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MT ein an Py (nate > Meu aia. oe CALS ni Mase ee rsa CMCC ME AD Lee) x r DRGs LULL ae (| smear, ; < ‘ TEMG Tce ' KHORNE’S MOST BLOODTHIRSTY PLAYERS RETURN TO , ai WREAK HAVOC UPON ANYONE WHO GETS IN THEIR WAY! & Ra ISSUE THIRTEEN!) a RSet ee a Ta Uf. Be ‘MORES! REDBORN, MORI MARAUDER LINENS, er cOREBLADE, sugonkg eevee 00h Saaren OO ORULL TRIBE SLAUGHTERERS (GHORLAAL RAGESWORM, ‘suo0pbORN MARAUDER LINENS” sxeinen FLEsHRIPPER, soe SAULL-TRIBE SLAUGHTERERS NER EAE, uch He SRULL-TRIBE SLAUGHTERERS COR. ‘THE SKULL-TRIBE SLAUGHTERERS ‘SKANATH BLOODREAPER. ‘suogbbORN MARAUDER LINENS verawenon sxOLLWEATH LOTTIE TRIBESLAUGMTERERS — BLooDEnTT MARAUDER LINEMAN sunara BOnEsPLITTER OPEL TRIBE SLAUGHTERERS Tn ON EER, HE SRULL-TRIBE SLAUGHTERERS Spike Journal 13 © Copyright Games Workshop Linvted 202%. Blood Bow, Blood Bow The Game of Fantasy Footbal ee ight Games Wor Spe! he eran Fetal ural Cte cares ora, Was fame ja asa eens ie ctiee psc cece logs, names, rates, vehicles, Weapons and characters are ether @ or TM and/or © Games Wi i 7, ee Wortshop id ARs Revered imted Al Rights Reserved No par of ths puta wt pubictn made oes tnd aetioa nton 3 recording o erie, ho te prior permision the pulses ‘Thais wa of ton, carats and oes ytesrblano teal poopoomeldets ute conden. peice pee cea ae ee anes Woahon Wee: wor gms wr creo Word Webste wan fongworacesk CM IAILS SPORTS FANS! Demme uu ue periodical. This time we venture north to the Chaos Mee ce ects teams to play Nuffle's great game. Be careful not to provoke them, though; they're quick to anger, and those who cross them will have their skulls collected as tribute for the Blood God! Paine Tee paairriaialeaneat ion Poneenereetetny pec ererneren ti ee eee ee oop eee deena ies Sepa Eeranaialeaeleeiepnteen Eeoee tps rncetentiecriee pie Giese Sercmenncernt egret Pasian Se tan {issue are all the gory details about Pee rene aad ee roy Se eee ani! ie for touchdowns and focus solely on Pee and teams such as the Flesh Hounds, who ee ec ee ett) ‘opposing players, Khorne teams take Se OTe eee a os Se eee eee Cee oe eet Reco tt Sore Ree eet ‘a Khorne team - usually through the body counts their murderous ee Peer ci) players that have graced the pitches: the Great Black Bull, and a true legend of the game, Grashnak Cea a Cate ee eee Cee Cd ee pe eee oe one gee cc fee a tec are here as well. Mindy Piewhistie ee ene particular Khorne team are using Desi DC cas Oe eee Cann eeea ne ter ees RoC ae Re ena eee ete Cee eet ees ‘and Ask Lord Borak makes its Re id Cee men) & pn eee cea eames ea Se eeu aon aus Ree ULC Lom) Ree eee Cn ooo Sore Terrence ‘the Butcher’ lansson ro oe ey nen Creo rr eee Ce os a Mea ed Se Ce Cone Et Chat with the Ratan BY peor Perea ey Cee 18 ee er eet a Eviscerate and Exsanguinate......24 pened See ET) peer ions Er Oro ery De ee er KHORNE TEAMS Py Lak alg Sores occu Ue eu) Ce rN Cae ene en te ee OR ae cg settling their differences using Nuffle's sacred game, Khorne wasn't Cee ee ee {deafening thunder rumbled on a constant basis, and the ground shook with the Blood God's fury. That was until Khorne actually bothered to watch @ game... Ww SC Moe ec ene Dee CR ey another's well-being, the Blood God was delighted by the game, becoming an instant fan overnight. With their god's new-found passion for the sport, Khorne’s Joyal followers soon took to terrorising pitches across the Old Word in order to Bree eee eae ne SS ee ee Se nee ore-scaked psychopaths the likes of which they had never encountered before. The sight of such players was often cause enough for many of their opponents. ‘to simply forfeit the match, leading to numerous Khorne teams winning far more eee ee eee ‘savage of Ore teams had second thoughts when taking on the Blood God's followers, their stomachs often turned by the sheer brutality employed. However, forall their savagery and barbarism, when their opponents do take Reece een eee ee end oe Cee ee ie ee eee eee ad ball cartier and instead eviscerating whichever opposition player is unfortunate Cece ee eee ee ‘concerned with the amount of blood spilled than win-loss records! Those who play for Khornate teams are amongst the most ruthless men and Ree ee ee CR aes a Seg ee te ad push an aspirant to thelr limits. Those who become successful emerge from the fighting pts coated in the blood and innards of their sparring partners, and holding Ree tue oe eee to eo ee) coc Re es ee eg Cees Se ee ne eee ke een eee oe) oring the opposition with their sharpened horns. The largest and toughest players are known as Bloodseekers, donning heavily armoured kits covered in spikes. On a Cee ee eee a ee ae on them his blessings, distorting their flesh and growing them into the feared and gore- cee ee te SO ea Se ee ee eee eee ‘to ever play the game of Blood Bow/. Numerous opposition teams have been forced to disband or retire following a match with a Khomate team, with many of Fe ae CRE oe Ct Me aoe aces ones goee ee eeee When Khome’s followers take to the pitch, the ball is often forgotten in an orgy Se et soaked spectacle before them. Itis often said of any game involving a Khorne team that you shouldn't sit in the front row unless you don’t mind getting drenched.. eee ETT Lee ta peer eee Cet Peer eset and hoping to get picked to pay Nutfe’s Pee eee fone eer ee rd Pee teeta the igtingits to go trough a series eee ees eee et ee ety Da Rk a Le oo See ee ea Deere anu Os ecg nee Se creed skilled or technically gifted players ever eo eee tia) has no time for those who would ued ee may Ce eet ect) bloodied and victorious into frenzied Ste ne nd explicity violent nature of the sport - Eee meee The most impressive and physically dominant of those who survive the eee ee Cees Cee ee as Bee ee) ed ees scrimmage so they can get stuck CR ei Cree ees ree! Pee ee ety their hunger for violence and gore, Perea nets lord through the decimating ofall who stand before them. Pee Sea ee ee ot te hea finer points of the sport. They only Cee ua they are provided with opponents to Cee mck Tera) Cee eee Sound Pema nr Se erie oe ama Semen es ns cd {Quickly offload it to some other player 0 they