berakhiran tes y+ ives °¥.diubab jax co ir Gt Coa 1 astoy ‘seven stories cerita 2 aty Four fles fatat a ‘an army “Two armies tontara a fife. ves 3. Kata Benda ( Noun) yang berakhiran fdan fe - ves No Bina Gir Co 1 aleaf two leaves daun 2 awife four wives ist 3 aloat three loaves roti 4 aknaif six knives pisau 5 an elf seven elves peri 4. Kata yangberakhiranO +s / +es ToT or Tenn 1 a potato, two potatoes kentang 2 a tomato ‘two tomatoes tomat 3 ahero two heroes | Pahlawan COORDINATING CONJUNCTION Adalah kata penghubung yang menghubungkan kalimat satu dengan yang Lainnya yang sederajat. Diantaranya adalah: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So yang bisa dihafalkan dengan singkatan FANBOYS. The Examples Siska plays music well, but she cannot sing. I have to go right now, so I will not miss the bus. I am smart and pretty I think. Would you like pizza or burger ? Lisa cannot attend the party for her father is sick. coc P pA en Rap) ‘Rdclch kata penghubung yang dipakai untuk menghubungkan unsur-unsur kalinat antara kata dengan kata, frase dengan frase, dan klausa dengan klausa. Kata penghubung jenis ini selalu berpasangon. Diantaranya adalah: Not ‘only ~ But Also, Neither ...Nor, Fither.0r, Not. But. a» @ | The Examples Kim is not only talkative but also funny. My brother is not handsome but diligent. Neither the twins nor Kate swept the floor today. He doesn’t eat either fish or meat. 3 SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTION /(Adalah kata sarbung yang menghubungkan antara anak kalinat dan induk kalinat. Artinya jika tidak menggunakan kata sanbung, naka salah sotu kalimat akan sulit untuk dinengerti apabita ia berdiri sendiri. Dianteranya adalah: After, Before, mether, As, Hom, Then, Mere, Although, Since, (tough, mite, Because, Until, etc. The Examples T will pick you up at 12 o'clock after I finish my homework. Brush your teeth before you go to bed! T have to wait until the bus comes. ‘The acident happened while I wasn’t Looking. I do it because I love you. Adverb (Kata Keterangan) Kota ketorangan monjelaskan loblh taut tontang kata-kata lain. Biasanya, kata keterangan member tahu kita ac Sesuatu terjadi atau dilakukan. Kata = Bagaimana keterangan biasanya diletakkan setelah kata kerja = Seberapa sering = Kapan = atau di mana The Examples The bus moved slowly My brother does his homework wel/ -s--8-8 [i Boborapa jenis kata koterangan dapat momodifikasi kata keterangan lainaya, sehingga mengubah tingkatan atau keakuratannya, You're speaking foo quietly. She played the violin extremely well. Ei Terkadang, kata keterangan memodifikasi kata, sifat, membuatnya lebih kuat atau lemah. 1. You look absolutely fabulous! 2. He's slightly overweight Beberapa tata keterangan memiliki bentuk ‘yang sama seperti kata sitatnya: early fost, ‘hard high, late, nea, straight, dan wrong. 1. Itisa fast car. 2. He drives very fast. Ei Well adalah kata keterangan 3. He works hard. untuk kata sifat good. 1. Heisa good student. 2. He studies well 3. They swim well. Membentuk Kata Keterangan Dari Kata Sifat + Sering kali kata keterangan dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran -ly ke suatu kata sifat. rc rere eter) 1 cheap cheaply 2 quick quickly 3 slow slowly VY 2 Jka kata sifat berakhir dengan -y, gantilah y dengan i dan tambahkan akhiran ly. NO ee ere + easy ily 2 happy happiy luekaly 2 Jika kata sifat berakhir dengan -able,-ible, atau -e, gantilah -e dengan -y. No. rere oo 1. probable probably 2 terrible terribly ently “ Sika kata sifat berakhir dengan -i, tambahkan akhiran -ally. Pengecualian: public -> publicly NO. it enc) KATA KETERANGAN KOMPARATIF DAN SUPERLATIF 1 Untuk kata keterangan yang berakhir dengan -y + menggunakan more untuk membentuk Komparatif + menggunakan most untuk membentuk superiatif. Cech uo Simin quietly more quietly most quietly slowly more slowly most slowly seriously more seriously most seriously Examples 1. The teacher spoke more slowly to help us to understand. 