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1. Imp. of Click on cardiac ausculatation n C/F of MVP.

2. 7.(E.F) ejection fraction

3. Ventricular Remodeling and its impact on cardiac function

4. Coronary circulation and applied aspect.

5. Neurohumoral activation and compensatory mechanisms of Heart failure

6. Draw the diagram of conduction system of heart, write about Preexcitation syndrome

7. Atherosclerosis, pathogenesis and risk factors

8. Newly emerging risk factors for CAD

9. IHD & Cardiomyocyte Regeneration

10. Genetics in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

11. Blood supply of heart and its clinical implication

12. Syncope.

13. 2.Pathophysiology ,C/F, Inv. n Mx. of AC. CORONARY SYNDROME

14. Etiopathogenesis,C/F and Mx of percardial effusion?

15. Approach to a case with broad QRS Tachycardia and its Mx.?

16. HTN Emergencies

17. Constrictive Pericarditis

18. Describe etiologies of Heart Failure and discuss the various drugs
19. Management of Acute ST-elevation Myocardial infarction STEMI

20. Emerging Therapies and strategies in treatment of heart failure

21.Write brief note on percutaneous coronary interventions

22. Write note on prolonged assisted circulation

23. Ebstein’s anomaly.

24. Unstable Angina

25. Role of Pacemakers in cardiac disease.

26Refractory heart failure

27. Discuss pericarditis

28.. Add a note on Framingham criteria

for the diagnosis of congestive heart failure.

29. Restrictive cardio myopathy

30. Infective Endocarditis: clinical features and management.

31.Write briefly about complex adult congenital heart

disease 32Endothelin receptor antagonist

33. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

34. Hypertension management in elderly

35.. Anti arrhythmic drugs for atrial fibrillation

36. Approach to a patient with cardiac murmur.

37. Genetically determined arrhythmia syndromes

38. Betablocker as first drug for hypertension.

39.recent concepts in the mx. of dyslipidaemias.

40. Congestive Cardiomyopathy.

41.. Diagnosis of infective endocarditis

42. Management of infective endocarditis

43. Atrial Fibrillation

44. Management of Atrial Fibrillation

45. Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis

46. Torsades de pointes.

47. Cardiac Resynchronization therapy

48. Management of Hypertension in pregnancy

49. Management of supraventricular tachycardias.

50. Refractory Hypertension- causes, evaluation and management

51. Cardiac arrest.

52. Thrombolysis in Ac.M.I.

53.Tachyarrhythmias, Diagnosis, evaluation and management

54. Drug eluting stents.

55. Sudden cardiac death.

56. Malignant hypertension and its management.

57. Nutritional cardiovascular illness

58. Wide QRS tachycardia.

59. Brady arrhythmias.

60. Advanced cardiac life support

61. WPW syndrome

62. Management of cardiotoxic plants poisoning in India.

63. Endomyocardial Fibrosis

64. Criteria for Rheumatic fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease

65. Secondary hypertension

1. Mech. of cough n Dx Approach to pt. with cough

2.. Describe microbial pathogens causing Cavitary Lung Inf.s.

3. Transfusion related Lung injury.

4. Different Mechanisms in Pulmonary hypertension n Dx approach

5. Describe cough mechanism. What are causes of impaired cough?

6. 8.PFTs

7. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

8. Hemoptysis and approach to a patient with

hemoptysis 9.Oxygen dissociation curve and its


10. Flexible fiber optic bronchoscopy

11. Pathophysiology of fibrosing alveolitis.

12. 8.Broncho Alveolar Lavage

13. Etiopathogenesis,C/F and Mx of Ca. Bronchus?

14.Pulmonary circulation and its importance

15.. Classification, pathophysiology, C/F and Mx. Of PAH?

16. Pathogenesis, causes, evaluation and Mx OF Interstitial Lung Disease Pt.?

17. What are the categories of Respiratory Disease

Discuss the differential diagnosis of pleural effusionsctors affecting clearance of Theophylline.

18. Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

19. Write brief note on ventilator associated pneumonias

20. Write brief note on ventilator associated pneumonias

21. Acute Pulmonary EmbolismWrite the clinical features diagnosis and management
of hypoventilation

22. Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis

23. Gold criteria in COPD and treatment of COPD exacerbation.

24. Pulmonary Vascular Diseases

25. Discuss the pulmonary manifestations of connective tissue disorders

26. Atypical pneumonia

27. COPD: clinical features and management

28. Solitary Pulmonary Nodule

29. Describe the management perspectives of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

30. Describe the management of acute respiratory distress syndrome

31. 2.Brittle Asthma

32. Management of pulmonary hypertension

33. Non invasive ventilation

34. 2. Mx.of ARDS

35. Diagnosis and management of pneumonia

36. Mx. Of Malignant Pleural Effusion

37. Ac.Severe Asthma. Features n Mx.

38. Approach to a 50 year old man with Acute Dyspnea

39. Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary

embolism 40.10.Necrotizing Pneumonia

41.. 1.Acute respiratory failure

42. Tension Pneumothorax

43. Ventilator associated pneumonia.

44. Chronic persistent Bronchial asthma.

45. Newer Drugs for Bronchial asthma

46. Fibre-optic Brochoscopy

47. Percussion of lung

48EAspiration pneumonia

49.environmental lung disease

50. 6.Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia

51. Discuss Recent Guidelines for prevention ,Dx, Rx. of VAP?

52. Management of ARDS

53.Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis

1.Hepatic portal system n clinical correlation

2.Aetiopathogenesis of Hepatocellular carcinoma.

3. Describe production and metabolism of bilirubin. What are causes of Isolated

Hyper Bilirubinemia
4. What is the mechanism, co-ordination and activators of Emesis
5. Portal circulation
6. Investigations in Cholestatic Jaundice
7. Enteral nutrition
8. Approach to a patient with jaundice
9. Discuss Bilirubin Metabolism
10. Cholestasis.
11. Exocrine pancreatic function tests.
12. Dietary fibre
13. Aetiopathogenesis of Hepatocellular carcinoma.
14. Describe production and metabolism of bilirubin. What are causes of Isolated

15. Refractory ascites.
16.Gastrinoma triangle and its significance
17. Ascitic fluid analysis
18. 10.Oral Manifestations of Disease
19. Anatomy of Portal Venous System
20. Fatty Liver
21. Etiology,patho,Iab features,prognosis and Rx. Alchoholic Liver Diseases?
22. Chylothorax
23. 2.Cx. of Ch.Pancreatitis?
24. Aetiopathogenesis,C/F n cx. of Ac. Pancreatitis
25. 4.Functional Gastro Intestinal disorders
26. causes, c/f n cx. of Ac. Liver Failure
27. Etiology, C/F, INV. and Mx. of Acute liver failure?
28.Pathophysiology, C/F and Mx. of Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
29. Etiopathology, serological and viral markers in Ac.Viral Hepatitis?
30. Describe the causes of peptic ulcer disease not caused by
helicobacter pylori and nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs
31) Describe the diseases that Mimic inflammatory bowel disease
32. Write briefly about toxic and drug injury hepatitis

33. Describe various recommendations for treatment of
chronic Hepatitis “B”.
34. Discuss the complications of Chronic Pancreatitis
35. Differential diagnosis of Jaundice with fever
36. Chronic Hepatitis B infection
37. Situations in which urgent endoscopy is done and precautions to be taken. AStep wise
clinical n diagnostic approach to a patient with suspected ch.pancreatitis
38.Write the etiology, pathogenesis, laboratory features prognosis and treatment
ofAlcoholic liver disease.
39. Hepatorenal syndrome.
40. Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease
41. 6.Irritable Bowl Syndrome
42. Discuss the aetiology, clinical features and treatment of acute pancreatitis
43. Discuss the Liver Function Tests patterns in Hepatobiliary disorders
44. Discuss about portal-
hypertension 45Chronic hepatitis – C
46. Helicobacter pylori – diagnosis and treatment
47. Malabsorption syndrome.
48. Chron’s disease

49. Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension.
50. 4.Discuss the complications and management of chronic pancreatitis.
51. Describe the indications n recommendations for antiviral therapy for Ch. Hepatitis C.
52. Irritable Bowel Syndrome 5.
53. Auto Immune Hepatitis
54. Describe the pathophysiology of clinical manifestations of mal-absorption disorders
55.H. Pylori
56. Pegylated Interferon
57. Somatostatinomas
58. Management of recurrent variceal bleed.
59. Serologic markers of autoimmune hepatitis
60. Approach to lower GI bleed.
61. Approach to a patient with chronic constipation
62. Jaundice during pregnancy.
63. Drug treatment of chronic Hepatitis B.
64. Management of inflammatory bowel diseases.
65. Non-ulcer dyspepsia
66.Medical Acute
67. Gastro esophageal reflex disease.
68. Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
69. Management of Ulcerative Colitis
70. Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
71. Acute Pancreatitis diagnosis and management
72. Management of hepatic encephalopathy
73. Classify Portal Hypertension and discuss about Budd-Chiari syndrome
74. Dermatologic manifestations of gastrointestinal disorders
75. 9. Prognostic scoring system in Wilson’s
disease. 76Approach to jaundiced patient
77. 10.Upper Gastro-intestinal Endoscopy
78. Chronic hepatitis
79. Liver biopsy
80. Dysphagia
81. Endoscopic retrograde cholangio Pancreatography complications
82. Serologic and Virologic Markers of Hepatitis B infection
83. Diagnosis and management of complicated intraabdominal infections in adults
84. Tropical pancreatitis
85. Large bowel diarrheas diagnosis and management
86. Prophylaxis of viral hepatitis

1. blood supply of spinal cord n its clinical significance

2. Temp. regulation in human body

3. Newer Anti epileptic drugs n their mode of action

4. Discuss pathophysiology n Mx of pain

5. Discuss cerebral circulation n its relevance

in neurological localization.

6. .Neurotransmitters.

7. physiology of Neuromuscular transmission.

8. Diff. types of eye movements and their clinical significance

9. Micturition reflex.

10. Speech centre and its lesions

11.Hypoxia and effects of Hypoxia on CNS

12. Evaluation of vestibular function

13. Blood supply of spinal cord and its clinical significance

14. Nerve supply of the Urinary Bladder and clinical correlation

15. Describe cough mechanism. What are causes of impaired cough?

16. Pathway of light reflex and various pupillary abnormalities

17. Physiology of sleep and disorders of sleep

18. Hypoxia and effects of Hypoxia on CNS

19. What is the mechanism, co-ordination and activators of Emesis

20. Vascular supply of Cerebellum

21. 1.Enumerate pathophysiology and management of pain.

22. Discuss Thermoregulation of the body. Outline the various causes of Hyperthermia

23. .Prions

24. Cerebral circulation and its relevance in neurological localization

25. Discuss the pathogenesis of upper motor neurone weakness, lower motor neuron
weakness and myopathic weakness

26. Discuss the Anatomy and Physiology of Gait and Balance disorders
27. Neurotrophic factors.
28. Approach to Chorea
pathogenesis 29.Discuss sleep
30. Nerve conduction velocity
31. Limbic system
32. Newer drugs used as neuroprotective therapy in Parkinsonism.
33. Uninhibited bladder
34. Immunotherapy of myasthenia gravis
35. Diagnosis of viral infections of the nervous system
36. Genetics of muscular dystrophies.
37. Insomnia.
38. Narcolepsy
39. Circle of Willis
40. Distal Myopathies
41. Cluster headaches
42. Morphine and its utility
43.Eating disorders
44. Management of Parkinson’s Disease
45. Basilar migraine
46. How do you evaluate a patient who is brought with history of “dizziness/vertigo”?
47. Cerebral Vein thrombosis ;Diagnosis and
management 48.Newer Antiepileptic drugs
49. Anterior Circulation Infarct
50. Posterior Circulation Infarct
51. Neurologic manifestations of SLE.
52. Chronic fatigue syndrome
53. Dementia.
54. Neuropsychiatric manifestations of endocrine
disorders. 55.Wallenberg’s syndrome.
56. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.
57. Ring lesions in computerized brain scan
58. Alzheimer’s Diseases.
59. Recent advances in Mx. of Parkinsons disease.
60. Ch.Meningitis
61. Periodic paralysis
62. Cryptococcal Meningitis

