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TODAY IM GOIN TO PRESENT THE TOPIC “The press is more influential than the church”
MY POSITION IS DISAGREE… WHY? I’m disagree because I think the church Is not more influential than the press because if the
church is more influential than the press why exists the press? And the press is bigger than that church

Why doesn't the church go to war to bring information or news to their towns?
this is since the church does not want to go out and sacrifice itself to give the news to the people and the people see this
and that is why the press has a point in favor against the church in which it influences the most

The church has many points in favor of this debate, but we have something to clarify for the world. There are about 194
countries, of which 10 are the most prominent for being of Catholic origin, the others do not come close to that number.
Thanks to this, the press of each country is more credible than the church itself, because it has more influence than the
churches themselves, since the church only acts in its favor and not that of the people who need.

What do I want to get with this? Well, to begin with, I have to say that most countries globally do not support the church,
so with this I want to say that if there is any conflict in the world or in that country, the population usually turns to a media
outlet that is the press of that country.

on the other hand if we go to the past the church has a horrible history where they sold pardons, baptisms, among other
things but ok that is the past but remember that the past is part of history so thanks to that past people have knowledge
light of the past of the church so this helps people believe more in the press than in the church itself

On the other hand, there are around 19 million Christians in the world, so the world population is 7.9 billion inhabitants,
so we can say that the Christian community is much smaller than the world population, so it is much less influential than
the Christian population. confirmed by various media that the press is the one that informs around 90% of the world's
population, governments, the population, companies use the press to expand their information since it reaches more
people, so it has more influence.

I have to say that most countries globally do not support the church, I want to say that if there is any conflict in the world
or in that country, the people usually turns to a media outlet that is the press of that country. Why? It is the most reliable
medium to follow because the presses have a staff called journalists, they are people in charge of searching in every
corner of the country for everything related to the problems, these people have to risk their lives to bring the information
to the rest of the world and it is something big to highlight then the population usually sees that type of effort and is more
influenced by the press than the church.
I have a little question for you. Have you ever seen a priest, priest, altar boy or any church risking his life to bring the
news to his people? True not? This is due to the fact that the same church is also informed through the press, and they will
not dare to risk their lives thanks to the fact that they depend on the press.

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