2. Could you sing most quietly please? 2 Untuk kata keterangan singkat yang tidak berakhir dengan 4, bentuk Komparatit dan superatfnya sama sepert kata sifatnya |. + er untuk membentuk komparatif 2. 4+ est untuk membentuk superlatiF 3. Tika kata keterangan berakhir dengan e, hilangkan ¢ sebelum ‘menambahkan akhiran. (Cera ed hard hard fast faster late later 1. Jim works harder than his brother. 2. Everyone in the race ran fest, but John ran the fastest of al ene ® Beberapa kata keterangan memilki bentuk komparatif dan superiatif tidak beraturan. Corre reece Grn badly worse worst far farther/further farthestffurthest little less. least well better best Examples : 4. Thelitle boy ran farther than his friends. semasomas 2. You're driving worse today than yesterday! A. RELATIVE ADVERB Relative adverb atau kata keterangan relatif + where = when Dnata tat meron + why ‘Struktur Formal | remember the day on which we first met. ‘Struktur Umum | remember the day when we first met. Tall me (the reason) why you came home late se B. INTERROGATIVE ADVERB Interrogative adverb atau kata keterangan interogati Examples : How are you? Tm fine. When does the train arrive? At 11:15. PENGGUNAAN KATA HOW 1 How dapat digunakan sendiian dengan art "bagaimana’ How can | get to your house? 22 How dapat digunakan dengan kata sifat How tall are you? Tell me the reason for which you came home late. Why are you so late? There was a lot of traffic. 3 How dapat igunakan dengan much dan many ‘+ Much (uncountable noun) ‘+ many (countable noun) How much are these tomatoes? How many people are coming to the party? 2-22. 4 How dapat digunakan dengan kata keterangan How often do you go to London? How quickly can you read this? eterangan tempat C. ADVERB OF PLACE ‘Adverb of place atau keterangan tempat member tahu kta «i mana sesuat teradi Keterangan tempat bissanya dltakkan setelah kala kerja ulema atau setelah Klaus here around outside everywhere nearby Examples + Come in! + She took the child outside. +Ilooked around but | couldn't see my phone. HERE DAN THERE 4. Come here! 2. Putit there. 3. Here they are! 4, What are you doing up there? 5. Come over here and look at what | found! KETERANGAN TEMPAT YANG JUGA MERUPAKAN PREPOSISI ‘eterangan Tempat Preposisi 1off Lote gt off at there stn, ‘The wind blew the towers off the Wee 2.over He tured over and went back o sloop. _ thnk wil hang the picture ever my bed. ADVERB OF TIME _*serren watts ‘Adverb of time atau keterangan waktu 1. kapan 2. berapa lama 3. seberapa sering. 1 Kapan + Twill call you later. + T saw that movie last year. + Tim going to tidy my room tomorrow. 2Berapa Lama + Tam going on vacation for a week. + Tstayed in Surabaya for three days. + Thave not seen you since Monday. jerapa Sering + Lam seldom late. + He never drinks milk. + Toften eat vegetarian food. + I saw the movie seven times. ADVERB OF TIME ‘Menggunakan * STILL” ‘Menggunakan "YET" ae + Have you finished your work yet ? + Are you still here? > No, not yet. + She is still waiting for you. Aerie cena URUTAN KETERANGAN WAKTU Ika kita harus menggunakan lebin dari satu keterangan waktu dalam kalimat Note = +142) I work For five hours every day 1. Berapa Lama 2: Seberapa Sering) * 243) The magazine was published weekly last year 3. Kapan S143) Tdance for two days every week 14243) he worked in a hospital for two days every week last year eterangan care ADVERB OF MANNER Adverb of manner atau keterangan cara yang member fahu kita bagaimana sesvatu teradl Examples : T ran quickly. She speaks softly. He swims well. 5 Adverb of manner tidak dapat langsung diletakkan di antara kata Kerja dan objek. 