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Ingredients Quatity
1. Milltet 150g
2. Salt(to taste)
3. Olive Oil 25g
4. Butter 25g
5. Green Chilli (finely chopped) 2 chillies
6. Black Salt 5g
7. Capsicum (Red,Green,Yellow) 50g each
8. Tomato (chopped) 30g
9. Onion (chopped) 30g
10. Assorted Lettuce Leafs 2 Leafs
11. Lemon Juice 10ml
12. Chat Masala 5g
13. Cabbage 50g
For Garnish
14. Panner 30g
15. Pomegranate 20g
16. Mint Leaves 1 Leaf
17. Carrot, Radish, Cucumber (oval slices) Each 1 small

 Take Bajra in a large bowl, add water and wash it for 3 times. Add fresh water and soak
it for 6-8 hours.
 Drain the bajra and add fresh water and boil it for 15 mins in a small open contianer.
 Drain the warm water and put bajra in strainer to remove water from it.
 Heat buter in a non stick pan and saute bajra well and then again add olive oil and saute
all vegetables and lettuce and green chilli for 2-3 mins in a high flame.
 Add the bajra in a saute vegetable and add chat masala, salt according to taste and then
add lemon juice in it and mix well.
 Arrange the assorted lettuce leafs and radish carrot and cucumber in a serving bowl and
then put the bajra on the serving bowl.
 At last add all the garnishing of panner, pomegranate, mint leafs on it.
 Our salad is ready serve it hot as well as cold.

By. Amritanshu Dwivedi

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