can get right back to breaking TE ce ea Ce Rue her Peoria s ones eae eee Seed eee moss Beastmen worship the Dark Gods eee who set one god above all others. en eee favour Khorne as their dark master. De ey Peet eee Korngor tend to possess more Cte ne Et ren een) Cee ey eee ea! Ree acy Cs Ce eta) knows, though itis likely to do with ee een) plenty of chances to gore opposition Dee ey Cette net es Re ned Ce een cles ee een eked ee Ree eed Deen ees ee a ec their way, Khomgor are also used to score touchdowns for their team; eee Cou Se ae Pee Ceara Ce ee na ema Bee eet) Saeed ee Ce Pe ee acy Cee nee cy oe a ee as been granted gifts to help them in their savage mission on the pitch. Bete ne flesh, and thelr maws are filed with rows of razor-sharp teeth. Cea te Ung Ree Ren ete CO ee ae Cee eee em See cee od ee eer themselves upon the opposition, Such beasts need careful handling by their team-mates; more than Cee Co) Cree eC oe Ce eee enema) See ee eee ee Bee eon thunders across the pitch crushing all those in its wake, it trulyis a wondrous sight to behold (from a safe Cee ec 1360} R a ea Doll PW PRE Mail ‘The rules for Grashnak Blackhoof, Max Spleenripper See eu eee Se eRe cerry eee ete KHORNE’S KILLERS THE FLESH HOUNDS ‘med after the unusual mascots they bring with ‘a spectacle wien they take to the gridiron and have amassed a huge following amongst those who live in the Northern Wastes. This is partly due to their passable winning record, but mainly down to their legendary post: game shows in which their mascots are unleashed upon the opposition team. In fact, many of the Flesh Hounds’ fans only really turn up for this display of sheer barbarism and the clouds of arterial spray that go with it! FAMOUS KHORNE TEAMS THE BLOODSOAKED BRUISERS ven for a Khorne team, the Bloodsoaked Bruisers players drench themselves in the blood of the most recent casualties ofthe fighting pits. In fact, It's even sald that the skins of veteran players actually begin to turn crimson due to the number of times they have soaked themselves in blood and gore in this manner. Whether this { true or not doesn't really matter, but whats guaranteed fs that the players of the Bloodsoaked Bruisers will not be the only ones coated in crimson by the end of the game; those unfortunate enough to be on the receiving, lend of their unique method of tackling (which mainly involves spikes!), and those lucky fans nearby, will also be showered in fresh blood! THE KHORNATE CRIPPLERS he Khornate Cripplers are a relatively new team Tl to take part in Nuffle's sacred game, Their roster is made up of players who survived the khornate fighting pts, but may not possess enough skill to play for lone of the top Khome teams. As such, the Cripplers are not concerned with so-called ‘victories’ on the pitch, and instead have made it their mission to entertain those who have paid their hard-earned gold pieces to watch ‘a game of Blood Bowl. Of course, this mainly involves. crunching tackles, snapping bones and plenty of blood, ‘and has eamed the Cripplers numerous awards for most entertaining team of the year ~ at least amongst the followers of Chaos! ey YR ‘carnage, there are a few that actually SUC Eee Se and reach in the league, the better the opponents Seen uote ag Pe eee ad and skulls to tell the tale of this infamous team. DORN see cron Cee eee ee Dee ee ene eee] Peet ea ee fan of the game in the first place. For the first few years, the Slaughterers didn’t win many games; not that this VF CaS Coe uu bothered them, of course; they were far more concerned with maiming and eviscerating the opposition! It transpired that they were pretty good at this, as well their fighting, pits were renowned for producing some of the most brutal Ce ee en LeU Re Gregorov as head coach, who brought with him some et et team, was to try winning games. Ths led to some less violent matches, which angered many of the Slaughterers’ en tee en Soe ce eon ee eee See ea ene conference where he stated that by winning games the Ree ee rege eee eae) Se a ed ee ee eee cnc! Oc ee eee See ue an ee CO ee ‘methods, Driego led the Slaughterers to new heights; eee eee eta tet Peek ee eRe! Tee oe me ee et ai RoE ane Reem ac Se Gee pee ree aoa) ‘numerous wins, becoming the most decorated team of Sete etd eee de ee In recent years, the SkulkTribe Slaughterers have Cee ne Ln ey Se ee UR a ee to progress when playing against the best teams in the Pree eed pee een ee eect ‘and-coming stars, and even a few legends of the game. ge eee ce ey See ee Re) towin the prestigous Chaos Cup. It was a huge surprise Cee ee nog expected them to win it! Knowing his team would be SE Ue ea kes See ee eet SN tac Coe een This tactic worked a treat and, although they were quickly 1-0 down, the Slaughterers caused enough CnC Crete onic! ena ee oy eee eR ne Tee we een eee nS Ceo Ce Re en ee Ct BVA G yO ga THE SKULL-TRIBE SLAUGHTERERS ee aed ae etc) HEAD COACH: Driego Gregorov PLAYERS: Bloodbon Marauder Linemen, Khorngors, Bloodseekers, Bloodspawn Sree ee ee ee ane eC ee Ce PCL ee ete ees gk ene and Ee UL eeer CAREER HIGHLIGHTS p} 49 | een ee ay Ee This angers many fans, as Driego is from the Empire Pee ee eee erty ee eco ce) Ree sence) for spilling worthier blood by winning games and playing better teams. Though it takes a bit of time, Driego Ce ae ee eed ee et ed Cee Ome Ce ey OYA. UI Sn aa) Coreen een) See ee Se eRe un as ea une te er eee na Ce ec Rea oe See ea teers spilling gallons of blood across the pitch. When the final een et eee ect ee cee cae c y} 49 re etd Chaos Cup, but ultimately exiting the See ORS eee ee ie) Pe ere es Se eee cee unprecedented victory, Coach Driego tells his team to Poe een eC ore Pee a Co ee ky See Rue ett ace ea pleased with the result as Coach Driego is blessed with See eee ete |= °] 3) 3 peeeeneetenrennad Sees ry SE ee oe eh ae Whenever the Slaughterers play, they unleash their unique Co at wen See Rue en et a ney close to once more winning a major trophy, it cannot be Cee ace eee te Se es recon Wada ee crs "ie x i F z Pa SS RU eee SO eee eT eae the subject of much debate in taverns and stadia across the Old World, Numerous. Pee eae Cees