2 Kata keterangen horus diletakkan sebelum kate Kerja atau di ‘akhir Kauta. Examples + + Ho ale grgaly ho chocpatecako, % : tHe eho choot cake gree. / 3 Keterangen-keterangan cara yang umum hampir selal diletekkan tepat setelah kata kerja slowly Examples : Kacey, T drove my car slowly yesterday ‘ak peels a] T ran quickly and won the race, PENGGUNAAN DI BIDANG SASTRA 1S + AMamer +V +0 Penekanan + She angrily slammed the door 2. AMamer +5 +V +0 ‘Membuat Penasaran + Slowly. she picked up the knife, Ammer SMO Keterangan Fnghatan ADVERB OF DEGREE ‘Advert of degree atau keterangan tingkatan member tahu kta tentang intensitas sesuats Examples : +0 You are walking too slowly + Very ‘She is running very fast + Enough You are running fast enough. The water was extremely cold. 1 ENOUGH SEBAGAT KATA KETERANGAN Enough sebagai keta keterangen, yeng berarti “hingge tingkatan yang ) Kata Benda (Noun) os" dalam sbuch katinat rasa Preposition 1. Preposition of Time Preposition Of Time At ‘ica ‘Untuk waktu yang spesifik Exampes We are going to watch a movie at night T get up at 6 o'clock ‘Come and visit us at noon Preposition Of Time ON p> | Hari dan Tanggat ‘Examples Il see you On sunday. Twas born On 21" December 2007 Don't forget to come On my birthday Preposition Of Time in |, Bulan, Tahun, Abad, Waktu, Musim dan Periode yang lama/Panjang ‘xamples My birthday is In September Let's meet In the evening I was born In 2017 I met her In the Winter A ada oa pk T work at the bank ‘See you at the bus stop T live at nasional street no 13 ON Ped parmian horizontal eau arte (ifs) ‘My book is On the table ‘There is a beautiful picture On the wall My office is On the left __ Preposition Of Place ow “Examples: My cat is In the bedroom T live In Indonesia T have some money In my pocket on / diatas @ cat is On the table Inf éidatam 4 bird is In the box Over / diatas a bird flies Over my head Under / dibawah «ball és Under the table | Behind /dlbelokang Katty is Behind the door | ‘Betweet / diantara Clara is Between Angga and Sinta | In front of / didepan My book is in front of me "Around / disekitar Paulo is around the garden | Far 7 Jauh My house is very far from here | Near 7 dekat The hospital is near from here | Beside / aisamping My laptop is Beside me Among / diantara Claudia is Among her friends T kick the ball into « box T took something from my pocket T go to school everyday 4 story was written by me Tam going to Bandung next week with my family He was hit by a ball T open the door With the key APA ITU Phrasal Verb 2 Miss Katty Learning English What is a Phrasal Verb ? Preposition Goout Look at Verb + Adverb Go away Go together Transitive Verb Phrasal Verb I study english Hung up your jacket 0 0 Ineed vee I'm looking for my phone 0 Intransitive Verb I smiled I smiled something 3% Intransitive Verb seg jaya tersenyum Phrasal Verb | grew up bere Saya besar disini Intransitive Verb I walk to shoal Saya berjalan kesekolah Phrasal Verb My car broke down on the way home Mobil saya mogok dijalan pulang kerumah Separable Take off your jacket Take off it Buka jaketmu Take your jacket off Take it off Buka jaketmu Separable Can you pick up the phone ? A Bisakah kamu mengangkat telponnya ? Yes, | can pick it up la, saya bisa mengangkatnya v Separable Can you clean up your room ? Vv Bisakah kamu membersihkan kamarmu ? Yes, I'll clean it up la, saya akan membersihkannya v Inseparable Ben walked out the door Ben pergi keluar x < Ben walked the door out Ben pergi keluar Inseparable Can you run up the hil ? v Dapatkah kamu mendaki bukitnya Yes, | can run the hill up x la, saya bisa mendaki bukitnya Inseparable Can you run up the hiil ? vv Dapatkah kamu mendaki bukitnya Yes, | can run up the hill Vv la, saya bisa mendaki bukitnya Prasal verb are multi-word verbs Vl never give up ! They aren't giving up yet Saya tidak akan pernah menyerah _Merokabelum menyerah | thought you had given up He always gives up without ‘Saya pikir kamu menyerah really trying Dia selalu mudah menyerah ‘Tanpa benar-benar berusaha Transitive Intransitive APA ITU Phrasal Verb 2 Separable Inseparable Miss Katty Learning English Phrasal Verb Take off Go out Take on Go away Put on Go together Put down Sit down Put away Look out

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