63. Approach to a patient with Coma.
64. Management of status epilepticus.
65. Secondary Parkinsonism.
66.subacute Combined Degeneration
67. Subarachnoid Haemorrhage.
68. Recent advances in Mx. of Parkinson’s disease
69. What is the appropriate diagnostic approach to ICU – acquired weakness?
70. Acute Pyogenic meningitis.
71. 6.Recent advances in the treatment of Migraine.
72. Aetiology, clinical features and management of pyogenic meningitis
73. Classify meningitis. Discuss clinical profile, Dx. and Cx. of tuberculous
meningitis. 74.Regulation of the Hypothalamic – Pituitary – Testis Axis in Adult Men.
75. Classification of spinocerebellar ataxias
76.Etiology, clinical features and management of primary dementia diseases.
77. Nutritional neurological disorders
78. Autonomic neuropathy in diabetes
mellitus 79.Cluster headache
80. Pyogenic meningitis
81. Management of Parkinson’s disease

82. Dementia
83. Ca. channel disorder of muscle paralysis
84. Management in multiple sclerosis
85. Non functioning pituitary mass
86. Approach to a patient with stroke
87. Management of Parkinsonism
88. Evaluation of an adult with seizures
89. Management of Refractory epilepsy
90. Recent advances in Mx.of Parkinson’s Diseases.
91. X-linked muscular dystrophies.
92. Mononeuritis multiplex.
93. Usefulness of chest imaging in the evaluation of gait ataxias.
94. Prions.
95. Cerebellar abscess
96. Strokes in Young in India.
97. Describe the neurological dysfunction in critically ill patient
98. Neurologic Diseases in HIV
patients 99.Chemical neurotoxins in
100. Neurological complications of chronic alcoholism.
101. Give an overview of Regenerative Medicine with spl. reference to Cerebral Stroke
102. Tropical Spastic Paraplegia.
103. Hereditary Ataxia
104. Choice of Anti-epileptic drug.
106. Dementia.
107. CT scan in stroke
108. Viral Meningitis
109. Acute inflammatory demyelinatic polyneuropathy
110. First seizure –management

1. Adult Immunisation in India
2. Type IV Hypersensitivity
3. FISH and its application in medicine
4. 5.Polymerase chain reaction and clinical applications
5. Anaphylaxis
6. Monoclonal anti bodies.
7. Vaccination in old age.
8. 6.Discuss complement deficiencies and associated diseases
9. Role of complement in immunity
10.Investigations in SLE
11.Autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus
12.Toll-like receptors
13.Universal Immunization
14.Scleroderma Renal CrisisPathogenesis, clinical features and management of Sarcoidosis
15.Discuss the pulmonary manifestations of connective tissue disorders
16.Diagnosis and management of SLE
17.Management of Rheumatoid arthritis

18.Approach to a patient with polyarthritis.
19. Diagnosis of Rheumatoid arthritis
20.Psoriatic arthritis
21.Imitinib mesylate
22.Hypouricaemic agents
23.Antiphospholipid syndrome
24. Classify Biologics and discuss their use in Autoimmune diseases
25. Criteria for Dx. of Rhematoid Arthritis
26. Lupus Nephritis
27. Biologicals in Rheumatoid Arthritis
28. Discuss the drug induced disorders of musculoskeletal diseases
29. Current Rx. of Rheumatoid arthritis
30.Criteria for SLE diagnosis
32. Clinical feature, diagnosis and treatment of large vessel vasculitis
33. Reiter’s disease
34.3.Microvascular thrombotic crisis in SLE.
35.ANCA associated renal diseases 10

36..Current treatment of Rheumatoid arthritisExtra articular manifestation of rheumatoid
37. Systemic sclerosis
38. Gout

