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Cirrhosis and chronic liver disease are serious health problems. Despite the fact that HBV vaccine,
viral infection screening, and anti-HBV and anti-HCV treatment have lowered the burden in some
places, the global prevalence of CLD and cirrhosis, particularly those caused by nonalcoholic fatty liver
disease (NAFLD), continues to rise. Noninvasive assessment of fibrosis and cirrhosis is highly
demanded in the evaluation of CLD and cirrhosis. When it comes to the treatment of CLD and
cirrhosis, efficacy varies depending on the etiology. In the era of direct-acting antiviral drugs (DAAs),
chronic HCV infection becomes curable in most patients, but HBV cure and NASH management are
still challenging. DAAs targeting the HBV life cycle and immunotherapy approaches are still on the
way. Treatment of NASH has been a hotspot in the field of liver research for quite a few years, but
few or none specific medicines have been approved. The development of novel medications to
improve the prognosis of NASH is urgently required.

Nursing Implications:
On Education
The journal encourages that health education should focus on healthful nutrition and physical activity.
Journal Reading about management of chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis enhance continuous
process of learning and it also develops self-management skills as an essential part of chronic liver
diseases and cirrhosis care. Knowing the causes of a particular disease help us educate ourselves and
others in order to prevent such occurrence. Liver cirrhosis is common in any population so by reading
the journal we can develop concept for health-teaching to any population group. As student nurses,
this journal states the basic concept that we need to comprehend.

On Research
We as nurses are also called to be researchers. This journal maybe an encouragement to us to be able
to discover more facts liver cirrhosis that allow us to holistically give care to our patients. Journal
articles focus on finding solutions to specific health care problems. The impact of the journal in
research is that it can be used by nurse researcher to support their findings. There are a lot of studies
about chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis related conditions that are updated here in the Philippines.
Research studies could be a great push for our government to take notice on this harmful disease.

On Nursing Practice
Having better understanding about the disease leads to better response and treatment. By reading
this article, I was able to understand that health education is also an effective intervention to treat
liver cirrhosis. Effective health teaching and proper observation may help save millions of people
suffering from this kind of disease

Xu, Jing-Hang; Yu, Yan-Yan; Xu, Xiao-Yuan Management of chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis: current
status and future directions, Chinese Medical Journal: November 20, 2020 - Volume 133 - Issue 22 - p
2647-2649 doi: 10.1097/CM9.0000000000001084

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