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The freedom you didn’t know you needed.

Minimalism is intentionally living with only the
things we really need—those items that support our
purpose. It is basically removing the distraction of
excess possessions so we can focus more on those
things that matter most.

That is my short, elevator-pitch answer.

Freedom through Minimalism

■ Minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom.

– Freedom from fear.
– Freedom from worry.
– Freedom from overwhelm.
– Freedom from guilt.
– Freedom from depression.
– Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives
Real freedom.
A Minimalistic Lifestyle

A minimalist lifestyle is the process of identifying what is

essential in your life and having the courage to eliminate
the rest. When you remove the unnecessary, you free up
your time and capacity to focus on the things that truly
matter in your life. Less is more.

We're always struggling with a constant desire for "MORE".

We often associate more with status, security, comfort and control.
But the more you externally desire, the further you get away from yourself, and the
more you have to lose.
The Cure to MORE
Instead of thinking more will make you feel better, minimalism helps you to go small instead.

When you’re small, you can go deep with what you already have.
Being small and staying small is an art.
It means being content with less.
It also means being confident in what you already have.
What can we achieve through

By incorporating minimalism into our lives.

We can find lasting happiness—and that’s what we’re all looking for, isn’t
We all want to be happy.
Minimalists search for happiness not through things, but through life itself.
Why Switch to Minimalistic Living?

■ Adult Americans throw away more than 68 pounds of clothing every year (US
National Library of Medicine cites the EPA Office of Solid Waste)
■ 20-21% of working Americans say they aren’t saving any money for retirement.
Many of the ones who are saving put away no more than 10% of their income.
■ The average American household has 300,000 items (Los Angeles Times)
■ The average family in America spends $1,700 on clothes each year (Forbes)
Misconceptions of Minimalism

■ Minimalism means throwing everything out.

■ Minimalists don’t buy new things
■ Minimalists live a frugal lifestyle

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