1. oral GTT1

2. .ADH

3. Newer antidiabetic drugs and their modes of action.

4. Insulin resistance and its assessment

5. Maintenance of water balance and SIADH

6. Newer insulins

7. Sex hormones and andropause

8. Impaired glucose tolerance

9. Autoimmune Thyroiditis

10. Insulin analogues

11. Dexamethasone suppression test.

12. Sick Euthyroid Syndrome(SES)

13. Vaptans

14. Myxedema coma

15. Hypothyroidism etiology, clinical features and diagnosis

16. Auto immune Hypothyroidism

17. Somatostatinomas

18. Cushing’s syndrome

19. Gynecomastia.

20. Acromegaly.

21. Endocrine emergencies.

22. Discuss current concepts of SGLT2 Inhibitors

23. Hyperosmolar Non ketotic state.

24. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

25. Neuroendocrine tumors

26. Islet cell transplantation

27. Biochemical and imaging methods used for Pheochromocytoma

28. Disorders affecting multiple endocrine systems

29. 9.Glycosylated Hemoglobin and its role in the management of Diabetes mellitus

30. Regulation of the Hypothalamic – Pituitary – Testis Axis in Adult Men

31. Discuss the current concepts of Incretin Based Therapy in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

32. Primary hyperparathyroidism

33/Hypoadrenalism in India – Causes, detection, evaluation & management

39.Discuss the hypoglycemia in Diabetes Mellitus

40.Contraindications of Androgens
41.Dyslipidemia in Diabetes Mellitus
42.Non functioning pituitary mass
43.Evaluation of hypothyroidism
45.Sub clinical hypothyroidism
46.Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
47.Hypo thyroidism

48. Insulin sensitisers.
49. Multiple endocrine neoplasia.
50.Hypopituitarism – Diagnosis and management
51.Malnutrition related Diabetes Mellitus
52.513.Thyrotoxicosis – Management.

52.4. Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.

53. Insulin resistance.

54.Spontaneous Hypoglycemia

55. Adrenal crisis

1. Counter current mechanism
2. Pathological changes in DM. Nephropathy
3. Assessment of Glomerular Filtration Rate
4. Nerve supply of the Urinary Bladder and clinical correlation
5. Angiotensin receptor blockers.
6. How to evaluate a patient with Hematuria
7. 1.Renin – Angiotensin – Aldosterone Axis and Secondary Aldosteronism
8. Assessment of Glomerular Filtration Rate
9. Structure of Nephron with channels
10.Reno – vascular hypertension
11.Drug dose adjustment in chronic renal disease.
12.Pathogenesis of renal osteodystrophy
13.Scleroderma Renal Crisis
14. Brief note on Ac. KIDNEY Injury 10.
15. Dialysis for Ch. Renal failure
16. Clinical evaluation of case of Nephrotic Syndrome?
17. Describe Acute Nephritic Syndromes

18. Classify the causes of tubulo interstitial diseases of the kidney
19. Etiology of Urinary tract infections
20. Renal Tubular Acidosis
21. Write brief note on Nephrolithiasis
22. Write brief note on Acute interstitial nephritis
23. Give an account of Biomarkers of Acute Kidney Injury
24.5.Discuss about Bartter’s and Gitelman Syndromes
25.8.What are the types of Renal Tubular Acidosis? How do you diagnose and manage them?
26.Hemolytic Uremic syndrome
27.10.Describe the causes, clinical features, diagnostic studies for acute kidney injury
28.Approach to acute Nephritic syndrome.
29.Prevention of progression of chronic kidney disease
30.Alport’s syndrome
31. Post kidney Transplant care in Recipient.
32. Lupus Nephritis
33. Biochemical and imaging methods used for Pheochromocytoma