kee oe career, either by playing alongside him in the Nee ea ee eurE Cera a Secu DO eee ee ccd De nee cueurd Roun Ruse cy of the Great Black Bull to get a few drinks in Se CeO ed jrashnak? He'll be easy to deal with. Just grab him by the horns and use his momentum to bring him crashing down!” Friedrich Hoffenburg, shortly before he was ‘gored to death by Grashnak inthe fist drive ofthe 2496 Chaos Cup opening round of his past, though over the years and many interviews he has taken part in (though he never says much in eee ee eC a eT Cee ee ee eed ed Forest, a huge monument piled high with gore-stained eee ne ed the Herdstone that Nuffle himself appeared as a bloody Cee ee oe the forest and go play Blood Bow - in the mast violent way possible, of course! e} rashnak himsetf has always been quiet on the subject Quite how much truth there isto this story is debatable, Tr Me ee sce eee Regardless, he has been a staple of the sport since he first ~ Cee eee reer cannes BARE His rookie year saw Grashnak unleash a tirade of bloodshed eae eee Oo eee marking him. So impressive was the Great Black Bull thathe Ree ee ee ee ne eee SN ee ete tee ae Having established himself as a terrifying opponent on See eee ce ea Pete oN eet eet ge re Uae ce Rene cu een ca Fe ed RU ea Ed). The Norgit Nosepickers, a particularly cowardly Goblin eke ene Rae te Oncaea ecm onic eee ae eer ee eee time in the belief that Grashnak couldn't fitthrough the door. eee ec Ce om ee tee ony eee hatte tao ‘name, second only to the legendary Morg ‘n’ Thorg. and an ‘even larger number of casualties - though officials stopped CO eee a) es eee ears Cee eee eae Cre Rent Yet, even though Grashnak is considered amongst the greatest and most violent players ever to grace Nuffle's See ee a eee ary Cee eee ete ed for precisely this reason that Grashnak signed a three-year Cee CCE a ana ees However, despite some truly exceptional performances, Cea a Seca ee ee ee eee es DeSean ares east ae oan Ce ue Ne en Ce eae and woe betide anyone who stands in his way! 3s, Loner (4+), Mighty Frenzy, Hors, Loner (4+), Mighty Bl Cry Thick Skul, Unchannelied Fury special RULES ‘Gord by the Bull: One et game, when dy Pans a Bi a ‘ray one aXtonal Bock ne opposition player, regardless reefer imeecanman eames Pa ice. Wtnak perms 8 fs Sock acto ce Fey oo eck acon wl as beet from this ule. KE! EXCLUSIVE plied OT A f rT Ea oie SE acon, a5 457 ibs. “ORIGINATING TEAM: 2 Unicow Fea Bitzer Fi cts stopped Keeping trac used in 2481), Pe Wack of 2491, 2497, AS a erinmne tinier games, itis in a match against the Goblins of the Sloptown Scavengers that Grashnak really catches the eyes of pundits across the Old World. After suffering the embarrassment of slipping on some ‘carelessly’ placed slop, Grashnak decides to get even with the Goblins mocking him by impaling every last one of them on his sharpened horns. The display of sheer violence is still shown on Cabalvision to this day, and was the last time any team dared poke fun at Grashnak! DAG 2 aseismic ‘a young Ogre bull by the name of Frugg Rockgut publicly claims that he is far more deadly than Grashnak. This claim leads to a rivalry between the two, with both engaging in a year-long competition to see who ccan cause the most fatalities. This blood feud comes toa decisive end when Frugg and Grashnak come face-to-face ‘across the gridiron, With a powerful charge, Grashnak proves that Frugg might be a Rockgutin name, butis certainly not in nature! DAG Bier tie ms lisnas previous season, Grashnak is helkbent (on eamming a coveted Blood Bow! Winner's Medal. After ‘an exceptional tournament where Grashnak racks up numerous casualties, the All-Stars find themselves in the semifinals against the Skavenblight Scramblers. However, the Skaven prove too slippery for the All-Stars, denying Grashnak his glory. Incensed at the defeat, Grashnak unleashes his fury on the Scramblers, injuring many of their Star Players in a post-match rampage. Its this act of bload-crazed violence that is credited as the main factor in the Grudge Bearers winning the ttle in the final! Atthe end of the 2499. PRESENT 2300 ccc. cosmaxs contract with the Chaos All-Stars came to an end, with the Great Black Bull not re-signing. Instead, Grashnak declares himself a free agent, moving across the Old World to play for any team that requires his unique, and incredibly effective, brand of violence. Whilst his quest for 1 Blood Bow! Winner's Medal may be on hold, Grashnak is pursuing.a different goal - attempting to break Morg ‘n’ Thorg’s record for the most fatalities in the game's history! a ae No co eee ee) Cee Ree cr with each other. In fact, they have one of the biggest rivalries in the sport, RDG ea eae Re Ce na Cm uy the carnage we cause, and the tides Sees afterall, that’s what Blood Bow! {s all about, right? The Slaaneshi See eu ee ne Pee teers scoring, and they have the audacity to eee eee eee er ete QUILLCHEWER: Well, scoring Pee eae) Pe ee ene ea ad Cee eee a Se eee ceo ema tee ee) to admit that there is some logic to Meee eT Co ner Dou os the Cripplers. reporter, scrabbling around the underbelly of the Old to uncover all the juiciest news right from the sideline Dee ue TD Ce eee Bee tC RS UC Cu | ackspit ‘the Scribbler’ Quilichewer Is our ace Skaver ea es anything! Yeah, the Sidewinders Da Cu Se Cee a ee eas eee ng enw eens eae a nus erence ane aa CU eae ie Cae eer) eee el BLOODRAGE: Itwas a truly fantastic De ec) against the mighty Cripplers! ead Peete enc eee ees Cree eee ee ue Cee eens ee ee ae) ee en aa As forward to playing the Sidewinders; pe ee stuck in, and the supporters to prove Roe con! eee ee ts nea AC Doe ee auc Cee eee ee poe an) ee cee Dae Rone ae eis) pe ee Cee te cee Deen eee ea Cee acs a eae er Rr setae eee aor) eee OTe eee a a aa a Lad Oe eee es Coc ac) Cenk Ro Dn gen blood-crazed than right now. We are Cee a eae Er eee ent tea OT) Dre re eee Re eee ee ee) Ree ec ech eee) Dee a Cripplers know anything about that? nea ee | HEIGHT weigup ng not telling! 