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Religion as a social institution and as a personal relationship or spirituality.

A social institution, politics works to build community, promote social

integration, and give believers a sense of purpose and significance. Religious

activities nevertheless exert a significant influence on the world and on people's

lives, despite regional variations in participation. There are distinctive elements

to each religion. It typically involves a supernatural dimension, like heaven,

although it need not exist outside of our reality. The two definitions of religion

are as follows. Secondly, the term "holy" refers to things that exist outside of

daily life and arouse awe, respect, and even dread. Through rituals like

sacrifice and prayer, people communicate with the sacred realm. These

procedures aid acceptance of incomprehensible things. The profane, which

comprises the usual and mundane, exists in contrast to the sacred domain.

Various religions have diverse definitions of what is sacred and what is profane.

A functionalist viewpoint places greater emphasis on what religion does than on

what it is, with a particular emphasis on how it helps to maintain social order.

And also religion as a personal relationship or spirituality.

Religion and spirituality People have been looking for the meaning of life

since the beginning of time. Beings with a natural curiosity, humans are

fortunate to be able to engage in higher mental processes. These mental

processes are how humans contemplate the meaning of life. Regrettably,

human evolution has not advanced the race's chances of fulfilling its mission on

In fact, the more one thinks they grasp this problem, the more questions they

have about it. In order to completely comprehend how religion and spirituality

vary as well as how religion is exploited, one must first establish an effective

definition of the two concepts. This problem is perpetuated by the confusion of

religion and spirituality, as well as the positions they occupy in society. Personal

beliefs cannot include all of religion because this definition encompasses a

wide range of concepts. Religion is frequently used as a moral yardstick by

which people judge the morality of their own actions.

Nevertheless, if one digs a little deeper into the motivations underlying moral

standards, one discovers that honorable values are those that advance society,

whereas despicable values impede society's advancement. Any religion can

demonstrate this, but Hinduism stands out as an obvious example. The caste

system is ingrained in this faith. It is said that "Spirituality is the potential of

humans to transcend themselves via knowledge and love, that is, to reach

beyond themselves in relationship to others and therefore become more than

self-enclosed monads." Religion is a dimension of a human being that is

actualized as a life project and practice. Instead of being a mere capability,

spirituality is a developed relationality. That isn't universal. Even within a

particular religious tradition, we can qualitatively discern between a healthy

and rigid spirituality. Spirituality is as distinctive as personality. Regardless of

whether an experience is religious or not, the term "spirituality" often refers to

the human capacity for self-transcendence.

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