34. Urinary tract infections- and the problem of recurrent infections

35. Evaluation of Isolated Hematur

36. Approach to a patient with proteinuria

37. Dermatological manifestations in chronic kidney disease

38. ANCA associated renal diseases

39. Urinary indices in Acute Renal Failure.

40Medical Renal Diseases

41.. Hepato – renal syndrome

42. 3.Renal Tuberculosis

43.Medical Renal Diseases

1. Physiology of Heme metabloism n note on Ac. Intermittant Porphyria

2. Transfusion related Lung injury.

3Applications of Stem Cell Biology in Clinical Medicine

4. Low molecular weight heparin

5.Causes of Neutropenia and describe in detail Hereditary

Neutropenia 6.Hyperimmune E-recurrent infection syndrome (Job’s


7.. Coagulation cascade

8. Adverse effect of blood transfusion.

9.Oxygen dissociation curve and its determinants

10. Approach to a patient with Anemia

11. Immunotherapy in multiple myeloma

12. Stem cell transplantation

13. Describe Iron metabolism.

14. Approach to a patient with anemia

15. Bone marrow transplantation

16. Blood cells component therapy

17.. Biochemical defect in and mode of inheritance of congenital erythropoietic porphyria

18. Genetics of haemolytic anaemias

19. Biochemical aberrations in and mode of inheritance of porphyria cutanea tarda

20. DIC

21. Thrombocytopenia.

22. Sickle cell crisis

23. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

24. .Polycythemi

25. Targeted therapy in chronic Myeloid Leukemia

26. Diagnosis and management of sickle cell anaemia

27. Abciximab.

28. Myelodysplastic syndrome

29. Antiplatelet drug resistance.

30. Sideroblastic anaemia

31. Sickle cell syndromeInherited

32.Hemolytic Anemias

32. Monoclonal Gammopathy

33. Newer Anticoagulant Drugs

34. Current concepts in management of Aplastic Anemia

35. Approach to a case of thrombocytopenia

36. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

37, 10.Acute intermittent porphyria.

38. Discuss the current management issues of Aplastic Anemia

39. Pancytopenia evaluation

40. Transfusion transmitted disease

41. Diagnosis and management of thalassemias

42.Recent concepts in the management


43. Anagrelide.

44. Prognostic scoring system in myelodysplastic syndromes

45. Management of myelodysplastic syndromes

46. Emerging trends of Megaloblastic Anemia in Tropics

47. Current Mx. issues of APLASTIC ANEMIA

48. 1.Burkitt’s Lymphoma

49. Haemophilia

50. Von Willebrand’s disease

51. B12 deficiency in India, its diagnosis and management

52. Sickle cell crisis & The problem of Haemoglobinopathies in India

1. Oncogenic viruses
2. Discuss the common oncogenes altered in human cancers
3. Infections associated with different typs of Cancer and underlying immune abnormality
4. Oncogene
5. Tumour markers
6. Anti tumor antibiotics
7. Hypouricaemic agents.
8. Tumor lysis syndrome.
9. oncological emergencies
10.Immunological aspects of Cancer
11.Late consequences of cancer and its management
12.Genetics and Biosynthesis of human Hemoglobin
13.Tumour lysis syndrome
14. Hyperuricemi

1. Radiology in aspergillosis
2. Multi drug resistant tuberculosis.
3. Pneumocystis carinii
4. Viral haemorrhagic fever
5. Filariasis
6. Drugs in Malaria
7. Bubonic plague
8. Secondary syphilis

9. Cholera

10.Herpes zoster

11. 1.Urinary Tract Infection

12.Tropical Sprue
13. Renal Tuberculosis
14. Treatment of Lepromatous
Leprous 15.Viral Meningitis
16. Serology of viral Hepatitis

17. Norwegian

Scabies 18.Bubonic

Plague 19.Giardiasis.

20. Clinical features of toxoplasmosis

21. Epidemic dropsy
22. Clinical features and management of
anthrax 23 Prophylaxis against rabies
25. Management of visceral leishmaniasis.
26. Strongyloides hyperinfestation.
27. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.
28. Immunological aberrations in leprosy.
29. Tropical spastic paraplegia.

30. Clinical spectrum of arbovirus infections in India.

31. Cutaneous leishmaniasis

32. Cholera toxins and their mechanisms of action.
33. Malarial vaccines
34. Clinical features of Weil’s disease.

35. Management of listeroiosis.
36. Viral opportunistic infections in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
37. Staphylococcal toxin mediated diseases.
38.Pulmonary manifestations of parasitic infections

39. MDR Tuberculosis

40. Leptospirosis

41. Reactional states in Leprosy

42. Antimalarial combinations

43. Viral hemorrhagic fever

44. Dengue hemorrhagic fever / shock

syndrome. 45 MDR Tuberculosis.
46. Complications of salmonellosis.
4 7. Neuro cysticercosis
48. Modified WHO recommended Multi drug therapy regimens in Leprosy.
49. Post exposure prophylaxis of Rabies.