7 ‘ORIOWATING TEAM. Khorme's Kil POSTION Blitzer 458 Ib or (4+), Mighty, ele al, Thek Skul Blood G a for Tee Ua | remained a mystery ever since the hulking beast first Se ary ct ee eee ee ee ee cna ay Te eee na eae Ee ean Reece tare ic res ere ee ne Ce ee ee Uae) of sports-rage, having witnessed his team suffer a series of Cees Whats certain is that Scyla is undoubtedly a servant of Ce cee eet eR orc eso murderous actions on the pitch would be enough to quash any sense of doubt. Whenever he takes to the pitch, Scyla personifies the Blood God's fury and bloodlust, making him the ideal resource for any Chaos team that wants to add that. erat SO ee Oey Oey i eee econ ecu unanswered to this day. Following a match in 2485 between Cee ene eee st eg Creer atone ier nea Tee Sen eae eer Reo eee a er coc eta pitch early. No one is still quite sure why Scyla did this, though eae eae Ls Dee ee ee ee ere err eee tree ard Chests arches eens ey tiger antigens eae Pee Se erect erent ee ratty ee es ON Ce Re UR RR ee ip 2 for bloodshed. Dee te ee infamous occurrence that took place at the 2492 Chaos a au eC eu Rec 1 Cowboys was temporarily halted when an incensed Norse shield maiden, Hyida Anfingrimm, marched onto the pitch Se ee ee en ees Se eee ee ee rest of the game hiding in the dugouts for fear of another ree Pe eee ee ee eee era cen Ue ee ec a) ee eee ee) eae unt tel arterial tastel) and a range of fashionable brass neckwear, Dea Some em cn Deen eet ey Sree en CAREER HIGHLIGHTS AT (ese aerate a between teams devoted to each of the Chaos gods to determine which of them gets bragging rights, for the year), the head coach of Khorne’s Killers prays to the Blood God to help them beat the Slaaneshi Sidewinders {and ensure they don't end up in last place. Five minutes before kickoff, a huge Khomate beast takes to the field for the Killers and proceeds to cause enough carnage to claim o starts the career of Soyla Anfingrimm. victory for Khor. PAR Gs ere ten: Killers and Nurgle’s Rotters, Soyla goes ‘missing before his scheduled post-game interview without a trace. No one knows what has happened to Scyla; some say home has claimed him, whilst others mutter he has reticed ‘and slunk off into the Northern Wastes. Eight months later, ‘Soyla resurfaces ready for his interview, seemingly with no realisation that he has even been missing. To this day, Scyla claims he has no idea what happened, but there is something In his eyes that hints he may not be telling the whole truth, DAG?) aonannan during the Chaos Cup match between Khorne's Killers and the Darkside Cowboys, a shield maiden, storms the pitch claiming to be Soyla's wife, grabs the hulking beast by his big red ear, and proceeds to give out to him ‘about leaving her in the Northern Wastes forall these years the gallivanted off to play Blood Bowl, Whilst there is ‘no proof that she was his wife, Scyla's sorry.looking face and muted attempts to apologise were all the proof that many fans needed. 249 During the Chaos Cup, Scyla signs up to play on behalf of the Flesh Hounds in a ‘move that shocks many fans and pundits. Midway through the opening match, Scyla promptly turns upon the hea of the Flesh Hounds, tears him limb from limb, and then simply walks off the pitch. There is much debate as to why ‘Soyla did this, but the leading theory is that the head coach had been praying to Slaanesh as well as Khorne to try to get more blessings for his tearm, and Khorne hadi sent Seyla to deal with him for his insolence! AGUES | CHAOS Sp ‘cams that have devoted their lives to the Dark Gods will ply their trade within the eee oneal eee ere ray ‘more organised competitions that take place De te rea ‘on causing carnage in the name of their dark patrons - there is no point winning if the way you Pear Eesti ‘ending a few reporters to find out what goes on In the Northern Wastes, we encountered a more eee eee Meu tcc? eee aie eee urea if they use these to determine bragging rights between Sree eee ey plenty of biessings for players who go out of their way to Ce Oe THE CURSED SKULL GOBLET is isa variation on a standard Blood Bow! league season, Pee ey rune ey te) Cee Rd divisions there are, how many rounds are played and so forth should all be decided upon by the league commissioner based upon how eee ere participating. The Cursed Skull Goblet differs from a normal season, CECE oa O23 ee te east es ee ee nos Cee Ue Re ea ees cee 1,000,000 gold pieces to spend to recruit their team for the pores DYN ys At the start of the Cursed Skull Goblet, each team must decide which of the Chaos gods they will choose as their patron for the upcoming competition. eee eee ae se Ice) to worship. A team with the ‘Favoured of.” special rule must select the Chaos PCa ee ee eee Ne ee ea aa eee ed their players inflicts @ Casualty upon an opponent they receive 3 Star Player Points instead of 2. ee ee en Deer eae et Lee ee ceed Reece tt ee ee tee nee eae aC ee eC ge De eee eae ee een oe a eg ee eo Ce Sea een team can attempt to Rush one more time than they normally could during Rec ee ee eg a teach time one of their players scores a touchdown they receive 4 Star Player Points instead of 3. Pista tee eects hit) Coser ea ea ay ee ad Perens PERO La 50,000 GOLD PIECES) VIE ar eer as Cee a ues In reverence to the Dark Gods, Een ni) ees ee eee Cee aC Reet ee a cs eee ene Peet ee net PY a 1 The gods are angered by Cee) es ee Deu eis eos eee enc Cec Coe od Coenen Poe eed Te eee) Ca Ung eo Cee ee co Arges an Pear Cae ce Se en Peng Ce eee the following Mutations Petes the remainder of the Pete eet! Presence, Horns, Iron Hard ccd See ery Jeague in the Northern Wastes Cee cs often includes gaining the boons and Dee eee ard placed teams of the Cursed Skull Coe eos DE ase teams that finish 4st, 2nd and 3rd ee eee tn Te earn teasce In addition to their cash prize, Renan eee if slightly menacing, Cursed Skull eee eae Peetu eee the goblet itself seems to contain Saeco ene tec Com that holds the Cursed Skull Goblet PLCs Cd ee re ee ee ne a Seg eae Pe ae part of the Chaos Leagues, home games played by those who worship Khorne will be played in stadia that are built to honour the Peete a eee et eros surface, and those who perish in such playing grounds will have their skulls added to those of the fallen, As well as the