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Nama : Riyadi

Kelas : XII TKJ 4

Assalamu alaikum wr. wb.,

Dear Mr. Burhan as an English teacher

Let us give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT, because of the abundance of His mercy, we can
gather here in a state of health though 'afiat. On this occasion, I Riyadi  will give a speech with the
topic stop bullying behavior ! Without bullying we can be more successful!.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Bullying is a form of physical and psychological intimidation that occurs continuously to form a
pattern of violence committed by someone with the aim of demonstrating their strengths to others.
Bullying can be in the form of mocking, threatening, criticizing, hitting, looting, even hard training.

Bullying develops from a variety of complex environmental factors. These complex factors consist of
family factors, school factors, and peer factors.

The impact of bullying is very worrying for both bullying and victims of bullying. A research
illustrates how bullying can form a personality that places a child on a dark journey and life

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is a reality where bullying is considered effective in educating children. Many successful
people think that the success they get is the result of hard training from their parents or teachers,
even though, perhaps, when they are educated with love, they will be far more successful than now.

Violence is not part of a child's psychological development, therefore many elements must be
involved, both parents, the school, and even the government to increase awareness of bullying
behavior . Let's unite, stop bullying behavior ! Without bullying we can be more successful!

Ladies and gentlemen,

So that I can say, if there are wrong words and shortcomings, I'm sorry. That is all and thank you.

Wassalamu'alikum wr.wb.,

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