50. Prophylaxis of viral hepatitis

51 1.Discuss Chikungunya fever.
52.Tropical filarial pulmonary eosinophilia.
53. Streptococcal Shock Syndrome
54. Pathogenesis of malaria.
55. Anti viral chemo therapy except ART
56. Pathogenesis and Mx. of typhoid fever.
57. Clinical syndrome of actinomycosis.
58. Antimycobacterial agents.
59. Clinical manifestations of Leptospirosis

60. Rabies.
61 Discuss Dengue fever
.6 2.Clinical manifestation of Acinetobacter infection.
63. Technique and interpretation of measurement of CD4 cell count in HIV infected patient.
64. Approach to a patient with eosinophilia
.6 5. Clinical spectrum of HSV infection.
66. Cholera.
67. Anaerobic infections
.6 8. Non tuberculous mycobacteria.
69. Diagnostic approach to Leptospirosis

70. Anti retroviral therapy

71. 1.Antiamebic drugs

72. Tropical Splenomegaly 6. Fever with rash

73. Describe the pattern of infection in tropical countries

74. Describe the global features, pathogenesis, C/f, Dx. and Rx. of Leptospirosis

75. Plasmodium Falciparum.

76. Strongyloides hyper infection syndrome

77. Pernicious Malaria

78. Approach to fever with Jaundice

79. Management of Tetanus

80. Lepra Reaction

81. H1N1 Vaccine How to tackle the problem of Multidrug resistant Tuberculosis?
82. Hemotoxic snake bites in India, its management
83. Diagnosis and Management of Kala Azar
84. How to tackle the Dengue epidemics
85. Large bowel diarrheas diagnosis and management

86. Falciparum malaria in India; diagnosis and how to tackle the problem

87. Discuss the infections in Diabetes Mellitus and their management

88. Etiology and management of systemic fungal infections.

89. Recent advances in management of nosocomial infection

90. 1.Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestation and diagnosis of Ebola Virus

91. Discuss the prevention of opportunistic infections in persons infected with HIV.

92. Traveller’s Diarrhoea

93. Complications and management of Enteric fever

(Typhoid) 94 Lymphatic Filariasis

95. Prevention of opportunistic infections in persons infected with HIV.

96. Malaria prophylaxis
.9 7. Lepra reaction.
98. Scrub typhus. 9.
99.Tropical sprue

100 Discuss approach to the patient with Viral Hemorrhagic fever

101. Dis Diagnosis and management of complicated intraabdominal infections in adult

102.DISscuss clinical manifestations and management of complicated malaria

103. Clostridium difficile infection

104. Second line Anti Tuberculosis Drugs. Newer Anti Tuberculosis Drugs
105.. Bird Flu

106Sepsis with Skin Manifestations

107. 10.Neurologic Diseases in HIV patients

108. Antibiotic Policy

109. Drug resistant enteric fever

110. Systemic protozoal infections

111. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) : molecular

pathophysiology and Gene therapy

112. Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical manifestation, Diagnosis and

management of cysticercosis
113. Hydatid disease

114. Cx and recent guidelines for Mx. of Malaria

115. Enumerate device associated. Nosocomial Infection.

116.Discuss Recent Guidelines for prevention ,Dx, Rx. of
117. Cx. of Severe SEPSIS and SEPTIC SHOCK?
118. Etiology, C/F and Mx. of different types of DENGUE FEVER

119. 4.Etiology patho, C/f, and Mx. Of Echinococcosis.