morbid and gruesome collection Cee ear ue ee a on played in his stadia, and perhaps even make it rain blood upon the players! ‘Torrepresent the unique conditions teams must face in Khornate stadia, the following Weather table is used when playing games in such grounds. Cree and ‘enough carnage to stem his bloodlust, and he demands more Eee eee an et ec} vessels on the pitch - though it comes with a cost to the players. Ce ee eee to their Strength characteristic and the Frenzy skill untila different result is rolled on the Weather table. When a different result is rolled, See eee oon nc ee ec his eyes, is beginning to draw the ire of Khomne ~ which brings its own risks. At the end of each drive, randomly select one player on Ree aa eng Doe Pec unCe Sns Drees eee ‘A.ed mist descends upon the pitch, coating the players in See ene es GE eee Me een toe Se Rn ens eee eee ed Dene err ee ete en eed Rem eon tee ore ee Se a eee nee} De Ee ee eee as ACU aga De 7) eer erect ens - © Anx where a game without untold carnage will only invoke the fearsome Ree ee ene teen eid all games played as part of the Cursed Skull Goblet 2D6_RESULT Ee ae eee cnr and actively encourages as much violence as possible. For the duration of the drive, players from both teams cannot be Sent-off for 0 eeu eon? 3 Horrifying Howls: The bloodcurdling howls of the servants of Khome are enough to invoke terror in even the most steadfast of players. Cee ean eee etc) ee eo ed Re eee cent aet a noy fear and may not move, perform any actions, and does not have @ cee oe Ce ee a cad 5 ee ee ec ay Pee ea ea SNe ae eae ea High Kick: Apply the High Kick result as normal. ee ee eee eee ee Oe ee Dee Cn ey Pe eee tea ce ts Re eee ee ee a blood flows, s0 long as it does. For the duration of the drive, ifa player Cee Ne ae eee te os | Pee ecg roar Tee Rt a cm CS eee Re ee Rec Se 1 = pushing an opposition player into the crowd, that player will receive . = 5 ee See ea eee 5 5 ee ene x eee ons ec REO SR Se ee ety Berek) eZ Be 12 Blood Rage: Wanting even more bloodshed, Khome infuses a player lames ee nr tere Bios + See i select one player on their team that is Marking an opposition player. See ae eee eee ne es pee oe cm eee ate ADDITIONAL POST-GAME ee ey oe eget ecg ec sequence; however, there is one additional step Geese Ra eee) calculated your team’s winnings. G ee end See rege ny ‘era, the Chaos gods have taken a huge interest in Nuffle’s See en eee ere ea Powers, playing the game to bring them as much glory See ee nee through achieving victories, or simply by ‘encouraging! people into the Chaos gods’ service. Oe Rte ero Jeagues, when the Dark Gods simply cannot help but Pein ne ee eee patron. Those that perform well are likely to receive a eRe ee eee To their performances on the gridiron. ee eee ne) through poor performances and making them look like eee ue un ae gee ne ey 0d in question, but regardless of who is dishing out the See eee eed Oe en a that follows which matches the Chaos god your team, eee eR ee ee will have criteria that the Chaos god desires the team to ‘complete each game. If these criteria are met, then the Chaos god will award the boon listed, f the team falled to meet these criteria, then the Chaos god will inflict the ee etn orn ae eT See BOON: i the criteria was met during the game, randomly pees eee eee eee eee See ee ee ete cg the duration of the next game. eae ee Tt) UR eee See a rete Ly Cf 1) for the duration of the next game. RTT aE eg Se ee ee Se ec a ee ca See a an a ery Tee auc een ee ae Ca ee rt CeCe ae ieee eee Cea Lee (toa minimum of 3+) for the duration of the next game. TZEENTCH Ca ee ere eee a ee Se aa eC ae eet Completion. The selected player improves their Agility by 1 mee mg et ee eee cd er eee ee The selected player reduces their Agility by 1 (to a eo eee tt BEY os abd ae en ‘BOON: I the criteria was met during the game, randomly select one player on your team that scored a touchdown: See ere eee ory maximum of 9) for the duration of the next game. Ce a ee Ree eee eg Goa ees De omen feta CHAOS UNDIVIDED eae on a BOON: ifthe criteria was met during the game, your team Pee ee se eee the game, randomly select one player on your team. Renee nog ee econ duration of the game. PVP age (O aN PROUD MH ero pony ey simply pitches to play Blood Bow! on; they Peete eee eri) where his followers will perform violent sacrifices in ee ec eee and emblazoned with brass symbols in the hope of recelving Khorne’s blessing. Should the Blood God be pleased by a team’s offerings then he will rain blood down upon the pitch - though this also has the impact of making the playing surface cd USING THE ALTAR OF KHORNE PITCH IN YOUR BLOOD BOWL oF aa een ee ee es eee en ecu een ek eee the playing surface after Khome has rained blood down Pe ae the following rules can be used to represent the reece a mere eT ze ee RT Sa er ee = witnessing the untold carnage of a game of Blood Bowl! Ue nee ee ce pitch begin to getinto the heads of the players, making ‘them feel a fury rising within them. After a player declares Bee ee ont dice are rolled, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, increase the blocking player's Strength by 4 for the duration of orcs Adcitionally, at the end of each drive, count up the Pr eRe Rae eee tgs he ne en board over to the Bloodslick side. a et Ce eee ced raining blood down upon the pitch. This makes the pitch Eee ee eee eee Ce ae eC gee Pete e eC nee ee Een Seg ears ee ea eo KHORNATE BALLS CURSED KHORNATE BALL homnate priests will often emblazon their team’s balls with brass symbols in devotion to their dark patron, offering them up to. be blessed by the Blood God. Quite what dark power is placed upon such balls is unknown, though regardless it fuels those who carry it with incandescent rage. The followers of Khore claim that this is a blessing, whilst others state that this is some form of curs A player that is in possession of a Cursed Khorn: Ball gains the Frenzy skill whilst th SKULL BALL hore is known for his constant demand for more skulls, and so it makes sense that some Khornate teams will fashion the skulls of their most worthy fallen foes (and players! ~ Ed) into a morbid style of ball. The sight of these grisly trophies being used to play the sport is an off-putting sight, and players often think twice before going in for a tackle against the player holding a skull ball. Whenever a player: to make a Block action Bitz action against a player holding a Skull Ball, th first roll a D6. On the roll ofa 4, they may not target the ball cartier with the Block action or Blitz action. A player that rolled a 1 to determine if it could target the ball cartier with a Block action or Bitz action may retract its declared action in order to do something else. This will upa team’s Blitz action for a turn ifthe result is must Tee tuk cues M Nee eo eRe orang OTe eee ee WOR Ce ern eS Coot tC ie ead USO ee Ca a ee cna Dee Cee a eo Re ee ee ee ee eee Pea eC ae ee eo ke cour e ee Creed Ree etc eas Prenat ety : COA asa ed finger on itto start with, so | decided CO oe ae ee cy ese he Peer mc et Pe ore ae ue) eee eu ent oe ee : Coo enh Ca UL a SPIKE!: Well, quite. So Mindy, what of the opposition fans had switched crazed look as the fans from the Juicy details did you manage to dig up allegiance during the game - even _previous game. So, | found the vendor Cr tae C ed fe ee es eet te ed what was actually in it. Ae ee Sete Om SPIKE!: So, they were using the food Se ee eet re Pe eed Rees ae ed See ce \were of sound mind and, relatively, Ee ee ee ce Seat oe eee i) bloody form of black pudding as well, Cea their eves when they came out of Teen ei Ce hs a eC ee going on inside the ground during _fans into Khornate supporters! & Cae ee ee eae first. But then | began to realise that GCE ns Se cn ee eee en et ee ea my Re Tt ee ce Ce ei ae ee Se nae cd Co ee Ce eee aed ere at Se eed Fee te ee ea aes CT ie he ec Reed ee ee oo en re ete oe uae) BOO ete a eee LS ed \were chanting, drinking and hurling leaves anyway! Beane a ee \ Ree ete en ee oe nea Say i vA Zi) s eae er PB ts serensc are coe owe cree Tenn ones a eae pesarrogeanii ric uereese pear satan Paanieeel bones eseedersticiie ure Why play Khorne, though? Gone are the graceful passing plays of the Elves or the speed and precision Seen eens things, hitting them again, then hitting them over and ‘over until they stop moving, and finally hitting them some ‘more just for good measure. But while Khorne’s gift of ‘uncontrollable rage is the team’s greatest strength, this eee ee Tad Cee ea eee ee ed COO eu them as their greatest weakness, This guide attempts to ee eeu Ue ee ed Ce ere COE ea RC od eee Rese es ed acer tae ue Cue CO eh ek Cc DS ru ou Ru Cg honour Knorne you need to kill your opponents and win the match! ‘To do this while controlling all the Frenzy, the order and Penta ee ene ake Eee oe ne sg cnc) et ee ee eet ences ee ee one oy that second Block. With limited re-rolls, if Bloodborn Rte eee atau eta tay See ened un en) a funny look, think carefully before re-oling,Ifit’s early in the half, for the good of the team sometimes you must trust in Khomne and take the Both Down result - Khorne Cee ene eee a cee ener eee i Sate eerie et ene f, en es pean a me eg Peg ene cry Peete eet eS eee ees sometimes you have to stare them down and lt them ¥ hityou. With no natural ballhandling Skils and, at best, a 4+ Passing Ability, moving the ball down the pitch quickly ema tt en ‘outscoring the opposition a risky proposition. While Elves ‘and Skaven may be able to easily score in two turns, Pore one oats ere’ Ste eee Ce nee ee should focus on playing a good eight-turn drive, tr SE ee eee ne Rta eee en eae Pe eo ans (On defence, focus on using the high Strength of your Cee eames Rand Ce econ em Pree ee cere Cea) push down one side, trap them against it and use your pee ete eerie ce eee tee ee any On TRS a ae Lo : : PNAC : BLOODBORN MARAUDER LINEMEN The backbone of the team, Marauders are cheap and plentiful, which is good, as Frenzy means that they often get into fights they can’t win. Their role on the team isto tie up the opposition’s players while the rest ofthe team focuses ‘on murder: when someone needs to mark a hungry Troll or raging Ogre, these are your players. When shilling up your Marauders, Block and Wrestle are strong fist picks, as they will keep them on the pitch for longer doing more damage. For a second Skil, Tackle, Dirty Player (+1) or Kick are good choices. Just don't get too attached to them as, with only AV 8+, they aren't the toughest of players, and don't be scared to cut any players that take a Serious injury - there is no De mt RGR nie) Ce RE neat een eee ee ec ged De ee een en ee eee 0 can Blitz their way out of danger, if needed. Ideally, they should be kept safe behind Bloodborn Marauder Linemen, then used to Blitz key opposition players. A good coach will scan the pitch to see when the use of a Blitz can remove a eee eee eee oe Developmentwise, Block is always @ good first Skill for keeping any player on their feet. But when developing a Cr aa eee i en eee ee place to start. These skils will save on team re-flls, allowing you to make more risky Blocks with the rest of the team. Two Heads (especially when combined with Dodge) will keep them on their feet, and help with the last ditch rush into the End Zone. Once you have a ball carrer, a dedicated biitzer is a good shout. Tackle, Strip Ball and Two Heads is the best way to go. There are very few places that a Khorngor with Horns and Strength 4 can't get to, and, with Juggernaut turning any Both Downs into Push Backs, Strip Ball makes them a highly effective ball sacker. Once you've popped the Eee eee se ee eal BLOODSEEKERS Bloodseekers thrive amidst the thick of the fighting. Staying close to each other, they can present a strong block of brutal camage. With ST 4 they are less prone to Frenzy traps, and their high AV means that even if they do go down then their armour should keep them safe. They excel at staying in close proximity and supporting each other but, be warned, Ce ee ee ee teen ere surrounding the ball carrer in a wall of ST 4. In practice, Frenzy can make it hard to keep them in position but, knowing that going in, a good coach will Keep the scrum moving towards the End Zone. It's often worth using a