120 What is new in Surviving Sepsis Guidelines 2013

121 Prions

121. Activated protein C in management of severe sepsis

122 Mechanism of Microbial resistance

123 Life cycle of Plasmodium Vivax


1. Aluminium Phosphide Poisoning -signs and symptoms and Mx

2. Alchohol abuse and dependence
3. Pathogenesis and Mx. of Heat Stroke
4. Salicylate Poisoning.signs n symptoms (S/S) n Mx
5. C/F. Dx.n Mx of Snake bite by Russells Viper
6. Cyanide poisoning S/S n Mx.
7. 9.Alcohol Deaddiction
8. Cobra bite – Diagnosis and management
9. Methyl alcohol poisoning – Signs and Symptoms and
10. Management of cardiotoxic plants poisoning in India
11. Management of heat strok
12. Organophosphorus poisoning
13. Co Heat Exhaustion
14. Cpper Sulphate Poisoning
15. Heat stroke
16. Botulism
17. Acute poisoning – principles of management
18. Lathyrism

19. Heat stroke.
20. Bioterrorism
21. Botulinum toxin – Therapeutic uses.
22. Epidemic dropsy
23. .Fluorosis
24. Nicotine de-addiction
25. Endosulfan poisoning
26. 5.Radiation hazards
27. Falls in elderly
28. Chemical Bio-terrorism
29. Healthy Ageing

1. Advances in Genomics and Proteomics
2. 10.Nano technology in medicine
3. Describe the examples of Genetic Testing and Possible interventions in
endocrinaland neurological genetic disorders
4. Ethical, legal and social implications of Genomic Medicine
5. Epigenetic inheritance
6. Multisystem manifestations of mitochondrial disorders
7. Applications of Molecular Genetics in Clinical Medicine
8. Methodologic approaches to Genetic Testing and examples of Genetictesting and
possible Interventions
9. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) : molecularpathophysiology
and Gene therapy
10. Discuss structure of chromatin and chromosomes. Discuss Various disorders due
todeviations in number and structure of human chromosomes
12. Apoptosis.
13. 10.Genetic counseling
14. Cloning.
15. Human genome project
16. Multi factorial genetic disorders
17. Gene therapy
18. Methods of analysis of human DNA
19. Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) technique in the diagnosis
20. 5.Polymerase chain reaction and clinical applications
21. Sex linked inheritance

1. 4. Malnutrition related Diabetes Mellitus
2. Discuss the importance of trace minerals in Medicine
3. Discuss the physical findings of nutritional deficiencies
4. 8.Describe the biological actions of Vit D and current Rx guidelines in Vit D deficiency
5. Protein Calorie Malnutrition
6. Clinical evaluation of a malnourished patient
7. Role of inorganic nutrients in medicine
8. Vit D deficiency in India
9. Physical findings of Nutritional Deficiency
10. Approach to malabsorption
11. Vitamin B12
12. Metabolic syndrome
13. Cx. n Mx of Obesity
14. Micro-nutrients
15. Pharmotherapy of obesity.
16. Pellagra
17. Beri Beri

18. Physiology of weight regulation
19. Magnesium in Health and Disease
20. Anti oxidants
21. Body mass index and its role in various disorders

1..Chronic fatigue syndrome

2.Somatoform disorder and its management

2. Anxiolytic drugs
4. Peduncular hallucinosis
5. Mood disorders
6. Fibromyalgia
7. Panic Disorder
8. Physician assisted
suicide 9.Eating disorders
9. Insomnia
10. Anorexia Nervosa
10 Physiology of sleep and disorders of sleep
12 Memory and its assessment

1. Dermatologic manifestations of gastrointestinal disorders
2. Dermatological manifestations in chronic kidney disease Cutaneous markers of
systemic diseases
3. Stevens – Johnson syndrome
4. skin Manifestations of HIV inf.
5. Types and Mx. of Pemphigus?
6. Cutaneous drug reactions
7. 10.Oral Manifestations of Disease
8. Atopic dermatitis
9. Urticaria
10. Hirsutism

11. 1.adverse drug reactions
12. 2.cytochrome p 450 and its importance In drug reactions

1. hypkalemia
4.anion gap
5.metobolic acidosis

biomedical waste management

1 end of life care

2 healthy aging
3 holistic health
4 palliatie care
5 decision maing in clinical
6 breaing bad news spikes approach
7 prescribing in elderly
8 evidence based medicine
9 falls in elderly


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