Khorngor to Blitz Set ee eee eo With access to General, Strength and Mutations Skils, there are many ways to develop Bloodseekers. Block is a _g00d first choice to keep them on their feet, though Guard will allow them to support each other and the rest of the: ee eee a eee eee ee ce the two-dice Blocks coming. After Block and Guard, depending on the other teams in your league, choosing Mighty Blow Cee On ecu Emerge Hulking slabs of sinew, spikes and muscle, the Bloodspawn encapsulates the khorne team perfectly. Bloodthirsty but . unpredictable, they act as a solid rock to build your plans around. While it can be tempting to Blitz with them every turn to get the most out of their Mighty Blow (#1) and Claw, their lack of Block and the fact they have Loner makes them prone to Turnovers. Placing them in the middle of the pitch and forcing the opponent to either go through them or ‘around them is a good play. If they can move then they can grant or cancel assists If not, then they keep thei Tackle Pa ee eee cee a Cn ee Pec hace et et hn bos Coo en ee a eed oe reo for a threesdice Block, you can greatly reduce the chances of a Tumover. Etim Bue Ase alae Ss ‘arting the team with an apothecary can save players in the long run, as without Block your Bloodseekers can't take alot of hits, and losing one CR ee eed After your first game, the main goal should be to save Pe een ecard finally saving up for the Bloodspawn ~ replacing any lost eee ete cS Cerentino ne eat want to start with a Bloodspawn. Whit they are Cee ee ees they are perhaps best saved for later on in the league, weer cs Korngors and re-olls to get you going in a league. Pe oe aa dee ne you have a selection of useful players rather than one eae ae ey Ree at en ee ‘bench, making sure to fire any injured Marauders to keep your Team Value under control. Having plenty of reserves Cee te iene ee ent you to put the boot in without the risk of dropping below Peet OFFENCE cen en cr ec eet ee nen eee Peet eee eae eae eee eee reece ee any Blitz! results. After the kick, one Khomgor should eee ae en eats Rene see nee enter aes Re ee Ee eee en eee ie ae Cree ee een eT ee eee ere eee ee eer ball is close to the opposition, switch focus to picking Pee ee ee ce See ee et eee ie ed coed reas EUR en gee nce Prete et ees cy Ce eC no ec cs Paaaes Ba Crecente ceca Bena strength teams ~ most wil look to avoid a numberof See eee eaters ete eee nena ee gcd SCC ean pen ees Pree eect) and create an impassable wal centred around the Cee Nea ege er ee then they willbe forced to either go through the centre, hich is tricky considering its made up of Bloodseekers, Se ee use your Frenzy to push their players against the sideline eee eet ee en ees ‘to build. Aways try to Keep at least one Khomgor free in Tee ee ene ae CNC eee er! ee ee Soe Stoo uns rae Oe nero A Sone ne pect Vea tees ee Ok ae ce a Se ee ee ec ene ete protective skills. This will lead to some difficult early games as Khorne (and the dice) test your players for any sign of weakness. Once the team makes ‘through these initial games, and starts to skill up, it will morph from a eee ea ee ae ee Orne ‘A good coach will learn that they can never truly control the frenzied Ce eee ae ee dear life as it ris through all that lies before it. With canny use of all available skils, and careful choice of Blocks (and a litte bit of luck!) Neeru cg die trying. Only the strong will ever survive on the Khorne team and, while you're unlikely to see a high score line, you'll always see a high body count ee es as Cee lel Cay Rat ‘HEIGHT weight oe eee | CE eee eer eae nce pee eon ey Doe eee count pee eee eee ene ced PE ee a eee ee Une ene) Dee eee eyed Cea eee ee relieving the Greenskin of the new-fangled weapon before promptly plunging the whirring contraption into its former ‘owner and tearing its spleen from its body - an act that would COME eo een cnet oy Ee ame es er ey death-wielding machine to bring glory to the Chaos gods and finally carve himself a niche within the sport of Blood Bow! Crafting himself his own chainsaw, one emblazoned with Cae Sut ean eta Dee Re a eee ee eee eer De ee eee ea Caen Se ee Ed rs De et eee ue ety ‘across the Old World. Max's services were often called upon, Rene ae nee me ae mayhem in a game, or ifthe star of a rival team was in serious need of being, well, cut down to size! Oe ae eee SNe eee eae see ers Sr ee ee slain by the blind fury of Max and the whirling dervish he pee eee ee) eee eee eee are missing an arm, leg, or something more personal following, PCa eon Cer ee nan ee CO cn ene en Raa Sem oty Pees eee ea er eee eae eS eee ee Rees revenge on the troublesome Troll in the mast vicious way ea eo eat Ces Ree eae cca Eee tee One en Poe! Over the years, his innovation and antics with his chainsaw have earned Max Spleentipper a reputation as not just an exceptional mercenary with a taste for bloodshed, Pee tone CAREER HIGHLIGHTS ZEB Mrseninestowrerass benchwarmer for numerous Chaos teams, Max's fates changed permanently when he liberates a chainsaw from an over-excited Goblin. Taking this new, exciting - and frankly very dangerous ~ weapon to the ‘opposition, Max discovers his calling within Blood Bowl as a chainsaw-wielding loony. Dedicating himself to Khorne, as Max figures the Blood God would be most likely to appreciate the carnage, Max becomes a mercenary for hire to any Chaos team that requires his talents, DAGE S ees at the 2486 Altdorf Old Bowl when playing for the Wasteland Warriors. Whilst the Warriors don't perform particularly well at the tournament (infact, there are only two teams ranked lower than them!), this doesn't prevent Max from being hailed as the most violent player of the ‘event, severing a number of limbs in the Warriors’ short-lived. attempt at glory! DAG Aye encores Killers are involved in a bitter rivalry, having played a number of matches against each other over the: course of the year with both trying to out-hit each other rather than score (in fact, the six previous games all ended without 1 touchdown! ~ Ed). Deciding they need an extra cutting ledge, Khorne’s Killers hire Max to take his chainsaw to the ‘Smashers' feared Troll - which he does in a spectacularly ory display, ending with the Trol’s freshly-severed head ‘being used to score the winning touchdown! (we know that’s ‘not how you score a touchdown, but no one was going to dare correct the teams! ~ Ea), 2A9 Reo r nase when the Averiand Earls accuse him of using his chainsaw on their star thrower after the final whistle had been blown. The court case drags on but is ultimately thrown out when the key witness suddenly changes thelr ‘mind about what they had seen. The Earls claim that their witness was threatened with limb removal by Spleenripper, though no one came forward to prove it - which Is probably wise if the ‘rumours’ of threats were true! ss the game of Blood Bowl your only escape from the oppressive misery of your feeble yxistence? Are the Dark Gods on your case? Oris the inevitability of your own mortality getting you down? Then talk to Lord Borak, the murderous tyrant who listens Hello Mr Borak. I'm a 17-year-old Blood Bow! fan from Black Rock. | have only recently begun to follow Nuffle’s sacred game, and | am struggling to decide on which of the mighty Chaos gods, and therefore which team, to dedicate mysetf to All my friends have followed Blood Bow for far longer than Thave and are very much set in their ways regarding their chosen Chaos god. Whenever there is a discussion about which deity to side with, the discussion gets heated very Quickly. The trouble is, with all of them telling me to follow a different god, and all the gods sounding so wonderful, | don’t know which one is the right decision. Which god should | choose? Fledgling Fanboy from Black Rock A: Hello Fledgling Fanboy. First ofall i's Lord Borak; Mr Borak was my father. Now, deciding which of the gods t0 dedicate yourself to is a tough decision, and one that you should take some time over as once you've decided, that's it IF there is @ specific tear you particularly enjoy watching, and they are pledged to a specific god, then that {is probably the way to go. If not, then ask yourself what is it you enjoy most about Blood Bow. Ifi’s mindless violence and bloodshed, then choose Khotne, it's speed, skill and spectacular touchdowns, then | would recommend Slaanesh. Ifyou prefer tricky plays that confuse and confound the ‘opposition, then consider Tzeentch. And if you enjoy seeing players explode in a mass of pustules and boils, then Id suggest Nurgle; though be very certain if you go {down this route ~ not many with a sense of smell will stick around if you dol Lord Borak, Favoured ofall the Chaos God's Q:'m a 36 year-old blocker for the Wasteland Warriors. Recently, our team has changed its kit colours from a deep red to a bright white in order to help us stand ‘out more, and fin with our new sponsors Crystal Ball Sportscasting - for that crystal clear picture! Trouble is, {as a blocker on the line of scrimmage, I'm constantly staining my nice white kit with the blood of lesser players that get in my way. As a legend of the game (please don't inflate his ego... - Ed), you must have some tips for 4etting those pesky bloodstains out of a kit. What would ‘you recommend? Bloodied Blocker from ne Wastelands A: Hello Bloodied Blocker, and thank you for your ‘acknowledgement of my status as legend (Great. Now he'll be strutting round the office all week... - Ed). Whatever you do, don't use a stray Goblin, That's an old witch's tale ‘and it will only worsen the stain and make your kt stink of vomit - trust me. One trick isto scrub the stains with a mixture of salt and lemon juice, which are usually available from a nearby Halfling - if you can wrestle thelr snacks away from them, of course. Ifthe blood has already dried, then | would highly recommend new Osteal Kerblam, the only cleaning, product made with real bones - Kerblam! The blood is one! | wish this stuff had been around in my heyday: it would have saved a huge number of ruined kits, Anyway, that should help you keep your kits clean and allow you to et back to plenty of carefree maiming! Lord Borak, Cleanser of x4 A gs FIM | — We remember Kharak Gorefist, lineman for the Cea ae ey Seen ee of the player of the match following the game. However, following the most impressive game of his career, in which een ne a himself who was proclaimed player of the match. True to Cen eee eee eae en ee cy cee eee eg ee to the Flesh Hounds. When the team’s Bloodspawn. began complaining of toothache after eating a number of Snottings in the crowd, the good doctor was asked to take em met eae) A ee ee ees Rete erry ee Oe eek er ean timed sneeze bit his head clean off! CCR ee Tid Rn cae ee ey Pree nee CMCC Oi oe We remember Grugt Bonewrath, lineman of the Wasteland Gore-Sprayers. During a game with the Norgrit Dee ent Cuter ea ‘Skrog, one of the smaller Goblins, battering him around the pitch. Come the second half, Grugt decided to be sporting and close his eyes to let Skrog have the first punch. However, Skrog had a trick up his grubby litle See ue eee eee ee eet ee ees a Have you witnessed any memorable deaths on the pitch ee eo ee Ocoee ha outrageous obituaries, funny fouls and mirthful murders Ne a Recent CALLED THE SKULL SLAUGHTERERS, ‘D UNTER, ‘SKRAAL RIBBREAKER: JORNGOR. ne snULL TRIBE SLAUGHTERERS “GORIKHNE RIPPER, LoCDBORN MARAUDER res "THE SKULL TRIBE: LAUGHTERER cOTHAK COR Eti ‘THE SKULL B00 SE AUGHTERERS 'ANFINGRIMM, ‘STAR PLAYER MAX SPLEENRIPPER, ‘STAR PLAYE! 'KACHK BONEFLAYER, "BLOODSPAWN, ‘THE SKULL-TRIBE SLAUG! JGHTERERS Daca < aoe: Fame Feo i ~ SUN was - TL) Pit Prin a ae om re Td THE KHOR MS: PCL Ta SC Bula Pad iY Psd CO PTV Bia) . ~ tl ita Calla beet eee ais pln Berto f Paice Peed we ry Pua ay Rena Tg Pr CLL eed Rr cL a SL Lea Puc uaads a mer Lr modhoibid Pret Laie A LL Per Pa Pees as aad PS LISA be _ eS UNTOLD Pras eu aL Pia) ie rca an alaate PO aa re aed POR ea) CSUs Se aR Lona ELL et ™— “NG ip MORE! a ae AU RELL PT aL Pe CCU Lee aL ‘THEIR RIVALRY Pr PS UCR aL ak pL UR LL soe Gy Gh aise OSA era tc eae UU BULLS RL PIEWHISTLE TS Ue Pye ULL LeU LLG Poe LU a US Nae s Ce av oy or Madde aire errr ny oer ripiarrnc enema earn Ta TE

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